All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students Essentials: All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students Key dates Early August Applications open End September On-time applications close Mid-December HSC results and ATARs released Early January Change of preferences for Main Round close Mid-January Main Round offers made Mid-July UAC Guide distributed to Year 12 students Fast facts Study courses at school you enjoy and do well in – just about any combination of courses can lead to a good ATAR – but make sure you understand eligibility rules. To find out if tertiary study is for you, consider your interests, what subjects you enjoy and what classes you do well in, and investigate what careers these may lead you to. Apply for tertiary study through UAC’s website – you don’t need to apply separately to each institution. Understand the application process and how to manage your application so you can make the most of the offer process. Contacting UAC 1300 ASK UAC (1300 275 822) from mobiles: (02) 9752 0200 from overseas: +61 2 9752 0200 UAC Locked Bag 112 Silverwater NSW 2128 universitiesadmissionscentre Quad 2, 8 Parkview Drive Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127 email online enquiry form, contact.shtml For those travelling by train, UAC is 250 metres from Olympic Park railway station. 8.30am–4.30pm Monday to Friday (Sydney time) Contents Thinking about university? 2 Step 3: Manage 20 What’s next? 3 Selection rank 21 Is university for me? 3 Cut-offs 21 All about the ATAR 3 Bonus points 21 Your Year 12 subjects 5 Changing your preferences 22 Institution open days 2016 7 Step 4: Accept 23 8 Offer rounds 24 What to consider 9 Enrolment 25 Which university, which course? 9 If you don’t get in ... 26 Step 1: Prepare What does it cost? 10 Common terms and abbreviations 27 How can I pay for university? 11 Additional selection criteria 12 Course listing 32 Institution scholarship websites 13 Step 2: Apply 14 Applying to uni 15 Who can apply? 15 The application process 15 How you’re selected 17 Equity Scholarships 17 Educational Access Schemes 18 Schools Recommendation Schemes 18 How to use this section Other UAC resources 33 63 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students Thinking about university? Now that you’re in Year 11 or 12 you may be thinking about where you’re heading after school. For some it will be off to work or further training and for others it will be tertiary study. Working out what you would like to do next can be daunting. What’s next? Is university for me? All about the ATAR Your Year 12 subjects Institution open days Thinking about university? What’s next? Selecting the course you need to get the job you want is important, not only now but in the next few years. If you’re unsure about your next steps and are wondering if university is for you, this booklet will guide you through some of the things to think about and answer some questions you may have. It also explains the process of applying to university through UAC, the Universities Admissions Centre. Uni isn’t just for the brightest students. It’s for anyone who’s committed to reaching their full potential and wants to acquire the skills and experience to achieve their goals. Selecting the right course to get the job you want is important. If you’re looking at a specific career path for which extra study is the key to success, then uni could be the right choice for you. UAC processes applications for admission to undergraduate tertiary courses at participating institutions, mostly in NSW and the ACT. UAC also: calculates and provides the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) to NSW HSC students processes applications for Schools Recommendation Schemes (SRS) processes applications for some Equity Scholarships (ES) processes applications for Educational Access Schemes (EAS) administers tertiary admissions tests such as the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT). For a list of UAC’s participating institutions, read page 7 or visit Is university for me? ‘Not sure yet’ or ‘maybe’ are answers you might give to this question. This isn’t surprising. Many Year 11 and 12 students are still not sure of the career path they want to follow. It’s all about thinking of what you want to do, not what you want to be. You may want to be an astronaut, but what do you want to do as an astronaut and how are you going to get there? All about the ATAR Although getting into uni isn’t only about the ATAR – the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank – it’s a good place to start. The first thing to understand is that your ATAR is a rank, not a mark. It’s a number between 0.00 and 99.95 with increments of 0.05. The ATAR provides a measure of your overall academic achievement in relation to that of other students and helps universities rank applicants for selection into their courses. Your ATAR indicates your position relative to the students who started high school with you in Year 7 or your age group. So, an ATAR of 80.00 means that you are 20 per cent from the top of your Year 7 group, even though not everyone who started with you in Year 7 went on to achieve an ATAR. The average ATAR is usually just below 70.00. Some people are surprised by this, thinking that the average should be 50.00. It would be 50.00 if everyone from Year 7 went on to achieve an ATAR. But because the students who leave early are typically less academically able than the ones that stay on, the students receiving ATARs are a smaller, more academically able group, and the average ATAR for this group is higher. Fred and Laura Fred and Laura are two Year 12 students who are thinking about going to university next year. Fred goes to school in the city and enjoys hanging out with his friends and playing football. The end of school seems a long way away but he thinks he might study something to do with sport when he finishes. He also likes the sound of business studies. Laura goes to school in the country and grew up on her family’s farm. She loves it when her friends come to stay and they go horseriding. Although she always thought she would study something related to agriculture, she likes many different subjects at school, including Visual Arts, so she’s also thinking about being an art teacher, which will allow her to be creative and work with her hands. Fred and Laura have chosen the same subjects for the HSC: Biology, Business Studies, English (Advanced), Mathematics, Modern History and Visual Arts. Throughout this booklet we’ll use Fred and Laura’s story to show you how you can navigate your way to tertiary study. All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 3 ATAR courses Your Year 12 marks and your ATAR In NSW, ATAR courses are courses developed by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) for which BOSTES conducts formal examinations that give you a graded assessment. These are the only courses that can be included in the ATAR calculation. ATAR courses are classified as either Category A or Category B courses. Only two units of Category B courses can be included in the ATAR calculation. The most common question is ‘Why is my ATAR low compared to my Year 12 marks?’. Category A courses These courses have the academic rigour and depth of knowledge to provide a foundation for tertiary studies; for example, Mathematics, Geography and Visual Arts. For a complete list, visit Category B courses These courses don’t provide an adequate foundation for tertiary studies, but they can contribute to the ATAR when combined with Category A courses. No more than two units of Category B courses can be included in the ATAR calculation. Examples of Category B courses are Financial Services, Hospitality and Automotive. For a complete list, visit In the ACT your ATAR is calculated from your best three T or H major scaled course scores plus 0.6 of the next best scaled course score. The scaled course scores are added to form an Aggregate Score. Students are then ranked based on their Aggregate Score, which is converted to an ATAR. The ATAR calculated by the ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies (ACTBSSS) is directly comparable to the ATAR calculated in NSW and other states. Your Year 12 marks and your ATAR shouldn’t be compared because although they are both numbers they have different meanings, like different currencies. The ATAR is a rank, not a mark. It indicates your position overall against other students. Your Year 12 marks, on the other hand, tell you about your performance. It isn’t possible to average your HSC marks to calculate your ATAR or to estimate your ATAR using your HSC marks. This is because, like in a race, your performance or time doesn’t necessarily say anything about your position or place. The median HSC mark for most 2-unit courses is between 70 and 80. The middle ATAR is usually just below 70.00, which is lower than the median HSC mark. So the ATARs of students in the middle of the HSC candidature will be typically lower than their average HSC mark. Although there are many websites that claim to be able to calculate your ATAR, UAC does not endorse the use of ATAR calculators. ATAR calculators do not use current data so can only be a general indication of a student’s possible ATAR. Scaling Because marks in different courses can’t be compared, marks of individual students are scaled before they are added to give the aggregates from which ATARs are determined. The scaling process is designed to encourage you to study courses you enjoy, are good at, and that best prepare you for future study. The underlying principle is that you should neither be advantaged nor disadvantaged by choosing one course over another. Raw HSC marks Performance Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) aligns raw marks to performance bands and calculates HSC marks Your HSC marks Position UAC undertakes scaling process and calculates ATARs Your ATAR Your HSC marks provide information about how well you Your ATAR provides information about how you are have performed in each of the courses you have completed. positioned overall against other students. 4 Your HSC marks indicate your performance in the different courses you have studied. Your ATAR allows you to be compared with students who have completed different combinations of courses. Your HSC marks are reported against standards. Your ATAR is a rank, not a mark. In NSW, your HSC marks are provided by BOSTES. In the ACT, your Senior Secondary Certificate marks are provided by ACTBSSS. In NSW, your ATAR is provided by UAC. In the ACT, your ATAR is provided by ACTBSSS. All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students Thinking about university? Remember, the ATAR is about position, and your position in a course is not altered by scaling. At the end of Year 11 you need to decide what subjects you will continue in Year 12. There are a few things to consider when you do this. For more information about the ATAR, visit UAC’s website at You can also download these publications: Frequently Asked Questions About the ATAR (booklet) All About Your ATAR (booklet) reports on the Scaling of the NSW Higher School Certificate The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank in New South Wales: A Technical Report (booklet). Your Year 12 subjects If you drop a subject will you still be eligible for an ATAR? For NSW students to be eligible for an ATAR they must complete at least 10 units of ATAR courses. These ATAR courses must include at least: ACT Year 12 students who want to apply for tertiary study must sit the ACT Scaling Test (AST). The AST is used by ACTBSSS to calculate your ATAR. For more information about the ACT ATAR, visit the ACTBSSS website at eight units of Category A courses two units of English three Board Developed courses of two units or greater four subjects. Remember, you can include up to two units of Category B courses. Fred and Laura Fred and Laura studied the same subjects for the HSC. When Fred and Laura finished their exams, their HSC marks and their ATARs showed the difference between their performance and their position. In the table below you can see that Fred got marks of 70 for all his courses, while Laura’s marks were all 80. Even though their HSC marks only differed by 10, the difference between their ATARs is 23.50. Their performance was similar, but their positions were quite different. HSC marks between 70 and 79 are Performance Band 4 results. These are ‘average’ HSC marks, so a large percentage of students are in this category. This means that when students are ranked for their ATAR, those at the bottom of Band 4 (like Fred) are placed significantly lower than those at the top of Band 4 or higher (like Laura). The ‘percentile’ column in the table below tells the story of their positions in more detail. For example, let’s look at Biology. Laura’s mark of 80 positioned her in the 75th percentile, which means she is placed in the top 25 per cent of students. Fred, on the other hand, with his mark of 70, is in the 43rd percentile, so he is only in the top 57 per cent of students. Even though Fred and Laura’s performance in Biology differed by 10 marks, their positions differed by 32 (75–43). Fred Laura Course HSC mark Percentile HSC mark Percentile Biology 70 43 80 75 Business Studies 70 36 80 67 English (Advanced) 70 11 80 47 Mathematics 70 21 80 51 Modern History 70 30 80 59 Visual Arts 70 14 80 51 ATAR 57.50 79.65 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 5 For ACT students, your ATAR is calculated from your performance in your best courses. If you drop a course it may not affect your ATAR directly, but you need to take into account prerequisites for tertiary courses. Is the subject you’re dropping a prerequisite for a course or subject you’d like to study at uni? Some tertiary courses require you to have studied certain subjects, or their equivalent, or to have achieved a specific standard before you’ll be offered a place in the course. If you don’t have the required course prerequisite, you cannot be selected for the course. If you don’t have a required subject prerequisite, but have met the admission requirements for a course, you may still be selected for the course but be unable to take the particular subject. There are a few places you can check prerequisites: UAC’s booklet on university entry requirements for Year 10 students for your year of entry to uni the course description on UAC’s website or the My UAC app the UAC Guide institution websites. Some institutions offer bridging or introductory courses to help you achieve the required level of assumed knowledge. However, these courses are not equivalent to the two-year HSC course and they may add significantly to your workload at university. Recommended studies are HSC, ACTBSSS or equivalent subjects that the institutions suggest will help you in your chosen tertiary course. If you haven’t studied these subjects, your chances of selection are not affected but, again, you might be offered a bridging course. You can check assumed knowledge and recommended studies in the following places: UAC’s booklet on university entry requirements for Year 10 students for your year of entry to uni the course description on UAC’s website or the My UAC app the UAC Guide institution websites. ACT Year 12 students may need to know how their Senior Secondary Certificate subjects compare to NSW HSC subjects when applying for NSW universities. For a list of comparable ACT and NSW subjects, visit undergraduate/admission/interstate.shtml. What about ‘assumed knowledge’ and ‘recommended studies’? Some institutions assume you have knowledge of a specific HSC subject or its equivalent before you begin a particular tertiary course. If you don’t have the assumed knowledge but do have a suitable ATAR, you may still be selected for the course but you may have some difficulty coping with your studies. Fred and Laura Fred wants to apply for a Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management and the course description says he needs to have Mathematics and any two units of English as assumed knowledge. Luckily, he has studied these subjects. Laura wants to apply for a Bachelor of Agriculture and her preferred institution lists Biology and/or Chemistry as recommended studies with Mathematics as assumed knowledge. Laura has studied both Biology and Mathematics. With the HSC subjects they’ve chosen both Fred and Laura would, according to the institutions, have a good background knowledge of key subjects in these degrees and would likely do well if they decided to study them. 6 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students Open days Southern Cross University 2016 Coffs Harbour Lismore Gold Coast 2 December 7 December 9 December The Hotel School Sydney 10 September Sydney City School of Law For information about open days visit the website. APM College of Business and Communication International College of Management, Sydney University of Canberra The Rocks 30 April, 13 August Manly 14 August Bruce Australasian College of Natural Therapies Jansen Newman Institute University of New England Pyrmont 30 April, 13 