Definitions Measuring heat flow Kelvin and the age of the Earth Radioactivity y Continental heat flow (1) Oceanic heat flow (1) Global budget (1) Continental vs oceanic heat flow Plate model for the oceans Continental heat flow (2) Gl b l budget Global b d t (2) Constraints on the temperature regime Objectives y How do we determine temperature deep in the Earth? y What is the Earth’s energy budget? y What is the source of energy for geological processes? y How does temperature controls physical properties and tectonic i processes?? Thermodynamics y 1st law: heat is a form of energy dU = dQ -PdV y ΔQ = C ρ ΔT y 2nd law (simple form): heat goes from hot to cold (Entropy can only increase unless work is done. Work can be extracted from system only if there are a cold and a hot source). y Conduction of heat (Fourier): q = -λ λ grad T y Other mechanisms of heat transport (radiation, convection). Three mechanisms of heat transport y Conduction. Transport of energy in a medium (solid, fluid, or gas) without transport of matter. y Convection. Energy is transported by movement of matter. y Radiation. Electromagnetic waves transport energy in vacuum or in solid or fluid at very high temperature. vacuum, temperature y All three mechanisms are found in the Earth. Near the surface, i.e. in the lithosphere conduction dominates. How do we measure heat flux? Some numbers y k (thermal conductivity) 3 W/m/K (average for most rocks) y Temperature gradient 20-30 K/km y Heat flux ~ 60 mW m-2 y If gradient di does d not decrease d with i h depth, d h temperature at 100km >2000K and temperature at CMB > 60,000K More numbers y Mean heat flux 80 mW m-2 y Total energy loss 44 1012 W 44 TW or 1.3 1021J/yr y Total energy in quakes 1019 J/yr y Total tidal friction < 1017 J/yr y Energy from Sun 1.8 1017 W or 5 1024 J/yr y 2005 World energy consumption 15 TW or 5 1020 J/yr y Thermal diffusivity κ = λ / ρ C y It gives scaling between time and length for heat transport y τ = L2 / κ y Note κ ~ 10-66 m2 /s or 31.6 31 6 m2 / yr Kelvin and the age of the Earth y J.W Thomson (Lord Kelvin) tried to use the present temperature gradient to calculate the age g of the Earth y Assumed the Earth hot initially y Cooling by conduction y Kelvin calculated 25 Myr as the age of the Earth y Kelvin liked that number because it was consistent with his calculation of the energy budget for the sun (assuming g the ggravitational energy gy that the sun was radiating accumulated at formation. y Kelvin calculation was flawed because y y He ignored radio-activity He ignored convection y Kelvin assumptions were in all the following debates about thermal evolution of the Earth. y Note that his model would work to estimate the age g of the sea floor. C d i cooling li Conductive model g remains Note that cooling superficial. Even after 1Gyr, there is almost no cooling deeper than 600km. As t ~l2/κ, it would take 100Gyr for cooling to reach 6000km! Radioactivity y R.J. Strutt (4th Lord Rayleigh) 1906 y Heat flux fl can entirely i l be b accounted for by radioactivity. activity y “Crust” can not be thicker than 60km!!! y (Before Mohorovicic discovered the Moho) Radioactivity First continental heat flux measurements by Bullard (1939). Oceanic heat flow Surprise !!! y Continental crust is radioactive and thick y Oceanic crust is thin with almost no heat generation y Oceanic heat flow < Continental heat flow ? y Apparently NO difference? Energy Budget of the earth (1) y y y y y Birch (1951) Total energy loss = 30 TW H t production Heat d ti in i chondrites h d it = 5 pW/kg W/k Mass of earth = 6 1024 kg Coincidence? y y y Several problems (K/U ratio) Can not be in equilibrium with present heat production is heat is conducted to the surface Note this buget is obsolete (Current estimate of energy loss is 44TW) y Question: Q i Cooling C li vs Heat H production d i Cooling half space or plate CQ = 490 ± 20 mWm-2 Myr1/2 based on petrology and physical properties Where hydrothermal circulation is shut off, heat flux datadata fit model N i free f data d t fit cooling li half h lf space model d l Noise at young ages Heat flux reflects age of oceanic lithosphere Predicted heat flux Isostatic balance Bathymetry fits model for ages <80Myr For ages > 80 Myr, heat flux at base of plate balances heat flux at surface: no more cooling Hotspots perturb bathymetry profiles CONTINENTAL HEAT FLUX Steady state thermal model for stable continents y Heat flux and temperature gradient decrease with depth because of h.p. hp y The higher the crustal h.p., the lower Moho and mantle temperature Heat flux variations in stable continents (e.g. Canadian Shield) y Qs = Qm + ∫ A dz y Qm can not vary by more than +/- 3 mWm-2 y Qm < 20 mWm-2 (lowest heat flux measured) y Best