j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s p r o c e s s i n g t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 9 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 3592–3596 journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jmatprotec Adaptation for tandem cold mill models Carlos Thadeu de Ávila Pires a , Henrique Cezar Ferreira b,∗ , Roberto Moura Sales b a Companhia Siderúrgica Paulista (Cosipa), Estrada de Piaçagüera, km. 6, CEP 11573-900, Cubatão SP, Brazil University of São Paulo, Department of Telecommunication and Control Engineering, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, trv. 3, n. 158, CEP 05508-900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil b a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: The ideal conditions for the operation of tandem cold mills are connected to a set of refer- Received 18 March 2008 ences generated by models and used by dynamic regulators. Aiming at the optimization of Received in revised form the friction and yield stress coefficients an adaptation algorithm is proposed in this paper. 31 July 2008 Experimental results obtained from an industrial cold rolling mill are presented. Accepted 25 August 2008 © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Cold rolling Set-up model Adaptation Optimization 1. Introduction Physical models for rolling mills have been intensively developed in the last years, hoping to increase quality of steel strip and productivity of rolling processes. Nevertheless, these two characteristics are only achieved using models sufficiently accurate. The availability of accurate models is associated to set-up optimization and adaptation methods, and, in function of this, has been intensely explored in the literature. Among optimization works, Pires et al. (2006) report good results of quality and productivity after having applied a nonlinear simplex optimization method to set-up an industrial cold mill; Wang et al. (2000) present the results of an investigation into an optimal scheduling for tandem cold mills based on genetic algorithm; Sekiguchi et al. (1996) analyze set-up accuracy of low thickness reduction when using rougher rolls in an industrial mill and Fiebig and Zander (1982) present interesting concepts of productivity applied to set-up of cold rolling mills. At the same time, models will only be precise enough ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 11 3091 5273; fax: +55 11 3091 5718. E-mail address: henrique@lac.usp.br (H.C. Ferreira). 0924-0136/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2008.08.020 if equated with parameters representing the present status of the rolling process. Among these parameters are the friction , between the strip and the rolls, and the yield stress k of the strip. These coefficients cannot be measured with the instrumentation available today and their effect on the process are quite similar, making the question of accuracy even more complex. In order to face this problem, different adaptation schemes have been proposed in the literature. Originally, Bryant (1973) pointed in his book, Automation of Tandem Mills, the importance of such adaptation. Recently, it has been the object of several works. Atack and Robinson (1996) demonstrate how process models implemented with adaptation schemes can predict, with accuracy, the load and torque of flat wide strip rolling; Randall et al. (1997) describe how a set-up model with adaptive scheme improved the head and tail off-gage in a hot finishing mill; Nishino et al. (2000), based on a physical model of a plate rolling process, present an empirical and adaptive approach to improve the accuracy of a rolling load prediction model; and finally, Wang et al. (2005) j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s p r o c e s s i n g t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 9 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 3592–3596 show how the accuracy of rolling force calculation in a tandem cold mill can be improved through the adaptation of strip deformation resistance model. In the present work, an adaptation scheme is proposed and applied to a four stand tandem cold mill at Cosipa plant, Brazil. Such scheme is based on the minimization of a cost function which takes into consideration the contribution of the friction coefficient and the yield stress coefficient. For the minimization of the cost function, Nelder and Mead (1965) simplex algorithm was employed. An objective function is defined such that the main variable force is taken into consideration. Although more sophisticated model has recently been proposed, for example, by Pawelski (2003), force, torque, slip and power are calculated using a classical cold rolling model developed by Bland and Ford (1948), because this is the model employed in the automation system of the cold mill. This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, the mechanical and electrical characteristics of the tandem cold mill are introduced and the automation and control system architecture is described; in Section 3, the mathematical model of the cold rolling mill process is presented and some advantages of its use are summarized; in Section 4 details of the adaptation algorithm and the cost function are presented; simulation and experimental results are explained in Section 5; and finally, Section 6 presents the main conclusions. 2. Cosipa four stand tandem cold mill Cosipa cold mill is a coil to coil four high, four stand mill, in which each stand is composed by two backup rolls and two work rolls, the later coupled to dc motors controlled by digital speed regulators, totaling 16 MW of nominal power. Two hydraulics actuators, installed at the top of the stands, complete the set of reduction of each stand. Table 1 presents the main electrical and mechanical characteristics of the tandem cold mill and the entry and exit dimensions of the processed material, which consists of low, medium and high carbon steel sheet. Table 1 – Electrical and mechanical characteristics Annual production (ton) Maximum speed (m/min) Work rolls diameter (mm) Back up rolls diameter (mm) 1,248,000 1080 490–575 1270–1422 Motors Stand Power (kW) Speed (rpm) Voltage (V) 1 2 × 1800 433–1046 900 2 2 × 1800 433–1046 900 3 2 × 1800 433–1046 900 4 2 × 1482 200–485 700 Material Carbon steel Entry thickness (mm) Exit thickness (mm) Coil width (mm) Coil internal diameter (mm) Coil external diameter (mm) 2.00–4.75 0.38–3.00 650–1575 610 1930 3593 The automation architecture of Cosipa four stand tandem cold mill includes the following four levels, as described by Bolon (1996). • Level 3 (Production planning level): This level is responsible to decide which product will be produced and according to which specification. • Level 2 (Process optimization level): From entry and exit coil data specifications, this level is responsible for finding the best mill set-up in order to ensure high quality and productivity. Based on static models this level includes a set-up optimization procedure (Pires et al., 2006) and an adaptive loop which improves the set-up specification for every new coil. • Level 1 (Process dynamic control): According to the reference signals from level 2 and measured process signals, suitable control signals are generated in this level for the actuators. This level includes the dynamic model and the mill master logic. In addition, it records the process variables necessary to the adaptive functions of level 2. • Level 0 (Actuators and sensors): This level includes sensors, motor drives and hydraulic actuators for gap control. The present paper refers to the adaptation procedure of level 2. More specifically, the coefficients and k are adapted in order to optimize the predicted forces to be applied by the mill stands. 3. The rolling model Bland and Ford (1948) cold mill model was chosen as the mathematical process model used in this paper to calculate the rolling loads of the tandem cold mill. According to Bland and Ford theory, the strip is subjected to three different zones in the arc of contact between the strip and the work rolls. In the first zone, located at the entry of this region, the strip is elastically compressed until the yield stress condition is achieved. In the second zone, the strip is plastically deformed until a minimum thickness while in the third and last zone, it suffers elastic recover. The mathematical development to find the final expressions of force, torque and deformed roll radius can be followed in Bland and Ford (1948). Hereafter, only the final expressions of these dimensions will be shown. The rolling force by unit width P is a nonlinear function of the entry thickness hin , the exit thickness hout , the entry tension in , the exit tension out , the entry yield stress kin , the exit yield stress kout , the coefficient of friction and the deformed work roll radius R , P = fP (hin , hout , in , out , kin , kout , , R ). (1) The deformed roll radius is a function of the elastic and plastic forces and can be calculated in the following manner, R = R 1 + 16P(1 − R2 ) ER (hin − hout ) , (2) where R and ER are the Poisson’s ratio and the Young’s modulus for the work roll, respectively. 3594 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s p r o c e s s i n g t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 9 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 3592–3596 Finally, the yield stress is expressed by the following equation kin(out) = k · [A + B εin(out) ] · {1 − C exp[−Dεin(out) ]}, h 0 εin = ln , hinh 0 εout = ln , hout (3) where A, B, C and D are material dependent constants and h0 is the strip thickness at entry of the mill, assumed to be the thickness of annealed strip. Both of Eq. (1) and k of Eq. (3) are initialized and adjusted in the adaptation phase. 4. Adaptation procedure This section is focused on the adaptation of the friction coefficients and yield stress k parameter, which are central for the Bland and Ford rolling model. More specifically, before rolling the first coil of a batch, estimates for these parameters are adopted for the calculation of the reduction for each stand. This calculation is performed through an optimization procedure, which is described in detail in Pires et al. (2006). Besides the reduction for the stands, the optimization procedure generates predicted values for the rolling forces. After the rolling of the first coil, these predicted values are compared to the measured values and the parameters and k are then adapted, aiming at improving the predictions of force for the second coil. This section presents the proposed adaptation scheme, which is the main contribution of this paper. In Section 5 some experimental results are also presented. The proposed adaptation scheme consists of two main phases as shown in Fig. 1: in the first phase, using Bland and Ford model and an initial guess for and k, predicted values of forces and their corresponding reduction for each stand are calculated. These calculated forces are compared to the measured forces and, in the second phase, through an optimization algorithm, the parameters and k are adjusted in order to minimize an objective function. The simplex nonlin- Table 2 – Parameters of the adaptation cost function Stand # Kf Nf 1 2 3 4 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 ear method, initially proposed in Nelder and Mead (1965) is used in the optimization phase. Some comments on the Bland and Ford model have already been presented in Section 3. In what follows, a brief description of the Nelder and Mead simplex algorithm is presented. Among the various existing optimization methods, some recent applications related to cold mill set-up optimization include nonlinear programming (Ozsoy et al., 1992), genetic algorithms (Wang et al., 2000), and more specifically the (Nelder and Mead, 1965) simplex method, which was employed in Fiebig and Zander (1982) and also by Cosipa cold mill automation system (Pires et al., 2006). A detailed description of the simplex method can be found in Walters et al. (1991). Like for every optimization algorithm, the definition of the objective function plays a central role for the Nelder and Mead algorithm. In the present case, the adopted objective function is given by J= 4 i=1 (i) Kf · (i) (i) Fcalc − Fmeas (i) Fmeas Nf(i) (4) where the index i = 1, 2, 3 and 4 refers to each stand of the (i) (i) mill; Fcalc and Fmeas are the calculated and measured forces, respectively and Kf and Nf are constants adjusted according to the values of Table 2. The search for the parameters and k that minimize the objective function is implemented in the Nelder and Mead algorithm through the following steps: (i) Set initial values for and k. (ii) Introduce disturbances in and k and, for each new point, calculate the corresponding objective function value. Three main operations may be accomplished from step (ii): reflection, contraction and expansion, as illustrated in Fig. 2, for an example of two optimization variables. Yet for the two dimensions case, the algorithm proceeds in the following steps. (1) Sorting: The iterative process is initiated sorting the points xW , xN and xB for which the function has its maximum value JW , the second maximum value JN , and the minimum value JB , respectively. (2) Reflection: The average point or centroid xc is determined finding the average of all points xi , except xW (see Fig. 2). From equation: Fig. 1 – Adaptation scheme. x = xC + b · (xC − xW ), (5) 3595 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s p r o c e s s i n g t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 9 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 3592–3596 Table 3 – Force error for the actual and proposed adaptation Stand # 1 2 3 4 k Fcalc Fmeas Error % 0.0283 1.34 1100 1112.7 −1.14 0.0288 1.34 972 977.3 −0.58 0.0241 1.34 841 832.1 1.07 0.0965 1.34 953 982.1 −2.96 k F calc Error % 0.0387 1.30 1113.2 0.05 0.0290 1.30 976.7 −0.60 0.0173 1.30 833.4 0.156 0.1104 1.30 982.5 0.041 Fig. 2 – Simplex algorithm steps. and assuming the minimization step b = 1, it results x = xR , known as reflection of xW with respect to xC . If JB < JR < JN , then xW is replaced by xR and the process is restarted from step 5. (3) Expansion: If JR < JB < JN , then set b = 2 and get x = xE , known as expansion of xR with respect to xC . If JE < JB , xW is replaced by xE and a new process is restarted from step 5. (4) Contraction: If JN < JR < JW , a contraction is made, generating a vertex x = xU for which b = 1/2. If JB < JU < JN , xW is replaced by xU and a new process is restarted from step 5; If JW < JR , a contraction with change in direction must be done, generating a vertex x = xT for which b = −1/2. If JT < JW , xW is replaced by xT and a new process is restarted from step 5. (5) Stop condition: Sort the points of the new simplex as xW , xN and xB for which the function has its maximum value JW , the second maximum value JN , and the minimum value JB , respectively. If J(xW) − J(xB) < ε, then stop; otherwise, go to step 2. The value of the first stop criterion ε was selected as 0.001 and proved sufficient to get accurate results with a Fig. 3 – Results of the present rolling mill model. Fig. 4 – Convergence of the adaptation cost function. not too big number of iterations. As a second stop criterion, the maximum number of iterations was adjusted to 200. Finally, as a last guarantee of halting the whole iteration process, a maximum computation time may be chosen. 5. Main results Set-up accuracy of the actual rolling mill model, working with the original adaptation technic are shown in Fig. 3 for 300 coils processed in sequence. Intending to assess these results, simulations using the proposed adaptation procedure were performed and compared to the currently operating method for a batch of coils. The upper part of Table 3 shows the accuracy of the predicted rolling load for the adaptation scheme currently in use in the tandem cold mill, while the lower part presents the same characteristic for the proposed adaptation procedure. For comparison purpose, it was considered a batch of 10 dimensionally similar coils, not considering the first coil. It can be noted a slight improvement in the mean force error when the friction and yield stress coefficients, for the next coil, are calculated using the proposed adaptation technic. The adopted strategy was to adjust the step of the yield stress coefficient greater than that of the friction coefficients, taking into consideration that most part of the force error is 3596 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s p r o c e s s i n g t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 9 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 3592–3596 references Fig. 5 – Comparison of force error. certainly due to the steel strip hardness changes. To evaluate the convergence capacity of the method, the number of steps of one of those adaptation set-up simulation is shown in Fig. 4. Considering the two methods, a comparison of the mean error and error distribution, for each one of the mill stands, can be shown in Fig. 5. In this figure, the first four distributions correspond to the present adaptation while the next four to the simulated method. It can be noted a significant improvement in the model accuracy when using the proposed method. 6. Conclusions This work presents an adaptation procedure for the set-up generation of a four stand tandem cold rolling mill, located at Cosipa plant, Brazil. The proposed algorithm consists of an objective function, which takes into consideration friction and yield stress coefficients and is minimized using Nelder and Mead (1965) simplex method. Simulation results show that the methods adopted is robust, very fast and can be tuned very easily leading to results according to the expected for the industrial tandem cold mill into consideration. Atack, P.A., Robinson, I.S., 1996. Adaptation of hot mill process models. Metallurgical Plant and Technology 60, 535–542. Bland, D.R., Ford, H., 1948. The calculation of roll force and torque in cold strip rolling with tensions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineering 159, 144–153. Bolon, P.L., 1996. Corum Tandem Cold Mill Setup Model: Cosipa Implementation. Davy-Clecim, Cergy Le-Haut, 1996. Bryant, G.F., 1973. 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