Syllabus 1

 Day 1 Day 2 NUTRITION and WELLNESS Fall 2013 DAILY LESSON PLANS Bell Activity # 1 In a paragraph (at least 5 complete sentences) answer the following two questions: 1. Why do we eat food? 2. What influences our food choices? Class Work: 1. Overview of Text: Guide To Good Food 2. Begin Chapter 1: How Food Affects Life – page 16-­‐31 3. Complete and discuss -­‐ Review What You Have Read #1-­‐16 on page 31. 4. Group Activity: Create an advertising for a new food product Foreign Exchange Student DAILY LESSON PLANS Finish Questions during role check Bell Activity #2 In a minimum of two paragraphs answer the following two questions. 1. Think of reasons why people might not eat the foods they need for good health. 2. Why is it important to eat a variety of foods each day? Introduction: (20 minutes) – Review Chapter 1 questions (20 minutes) Favorite Food Activity (?) Read through and discuss page 20 – 24 Cultural Influences (30 minutes) Chapter 2 -­‐ Nutritional Needs Read Page 36 – The Nutrient “No single food supplies all the nutrients the body needs to Function. You need over 50 nutrients for good health.” Follow these steps: • Turn to page 666 (Recommended Nutrient Intakes) • Write down your line of information from the chart. • Think of one of your favorite foods and write it down. • Find that food on the chart starting on page 668 and write down the information for the food you picked under your first line of information. • Pick 3 nutrients and figure out how many serving of your food you would need to eat in order to obtain all of the nutrients for one day. • Survey to see who has the least and most. Point out that one food will not supply all of you nutritional needs, no matter how much of it you eat. Age Energy Protein Calcium Iron Vita. A Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vita. C Day 3 DAILY LESSON PLANS Bell Activity #3 Class Work: Write the statement and decide which are true and which are Day 4 Day 5 false.
1. Nutrients work together as a team?
2. Can your body use unlimited amounts of nutrients?
3. As you mature or your lifestyle changes, the amount of nutrients you will need will not change? • View Video: Nutrient Basics or Create poster on assigned nutrient • Begin notes on Carbohydrates • Sort food reproductions into: 1. Carbohydrates 2. Non –carbohydrates Then into: 1. Simple 2. Complex 3. High fiber DAILY LESSON PLANS Bell Activity #4 In your textbook on page 57, complete the Build Your Basic Skills, # 1. Enrico had a glass of orange juice and two pieces of whole-­‐wheat toast for breakfast. He had a hamburger, carrot sticks, and an apple for lunch. For dinner, he had a pork chop, mashed potatoes, and fresh broccoli spears. Using Appendix C in the back of the textbook, calculate Enrico’s fiber intake for the day. How does his in taken compare to the recommendation given in the chapter • Discuss Bell Activity • Review Carbohydrate Notes • Sort Carbohydrate food reproductions • Complete Carbohydrate Content of Foods – worksheet • (Read section on Fats • Begin notes on Fats • Students will use Body Fat Analyzer • Show example of Body Fat Complete -­‐Fat Composition –Worksheet)-­‐ if time permits DAILY LESSON PLANS Bell Activity #5 Why do some people seem to think fats in the diet are “bad”? Class Work: Review Carbohydrate information: • Read section on Fats • Begin notes on Fats • Students will use Body Fat Analyzer • Show example of Body Fat • Quiz on Carbohydrates and Fats next class • Begin section on Proteins – Chapter 2 • Discussion and notes Lab Fee is due: $10.00 DAILY LESSON PLANS Day 6 Day 7 Bell Activity #6 Class Work: With a partner – review for quiz Quiz on Carbohydrates and Fats Discuss Bell Activity from last class Read section on Proteins and Water Bring 16 note cards for class – we will be making flashcards with vitamin information. DAILY LESSON PLANS Bell Activity #7 Have you ever taken a vitamin supplement? Why or why not? (Remember – at least 5 sentences) Class Work: Begin discussion of Protein, and Water -­‐ take notes.  Individual Activity: Out of your daily suggested caloric intake:  55% of the calories should be from Carbohydrate foods  15% of the calories should be from protein foods  30% or less should be from fat foods Create a fast food meal that would meet the Percentage requirements and the criteria listed below: 3 to 4 items 650 to 750 calories 25g of fat or less 18 to 38 grams of protein 85 to 105 grams of carbohydrates Review Protein information Notes on Water Bring 16 note cards to make flash cards on Vitamin information Day 8 Day 9 DAILY LESSON PLANS Bell Activity #8 How is calcium intake related to bone health at various stages of the life cycle? Class Work Correct Quiz and keep to study for test on Friday Begin section in Chapter 2 on Vitamins Complete Outline on Vitamins -­‐ refer to pages 40-­‐47 in textbook. Review Vitamin Outline Use note cards to make flash cards on Vitamin information DAILY LESSON PLANS Bell Activity #9
Why would people who take large doses of antibiotics be at risks for
Vitamin K deficiency?
Class Work:
1.Discuss two groups of vitamins: Water Soluble: C and B-Complex
and Fat Soluble: A, E, D, K
1. Vitamin Outline refer to pages 40-47 in textbook
2. Review Vitamin Outline
Day 10 Day 11 3. Make Flashcards of Vitamin Information to use for review
On front: vitamin
On back: sources, functions, deficiencies /excesses
Practice Test on Thursday-Friday on Part 1: Carbohydrates, Fats,
Protein, Water. DAILY LESSON PLANS Bell Activity #10
What cooking methods do you think would limit the loss of thiamin
and other water-soluble vitamins?
Class Work: Continue and finish Section on Vitamins. Finish and Turn in Flashcards
for Vitamins*Discuss two groups of vitamins: Water Soluble: C and BComplex and Fat Soluble: A, E, D, K
1. In groups of two, research assigned vitamin deficiency or excess
and prepare a written report and a poster on the information.
Include in report and on poster:
1. Symptoms of the deficiency or excess,
2. How to prevent the illness, and
3. Treatment.
4. Present to class
Begin section on Minerals Complete Mineral Outline DAILY LESSON PLANS Bell Activity #11
How often do you include sources of riboflavin in your diet? What
are some sources of riboflavin?
Class Work:
Complete discussion and any work on Vitamins or Minerals.
Review for Test
Test: Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals next