WORK PLAN AND BUDGET ALLOCATION FOR 2010-2012 Project MTF/VIE/046/STF (STDF/PG/259) Strengthening Vietnamese SPS capacities for trade “Improving safety and quality of fresh vegetable through the values chain approach” MTF/VIE/046/STF (STDF/PG/259) Responsible agency Collaborating agencies 2010 2011 2012 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q1 Q2 M A MJ J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F Component 1: Assessment 1.1. Market survey: Market surveys of surrounding Asian countries and domestic market through review of existing data and meetings with chief buyers of major domestic and international supermarket chains and importer companies. SPS requirements will be mapped, and Vietnamese vegetable commodities with strong export potential will be identified Activity 1.1.1-Review of existing statistics and database to collect information on both domestic and international markets FAVRI Consultant (inlt. & national), Activity 1.1.2-Domestic market survey: meetings with chief buyers of domestic Consultant (inlt. FAVRI supermarkets/distributors & national), Activity 1.1.3-International market survey meetings with chief buyers of the Consultant (inlt. FAVRI major supermarket chains and import companies based in the regional cities & national), 1.2. Selection of project partners: Selection of producer partners (cooperatives, communes, companies with outgrower scheme) and market partners (traders, processing companies, exporters, importers, domestic and international supermarkets) National consultant National FAVRI Activity 1.2.2-Market partner selection consultant 1.3. Assessment of the current practices of the value chains in the areas of production, safety and quality control systems and business management. Identifying gaps between the current practices in Viet Nam and the SPS and requirements and quality requirements of the market Activity 1.3.1. Producer partner assessment National FAVRI consultant Activity 1.2.1-Producer partner selection Activities 1.3.2. Market partner assessment Budget Budget 2011 2012 TOTAL (USD$) (USD$) 10.000 28.000 0 38.000 10.000 20.000 0 30.000 FAVRI DONE 5.000 DONE 20.000 0 0 4.000 Done; DSA, travel costs 2.000 Done: DSA, travel costs 4.000 FAVRI Activity 2.3.2. Training on harvesting and post-harvest handling procedures FAVRI Activity 2.3.3. Establishing a system for production monitoring, recordkeeping, quality check, safety monitoring and traceability. FAVRI Consultant (inlt. & national) Consultant (inlt. & national) Consultant (inlt. & national) 0 4.000 Done; DSA, travel costs - to send report 2.000 0 FAVRI Activity 2.3.1. Designating of responsibilities to the staff of the producer groups, and establishing a management structure 4.000 2.000 11.000 179.010 National consultant National Activity 2.1.2. Safety and quality control system FAVRI consultant National Activity 2.1.3. Business management FAVRI consultant 2.2. GAP training: Training of the producers and extension staffs, using Farmer Field School approach to improve the cultivation practices on safety and quality and to meet SPS requirements Activity 2.2.1. a) TOT - extension workers, cooperative, FAVRI Consultant (inlt. b) On-site training every week to train the producers on the cultivation protocol, FAVRI & national) using the visual training materials Activity 2.2.2. Establishing an effective extension and system together with Consultant (inlt. FAVRI extension staffs of the group & national) 2.3. Establishment of safety and quality control system within the farmer’ organizations/producer groups and in the value chain. Improvement of production monitoring system, harvesting and post-harvest handling procedure, recordkeeping, traceability and management structure 0 2.000 National consultant 2.1. Development of intervention plans: Development of visual training materials for the farmers (leaflets, posters etc.). Setting intervention strategy to establish of safety and quality control systems within producer groups. Development of business plans and better management system Remarks 5.000 FAVRI Component 2: Capacity building Activity 2.1.1. GAP training Budget 