Dunlap Assistive Technology Consideration Process

Dunlap Assistive Technology Consideration Process
Teacher/Staff determines there is a need for assistive technology (AT).
AT equipment, whether low-tech or high-tech, is provided to allow a child to complete a task he/she
would not otherwise be able to complete. Services and devices are provided when determined
educationally necessary for a child to receive a Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE).
Contact AT consultant.
Determine if student’s needs could be met through AT consult with teacher/staff (high incidence) or
need for evaluation/referral (low incidence). Obtain appropriate forms from building office or case
manager. AT categories include augmentative alternative communication (AAC), Positive Behavioral
Supports, Tools for adapting the curriculum/inclusion supports, Software, Computer Access for
students and Organization.
Student Interview and Observation
Once the form is received, the AT Coordinator contacts the case manager to observe student across
settings. AT consultant meets with teacher/specialists, parent, etc. to problem solve individually and
schedules team meeting. AT consult assesses student through SETT process. Tools or strategies are
identified for trial and data collection begins.
AT Consultant Begins Trial and Data Collection
AT consultant obtains materials for student to trial and explains data collection process to
teacher/assistant. Set follow up date to review data, obtain student feedback to determine success
of trial. Create plan for implementing AT use, indicate follow up training and schedule.
Team Determines Need for AT for FAPE
Case manager indicates on IEP need for type of technology and follow up training for staff. AT
consultant submits report to be included in file. AT consultation needs to be written in IEP . AT
should be readdressed at least 1X a year during the IEP and documented.