Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance [ Compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is the goal. The first challenge in meeting that goal is determining where to start. Review Current Manual Processes Assemble Compliance Task Force Select Technology Platform Collect Financial Data Do Risk Assessment Develop and Validate Automated Process Internal Legal Review of Act Develop Common Repository For Relevant Content Feith Systems provides an integrated software platform that facilitates the corporation's efforts in complying with various Sections of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Dissected into its main elements, the various Sections of the Act incorporate three key controls related to financial disclosure: time, process and information. There are no specific guidelines for achieving compliance, only that policies and procedures must be implemented to ensure that the financial accounting of the corporation is timely and can be validated as accurate and auditable. Complying with the Act demands that the organization develop well-defined, time-based processes for financial reporting, while maintaining the supporting information in a readily accessible, lifecycle managed environment. Feith Document Database (FDD) provides your organization the software infrastructure to: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Design, manage and validate policies and procedures (Sections: 302, 404) Create auditable workflow processes (Sections: 302, 404) Set time-based parameters and notifications (Section: 404) Facilitate internal and external audits through controlled access (Section: 404) Manage reporting activities with Collaborative Folders (Section: 404) Institute forms based “material change” reporting for real-time disclosure (Sections: 302, 409) Automatically create and workflow “smart case” files based on financial alerts (Sections: 302, 409) Generate summary pages of relevant reports and document ”hot-links” (Sections: 302, 404, 409) Assemble support documentation quickly for investigative and legal activity (Sections: 404, 409) 425 Maryland Drive, Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215) 646-8000 ■ Fax: (215) 540-5495 ■ E-mail: Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance One of the difficulties in managing financial reporting activity is the handling of “live data.” Typically, spreadsheets are used to consolidate financial information from accounting software and ERP packages. Both the spreadsheets and data in the accounting system are “live” and can be changed. Auditing changes in these two working environments is very difficult. Record lifecycle management, using report versioning and checkin/check-out controls, is imperative for accurately auditing change activity. Additionally, managing related information, in various electronic and paper based formats, is instrumental in substantiating the financial reports. This information must also be unalterable with a complete audit history from its creation to archiving to eventual disposition. By providing a certified Department of Defense 5015.2 based solution, objects stored in FDD are maintained using the strictest records management guidelines. Feith Document Database (FDD) enables your organization to: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Manage electronic financial reports as unalterable “snap-shots” (Sections: 302, 404) Store and control access to active spreadsheets and other “live data” reports (Sections: 302, 404) Capture and manage the final financial documents and auditor reports (Sections: 302, 404) Electronically capture and store paper based information and faxes (Sections: 302, 404) Automatically capture and index e-mails and instant messages (Section: 404) Create a common repository for all non-traditional data formats (Section: 404) Develop a standard interface for information access using the corporate portal (Section: 404) Quarterly Financial Report Workflow 2 3 Legal Financials Accounting Staff 1 Head Accountant 2 2 3 Financial Committee CEO 2 Rendezvous The initial goal of the corporation in achieving compliance is to demonstrate that it has a defined and validated process for the creation and the release of financial reports and other business related information. For example, an audited process of releasing the quarterly report may look like this: 3 Reconciliation Suspect Report Review COO 1 CFO_Final_Review CEO_Signoff Corporate Communications Report Archive Another example of how the organization can take advantage of FDD is to develop a Web-based form for reporting and investigating a material change. Once a material change is discovered, a form is completed as to the nature of the change. Additionally, supporting files are attached to the form and a workflow is initiated. A workflow for reporting material changes now controls the activity in an approved and time-based process. SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, INC.