August Australian Catholic University Pyrmont 30 April, 13 August 27 August 3 September 10 September Sydney Bendigo Albury 6 May Canberra North Sydney Strathfield Armidale University of Newcastle La Trobe University 27 August 4 August 14 August 15 August Port Macquarie (evening) Central Coast (Ourimbah) Newcastle (Callaghan) Australian College of Applied Psychology Macleay College University of Sydney Contact the college for campus tours or details about information nights. Open day every day. For a personalised campus tour call 1300 939 888 or visit the website. All campuses Australian Maritime College Macquarie University 4 August 13 August 20 August 27 August University of Technology Sydney 7 August North Ryde City 27 August 20 August University of Wollongong Australian National College of Beauty MIT Sydney Wollongong Open day is every day. For campus tours/ appointments call (02) 8267 1400 or visit the website. UNSW Australia Pyrmont 30 April, 13 August Australian National University Canberra National Art School 27 August Kensington Darlinghurst 3 September Billy Blue College of Design 30 April, 13 August CATC Design School Ultimo 30 April, 13 August Western Sydney University For up-to-date information freecall 1800 SAE EDU (1800 723 338) or visit news-and-events/events Open day every day. For campus tours call (02) 9964 6555 or visit the website. Open day every day. To book a tour, call 1800 DEGREE (1800 334 733) or visit the website CQUniversity For details about open days call (02) 9324 5000 or visit the website. Griffith University 24 July Parramatta 28 August For more information call 1300 897 669 or visit the website. SIBT Charles Sturt University All campuses 3 September For information on UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy open day visit SAE Creative Media Institute Ultimo 13 August William Blue College of Hospitality Management The Rocks 30 April, 13 August Step 1: Prepare Choosing the direction you want to take in your life can be difficult. To make the best decisions it pays to do your research and find out as much as you can about the areas that interest you. What does it cost? What to consider? Which university, which course? N Additional selection criteria How can I pay for university? Step 1: Prepare What to consider Here are some research tips. Consider what your interests are, what subjects you enjoy at school and what classes you do well in. Often these are the same because you tend to do well at subjects you enjoy and are interested in. Investigate the types of jobs that involve these subjects. Think about whether you like being outside or inside; with people or on your own. Do you like helping others? Do you like working with technology? Talk to your teachers – they know your abilities and can give you feedback on what careers may suit you. Ask your careers adviser for information and options that can be explored to achieve your goals. Talk with your parents and family about your thoughts on a career. They might have great ideas or know someone in an industry that interests you. Speak to people you know who are working in the field. Do some work experience. You might consider volunteering at a workplace to see if you enjoy it. Talk to friends about what they’re interested in and what they’ve found out and share what you know. Visit careers expos and attend employment information sessions where you can meet prospective employers and recruiters. Also consider job growth areas. You can find out about skills shortages in different fields by looking at job vacancy websites. Ask at your local job centre or look at government websites: there are a few listed in the box to the right. International students If you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia, but are studying an Australian Year 12, International Baccalaureate or New Zealand NCEA, you apply through UAC as an international student. Check the international course search on UAC’s website or the international booklet, as not all domestic courses are available to international students. You’ll receive a copy of UAC’s international booklet through your school in Term 3 of Year 12. It is also available to download on UAC’s website. Career research websites There are lots of places to research potential careers. Here are a few to get you started. My Future A searchable, interactive website with information on particular jobs, general career areas and courses. Job Guide Describes hundreds of occupational profiles. Hard copies are distributed to schools each year. Jobactive Australia’s largest free online jobs website. Careers Advisory Service Up-to-date information on a range of relevant career and study options available following the release of the HSC results. Centrelink Job Seekers Information on government education, training and employment support. Graduate Careers Australia Produces a range of graduate information about industry and salary trends and employment opportunities. Which university, which course? When you’ve decided that tertiary study is for you, the next questions are which institution and which course? There are many different institutions of varying size and location to choose from and there are more than 1,900 undergraduate courses available through UAC. UAC handles applications for participating universities and private colleges. Universities offer longstanding, well-rounded opportunities for pursuing your academic goals. A private college may also be an option; they can offer specialist courses that are flexible and can adapt quickly to changes in industry. Be aware, however, that courses at most private colleges are full fee-paying – this means your course costs are not subsidised by the Australian Government. However, you may be eligible for FEE-HELP, a government loan scheme that helps eligible students repay their tuition fees once their income meets a certain amount. All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 9 – What other aspects of uni life am I interested in? – Which mode of study would suit me? Here are a few tips on researching your options. Talk to your careers adviser and teachers Talk to students, friends and relatives about their study experiences. Look at what courses are offered. Courses offered in 2015–16 are at the end of this booklet. Also explore the undergraduate course search on UAC’s website or in My UAC, UAC’s mobile app. The UAC website and the UAC Guide also provide general information about institutions and details of special entry and access schemes, open days and admission requirements. As each institution is slightly different, it’s wise to read about each one you’re interested in. Although many institutions offer courses with the same name, each may have a different structure and content. So looking at the areas of study and asking questions about the course content is important. Check out institution websites and ask questions online, or request a prospectus. A prospectus has detailed information about the campus, facilities and courses. Go to open days so you can get a feel for the campus and explore the facilities that are available to students. Most institutions will have faculty representatives and presentations to explain the content of courses being offered. This is a great opportunity to ask questions to help you make informed decisions about what and where you would like to study. Refer to page 7 for a list of open days at UAC’s participating institutions. A full-time degree usually takes three to four years to complete. Studying part-time will take you longer to finish your course, but it may suit you if you have other commitments. If you can’t study on campus, distance education is a good alternative. You can vary the number of subjects you study to suit your schedule. All work is done online, but you may need to attend residential school for a few days once a semester. For more information about the courses you’re interested in, visit UAC’s course search at course-search or download My UAC. What does it cost? Course fees The Australian Government has proposed a range of changes that will affect the fees that universities can charge. There have also bee changes to the way that students repay debt accumulated under the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP). For the most up-to-date information, visit the Study Assist website at and contact institutions directly. Ask your careers adviser about special entry and early offer schemes, and how to apply for them. Course types Think about key questions like: There are two main types of courses for domestic students: – Do I want to study close to where I live? – Does the institution that I like have everything I’m looking for? UAC’s app, My UAC, allows you to search for courses, access your ATAR, manage your preferences and check your offers. My UAC is available for Apple and Android devices. Commonwealth-supported (CSP) Domestic fee-paying (DFEE). Most university courses for Year 12 students are CSP. This means the Australian Government pays some of the course cost and you pay a student contribution. Fred and Laura Fred has lots of friends from school who also want to go to university. He’d like to stay in the city so he can keep in touch with them. He’s also thinking of living in share accommodation or on campus to make the most of the social life. Laura thinks she’d like to study close to the family farm so that she can keep up her horseriding and save money by living at home. She also likes the idea of a university with smaller class sizes. Fred has checked UAC’s course search and found that there are many courses in sport and business available at institutions in the city. Laura has one institution close to her home and has checked its website to see what sort of art, teaching and agriculture courses it has. They’ve both decided that studying full-time is the best way to complete their study as quickly as possible. 10 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students Step 1: Prepare International students Courses available to international applicants are known as international fee-paying (IFEE) courses. Each institution sets its own tuition fees for international students, so fees vary between institutions and courses. International students must pay these course fees up-front. The amount you pay depends on the institution and the type of course. Each institution sets its own student contribution level for each unit of study. The range varies depending on the area of study. DFEE courses are generally run by independent or private colleges, institutes or training organisations. DFEE typically cost more up front than CSP courses – you pay the full cost of your course. Your tuition fees are not subsidised by the Australian Government. The amount you pay depends on the institution and the type of course as each institution sets its own tuition fees for its DFEE course. A small number of courses are: If you intend to drive you might need to obtain a parking permit from your institution. For information on parking permits and fees contact the institution’s student centre. Living expenses You need to think about day-to-day living expenses for food, utilities (including your phone) and entertainment. Textbooks and equipment In your first year of study your textbooks can be one of your largest expenses. However, at most universities you will be able to buy second-hand books from other students to save some money. Also, some courses may require you to buy specialist equipment. Check with the faculty of the institution you’re interested in to see if this is the case. Computer and internet access You will need a computer with internet access to make the best use of your uni’s online study facilities. How can I pay for university? a combination of CSP and DFEE (eg the Bachelor program is CSP, the Masters program is DFEE) HECS-HELP sponsored by the Australian Defence Force (ie the student contribution is paid by the Australian Defence Force) exempt from student contributions If you enrol in a CSP course, you can choose to pay all or part of your student contribution up-front, or defer payment by taking a HECS-HELP loan, which is repaid later through the tax system when your salary reaches a certain amount. domestic fee-paying with VET-FEE-HELP for eligible students domestic fee-paying with no government loan scheme. The course fee type is identified in each course description on UAC’s website, in My UAC or in the UAC Guide. Other costs Apart from your student contribution, you need to think about other costs involved in going to uni. Accommodation If you have to move out of home to attend uni, there are many options. For on-campus accommodation, contact the institutions you are interested in and ask for a prospectus, which will outline the facilities that are available. Don’t wait until the last weeks to get organised, as on-campus accommodation fills quickly. Renting independently or in a share house with friends is another option. University housing services can help you to find other students in a similar situation. Travel costs If you plan to pay your student contributions through the HECS-HELP scheme you must have a tax file number (TFN) when you enrol at university. Visit the Australian Taxation Office website at for information on applying for a TFN. FEE-HELP This Australian Government loan scheme helps eligible students pay their tuition fees. (It won’t pay for other costs like accommodation or textbooks.) Your HELP loan is repaid later through the tax system once your salary reaches a certain amount. For information about HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP, visit Work Most students in tertiary study have a part-time or casual job. Some work in the area of their study to gain some experience before graduating. If you study full-time, you will be able to use public transport at a cheaper rate. International students are eligible for discounted public transport fares on some tickets. All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 11 Government assistance Merit-based scholarships Centrelink provides financial assistance for students studying full-time and part-time through income-tested schemes such as Youth Allowance, Austudy and ABSTUDY. Institutions also offer merit-based scholarships to prospective and current students. Youth Allowance Youth Allowance provides assistance to students aged between 16 and 24 who are studying full-time in an approved course. Students are usually considered dependants of their parents and the rate of Youth Allowance paid is based on the Parental Means Test. Students can be classified as independent if they are living away from home, which means their parents’ financial situation is not taken into account. Austudy Austudy provides assistance to students aged 25 or over who are studying full-time in an approved course. All Austudy students are automatically considered independent, therefore the Parental Means Test is not necessary. However, there is a partner and personal income test and an asset test. If you receive Youth Allowance or Austudy you may also be eligible for: Fares Allowance for travelling between your permanent home and institution Rent Assistance if you are receiving the away from home rate of Youth Allowance Low Income Health Care Card Pharmaceutical Allowance Remote Area Allowance an interest-free advance payment. ABSTUDY ABSTUDY provides assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, apprentices and trainees who are studying full-time or part-time in an approved course. For more information about Australian Government assistance with tertiary study costs, visit Commonwealth Scholarships The Commonwealth Scholarships Program (CSP) assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from low socio-economic backgrounds, particularly those from rural and regional areas, with costs associated with higher education. The Commonwealth Relocation Scholarship is an annual payment for eligible people on Youth Allowance and ABSTUDY Living Allowance who have to live away from the family home to study. 