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3/18/14 Document No:
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Fall 2014
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English and Modern Languages
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Bethany Lee, Continuing Lecturer of
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(Brief description of proposed change, addition or deletion.)
This document proposes to make changes to Creative and Professional Writing minor to modify two course offerings and bring down the total number of required hours for the minor.
(Briefly list main reasons for proposed change, addition or deletion.)
At 21 hours, the current minor plan can be difficult to fulfill for students in certain majors. Bringing the total number of hours down to 18 will help remedy that. In addition, a new course has been approved for the professionalization component, and the department proposes substituting in a different course for one of the foundational requirements in order to better prepare students for contemporary professional writing environments.
Use the Current and Proposed spaces below for course changes only. Otherwise, mark “N/A”.
(Course changes: present catalog info.)
See current bingo sheet for minor.
(Course changes: new catalog information.)
(Outlined on proposed bingo sheet for minor)
1. Change required course English 30400: Advanced
Composition to English 30600: Introduction to Professional
2. Change requirement of 12 upper-division hours to total of 9 hours. Instead of two courses from the creative category and two courses from the professional category, students will choose two from one category and one from the other.
3. Change professionalization option. Currently, students may complete English 48800: Internship in Professional
Writing or English 58900: Directed Writing. Instead of these two options, students will now be required to take
English 42001: Careers in English. This will now be the only option in this category.
4. Separate English 41900: Multimedia Writing from
English 42000: Business Writing and English 42100:
Technical Writing in the sub-category of B2: Technical and
Professional Writing Electives. English 41900 is substantially different than 42000 and 42100 and should not count as the same requirement.
5. Eliminate English 41000: Creative Nonfiction from category B2. This class has a strong creative focus and
should therefore not count in the professional and technical category if students are only being required to take a minimum of one upper-level professional course instead of two.
Course Objectives.
(For new courses only. List main learning objectives. If lengthy, attach as separate page.)
Impact on Students.
(State “N/A” if proposal will not greatly affect students.)
Bringing down the total number of hours in the minor will make it easier for students to complete it within at standard
120-hour degree plan, especially in majors where there are few elective hours available. The two new professional components will help ensure students are better prepared for contemporary professional writing environments.
Impact on University Resources.
(State “N/A” if proposal will not require new resources, faculty or funds.)
Current English faculty are able to teach the courses that are being added and substituted.
Impact on other Academic Units.
(Sta te “N/A” if proposal will not affect other units.)
(Boxes will expand and spill over onto next page to accommodate your typing.)
R E Q U I R E M E N T S :
18 Credit Hours Minimum -- No Credit Hours for the Minor may be taken Pass/No Pass.
2.5 GPA Minimum in the Minor
Prerequisites: ENGL 10100 & ENGL 10200
All appropriate prerequisites must be fulfilled before enrolling in Minor courses (see PNC Catalog).
Minor must be attached to a Major in any discipline and all Major requirements must be met as well.
C O U R S E M A T R I X L I S T :
A. Required ........................................................................................................................................ 6
3____ ENGL 20500, Introduction to Creative Writing
3____ ENGL 30600, Introduction to Professional Writing
B. Electives – Choose 3 courses total from B1 and B2 listed below** .......................................... 9
B1. Creative Writing Electives ..................................................................................... 3 or 6
3____ ENGL 40700, Introduction to Poetry Writing
3____ ENGL 40900, Introduction to Fiction Writing
3____ ENGL 41000, Introduction to Creative Non-Fiction Writing
B2. Technical and Professional Writing Electives ..................................................... 3 or 6
3____ ENGL 41900, Multimedia Writing
3____ ENGL 42000, Business Writing, OR
ENGL 42100, Technical Writing
3____ ENGL 43000, Professional Copy Editing
Professionalization Component .................................................................................................... 3
3____ ENGL 42001, Careers in English
Total required for the Minor .................................................................................................................... 18
** Must take at least one from each category, for a total of six hours in one category and three in the other.