estimates 13 < Qm < 15 mWm-2 y Kapuskasing crustal section y Grenville province y Gravity G it andd heat h t flux fl data d t inversion i i Moho heat flux in stable continents Location Heat flux (mWm‐2) Baltic Shield (Archean) 7‐15 Vredefort (South Africa) 18 Slave (Archean, Canada) 12‐24 Kapuskasing (Superior, Canada) 11‐13 Abitibi (Superior, Canada) p 10‐14 Siberian craton (Archean) 10‐12 Dharwar (Archean, India) 11 Norwegian Shield (Proterozoic) 11 Trans‐Hudson‐orogen (Proterozoic, Canada) 11‐16 Grenville (Canada) 13 Kalahari (Proterozoic, South Africa) 17‐25 Calculating temperature in the lithosphere: 1-D heat equation Lithospheric temperature profiles depend on crustal heat production (surface heat flow) When differences in surface heat flux are only due to crustal heat production , Moho temperature varies by 150 degrees d Profiles are very i i to Moho h sensitive heat flow Uncertainty of +/- 3 mWm-2 gives +/-50km on depth p to 1350 adiabat Mantle convection Adiabatic temperature gradient Rayleigh number Boundary layers and temerature profile in convecting fluid Balancing the budget b dget y Oceanic heat loss activity y Crustal radio radio-activity y Hotspots y Mantle radio-activity y Continental heat loss y Core heat flow y Secular cooling of mantle Oceanic heat flo flow y Raw average of all heat flux data 80 mWm-2 y Noisy y data at young y g ages g because of hydrothermal circulation y Better to rely on models Age distribution of sea floor Total energy loss of cooling oceanic lithosphere y Age < 80Ma, use half space cooling and age distribution ~24 TW y Age > 80 Ma, use constant flux 48 mWm-2 ~5TW y Depends very much on age distribution of sea floor. Hot spots y Weak heat flow anomaly on hot spots y Use sea floor bathymetry y y to estimate heat input from buoyancy y ~2-4TW y Plate may be subducted before heat flows out Continental heat loss: eliminating the bias in the data y Method 1. Determine average heat flux for each geological age and weight eight according to areal distribution 65mWm-2 y Method 2. Determine area weighted averages 63 mWm W -22 y Total continents (210 106 km2 = 14TW) Heat flux in Canada Black triangles represent heat flux sites. Note distribution. prod ction of BSE, BSE cr st and mantle Heat production crust, U(ppm) Th(ppm) K(ppm) A(pW/kg) Hart & Zindler (1986) 0.021 0.079 264 4.9 McDonough & Sun (1985) 0.020 0.079 240 4.8 Palme & O’Neil (2003) 0.022 0.083 261 5.1 Lyubetskaya & Korenaga (2007) 0.017 0.063 190 3.9 0.013 0.040 160 2.8 11.3 5.6 6 15000 330 BSE MORB mantle source Langmuir et al. (2005) Continental crust R d i k d G (2003) Rudnick and Gao ( ) Jaupart and Mareschal (2003) Total BSE ~ 20 TW Continental crust 7TW Mantle ~ 13 TW 293‐352 Core heat loss? y > 4 TW (hot spots) y Conductive heat flux on adiabat -> 4TW y Thermodynamic efficiencyy of dynamo y ~10% y Ohmic dissipation of dynamo (0.1 -> 1 TW) y 10 TW ? F From Ni Nimmo (2007) Mantle cooling y Mantle heat loss 39TW y Core flux 9TW y Mantle radioactivity 13 TW y Secular cooling must provide 17 TW (52 1019 J/yr) J/ ) y Rate ~ 110 K/Gyr From Abbott et al. al (1994) Summary budget y Mantle heat loss: 39TW y Mantle heat production: 13 +// 4 TW y Urey number: 0.33 +/0 11 0.11 Total heat loss 46+/-2TW other (differentiation, (differentiation tidal, .. ) < 1TW core heat flow (9+/‐5TW) Secular cooling mantle (18+/‐8 TW) Radio‐activity crust (7+/ 7+/‐1TW) 1TW) Radioactivity mantle (3 /4 (13+/‐4 TW) ) Summary budget Mantle heat loss: 39TW Mantle heat production: 13 +/4 TW Urey number: 0.33 +/- 0.11 Flux de chaleur et régime thermique 8 Appendice E: Calcul de la température en fonction de la profondeur en régime stationnaire Dans le cas d’un régime stationnaire, l’équation de la chaleur à une dimension prend la forme: dq = −A(z) dz (E1) où z est la profondeur, A(z) le production de chaleur, et le signe du flux q a été changé implicitement (z est positif vers le bas et q est défini positif vers le haut). On obtient pour le flux z q(z) = q0 − A(z )dz (E2) 0 avec q0 le flux de surface surface. Donc le flux décroit decroit avec la profondeur d’autant d autant plus que les sources de chaleur sont concentrées près de la surface. Et pour la température: 1 q0 z − T (z) = T0 + K K 0 z dz z 0 A(z”)dz” (E3) Si A(z) = A0 pour z < h0 , on obtient: T (z) = T0 + A0 z 2 q0 z − K 2K (E4) On peut ainsi itérativement calculer la température pour un modèle avec plusieurs couches dans lequel les sources de chaleur sont constantes. Si les sources décroissent exponentiellement avec la profondeur, A(z) = A0 exp(−z/D): q(z) = q0 − A0 D (1 − exp(−z/D)) et (E5) qr z A0 D2 + (1 − exp(−z/D)) (E6) K K où qr = q0 − A0 D est le flux réduit. Notez que pour q0 et qr fixés, la température à une profondeur donnée diminue avec D. T (z) =