2010 (USD$) 30.000 Done; DSA, travel costs - to send report 25.000 215.010 0 30.000 12.000 Costs for documentation, printing, edition, etc. 10.000 8.000 0 51.930 0 51.930 TOT course, on-site training to farmers, demonstration, DSA, travel costs, supporting extension system, etc. 49.725 2.205 0 29.870 7.000 2.940 TOT course, on-site training to farmers, demonstration, DSA, travel costs, etc. 19.725 7.205 36.870 7.000 2.4. Business management training: Training of the management level of the producer groups to improve the financial management, contracts, accounting system, business planning, marketing and sales Activity 2.4.1. Improving financial management skills of the producer groups Activity 2.4.2. Establishing sound contractual agreement with its members/ outgrowers with clear price-setting mechanism or agreed fixed price Activity 2.4.3. Business management and marketing 1) training of extension workers 2) training of farmers 0 21.750 FAVRI Consultant (inlt. & national) 4.750 FAVRI Consultant (inlt. & national) 5.000 FAVRI Consultant (inlt. & national) 0 21.750 TOT course, on-site training to farmers, DSA, travel costs, etc. 12.000 2.5. Mid-term evaluation and fine-tuning: Evaluation of the above intervention plans and training tools. Fine-tuning of training content, training materials and intervention strategy 0 Activity 2.5.1. GAP training FAVRI Activity 2.5.2. Safety and quality control system FAVRI Activity 2.5.3. Business management FAVRI National consultant National consultant National consultant 9.460 0 9.460 3.000 DSA, travel and reporting costs, etc. 3.000 3.460 2.6. Up-scaling 0 Activity 2.6.1. GAP training FAVRI Activity 2.6.2. Safety and quality control system FAVRI Activity 2.5.3. Business management FAVRI 0 National consultant National consultant National consultant 2.7. Workshops : Kick-off workshop to set up the implementation team for each of the components and project locations, allocate clear responsibilities to each staff and organization, establish a detailed work plan and a budget for each item and activity. Progress workshops to be held every six months for all the teams to update each other about all the activities, evaluate the progress and define the way forward. Final workshop to present and share the results of the project with all the stakeholders in the sector Activity 2.7.1. Kick-off workshop FAVRI Consultant (inlt. & national) Activity 2.7.2. Progress workshops FAVRI National consultant 6.000 6.000 2.000 Costs for field conferences in each province, DSA, travel costs, etc. 2.000 2.000 11.000 36.000 12.000 59.000 DONE 11.000 6 value chain workshops, 3 mid-term review workshops 36.000 Consultant (inlt. & national) Component 3. Marketing: Domestic marketing campaigns to promote the safe and quality vegetables in supermarket chains. Exhibition of “Vegetables from Viet Nam – Safe and Quality and Fresh” at Asia Fruit Congress in Hong Kong in September 2010, and linking with more international buyers Activity 2.7.3. Final workshop FAVRI Activity 3.1. Domestic marketing FAVRI Activity 3.2. International marketing FAVRI National consultant National consultant Component 4. Project Management and Supports Reporting Independent final evaluation Project support staff (NPD, NPC) FAVRI FAO FAVRI General operating expenses FAVRI Project support costs Food quality & safety (RAF) Agribusines and marketing (RAF) International technical consultants National technical consultants Project website FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAVRI TOTAL Date: …….. /May/2011 FAO approval FAVRI FAVRI 12.000 0 4.000 6.000 2.000 3.000 2.000 3.000 DSA, travel costs 10.000 Cost for design & printing of packaging materials, media, TV, radio, trade fairs, DSA, travel 0 142.500 107.260 270.760 3.000 1.470 4.470 10.000 10.000 5.000 2.000 7.000 DSA, travels Coss of translation, printing services, stationary, travel for 18.000 2.000 20.000 project staff. 57.190 57.190 10.500 10.500 48.000 13.600 61.600 Salary, travel costs 58.500 21.000 79.500 Salary, DSA 10.000 0 10.000 21.000 353.510 138.260 533.770 Date: 13 May, 2011 National Project Coordinator Nguyen Dinh Hung