12 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students Unlike Institution Equity Scholarships, which are awarded to students experiencing financial or educational disadvantage, merit-based scholarships are awarded to applicants on a range of criteria such as: school examination results academic excellence Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) course/faculty of study personal achievements such as: – – – – – leadership creativity self-motivation communication skills an outstanding ability in sport. You need to apply directly to individual institutions for meritbased scholarships. To find out more, visit the websites listed on the next page. Additional selection criteria When considering your university studies make sure you find out what is expected of you for entry. As a Year 12 student, you will be selected on the basis of your ATAR for most courses. However, some courses have additional selection criteria. You may need to attend an interview or audition, present a portfolio, provide a personal statement, or sit a test such as the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) or the Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT). Course selection criteria can be found in the course descriptions on UAC’s undergraduate course search at, in the My UAC app, or in the UAC Guide. If Medicine or Optometry interests you, you’ll need to register for UMAT early in Year 12. Do this before you apply for uni, as UMAT is only held once a year in July and applications close in early June. For information about UMAT, call ACER on +61 3 8508 7643 or visit the ACER website at Step 1: Prepare International students International students applying to medicine, dentistry, veterinary science and physiotherapy courses at some Australian universities are required to sit the International Student Admissions Test (ISAT). For information about ISAT, call ACER on +61 3 9277 5357 or visit the ACER website at Some other courses may also require special categories of applicants to sit for ISAT. The university will notify you if you are required to sit for this test. Institution scholarship websites Applications for merit-based scholarships are made directly to individual institutions. To find out more about merit-based scholarships visit the websites listed below. APM College of Business and Communication Macquarie University Australasian College of Natural Therapies MIT Sydney Australian Catholic University National Art School Australian College of Applied Psychology Australian Maritime College Australian National College of Beauty Australian National University Billy Blue College of Design CATC Design School Charles Sturt University CQUniversity Griffith University International College of Management, Sydney Jansen Newman Institute La Trobe University Macleay College scholarships-financial-assistance SAE Creative Media Institute SIBT Southern Cross University Sydney City School of Law University of Canberra University of New England University of Newcastle University of Sydney University of Technology Sydney University of Wollongong UNSW Australia Western Sydney University William Blue College of Hospitality Management All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 13 Step 2: Apply Now that you’ve done your research and decided on the courses you’d like to study, you need to apply. Applying to uni The application process Who can apply? How you’re selected Educational Access Schemes Equity Scholarships Schools Recommendation Schemes Step 2: Apply Applying to uni The application process More than 50,000 Year 12 students apply through UAC every year for admission to courses offered by UAC’s participating institutions. How to apply You apply for uni online through UAC’s website – you don’t need to apply separately to each institution. UAC processes the applications but it is the institutions that decide who receives an offer of a place. For a list of UAC’s participating institutions, read page 7 or visit institutions. NSW and ACT Year 12 students will need a four-digit UAC Personal Identification Number (PIN) to apply. This is different to your HSC PIN. Your UAC PIN will be sent to you in early August. You can write it below and keep this booklet in a safe place. You’ll need your UAC PIN and Year 12 student number, issued to you by BOSTES or ACTBSSS, to start your application the first time. A nine-digit UAC application number is generated after you put in your personal details. Who can apply? It’s also a good idea to store these numbers somewhere like your phone, and don’t share them with others. You’ll need your UAC PIN and UAC application number to log in to your application after this and to retrieve your ATAR and university offer/s. You can apply through UAC if you’re: Here’s a checklist of what you need to have ready to apply: an Australian citizen a New Zealand citizen your BOSTES Year 12 student number (if you’re a NSW HSC student) and UAC PIN a permanent resident of Australia a holder of an Australian permanent resident humanitarian visa. your ACTBSSS Year 12 student number (if you’re an ACT Year 12 student) and UAC PIN your UMAT candidate number, if relevant your chosen courses (up to nine) and their course codes – which can be found on the course search on UAC’s website, in My UAC or in the UAC Guide – in order of preference, with the top one being your most preferred a printer, to print your application package, which includes your Confirmation of Application, payment receipt or invoice and document cover sheet (if you are required to send us documents) a credit card (MasterCard or Visa) to pay the processing fee. You can also pay by PayPal, BPay or over the counter at Australia Post. International students Some international students can apply through UAC. If you are not an Australian or New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident of Australia, you can apply for undergraduate courses through UAC if you’re completing: an Australian Year 12 qualification an International Baccalaureate a New Zealand NCEA Level 3. All other international students need to apply directly to the institution. Apply for uni at My BOSTES Year 12 student number is: My HSC PIN is: My UAC application number is: My UAC PIN is: All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 15 Check the course description through the course search on UAC’s website or in My UAC to make sure the courses you want to apply for are still available and for details of any additional selection criteria. Watch the Year 12 undergraduate Apply video at It shows you how to apply for university through UAC, step by step. Studying interstate If you want to study in another state, you need to apply through the tertiary admissions centre in that state or directly to the institution. Victoria: Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre, Queensland: Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre, South Australia and Northern Territory: South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre, Western Australia: Tertiary Institutions Service Centre, Tasmania: University of Tasmania, When to apply Make sure you apply before midnight on the ‘on-time’ closing date, usually the last business day in September. If you apply after this date you will pay a progressively higher processing charge. Some courses have earlier application closing dates than the UAC closing dates. Check these details in the course search on UAC’s website, in My UAC or in the UAC Guide before you apply. It doesn’t matter if you’re not sure which course to apply for – just apply on time by the end of September and list at least one preferred course. You can change your preferred courses as many times as you want before change of preference deadlines. When you get your ATAR in December, you can make more informed choices about the university courses you want to apply for and change your preferences for the Main Round of offers in January. In your application you’ll be asked if you’d like to receive information about pathway programs if your application to university is unsuccessful. Choose this option to make the most of your application. International students International applicants are encouraged to apply by late October for courses starting in semester 1; however, applications for semester 1 don’t close until early February. Application processing fees for international students do not increase during the admissions period. If you’re an international student you will receive a ‘conditional offer’ from UAC immediately after you apply. This is for visa purposes only and does not guarantee a place in a course. Read page 25 for more information. Fred and Laura Fred is interested in sports-based courses, including exercise and sport science, exercise and health science, human movement science, sports coaching and sports psychology. He’s also interested in business courses, including accounting, banking and finance, commerce, economics, management, marketing and sports management. Because he has a broad range of courses to choose from, Fred has decided to list nine courses in his application. He lists a Bachelor of Sport and Management as his first preference because it’s the course he most wants to study; it combines both his areas of interest – business and sport – even though he’s not sure he will have the ATAR to make the cut-off (the course listing indicates it was 72.20 last year). He lists a Bachelor of Business (Sport Management) as his second preference. It’s in the same area as the course he has as his first preference but the cut-off is more achievable. For his third to seventh preferences, Fred chooses a variety of business courses that could lead him to careers in banking, finance, marketing and management. He is confident that his ATAR will be high enough for him to get an offer to one of these courses. Laura is certain of the courses she wants to study and chooses five for her application. A Bachelor of Animal Science is her first preference because she enjoys looking after her horses. Having grown up on a farm she is interested in the land and how to care for it for future generations, so her second preference is a Bachelor of Agricultural Business Management and her third is a Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management. Her fourth and fifth preferences are teaching courses which would allow her to focus on her interest in art. 16 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students Step 2: Apply When you apply you will receive your UAC application number. This number will also be printed on your Confirmation of Application. Write this number in the box on page 15 as you will need it to log in to UAC’s Check & Change on UAC’s website or in the UAC app, My UAC, to change your preferences or to retrieve your ATAR and uni offer/s. When you’ve completed your application, download and print your Confirmation of Application. To update your application log in to Check & Change at See page 22 for more information about changing your preferences. Make sure you apply with your legal name. If you’re registered with BOSTES using a nickname, anglicised name or preferred name, have this changed. Your name on your UAC application and BOSTES record must be what’s on your photo identification (passport or driver’s licence). This is the name that will be on your results, ATAR Advice Notice and offer. When you enrol at uni you’ll need to show identification that matches the name on your application. Course preferences International Baccalaureate When you apply, you need to list courses in the order you’d like to study them, with the one you’d like to do the most at the top, the next most preferred second, and so on. If you’re interested in only one course, then enter only that course. You can choose any number of courses up to a maximum of nine. International students can choose up to six courses. Similarly, if you’re only interested in one university, choose one, or you can apply for courses at a number of universities. The choice is yours. Last year’s Main Round cut-offs (see the course listing starting on page 32) are published to be used as a guide to your chances of being selected. These are also used on UAC’s website, in My UAC and in the Guide. The current year’s cut-offs aren’t known until Main Round offers are made. How you’re selected To be selected for a place in a course you must: be eligible to be considered be competitive with other eligible applicants. An International Baccalaureate (IB) is accepted by UAC’s participating institutions as equivalent to an Australian Year 12. If you’re completing an IB, you won’t receive an ATAR, but you will receive a UAC rank based on your IB score. Equity Scholarships Equity Scholarships (ES) assist financially disadvantaged students with the costs associated with higher education. If your family is receiving a Centrelink or other Commonwealth Government means-tested income support payment, such as a Disability Support Pension, Parenting Payment (single) or Carer Payment, you are considered to be financially disadvantaged. You will also be considered for an Equity Scholarship if you meet one or more of the following criteria: have carer responsibilities have English language difficulty have financial hardship are an Indigenous Australian have a long-term medical condition/disability or ongoing effects of abuse Universities can see your preferences, but this will not affect what you’re offered. have refugee status (disrupted schooling) reside in regional or remote area All preferences on your application are considered in the order you’ve listed them. have sole parent responsibilities. To be eligible you must meet the admission requirements of the institution offering the course, and meet the entrance requirements of the course. For most courses you will be selected on your ATAR, but some courses have prerequisites or additional selection criteria such as a personal statement, questionnaire, portfolio of work, interview, audition or test. The course description will tell you if this will apply to you. If you’re not selected for your first preference you’ll be considered equally with all other eligible applicants for your second preference and so on. Your chance of being selected for a particular course isn’t decreased because you listed it as a lower preference and you won’t be selected for a course just because you listed that course as a higher order preference. Apply online for UAC Equity Scholarships at equity. Applications open in early August. This is a separate application to applying for university. The ES booklet is available in early August from your school and can be downloaded from UAC’s website. More information about Equity Scholarships is available at All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 17 By submitting just one Equity Scholarships application through UAC you will be considered for all Equity Scholarships for which you are eligible. You’ll need to supply supporting documentation with your application. For example, if you apply under the long-term medical condition category, you’ll need to submit: You’ll need to supply supporting documentation with your EAS application. For example, if you apply under the disrupted schooling category because you attended three or more different secondary schools during years 10, 11 and 12, you’ll need to submit: a Personal Statement written by you outlining the nature of your condition and the personal impact it has had on you a Medical Impact Statement, completed by a medical professional treating you for your condition an Educational Impact Statement completed by someone at your school such as a teacher, counsellor, principal or another responsible adult who can comment on the impact of your disadvantage on your studies. an Applicant’s statement detailing the schools you attended and the reasons you changed schools during this period an Educational impact statement completed by someone at your school such as a teacher, counsellor, student adviser or your principal a record of attendance from each school you attended These documents must be correctly verified. Read the UAC Equity Scholarships booklet or visit UAC’s website for information on correctly verifying your documents. There are a limited number of Equity Scholarships and there are more applicants than scholarships. Individual institutions make offers as a result of a competitive process. If you’re unsuccessful it doesn’t mean that you’re not in need; rather, it means that there are other applicants who’ve been assessed as being in greater need. Educational Access Schemes Educational Access Schemes (EAS) are for students who’ve experienced long-term educational disadvantage because of circumstances beyond their control. The disadvantage must have seriously affected your educational performance for a period of at least six months. Disadvantages could include: attending three or more different secondary schools in Australia moving interstate the death of an immediate family member or close friend a severe life-threatening illness the divorce or separation of parents work requirements to support your family excessive responsibility for care of children or family members a severe and long-term medical or psychiatric condition or disability. Institutions use EAS assessments in two ways: These documents must be correctly verified. Read the UAC EAS booklet or visit UAC’s website for information on correctly verifying your documents. If you submit your EAS application before the end of November you’ll receive an eligibility letter through UAC’s website around the time ATARs are released. The eligibility letter will show which institutions will consider your EAS application. This will help you make decisions about your preferences in time for the Main Round. Elite athletes or performers are not eligible to apply for EAS on the basis of missing periods of schooling due to sporting or performance commitments. However, some institutions give special consideration to elite athletes or performers – you’ll need to check with individual institutions. International students are also not eligible for EAS. More information about Educational Access Schemes is available at Schools Recommendation Schemes Schools Recommendation Schemes (SRS) are one way institutions make offers to current Year 12 students who have applied for undergraduate admission through UAC. SRS aim to assist access to higher education for current Australian Year 12 students using a wide range of selection criteria including school recommendations, senior secondary studies and personal awards and achievements. they set aside a number of places SRS are open to: they allocate bonus points. Year 12 applicants in the current year who are attempting: EAS applications are assessed centrally at UAC but individual institutions have their own policies on how EAS assessments are used to allocate offers. 18 The application form is in the EAS booklet, which is available in early August from your school. The booklet and application form can also be downloaded from UAC’s website. This is a separate application to applying for university. All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students an Australian Year 12 qualification, or an International Baccalaureate in Australia Step 2: Apply and who are: Participating institutions take a variety of information into account when considering your application, including: a UAC applicant for undergraduate admission that year an Australian or New Zealand citizen your senior secondary studies a permanent resident of Australia or holder of an Australian permanent resident humanitarian visa. your awards your achievements International students are not eligible for SRS. your school’s assessment. Applications for SRS are completed online and open in early August. This is a separate application to applying for university. You’ll need to supply supporting documentation for each award or achievement you include. The SRS booklet is available in August from your school and can be downloaded from UAC’s website. Your school will need to be registered to participate in SRS. After you apply your school will provide their assessment of your abilities and aptitude. After your school has completed their assessment, your application will be processed by UAC and then considered by participating institutions. Although most institutions make early offers of undergraduate admission under SRS, institutions have their own policies on determining SRS eligibility and making offers. More information about Schools Recommendation Schemes is available at All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 19 Step 3: Manage Once you’ve applied for uni, it’s important to know how to manage your application. This means understanding your selection rank, course cut-offs, bonus points, and how to change your preferences. Selection rank Cut-offs Bonus points Changing your preferences Step 3: Manage Selection rank Bonus points Your selection rank determines whether you are eligible for selection to any of your course preferences. For most HSC students your selection rank is your ATAR. However, if you’re eligible for any bonus points or EAS consideration, these will be combined with your ATAR and your selection rank will be higher than your ATAR. Many applicants receive an offer to a course even though they have an ATAR below the published cut-off. Often this is because they’ve been awarded bonus points for that course. Cut-offs The cut-off for a course is the minimum selection rank needed by Year 12 applicants for entry to that course. The cut-off includes bonus points so is not necessarily the ATAR required for entry to that course. Course cut-offs can change from year to year, depending on the number of places available, the number of applications for the course and the quality of the applicants. The course cut-off is not a reflection of the difficulty of a course so a low cut-off does not mean that the course is of low quality. The cut-offs for courses in a particular year are only known after Main Round offers for that year are made, therefore UAC publishes Main Round cut-offs for 2016 courses in this booklet, in the UAC Guide and in the course search on UAC’s website and in the My UAC app. You can use these cut-offs as an indication of course cut-offs for 2017. Bonus points are allocated for things like performance in HSC subjects, living or attending school in a certain area, and applying for consideration through EAS. Subject bonus points are awarded differently from institution to institution and from course to course within the same institution. Visit each institution’s website for details. Regional bonus points are for students who live in or attend school in the catchment areas of specific institutions. For details of regional bonus points, visit each institution’s website. If you’re eligible for bonus points, they will be automatically added to your application. These bonus points are different to Educational Access Schemes bonus points (read page 18). How bonus points work If institutions allocate bonus points they’re not added to your ATAR. Bonus points change your selection rank for a particular course preference, so your selection rank equals your ATAR plus bonus points. You need to remember that: International students Cut-offs for international applicants applying through UAC may differ from those of domestic applicants. Use the international course search at or refer to UAC’s international booklet for cut-offs for international students. bonus points do not change your ATAR, they change your selection rank for a particular preference course cut-offs include bonus points your selection rank = your ATAR + bonus points bonus points are automatically added to your UAC application. As bonus points schemes are course specific, your selection rank can be different for each of your course preferences. Fred and Laura Laura has found out that the institution she’s applied to offers regional bonus points to applicants who, like her, live or attend school in its catchment area. These bonus points will be automatically added to her application for courses at that institution – she doesn’t have to do anything. Laura may also receive bonus points through EAS for attending a rural school. These points will be added to her selection rank automatically. Fred isn’t eligible for regional bonus points as he lives outside the catchment area of the institution he wants to attend. All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 21 For example: Course A has six applicants and only three places available. The six applicants have the following selection ranks: Applicant Selection rank 1 89.00 (ATAR of 89.00) 2 88.00 (ATAR of 87.00 plus 1 bonus point) 3 87.00 (ATAR of 83.00 plus 4 bonus points) 4 86.00 (ATAR of 86.00) 5 85.00 (ATAR of 83.00 plus 2 bonus points) 6 84.00 (ATAR of 84.00) Offers will be made to applicants 1, 2 and 3. Applicant 4 won’t receive an offer, even with an ATAR higher than applicant 3, and applicant 3 will receive an offer even though their ATAR is below the cut-off. The cut-off for Course A will be 87.00. This is the lowest selection rank required to receive an offer to Course A. Changing your preferences After you apply, you can log in to Check & Change on UAC’s website or through the UAC app, My UAC, as often as you like to add, remove or change the order of your preferences. There is no charge for this. Once you’ve received your HSC results and your ATAR and have an idea of the bonus points you may be eligible for, it’s time to go back to your preferences to make sure they’re realistic. Perhaps you’ve done better than you expected and want to change the courses you applied for, or maybe you’ve rethought what you really want to study. The last thing you want to do is miss out on an offer because you don’t meet the cut-offs for the courses you’ve listed. Go back and look at last year’s cut-offs for your preferred courses. These are in this booklet, in the UAC Guide and in the course information on UAC’s website at or in the My UAC app. Make sure you’re not wasting preferences by listing courses that have already closed or have additional selection criteria or prerequisites that you haven’t met. Make sure you do this by the final closing date for change of preferences for the next offer round. For the Main Round of offers this is in the first week of January. Change of preference dates for all offer rounds can be found at International students Dates for offers and deadlines for changing preferences are different for international students. For further information, visit international/key-dates.shtml. Fred and Laura It’s mid-December and Fred and Laura have both received their ATAR. Fred’s ATAR is 55.95 and Laura’s ATAR is 79.45. Now that they know their ranks they can realistically review their course choices. They have about two weeks to change their course preferences before offers are made in the Main Round. Fred is disappointed with his ATAR and realises he is unlikely to receive an offer to his dream course, a Bachelor of Sport and Management, so he’s decided to change his course preferences to remove it from his list and make his second choice, the Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Sport Management), his new first preference. He speaks to an admissions officer at the university who advises him to list two pathway courses as well. A pathway course is a lower-level course with a lower cut-off that may help him gain entry into the degree course the following year if he completes it successfully. For example, if Fred completes a Diploma course successfully he can apply for entry to the degree course the following year. He may even gain credit for prior learning. Fred puts a Diploma of Business and Commerce as his second preference. Laura is pleased with her ATAR and is still keen to study at her local university. Over the holidays she’s been doing lots of reading about the environment and has found out that by studying a Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management she will have a wide range of careers available to her, including national parks and protected area management, environmental protection and environmental education and interpretation. She has decided to change her preferences and make this her first preference. Judging by last year’s cut-off of 70.00, her ATAR should be high enough for her to receive an offer. 22 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students Step 4: Accept You will find out if you have received a place in a course in one of the many offer rounds. Offer rounds Enrolment If you don’t get in... Offer rounds Receiving an offer There are offer rounds throughout the year. At these times UAC advises students on behalf of institutions whether they’ve been offered a place in one of their courses. To find out if you’ve been made an offer to study at your chosen university, go to UAC’s website or My UAC on the offer round date and log in using your UAC application number and UAC PIN. Although some Year 12 students receive early offers in December, the most important offer round for Year 12 applicants is the January Main Round. This is when the majority of applicants receive their offers. The offer rounds before this, known as early offer rounds, are usually for: The institutions, not UAC, decide who receives offers. So if you have questions, you’ll need to speak to the admissions office at the institution. You could ask why you didn’t receive an offer and what other study options are available to you. early entry schemes, such as SRS Accepting your offer ADFA (Australian Defence Force Academy) courses distance education courses If you receive an offer in one round, don’t assume that you’ll receive another offer in a later round. deferred students some non-Year 12 applicants. Only first preferences are considered in the early offer rounds and not all institutions participate, so if you don’t receive an offer, and aren’t in one of the categories above, don’t worry; remember that most offers are made in the January Main Round. Subsequent offer rounds are for entry to courses that still have vacancies or for new courses that begin later in the year, such as in second semester. You can receive an offer in more than one round if you change your preferences, but you can only receive one offer per round. Offer round dates are available at undergraduate/offers/dates.shtml. Accept any offer you receive by following the instructions the institution has given you. You must accept your offer by the date indicated in your offer material, otherwise your offer will lapse and it may go to another applicant in the next round. Accepting an offer doesn’t stop you from being considered in later offer rounds, but you must remove the successful course from your preferences list or it will block further offers. If you receive an offer in one round and accept it, then receive an offer in a later round, you can choose either to: keep your previous offer and not accept your new offer accept your new offer and withdraw from the course you’ve already accepted. Once you accept your offer, the next step is enrolment. Remember that after you enrol you have until the census date at the end of March to pay your fees, sign up for a HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP loan, or withdraw without penalty from the course. International students Receiving further offers International students can receive more than one offer per round but only one offer per institution per round. If you’ve received an offer to your first preference, you won’t be considered for further offers in subsequent rounds unless you change your preferences. If you’d like to be considered for other courses, you need to change your preferences by removing that course from your list of preferences. Visit for information on offer rounds for international students. Fred and Laura Laura is thrilled; she’s received an offer to her first preference – a Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management. She accepts her offer and starts planning for the year ahead. 24 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students Fred is pleased, too; he’s received an offer to his second preference, a Diploma of Business and Commerce. He’s determined to do well and will probably start the Bachelor degree in his second year. He’s also looking forward to getting involved in sport on campus. Step 4: Accept If you’ve received an offer to a lower preference, you will be automatically considered for higher preferences in the next round. If you’d like to be considered for other courses, you need to change your preferences by removing the course you’re no longer interested in from your list of preferences. Log in to Check & Change on UAC’s website or through My UAC, and move your new most preferred course to the top of your list or add your new course and shuffle the others so that your least preferred course is removed or at least at the bottom of the list. Do this by the closing date for change of preferences for the next round. These dates are available in the UAC Guide and on UAC’s website. Courses that start later in the year are progressively added to UAC’s online course search so check for these when changing your preferences. Not all institutions offer courses that start later in the year. If you receive another offer and accept it, don’t forget to withdraw from the course you’ve already accepted. For change of preference and offer dates, visit dates.shtml. Slipback offers Some institutions may make a slipback offer to a pathway course if you’re not eligible or competitive enough for the course to which you’ve applied. This means that you may receive an offer to a lower-level course in the same area at the same institution rather than the course you listed in your preferences, even if you didn’t apply for it. For example, you may get an offer to a Diploma in Marketing if you applied for, but weren’t competitive enough for, the Bachelor of Marketing at the same institution. If you successfully complete a pathway course such as a Diploma, an institution may guarantee you entry into some degree courses. You may also be awarded credit for some studies undertaken in your pathway course. Enrolment Each institution has its own procedures for enrolment. When you apply, make sure the name on your application matches your official ID (birth certificate, passport, citizenship documents). You’ll need your ID when you enrol and there may be problems if the name on your ID doesn’t match your offer letter. Some institutions have online enrolment and payment of fees. If you plan to pay your student contribution through the HECS-HELP scheme you’ll need a tax file number (TFN). Apply online through the Australian Taxation Office website. International students A few days after you’ve submitted your application you’ll receive a conditional offer letter, which lists all the courses you’ve applied for. You can access your conditional offer letter using International Check & Change. You will need your UAC application number and UAC PIN to log in. This letter is intended for your pre-visa assessment only; it doesn’t enable you to enrol at your chosen institution. You only receive one conditional offer letter. You will not receive another one if you change your preferences. You must receive an unconditional offer to be eligible to enrol in a course. To receive an unconditional offer you must: have the course in your list of preferences when offers are made have an ATAR (or equivalent) equal to or higher than the final international course cut-off meet any other course entry requirements. Remember that if you don’t meet the requirements for a course, you may receive an offer to another course with a lower level of study, such as an international foundation program. You can find out if you’ve received an offer by checking UAC’s website. If you use an agent, your agent will also be able to view your offers. UAC will email advice about unconditional offers to successful applicants between mid-December and February. Follow the instructions in your offer pack on how to accept your offer and how to pay the required tuition fee deposits and the compulsory Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) charge. Once you’ve accepted your offer and made your payment, the institution will send you a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). This document will allow you to obtain your student visa. For information on application closing dates, change of preference dates and offer dates, visit All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 25 Many institutions have orientation days for new students. Orientation programs are designed to help you adjust to campus life. Most include subject selection and course planning, so it’s important to attend. Bridging courses You can enrol in some courses even if you haven’t completed the HSC subjects recommended for that course. But you may find it difficult, or be limited in your course subject choices, if you haven’t completed the recommended subjects. Most institutions offer bridging courses if you need to do some extra study before the course begins. However, bridging courses are not equivalent to the two-year HSC course and they may add significantly to your workload at university. Deferring After you’ve received an offer, you may decide that you’d like some time away from study. Some institutions let you defer your course, usually from six months to two years. Many students use this time to travel, follow a personal interest and get some life experience. You are not usually permitted to undertake tertiary study during this period. Most institutions will ask you to provide a statement to explain why you want to defer and what you’ll be doing during this period. There may also be a fee. If your deferment application is successful, you’ll receive written confirmation from your institution with instructions on how to take up your deferred offer. Read the instructions you receive from your institution carefully. Transferring You may receive an offer to a course that isn’t your first preference. Many students enrol in a course with a view to transferring into another course after completing a year’s study. A typical example is completing one year of a general degree such as Arts and then transferring to a more specialised degree such as Arts/Law. Transfers such as this are possible but very competitive and you usually need to achieve excellent results in your first year. Remember that each institution has its own requirements for transfers – check with the relevant institution for more information before you enrol. In most cases you are not in fact transferring, but withdrawing from one course and applying for entry to another. You usually need to submit a new application through UAC for the new course. Then, if you get an offer you can formally withdraw from your current course. It’s important to do this so you don’t have additional HECS fees or absent fails. 26 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students If you don’t get in… If you don’t get a high enough ATAR for your chosen course, or don’t get an ATAR at all, there are many options available if you still want to go to uni. For example, if you don’t meet the cut-off you can change your preferences and try for an offer to a course with a lower cut-off or starting later in the year. If you didn’t get an ATAR, most institutions offer non-award programs or preparation courses which, once completed, can help you gain entry into a Bachelor degree. If you’re ATAR is too low, some institutions offer Diploma courses which, when complete, will help you gain entry to a degree course as well as give credit towards a degree. You may receive an entry to such a course as a slipback offer from the institution. When you apply through UAC, you’ll be asked if you’d like to receive information about these types of pathway courses. Choose this option to make the most of your application in case you miss out on an offer. There are also many pathways available between TAFE and uni, and between other tertiary providers and uni. For information about Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers and training courses, visit Alternative entry schemes and programs Some institutions have a scheme or program to provide alternative entry to tertiary study. Applicants considered through these schemes don’t normally meet the usual minimum admission requirements of the institution, but they meet special requirements determined by the institution. In addition, most institutions have a special admission scheme specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Contact the institution for further information about these schemes and programs. International students If you change your residency status after applying, advise UAC if you are still waiting for an offer. Advise the institution, not UAC, if you’ve already accepted an offer or enrolled. Common terms and abbreviations Here’s a summary of terms used by UAC and tertiary institutions. Knowing these definitions will help you understand the tertiary admissions process. Summary of terms used by UAC and tertiary institutions Academic year The part of the year when students are attending classes. It usually starts in February–March and ends with the examination period in November–December. It may comprise two semesters or three terms. ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies (ACTBSSS) A statutory authority responsible for the certification of senior secondary school studies in government and non-government schools in the ACT. Additional selection criteria Compulstory requirements, either in addition to, or instead of, normal admission which you must meet to be considered for selection into a course. Examples include a personal statement, questionnaire, portfolio of work, audition, interview or test. Admission requirements The minimum qualifications required for you to be considered for entry to a particular course. Entry to many courses is competitive and the attainment of minimum qualifications does not guarantee you will be offered a place. Advanced Diploma An award requiring two or three years of full-time, or equivalent part-time, study. Age cohort To ensure the interstate equivalence of ATARs, an age cohort is used in each state. This ensures that a student’s rank is a measure of their performance against all students who started Year 7 with them in that state, not just those who completed Year 12 and were eligible for an ATAR. Apply UAC’s online application system at Apply direct institutions UAC lists courses for institutions to which you apply directly. UAC does not process applications or make offers on behalf of these institutions. The cut-offs for these courses are listed as ‘AD’ in UAC’s course search and they cannot be selected when you apply. A full list of UAC’s apply direct institutions can be found at undergraduate/institutions. Areas of study Areas of in-depth study or specialisation within a course, consisting of a sequence of subjects/units in a single discipline generally studied throughout the course. In some courses you can take more than one major. Some institutions may refer to areas of study as majors or specialisations. 28 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students Associate Degree An award requiring two years of full-time or equivalent part-time study, which equates to the first two years of a designated three-year degree course. Assumed knowledge Some institutions assume you have knowledge of specified NSW HSC courses or equivalent before beginning your course. If you don’t have the assumed level of knowledge but do have a suitable ATAR, you may still be selected for the course, but may be offered a bridging course. ATAR courses Board Developed courses for which BOSTES conducts examinations that yield graded assessments. Classified as Category A courses or Category B courses, these are the only courses that can be included in the ATAR calculations. Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) A number between 0.00 and 99.95 that measures your overall academic achievement in Year 12 in relation to your age cohort for selection to tertiary courses. The ATAR is a rank, not a mark. It helps institutions rank applicants for selection. Bachelor degree An award requiring three or four years of full-time, or equivalent part-time, study. Board Developed courses Courses in which the syllabus has been developed by BOSTES. Board Endorsed courses Courses that may be studied as one or two units and as preliminary and/or HSC courses. They count towards the HSC and appear on the student’s Record of Achievement. However, Board Endorsed courses do not count in the calculation of the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) Sets the core curriculum for Kindergarten to Year 12, sets guidelines for school assessment tasks, and sets, organises and marks the HSC examinations for government and non-government schools in NSW. Bonus points Points allocated to a student by an institution and used in addition to an applicant’s ATAR to increase their selection rank for a particular course preference. They do not change a student’s ATAR. Examples are subject bonus points or regional bonus points. Bonus points can also be awarded to EAS applicants. Common terms and abbreviations Bridging courses Courses that enable you to achieve the required level of assumed knowledge for a tertiary course. The inclusion of one or more of these subjects in your first-year program, however, could prevent you from completing your course in the minimum time. Campus The grounds of a university or other institute of higher education. Some institutions may have several campuses at different locations. Category A courses ATAR courses that have the academic rigour and depth of knowledge to provide an adequate background for tertiary studies and can contribute to the ATAR calculation. Category B courses ATAR courses that don’t provide an adequate background for tertiary studies, but they can contribute to the ATAR when combined with Category A courses. No more than two units of Category B courses can be included with the ATAR calculation. Census date The date on which all your enrolment requirements must be finalised for a semester. You can withdraw from a course before this date without financial or academic penalty. Course fees are payable from this date. Check & Change UAC’s online facility for applicants to log in to their application and check or change their details and course choices. It can be accessed through UAC’s website at or through UAC’s app, My UAC. Combined/double/dual degrees Allow students to complete two degrees in less time than if the two degrees were studied sequentially. Commonwealth-supported place (CSP) A place in a course to which the Australian Government contributes towards the cost, and the student pays a student contribution. Course prerequisite A specified standard in a NSW HSC course or equivalent that you need to achieve before you will be offered a place in the course. If you do not have the required course prerequisite you cannot be selected for the institution’s course even though you may have met the admission requirements. Cut-off The minimum selection rank required for selection to a course. The cut-off includes bonus points. UAC publishes the previous year’s Main Round cut-offs in this booklet, in the UAC Guide, in the course search on UAC’s website and in the My UAC app as a guide for the current year. The cutoffs for courses in a particular year are only known after Main Round offers for that year are made. Deferment Delaying the commencement of a course, usually six months or a year. Some institutions only grant deferments in special circumstances. Diploma An award usually requiring two or three years’ full-time, or equivalent part-time, undergraduate study. These courses are usually characterised by more emphasis on practical skills than on the theoretical content. Direct applicant An applicant who applies for study directly to an institution, not through UAC. Distance education When you study off-campus, usually at a study centre or at home. Residential attendance at on-campus sessions is sometimes required. Domestic fee-paying students (DFEE) Students who are Australian or New Zealand citizens or permanent residents of Australia who meet the entire cost of their studies through tuition fees Educational Access Schemes (EAS) Schemes for university applicants who have experienced long-term educational disadvantage due to circumstances beyond their control or choosing. Apply for EAS through UAC. Equity Scholarships (ES) Money to help financially disadvantaged students with the costs associated with higher education. Apply for ES through UAC. Faculty A department within a university in a particular area of study such as arts, law, engineering or medicine. FEE-HELP A loan for eligible fee-paying students to pay their tuition fees. The Australian Government is exploring a range of changes to higher education that may affect the fees that universities can charge, and the way that students repay debt accumulated under the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP). For further information, visit the Australian Government’s Study Assist website at All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 29 HECS-HELP A loan for eligible Commonwealth-supported students to pay their student contributions. The Australian Government is exploring a range of changes to higher education that may affect the fees that universities can charge, and the way that students repay debt accumulated under the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP). For further information, visit the Australian Government’s Study Assist website at Honours An additional year of study at university involving a higher level of study in a certain subject. HSC subjects and courses A subject is a general area of study or a key learning area. A course is a branch of study within a subject. A subject may have several courses. For example, within the subject of English, courses include English (Standard), English (Advanced), HSC English Extension 1, HSC English Extension 2 and English as a Second Language (ESL). International fee-paying students (IFEE) Students who are not Australian or New Zealand citizens or permanent residents of Australia and meet the entire cost of their studies through tuition fees. Matriculation The attainment of the minimum qualifications required for entry to a tertiary institution. Pathway courses Non-degree courses – such as foundation studies, prepatory courses and Certificates, Diplomas or Associate Degrees – offered by institutions to applicants who don’t meet the entry requirements for their course or need further support and preparation before studying at degree level. Many institutions offer entry into the degree after successful completion of the corresponding pathway course. Some institutions offer pathway courses through UAC. Percentile An indicator of your position in a course relative to other students. For example, if your percentile in a course is 73, you are in the top 27 per cent of the students in that course. Postgraduate study Study done after completing an undergraduate degree, It includes a Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma, Masters degree or Doctorate. Preparation courses Designed for applicants who haven’t completed Year 12 or haven’t met entry requirements as preparation for further study. Minimum age requirements sometimes apply and the length of these courses differs between institutions. Non-award programs A program for students looking for a pathway into a Bachelor degree. It allows students to study individual units (subjects) that, when successfully completed, can count towards a degree. Prerequisites (see also Assumed knowledge) Non-standard Year 12 applicant Private college Smaller institutions that usually offer practical vocational courses specialising in a particular field such as business, psychology, creative arts or hospitality. They are not operated by governments and fees are usually required upfront although some courses may be eligible for FEE-HELP. An applicant who is completing a non-standard program of study through, for example, Australian Christian Education, Rudolph Steiner Education or home schooling. Non-Year 12 applicant An applicant who has not completed the most recent Australian Year 12 or is not currently studying an Australian Year 12 when applying through UAC. Non-Year 12 applicants are also non-standard Year 12 applicants. Open days Open days are set aside for prospective students to visit a campus to view the facilities and meet academic staff and students. 30 Part-time study Completing a course by undertaking less than the full timetable or program and completing the course over a longer period. All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students A level of achievement specified for a course in the HSC (or equivalent) that must be reached before an applicant is eligible for a course. There are two types of prerequisites: course prerequisites and subject prerequisites. Recommended studies NSW HSC or equivalent courses that institutions suggest will help you in your chosen university course. However, if you haven’t studied these courses your chances of selection are not affected. Common terms and abbreviations Scaling The first step in calculating your ATAR. It enables the many different courses taken by students to be compared fairly. Scaling is designed to encourage you to take courses for which you are best suited and which best prepare you for future studies. The underlying principle is that you should be neither advantaged nor disadvantaged by choosing one HSC course over another. Schools Recommendation Schemes (SRS) Schemes that enable schools to recommend current Year 12 students who have applied for undergraduate admission through UAC. SRS aim to assist access to higher education for current Australian Year 12 students using a wide range of selection criteria including school recommendations, senior secondary studies and personal awards and achievements. Apply for SRS through UAC. Semester A division of the academic year, usually into first and second semesters. Students can start courses at the beginning of the first and, in some cases, second semester. Some institutions call them autumn and spring semesters. Others use session or half-year. Some institutions have trimesters or terms, with an additional study period over summer. Slipback offer An offer to a lower level of study than you have applied for. For example, you apply for a Bachelor degree and the institution decides that, while you are not eligible and competitive enough for entry, you are eligible for a lower level of study (such as a Diploma). The institution makes you an offer to the lower level course. Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) A series of tests to assess competencies considered important for tertiary study such as the ability to think critically and analyse information. Universities use STAT for admission for non-Year 12 students. Tertiary education The next level of study after completing secondary school. Tuition fee The amount that domestic fee-paying students must pay as their study costs. This is determined by each institution. Tutorial A session at university involving a group of students and a tutor where you can discuss lecture and other subject topics in detail. Undergraduate course An entry-level course for first-time university students that leads to a first qualification, such as a Bachelor degree, an Associate Diploma or a Diploma. Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) The central office that receives and processes applications for admission to most undergraduate courses at its participating institutions as well as applications for Educational Access Schemes, Schools Recommendation Schemes and Equity Scholarships. UAC notifies NSW HSC students of their ATAR (ACT students are notified by their school) and makes offers of admission on behalf of participating institutions. It also processes applications for postgraduate courses. Year-round admissions The ability to apply in a single application for tertiary study at UAC’s participating institutions from August each year until July the following year for courses starting between September that year and August the following year. Year 12 applicant A student who is sitting one or more units of an Australian Year 12 in Australia or outside Australia (except Queensland Year 12 external students) or sitting the International Baccalaureate in Australia or outside Australia in the current admissions period (August to July each year). Start date The date when teaching for a course starts, excluding institution orientation and student information days. Subject prerequisites A specified standard in a NSW HSC course or equivalent that you need to achieve in order to study a subject as part of a tertiary course. If you haven’t met the subject prerequisite but have met the admission requirements, you can still be selected for a course, but may be unable to take particular subjects within that course. All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 31 Course listing UAC’s institutions offered more than 2,000 undergraduate courses in 2015–16. In this section we list these courses under broad areas of study so you’ll have an idea of the courses available to you. More than 2,000 undergraduate courses Course listing How to use this section Now that you’ve read through this booklet, researched your career options and know how to apply, the next step is to explore the courses of study that will help you achieve your goals. The following pages list areas of study and the tertiary courses offered for 2015–16, the institution that offered the course, the UAC course code and the course cut-off. Courses that were cancelled or those from institutions new to UAC in 2016–17 are not included. Remember, the courses and their cut-offs listed here are only a guide. These were the Main Round cut-offs for these courses in 2015–16. Courses offered and their cut-offs may change from year to year. To find out more about a course listed, you can search for it using the course search on UAC’s website or the My UAC app. The course description will provide major areas of study, career opportunities and any other additional information. Also visit the website of the institution offering the course. A listing of courses offered for 2016–17 will be available in the UAC Guide – delivered to Year 12 students at your school in July – and on UAC’s website and on the My UAC app in August. The course cut-offs for these courses will be available when the Main Round offers are released in January 2017. Key to institution names ACAP ACNT ACU AMC ANCB ANU APM BBC CATC CQU CSU GU ICMS JNI LTU MC MIT MQ NAS SAE SCU SIBT UC UNCLE UNE UNSW UOW USYD UTS WBC WSU Australian College of Applied Psychology Australasian College of Natural Therapies Australian Catholic University Australian Maritime College Australian National College of Beauty Australian National University APM College of Business and Communication Billy Blue College of Design CATC Design School CQUniversity Charles Sturt University Griffith University International College of Management, Sydney Jansen Newman Institute La Trobe University Macleay College MIT Sydney Macquarie University National Art School SAE Creative Media Institute Southern Cross University SIBT University of Canberra University of Newcastle University of New England UNSW Australia or UNSW Canberra at ADFA University of Wollongong University of Sydney University of Technology Sydney William Blue College of Hospitality Management Western Sydney University NOTE: Degrees across several fields of study are listed at the end of this table. Key to cut-offs A+C Combination of ATAR and additional selection criteria used n/o Course not offered for Main Round 2015–16 admissions N/A Selection criteria other than the ATAR used; or the course is not offered to current Year 12 applicants U/C Unrestricted course entry Architecture/Building/Design/Planning Also refer to Creative and Performing Arts COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B City Planning (Honours) UNSW 423600 80.00 B Computational Design UNSW 423100 80.00 AssocDeg Building Design CQU 160221 56.55 B Construction Management WS 722515 85.00 AssocDeg Building Surveying CQU 160241 56.55 UON 482450 63.10 B Architectural Design GU 283422 72.60 B Construction Management (Building) (Honours) B Architectural Studies UNSW 423000 95.60 B Construction Management (Building) (Honours) UON 482460 66.70 B Architecture and Environments USYD 511103 85.00 B Construction Management (Honours) CQU 160581 60.20 B Arts in Architecture UC 363003 60.00 B Construction Management and Property UNSW 423200 82.10 B Building and Construction Management UC 361123 60.00 B Construction Project Management UTS 602025 91.10 B Building Design CQU 160231 56.55 B Construction Technology WS 722519 65.00 B Building Design Management WS 722514 70.00 B Design (Architecture) UON 482500 80.20 160251 60.20 B Design and Technology WS 722520 B Building Surveying and Certification (Honours) CQU N/A All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 33 COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Design in Architecture USYD 511101 95.00 B Arts LTU 183010 50.20 B Design in Architecture UTS 602010 95.40 B Arts LTU 189910 50.00 B Design in Integrated Product Design UTS 602050 83.35 B Arts MQ 300107 75.00 B Design in Interior and Spatial Design UTS 602060 85.55 B Arts MQ 300907 75.00 B Industrial Design GU 283427 70.20 B Arts SCU 333100 68.00 B Industrial Design UC 363124 60.00 B Arts SCU 333161 68.00 B Industrial Design UON 482950 N/A B Arts UC 362003 60.00 B Industrial Design WS 722530 N/A B Arts UNE 391601 72.55 B Industrial Design (Honours) UNSW 423300 80.00 B Arts UNSW 422000 81.00 B Industrial Design (Honours) WS 722535 B Arts (ADF) UNSW 450001 B Interior Architecture UC 363007 60.00 B Arts UON 482010 60.00 B Interior Architecture (Honours) UNSW 423400 80.00 B Arts UON 482020 60.65 B Interior Design (Commercial) (DFEE) BBC 551050 60.00 B Arts UOW 753101 70.00 B Interior Design (Residential) (DFEE) BBC 551060 60.00 B Arts UOW 753102 70.00 B Landscape Architecture UTS 602015 84.75 B Arts UOW 753106 70.00 B Landscape Architecture (Honours) UNSW 423500 80.00 B Arts UOW 753107 70.00 B Landscape Design UC 363129 60.00 B Arts UOW 753108 70.00 B Planning MQ 300570 78.00 B Arts USYD 511200 82.50 B Planning/M Urban Management and Planning WS 727628 82.00 B Arts WS 720510 70.00 B Planning/M Urban Management and Planning WS 727630 82.00 B Arts WS 720515 72.85 B Project Management USYD 511785 86.00 B Arts WS 720518 70.00 B Property CQU 160101 B Arts – Psychology MQ 300127 83.00 B Regional and Urban Planning (Honours) SCU 334110 68.00 B Arts (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753105 93.00 B Urban and Environmental Planning GU 283405 63.40 B Arts (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720100 90.00 B Urban and Regional Planning UNE 391647 72.55 B Arts (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720102 90.00 Dip Interior Design and Decoration (VET) CATC 556030 B Arts (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720104 90.00 B Arts (Interpreting and Translation) WS 720521 70.00 B Arts (Interpreting and Translation) (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720106 90.00 B Arts (Languages) USYD 511208 98.50 B Arts (Psychology) ACU 103310 58.50 B Arts (Psychology) UOW 753200 75.00 B Arts in International Studies UC 362203 60.00 B Arts/B Global Studies ACU 103311 58.50 B Arts/B International Studies UOW 751310 75.00 B Arts/B International Studies (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 751309 93.00 B Asian Studies ANU 132005 80.00 B Asian Studies/M Globalisation (CBF) ANU 132342 80.00 B Australian Politics and Public Policy UC 361513 70.00 B Classical Studies ANU 131103 80.00 B Development Studies ANU 131143 80.00 N/A 51.65 U/C Arts/Humanities COURSE 34 COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Aboriginal Professional Practice UON 482000 65.45 B Ancient History MQ 300116 92.00 B Ancient History MQ 300118 92.00 B Archaeological Practice ANU 131163 80.00 B Archaeology MQ 300143 88.00 B Arts ACU 103302 58.50 B Arts ANU 131003 80.00 B Arts CQU 160131 B Arts CSU 211004 65.00 B Arts CSU 211007 65.00 B Arts GU 283201 60.20 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 51.65 A+C Course listing COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Development Studies UON 482550 76.55 B Security Studies MQ 300136 75.00 B European Studies ANU 131147 80.00 B Social Research and Policy UNSW 422300 80.00 B Global Studies UTS 600048 70.30 B Theology ACU 103903 58.50 B Government and International Relations GU 283125 60.20 B Theology ACU 103904 58.50 B Hellenic Studies MQ 300144 75.00 B Theology CSU 211955 65.00 B Heritage, Museums and Conservation UC 363066 60.00 B Theology CSU 211957 65.00 B Historical Inquiry and Practice UNE 391610 72.55 B Theology/B Global Studies ACU 103905 58.50 B Humanitarian and Development Studies WS 727608 82.00 B Theology/B Philosophy ACU 107013 58.50 B Humanitarian and Development Studies WS 727626 82.00 B Theology/B Philosophy ACU 107014 58.50 B Indigenous Studies SCU 337100 68.00 B Theology/B Philosophy ACU 107015 58.50 B International and Global Studies USYD 511227 92.50 B Trauma and Healing SCU 337101 B International Relations ANU 131153 89.00 Dip Arts CQU 160261 51.65 B International Security Studies ANU 132105 90.00 Dip Arts (DFEE) SIBT 640010 B International Studies MQ 300131 80.00 Dip Languages UON 489981 60.00 B International Studies UNE 391760 72.55 B International Studies UNSW 422200 93.00 B International Studies UOW 753121 75.00 B International Studies WS 724505 70.00 B International Studies WS 724510 70.00 B International Studies (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753131 93.00 B International Studies (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720160 90.00 B International Studies (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720162 90.00 B Languages ANU 131193 80.00 B Languages UNE 391677 72.55 B Languages and Linguistics GU 283224 66.30 B Languages and Linguistics WS 720527 70.00 B Latin American Studies ANU 131155 80.00 B Liberal Arts and Science USYD 512009 70.00 B Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies ANU 131157 80.00 B Pacific Studies ANU 132333 80.00 B Philosophy (Honours) – Arts and Social Sciences ANU 131000 A+C B Philosophy (Honours) – Asian Studies ANU 132000 B Philosophy (Honours) – Science ANU 68.00 N/A Business/Commerce/Economics/Marketing/ Management Also refer to Tourism/Hospitality Management COURSE UNI AssocDeg Business (DFEE) SIBT CODE CUT-OFF 640070 N/A AssocDeg Maritime and Logistics Management AMC 120015 50.00 B Accounting ANU 133503 86.00 B Accounting CQU 160020 51.65 B Accounting CQU 160021 51.65 B Accounting CSU 212010 65.00 B Accounting CSU 212011 65.00 B Accounting CSU 212014 65.00 B Accounting CSU 212017 65.00 B Accounting UC 361204 70.00 B Accounting UNE 395664 72.55 B Accounting UTS 601010 N/A B Accounting WS 721070 75.00 138000 A+C B Accounting WS 721072 75.00 B Philosophy (Honours) [ANU]/B Arts (Honours) ANU [NUS] 131005 A+C B Accounting WS 721074 75.00 B Accounting and Finance ACU 103710 58.50 B Policy Studies ANU 131160 80.00 B Accounting and Financial Services UOW 753680 80.00 B Political Science ANU 131162 90.00 B Accounting/B Business CQU 160360 51.65 B Political Studies UC 361519 60.00 B Accounting/B Business CQU 160361 51.65 B Politics and International Relations UC 361503 70.00 B Actuarial Studies ANU 134403 95.00 B Public Administration UC 361146 70.00 B Actuarial Studies MQ 300231 B Security Studies MQ 300135 75.00 N/A 97.10 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 35 COURSE 36 UNI CODE CUT-OFF COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Actuarial Studies UNSW 424300 97.50 B Business UOW 753661 70.00 B Actuarial Studies (Co-op) UNSW 424620 A+C B Business UOW 753662 70.00 B Actuarial Studies/B Commerce UNSW 424350 97.50 B Business UOW 753663 70.00 B Actuarial Studies/B Economics UNSW 424350 97.50 B Business UOW 753664 70.00 B Agribusiness UNE 395700 72.55 B Business UOW 753665 70.00 B Agribusiness and Food Security CQU 160451 B Business UTS 601030 90.00 B Agricultural and Resource Economics UNE 395668 72.55 B Business UTS 601035 90.95 B Agricultural Business Management CSU 215024 70.00 B Business (DFEE) WBC 553010 60.00 B Applied Business (Management) UC 361205 60.00 B Business WS 721005 70.00 B Applied Business (Marketing) UC 361206 60.00 B Business WS 721006 70.00 B Applied Economics UC 361003 70.00 B Business WS 721007 70.00 B Applied Economics/B Commerce UC 361023 70.00 B Business WS 721046 70.00 B Applied Economics/B Management UC 361083 70.00 B Business (Accounting) LTU 181030 50.00 B Applied Entrepreneurship UC 361207 60.00 B Business (Accounting) LTU 189940 50.00 B Applied Entrepreneurship (Social Entrepreneurship) UC 361208 60.00 B Business (Accounting) WS 721010 70.00 B Applied Finance MQ 300201 88.00 B Business (Accounting) WS 721011 70.00 B Applied Finance with B Actuarial Studies MQ 300263 97.20 B Business (Accounting) WS 721012 70.00 B Applied Finance with B Business Analytics MQ 300273 88.00 B Business (Advanced Business Leadership) WS 720130 90.00 B Applied Finance with B Commerce – Professional Accounting MQ 300272 88.00 B Business (Applied Finance) WS 721016 70.00 B Business (Economics) WS 721018 70.00 B Applied Finance with B Economics MQ 300271 88.00 B Business (Human Resource Management) WS 721024 70.00 B Aviation (Management) UNSW 429520 80.00 B Business (Human Resource Management) WS 721025 70.00 B Banking and Financial Services UOW 753690 B Business (Human Resource Management) WS 721026 70.00 B Business (DFEE) APM 550010 60.00 B Business (International Business) WS 721028 70.00 B Business CQU 160030 51.65 B Business (Management) CSU 212171 65.00 B Business CQU 160031 51.65 B Business (Management) CSU 212174 65.00 B Business GU 283123 60.20 B Business (Management) CSU 212177 65.00 B Business GU 283127 60.20 B Business (Management) WS 721035 70.00 B Business LTU 181035 50.70 B Business (Management) WS 721036 70.00 B Business LTU 189935 51.75 B Business (Management) WS 721037 70.00 B Business LTU 196000 51.40 AMC 120010 50.00 B Business (DFEE) MC 560200 65.00 B Business (Maritime and Logistics Management) B Business (DFEE) MIT 570110 45.00 B Business (Marketing) (DFEE) APM 550030 60.00 B Business SCU 332100 65.00 B Business (Marketing) CSU 212201 65.00 B Business SCU 332150 65.00 B Business (Marketing) CSU 212207 65.00 B Business SCU 332160 65.00 B Business (Marketing) WS 721040 70.00 B Business UNE 395676 72.55 B Business (Marketing) WS 721041 70.00 B Business (ADF) UNSW 450010 B Business (Marketing) WS 721042 70.00 B Business UON 482200 61.00 B Business (Property) WS 721045 70.00 B Business UON 482210 60.80 B Business (Property) WS 729200 70.00 B Business UOW 753660 70.00 B Business (Public Relations) (DFEE) APM 550040 60.00 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students n/o n/o A+C Course listing COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Business (Sport Management) WS 721050 70.00 B Commerce UNSW 424000 96.50 B Business (Sport Management) WS 721052 70.00 B Commerce UON 482300 64.65 B Business Administration ACU 103706 58.50 B Commerce UON 482310 62.35 B Business Administration ANU 133403 82.00 B Commerce UOW 753602 75.00 B Business Administration MQ 300204 81.00 B Commerce UOW 753603 72.00 B Business Administration SCU 332107 65.00 B Commerce UOW 753604 72.00 B Business Administration SCU 332155 65.00 B Commerce UOW 753605 72.00 B Business Administration SCU 332165 65.00 B Commerce UOW 753606 72.00 B Business Administration UC 361143 70.00 B Commerce UOW 753607 75.00 B Business Administration WS 729220 n/o B Commerce USYD 511504 95.00 B Business Administration (Indigenous) UTS 601080 N/A B Commerce – Professional Accounting MQ 300229 80.00 B Business Administration/B Management UC 361183 70.00 MQ 300235 85.00 B Business Analytics MQ 300205 85.00 B Commerce – Professional Accounting with B Business Analytics B Business Informatics UC 366003 70.00 B Commerce (Co-op) UNSW 424600 A+C B Business Leadership and Commerce MQ 300206 A+C B Commerce (Co-op) (Honours) UNSW 424601 A+C B Business Management (DFEE) ICMS 530010 A+C B Commerce (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753610 93.00 B Business Management with specialisation in Entrepreneurship (DFEE) ICMS 530011 A+C B Commerce (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753611 93.00 B Commerce (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753612 93.00 B Business Management with specialisation in Human Resource Management (DFEE) ICMS 530015 A+C B Commerce (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753613 93.00 B Business Management with specialisation in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (DFEE) ICMS 530013 A+C B Commerce (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753614 93.00 B Commerce (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753615 93.00 B Commerce (International) UNSW 424050 B Business Management with specialisation in Marketing and New Media (DFEE) ICMS 530014 A+C B Commerce (Liberal Studies) USYD 511510 98.00 B Business Management with specialisation in Retail Marketing (DFEE) ICMS 530110 A+C B Commerce/B Business Administration ACU 103709 58.50 B Commerce/B Economics UNSW 424100 96.50 B Business Studies CSU 212700 65.00 B Commerce/B International Business GU 283132 66.30 B Business Studies CSU 212701 65.00 B eBusiness MQ 300497 75.00 B Business Studies CSU 212704 65.00 B Economic Studies UC 361013 60.00 B Business Studies CSU 212707 65.00 B Economics ANU 134003 86.00 B Business Studies UC 361188 60.00 B Economics MQ 300209 80.00 B Business/B Commerce GU 283129 66.30 B Economics UNE 395666 72.55 B Business/B Commerce UON 482250 70.90 B Economics UNSW 424400 93.00 B Business/B Commerce UON 482260 74.90 B Economics USYD 511235 90.00 B Business/B Economics UNE 395755 72.55 B Economics UTS 601090 85.00 B Business/B International Business GU 283130 60.20 B Economics and Finance UOW 753670 80.00 B Commerce ACU 103701 58.50 B Economics and Finance UOW 753671 80.00 B Commerce ACU 103711 58.50 B Economics and Finance UOW 753672 80.00 B Commerce ANU 133003 82.00 B Economics and Finance UOW 753673 80.00 B Commerce GU 283121 66.30 B Economics and Finance UOW 753674 80.00 B Commerce LTU 197445 83.50 B Economics and Finance UOW 753675 80.00 B Commerce MQ 300210 80.00 B Economics with B Business Analytics MQ 300237 85.00 B Commerce UC 361203 60.00 97.50 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 37 COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Entrepreneurship and Innovation UC 361156 70.00 B Communication (Advertising) CSU 211210 65.00 B Finance ANU 133203 86.00 B Communication (Creative Writing) UTS 600033 72.00 B Finance UC 361244 70.00 B Communication (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720120 90.00 B Finance, Economics and Statistics (Honours) ANU 134300 99.00 B Communication (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720122 90.00 B Global Business MQ 300207 85.00 B Communication (Digital and Social Media) UTS 600007 73.50 B Human Resource Management ACU 103704 B Communication (Journalism) CSU 211237 65.00 B Human Resource Management UC 361254 70.00 B Communication (Journalism) UTS 600013 83.10 B International Business ANU 133303 86.00 B Communication (Media Arts and Production) UTS 600018 84.70 B International Business GU 283112 60.20 B Communication (Media Practice) CSU 211267 65.00 B International Business LTU 196100 51.75 B Communication (Public Communication) UTS 600023 80.65 B International Business UC 361274 70.00 B Communication (Public Relations) CSU 211247 65.00 B International Logistics (Freight Forwarding) AMC 120080 50.00 B Communication (Public Relations) CSU 211270 65.00 B Management UC 361363 60.00 B Communication (Radio) CSU 211227 65.00 B Management UTS 601065 85.00 B Communication (Social and Political Sciences) UTS 600028 74.30 B Property Economics UTS 602033 81.85 B Communication (Theatre/Media) CSU 211287 B Property Management (Development, Investment and Valuation) (DFEE) ICMS 530080 A+C B Communication and Media Studies UOW 753110 70.00 Dip Accounting (DFEE) MC 560110 N/A B Communication and Media Studies (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753111 93.00 Dip Business (DFEE) MIT 570100 45.00 B Communication Design (DFEE) BBC 551010 60.00 Dip Business Administration (DFEE) SIBT 640020 N/A B Communication in Advertising UC 362416 60.00 Dip Business Management (DFEE) MC 560120 N/A B Communication in Media and Public Affairs UC 363056 60.00 Dip Business Studies CQU 160150 51.65 B Communication in Public Relations UC 362426 60.00 Dip Business Studies CQU 160151 51.65 B Digital Media CQU 160520 51.65 Dip Commerce (DFEE) SIBT 640030 N/A B Digital Media CQU 160521 51.65 Dip Management (DFEE) APM 550110 U/C B Digital Media UOW 754650 75.00 Dip Maritime and Logistics Management AMC 120090 50.00 B Journalism GU 283206 60.20 Dip Marketing (DFEE) APM 550120 U/C B Journalism (DFEE) MC 560210 65.00 Dip Marketing (DFEE) MC 560130 N/A B Journalism UC 363025 60.00 B Journalism UOW 754700 75.00 B Journalism/B Communication and Media Studies UOW 751664 75.00 B Marketing ACU 103705 B Marketing and Media MQ 300138 95.30 B Marketing Management UC 361284 70.00 B Media SCU 333103 68.00 B Media (Communication and Journalism) UNSW 422700 85.00 B Media (Public Relations and Advertising) UNSW 422710 85.00 B Media (Screen and Sound Production) UNSW 422720 85.00 B Media and Communication (Journalism) LTU 197500 60.75 B Media and Communications UNE 391640 72.55 B Professional Communication CQU 160391 51.65 n/o Communications/Media Studies COURSE 38 COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF AssocDeg Creative Writing SCU 333301 63.00 B Advertising and Media (DFEE) MC 560220 65.00 B Arts – Media MQ 300139 85.00 B Arts (Media and Communications) USYD 511207 95.00 B Communication UON 482350 71.20 B Communication WS 720700 71.45 B Communication WS 720705 71.45 B Communication WS 729210 71.45 B Communication (Advertising) CSU 211207 65.00 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students A+C n/o Course listing COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Public Relations and Communication GU 283204 60.20 B Design (Graphic Design) (DFEE) SAE B Sports Media UC 365203 60.00 B Design (Honours) UNSW 421100 80.00 B Writing UC 363024 60.00 B Design (Visual Communication) WS 720715 65.00 Dip Advertising (DFEE) MC 560100 N/A B Design (Web Design) (DFEE) SAE 630070 N/A Dip Communication (DFEE) SIBT 640040 N/A B Design Arts ANU 139105 N/A Dip Journalism (DFEE) MC 560140 N/A B Design in Animation UTS 602035 86.55 B Design in Fashion and Textiles UTS 602040 93.05 B Design in Photography and Situated Media UTS 602065 76.55 B Design in Visual Communication UTS 602070 93.40 B Digital Media GU 283214 60.20 B Digital Media Design (3D Design and Animation) (DFEE) BBC 551020 60.00 B Digital Media Design (Interaction Design) (DFEE) BBC 551020 60.00 B Digital Media Design (Motion Design) (DFEE) BBC 551020 60.00 B Film (Post Production) (DFEE) SAE 630090 N/A B Film (Post Production) (DFEE) SAE 630095 N/A B Film (Production) (DFEE) SAE 630080 N/A B Film (Production) (DFEE) SAE 630085 N/A B Film Production UC 363078 60.00 B Fine Art (DFEE) NAS 620010 N/A B Fine Art UON 482850 A+C B Fine Arts (Honours) UNSW 421000 80.00 B Games Development (Games Design) (DFEE) SAE 630100 B Graphic Design UC 363104 60.00 B Media Arts (Honours) UNSW 421200 80.00 B Media Arts and Production UC 363053 60.00 B Multimedia GU 283414 60.20 B Music ANU 139114 80.00 B Music UNSW 422500 A+C B Music UON 483450 A+C B Music WS 720720 N/A B Music (Composition) USYD 512308 A+C B Music (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720126 N/A B Music (Music Education) USYD 512301 A+C B Music (Performance) USYD 512311 A+C B Music (Performance–Jazz) USYD 512306 A+C Creative and Performing Arts COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF 630065 N/A B Animation (3D Modelling) (DFEE) SAE 630010 N/A B Animation (Character Animation) (DFEE) SAE 630020 N/A B Animation (Visual Effects) (DFEE) SAE 630030 N/A B Art History and Curatorship ANU 131100 80.00 B Art Theory UNSW 421400 80.00 B Audio (Post Production) (DFEE) SAE 630040 N/A B Audio (Post Production) (DFEE) SAE 630045 N/A B Audio (Studio Production) (DFEE) SAE 630050 N/A B Audio (Studio Production) (DFEE) SAE 630055 N/A B Branded Fashion Design (DFEE) BBC 551030 60.00 B Contemporary Music SCU 333101 68.00 B Creative Arts LTU 189915 B Creative Arts SCU 333104 68.00 B Creative Arts (Creative Writing) UOW 754601 75.00 B Creative Arts (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 754610 93.00 B Creative Arts (Graphic Design) UOW 754602 75.00 B Creative Arts (Music) UOW 754603 75.00 B Creative Arts (Theatre) UOW 754609 75.00 B Creative Arts (Visual Arts and Design) UOW 754607 75.00 B Creative Arts (Visual Arts) UOW 754605 75.00 B Creative Arts and Design CSU 211694 65.00 B Creative Arts and Design (Animation and Visual Effects) CSU 211714 65.00 B Creative Arts and Design (Graphic Design) CSU 211414 65.00 B Creative Arts and Design (Graphic Design) CSU 211420 65.00 B Creative Arts and Design (Graphic Design/ Photography) CSU 211784 65.00 B Creative Arts and Design (Photography) CSU 211764 B Music Studies USYD 512307 A+C B Design UC 363106 60.00 B Performance UOW 754800 A+C B Design – Visual Communication (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720124 90.00 B Performance (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 754810 A+C B Design (Graphic Design) (DFEE) SAE 630060 B Popular Music GU 283215 A+C N/A 65.00 N/A N/A All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 39 COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Screen Media (Arts and Production) WS 720718 75.00 B Forest Science and Management SCU 334102 68.00 B Screen Media (Arts and Production) WS 720719 75.00 B Marine Biology UTS 607035 72.35 B Sound and Music Design UTS 600006 70.70 B Marine Science GU 283404 66.30 B Stage and Screen (Acting) CSU 211744 B Marine Science MQ 300515 78.00 B Stage and Screen (Design) CSU 211314 65.00 B Marine Science UOW 757622 85.00 B Stage and Screen (Television) CSU 211794 65.00 B Marine Science (Honours) UOW 757624 85.00 B Theatre and Performance UNE 391603 72.55 B Marine Science (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 757623 95.00 B Visual Arts ANU 139104 N/A B Marine Science and Management SCU 334104 68.00 B Visual Arts SCU 333102 N/A B Natural Science (Environment and Health) WS 729205 70.00 B Visual Arts USYD 512200 A+C B Natural Science (Environmental Management) WS 728025 70.00 B Visual Arts and Design ACU 103304 58.50 B Science in Ecology and Conservation Biology GU 283406 66.30 B Visual Communication Design UON 484650 66.50 B Sustainability UNE 391682 72.55 B Web Design and Production UC 363113 60.00 Dip Graphic Design (VET) CATC 556020 A+C U/C Education/Teaching Also refer to Education/Teaching Combined Earth and Environmental Sciences COURSE 40 UNI COURSE CODE CUT-OFF AssocDeg Applied Science (Marine Environment) AMC 120095 38.00 AssocDeg Aquaculture AMC 120075 38.00 B Applied Science (Marine Environment) AMC 120070 60.00 B Applied Science (Parks, Recreation and Heritage) CSU 215351 70.00 B Biodiversity and Conservation MQ B Conservation Biology (Honours) UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Arts in Educational Studies UTS 600040 71.00 B Early Childhood and Primary Education UC 364103 n/o B Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five Years) ACU 101105 60.00 B Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five Years) ACU 101120 60.00 B Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five Years) ACU 101121 60.00 B Education LTU 189980 51.80 300532 80.00 B Education UC 364086 60.00 UOW 757627 85.00 B Education – The Early Years UOW 755108 70.00 B Conservation Biology (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 757628 95.00 B Education – The Early Years UOW 755109 70.00 B Environment MQ 300516 84.00 B Education – The Early Years UOW 755110 70.00 B Environmental Biology UTS 607033 71.30 B Education – The Early Years UOW 755111 70.00 B Environmental Health GU 283325 B Education – The Early Years (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 755208 90.00 B Environmental Management UNSW 429540 80.00 B Education – The Early Years (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 755209 90.00 B Environmental Science CQU 160431 60.20 B Education – The Early Years (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 755210 90.00 B Environmental Science SCU 334100 68.00 B Education – The Early Years (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 755211 90.00 B Environmental Science UC 368023 60.00 B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) ACU 101113 60.00 B Environmental Science UNE 392690 72.55 B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) ACU 101114 60.00 B Environmental Science (Honours) UOW 757612 85.00 B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) ACU 101115 60.00 B Environmental Science and Management CSU 214341 70.00 B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) CSU 213091 70.00 B Environmental Science and Management UON 482750 60.85 B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) CSU 213094 70.00 B Environmental Science and Management UON 482760 B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) CSU 213095 70.00 B Environmental Studies ANU 131145 80.00 B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) CSU 213097 70.00 B Environmental Systems USYD 511006 80.00 B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) UNE 396757 B Education (Early Childhood Education) (Birth to 12) MQ 300407 75.00 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students n/o 62.10 77.10 Course listing COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Education (Early Childhood Education) (Birth to 12) MQ 300415 75.00 B Secondary Education GU 283225 70.20 B Education (Early Childhood) USYD 511612 B Secondary Education (Health and Physical Education) UC 364044 60.00 B Education (Health and Physical Education) CSU 213357 70.00 UON 484200 63.40 B Education (K–12 Teaching) UNE 396758 B Teaching (Early Childhood and Primary) (Honours) B Education (K–12) CSU 213131 70.00 B Teaching (Early Childhood and Primary) (Honours) UON 484210 61.20 B Education (K–12) CSU 213134 70.00 B Teaching (Early Childhood Education) MQ 300418 75.00 B Education (K–12) CSU 213137 70.00 B Teaching (Early Childhood Education) MQ 300419 75.00 B Education (K–12) CSU 213140 70.00 B Teaching (Fine Art) (Honours) UON 484220 B Education (Primary Education) USYD 511600 85.00 UON 484250 64.60 B Education (Primary) ACU 101000 60.00 B Teaching (Health and Physical Education) (Honours) B Education (Primary) ACU 101101 60.00 B Teaching (Humanities) (Honours) UON 484260 65.90 B Education (Primary) ACU 101102 60.00 B Teaching (Humanities) (Honours) UON 484300 65.40 B Education (Primary) UNE 396697 77.10 B Teaching (Mathematics) (Honours) UON 484310 73.25 B Education (Primary) – ATSIE WS 729032 N/A B Teaching (Primary) (Honours) UON 484350 61.15 B Education (Secondary Arts) UNE 396693 77.10 B Teaching (Primary) (Honours) UON 484400 62.50 B Education (Secondary Mathematics) UNE 396755 77.10 B Teaching (Primary) (Honours) UON 484450 63.10 B Education (Secondary Science) UNE 396695 77.10 B Teaching (Science) (Honours) UON 484500 66.25 B Education (Secondary: Human Movement and Health Education) USYD 511603 80.00 B Teaching (Technology) (Honours) UON 484550 65.35 B Education (Technology and Applied Studies) CSU 213204 70.00 B Educational Studies SCU 330114 60.00 B Educational Studies SCU 330154 60.00 COURSE B Educational Studies SCU 330164 60.00 B Arts – Psychology with B Education (Primary) MQ 300409 83.00 B Educational Studies UNE 396759 72.55 WS 729017 70.00 B Health and Physical Education UOW 755101 75.00 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth–5 – Birth–12)/M Teaching (Birth–5 Years/ Birth–12 Years) B Health and Physical Education (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 755201 90.00 WS 729018 70.00 B Inclusive Education and Disability Studies ACU 101110 60.00 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth–5 – Birth–12)/M Teaching (Birth–5 Years/ Birth–12 Years) B Mathematics Education UOW 755102 73.00 WS 729019 70.00 B Mathematics Education (Dean's Scholar) UOW 755202 90.00 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth–5 – Birth– 12)/M Teaching (Birth–5 Years/Birth–12 Years) B Outdoor Education CSU 213911 70.00 WS 729022 N/A B Primary Education GU 283207 70.20 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth–5 – Birth–12)/M Teaching (Birth–5 Years/ Birth–12 Years) Diploma pathway B Primary Education UC 364003 60.00 WS 729023 N/A B Primary Education UOW 755112 75.00 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth–5 – Birth–12)/M Teaching (Birth–5 Years/ Birth–12 Years) Diploma pathway B Primary Education (Creative Arts) UC 364023 60.00 WS 729024 N/A B Primary Education (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 755212 90.00 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth–5 – Birth–12)/M Teaching (Birth–5 Years/ Birth–12 Years) Diploma pathway B Primary Education (Health and Physical Education) UC 364033 60.00 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary)/ M Teaching (Primary) WS 729000 70.00 B Primary Education (STEM) UC 364024 60.00 729004 70.00 UOW 755103 73.00 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary)/ M Teaching (Primary) WS B Science Education B Science Education (Dean's Scholar) UOW 755203 90.00 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary)/ M Teaching (Primary) WS 729005 70.00 77.00 77.10 A+C Education/Teaching Combined UNI CODE CUT-OFF All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 41 COURSE 42 UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ M Teaching (Secondary) WS 729011 70.00 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ M Teaching (Secondary) WS 729014 73.10 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ M Teaching (Secondary) WS 729016 70.00 B Arts B Education UTS B Arts with B Education (Primary) COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Science/B Education (Secondary) UNSW 422110 85.00 B Secondary Education/B Arts UC 364053 60.00 B Secondary Education/B Mathematics and Computing Technology Studies UC 364073 60.00 B Secondary Education/B Science UC 364063 60.00 600038 72.00 B Teaching/B Arts (Secondary – Humanities) ACU 101108 60.00 MQ 300405 75.00 B Teaching/B Arts (Secondary – Humanities) ACU 101118 60.00 B Arts with B Education (Secondary) MQ 300408 75.00 B Teaching/B Arts (Secondary – Mathematics) ACU 101104 60.00 B Arts/B Education (Primary) SCU 330110 70.00 B Teaching/B Arts (Secondary – Technology) ACU 101106 60.00 B Arts/B Education (Primary) SCU 330150 70.00 B Teaching/B Arts (Secondary – Visual Arts) ACU 101107 60.00 B Arts/B Education (Primary) SCU 330160 70.00 B Teaching/B Exercise Science ACU 101119 60.00 B Arts/B Education (Primary/Early Childhood) SCU 330111 70.00 B Technology/B Education (Secondary) SCU 334191 70.00 B Arts/B Education (Primary/Early Childhood) SCU 330151 70.00 B Arts/B Education (Primary/Early Childhood) SCU 330161 70.00 B Arts/B Education (Primary/Secondary) SCU 330112 70.00 B Arts/B Education (Primary/Secondary) SCU 330152 70.00 COURSE B Arts/B Education (Primary/Secondary) SCU 330162 70.00 AssocDeg Engineering CQU 160301 51.65 B Arts/B Education (Secondary) SCU 330113 70.00 B Civil Engineering (Honours) LTU 187400 67.60 B Arts/B Education (Secondary) SCU 330153 70.00 B Engineering (Honours – Graduate Entry) CQU 160349 N/A B Arts/B Education (Secondary) SCU 330163 70.00 B Engineering (Honours) ANU 135004 90.00 B Arts/B Education (Secondary) UNSW 422100 81.00 B Engineering (Honours) CQU 160341 60.20 B Commerce/B Education (Secondary) UNSW 422120 96.50 B Engineering (Honours) WS 722501 83.20 B Design (Honours)/B Education (Secondary) UNSW 422141 80.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Aeronautical Engineering) (ADF) UNSW 450040 B Economics/B Education (Secondary) UNSW 422130 93.00 Engineering UNI CODE CUT-OFF A+C B Education (Secondary: Humanities and Social USYD Sciences)/B Arts 511605 82.50 B Engineering (Honours) (Aerospace/ UNSW 425050 91.00 Mechanical and Manufacturing/Mechanical/ Naval Architecture) B Education (Secondary: Mathematics)/ B Science USYD 511607 83.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Bioinformatics) B Education (Secondary: Science)/B Science USYD 511608 83.00 B Education B Arts in International Studies UTS 609160 74.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Bioinformatics, UNSW 425950 91.00 Chemical, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical, Mechatronic, Software, Telecommunications)/ M Biomedical Engineering B Fine Arts/B Education (Secondary) UNSW 422140 80.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Chemical) UNSW 425550 91.00 B Health Science (Health and Physical Education) Pathway to Teaching (Secondary)/M Teaching (Secondary) WS B Engineering (Honours) (Chemical) UON UNSW 450050 B Media Arts (Honours)/B Education (Secondary) UNSW 422142 80.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Civil Engineering) (ADF) B Music/B Education (Secondary) UNSW 422530 B Science (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ M Teaching (Secondary) WS B Science (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ M Teaching (Secondary) 729033 76.00 UNSW 425770 91.00 482600 80.15 A+C B Engineering (Honours) (Civil with Architecture) UNSW 425450 95.60 B Engineering (Honours) (Civil) UON 482610 80.00 729035 74.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Civil) WS 722503 83.20 729040 74.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Civil), including Geotechnical, Management, Structural, Transport or Water and Coastal UNSW 425400 91.00 WS B Science (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ M Teaching (Secondary) WS 729045 76.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Civil)/B Surveying UNSW 425402 91.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Combined) UON B Science with B Education (Secondary) MQ 300410 75.00 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students A+C 482620 83.00 Course listing COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Engineering (Honours) (Computer) UNSW 425700 91.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Computer) UON 482630 85.05 B Engineering (Honours) (Construction) WS 722504 83.20 B Engineering (Honours) (Electrical Engineering) UNSW 450060 (ADF) A+C COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Engineering (Honours) with a major in Mechatronic Engineering MQ 300710 80.00 B Engineering (Honours) with a major in Software Engineering MQ 300710 80.00 B Engineering (Honours) with a major in Telecommunications Engineering MQ 300710 80.00 B Engineering (Honours) with a major in Wireless Engineering MQ 300710 80.00 B Engineering (Honours)(Materials Science and Engineering) UNSW 429600 85.00 B Engineering (Honours)(Materials Science and Engineering)/B Engineering Science (Chemical Engineering) UNSW 429620 91.00 B Engineering (Honours)(Materials Science and Engineering)/M Biomedical Engineering UNSW 429630 91.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) UNSW 425100 91.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) UON 482640 80.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) WS 722505 83.20 B Engineering (Honours) (Electrical)/ M Engineering (Electrical) UNSW 425150 95.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Environmental) UNSW 425470 91.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Environmental) UON B Engineering (Honours) (Flexible First Year) UNSW 425000 91.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Geospatial Engineering) UNSW 425500 91.00 B Engineering (Honours)/B Engineering Science UNSW 425401 91.00 (Civil/Mining or Mining/Civil) B Engineering (Honours) (Industrial Chemistry) UNSW 425550 91.00 B Engineering (Honours)/B Engineering Science UNSW 425401 91.00 (Environmental/Civil or Civil/Environmental) B Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical Engineering) (ADF) UNSW 450070 B Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) UON 482670 80.25 B Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) WS 722507 83.20 B Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronic) UNSW 425020 91.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronics) UON B Engineering (Honours) (Mining) UNSW 425300 91.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum) UNSW 425650 91.00 B Engineering (Honours) (Photovoltaics and Solar Energy) 482650 84.80 B Engineering (Hons) Biomedical Engineering, Dip Prof Eng Practice UTS 603130 93.45 B Engineering (Hons) Civil (Construction), Dip Prof Eng Practice UTS 603095 93.00 B Engineering (Hons) Civil (Structures), Dip Prof UTS Eng Practice 603018 98.00 B Engineering (Hons) Civil and Environmental, Dip Prof Eng Practice UTS 603005 90.80 B Engineering (Hons) Civil, Dip Prof Eng Practice UTS 603015 93.00 UNSW 425200 91.00 B Engineering (Hons) Electrical, Dip Prof Eng Practice UTS 603035 85.60 B Engineering (Honours) (Renewable Energy) UNSW 425200 91.00 B Engineering (Hons) General, Dip Prof Eng Practice UTS 603105 85.60 B Engineering (Honours) (Robotics and Mechatronics) WS B Engineering (Hons) ICT Eng (Computer Systems), Dip Prof Eng Practice UTS 603025 n/o B Engineering (Honours) (Software) UNSW 425750 91.00 603090 n/o B Engineering (Honours) (Software) UON B Engineering (Hons) ICT Eng (Network Security), UTS Dip Prof Eng Practice B Engineering (Honours) (Surveying) UNSW 425500 91.00 B Engineering (Hons) ICT Eng (Software), Dip Prof Eng Practice UTS 603085 86.60 B Engineering (Honours) (Surveying) UON 603065 UNSW 425100 91.00 B Engineering (Hons) ICT Eng (Telecommunications), Dip Prof Eng Practice UTS B Engineering (Honours) (Telecommunications) B Engineering (Honours) (Telecommunications) UON 482710 80.00 B Engineering (Hons) ICT Eng, Dip Prof Eng Practice UTS 603060 85.60 B Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering SCU 334103 72.00 603125 SCU 334109 72.00 B Engineering (Hons) Innovation, Dip Prof Eng Practice UTS B Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering 603115 90.05 MQ 300710 80.00 B Engineering (Hons) Mechanical and Mechatronic, Dip Prof Eng Practice UTS B Engineering (Honours) with a major in Computer Engineering 603055 85.60 MQ 300710 80.00 B Engineering (Hons) Mechanical, Dip Prof Eng Practice UTS B Engineering (Honours) with a major in Electronic Engineering MQ 300710 80.00 B Engineering (Hons) Mechatronic, Dip Prof Eng UTS Practice 603120 88.60 B Engineering (Honours) with a major in Mechanical Engineering B Engineering (Marine and Offshore Engineering AMC Co-operative Education) (Honours) 120041 85.00 A+C 482680 80.60 722509 83.20 482700 82.15 482705 81.25 n/o n/o All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 43 COURSE 44 UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Engineering (Marine and Offshore Engineering) (Honours) AMC 120040 69.00 B Engineering (Mining) Transfer Program UON 482720 80.00 B Engineering (Naval Architecture Co-operative Education) (Honours) AMC 120051 85.00 B Engineering (Naval Architecture) (Honours) AMC 120050 70.00 B Engineering (Ocean Engineering Co-operative AMC Education) (Honours) 120061 85.00 B Engineering (Ocean Engineering) (Honours) AMC 120060 70.00 B Engineering (Research and Development) (Honours) ANU 135000 99.00 B Engineering Advanced (Honours) WS 720140 92.00 UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Engineering with Honours GU 283320 72.60 Dip Engineering (DFEE) SIBT 640060 N/A Health Sciences COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF AssocDeg Occupational Health and Safety CQU 160591 51.65 AssocDeg Public Health (Specialisation) CQU 160601 51.65 B Applied Public Health ACU 105511 58.50 B Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography) USYD 512630 95.00 B Applied Science (Occupational Therapy) USYD 512600 93.00 B Applied Science (Physiotherapy) USYD 512605 99.00 B Applied Science (Speech Pathology) USYD 512610 95.00 B Biomedical Physics UTS 607070 91.00 B Cardiac Physiology CQU 160710 B Chiropractic Science MQ 300470 80.00 B Engineering Honours – Advanced Engineering USYD Program 511700 B Engineering Honours – Flexible First Year Program USYD 511756 90.00 B Engineering Honours – Space Engineering Major USYD 511734 99.00 B Engineering Honours (Aeronautical) USYD 511716 B Engineering Honours (Biomedical) USYD 511758 90.00 B Clinical Science CSU 214238 70.00 B Engineering Honours (Chemical and Biomolecular) USYD 511735 90.00 B Clinical Science MQ 300670 B Engineering Honours (Civil) UOW 755611 80.00 B Clinical Sciences SCU 330167 68.00 B Engineering Honours (Civil) USYD 511741 B Clinical Sciences SCU 335115 68.00 B Engineering Honours (Computer) UOW 755621 80.00 B Dental Science CSU 214738 B Engineering Honours (Electrical) UOW 755622 80.00 B Echocardiography (Cardiac Physiology)/ GradDip Echocardiography CQU 160610 78.25 B Engineering Honours (Electrical) USYD 511747 B Food Science and Human Nutrition UON 482900 64.25 B Engineering Honours (Environmental) UOW 755612 80.00 B Health and Rehabilitation Science CSU 214351 70.00 B Engineering Honours (Flexible First Year) UOW 755624 80.00 B Health Science GU 283301 66.30 B Engineering Honours (Materials) UOW 755613 80.00 B Health Science UC 365266 60.00 B Engineering Honours (Mechanical) UOW 755614 80.00 B Health Science UTS 606050 75.00 B Engineering Honours (Mechanical) USYD 511729 90.00 B Health Science UTS 606060 75.00 B Engineering Honours (Mechatronic) USYD 511730 90.00 B Health Science (Allied Health) CQU 160481 51.65 B Engineering Honours (Mechatronics) UOW 755616 80.00 723504 75.00 UOW 755615 80.00 B Health Science (Health and Physical Education) WS B Engineering Honours (Mining) B Engineering Honours (Software) USYD 511753 90.00 WS 723500 65.00 B Engineering Honours (Telecommunications) UOW 755623 80.00 B Health Science (Health Promotion, Health Services Management or Therapeutic Recreation) B Engineering in Network and Software Engineering UC 366053 60.00 B Health Science (Indigenous Health) UOW 756632 70.00 B Health Science (Naturopathy) (DFEE) ACNT 554050 60.00 B Engineering Scholar Honours UOW 755601 95.00 B Health Science (Nutritional Medicine) (DFEE) ACNT 554030 60.00 B Engineering Science WS 722510 75.00 B Health Science (Paramedicine) WS 723502 92.00 B Engineering Technology UNE 392694 72.55 554070 60.00 CQU 160351 56.55 B Health Science (Western Herbal Medicine) (DFEE) ACNT B Engineering Technology (Specialisation) B Engineering Technology (Specialisation) (Graduate Entry) CQU 160359 B Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine UTS 607055 82.00 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 97.50 COURSE 90.00 90.00 90.00 N/A 78.25 N/A A+C Course listing COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Health Sciences LTU 187405 50.00 B Pharmaceutical Science UC 368033 60.00 B Health Sciences LTU 197405 B Pharmacology and Toxicology GU 283331 72.60 B Health Sciences USYD 512670 80.00 B Pharmacy CSU 214804 B Health Studies UC 365243 54.00 B Pharmacy CSU 214808 80.00 B Human Nutrition UC 365063 60.00 B Pharmacy GU 283327 78.25 B Medical and Radiation Physics UOW 757616 80.00 B Pharmacy UC 365116 B Medical and Radiation Physics Advanced Honours UOW 757603 95.00 B Pharmacy USYD 512400 90.00 B Medical Biotechnology (Honours) UOW 757611 85.00 B Pharmacy (Honours) UON 483800 82.05 B Medical Biotechnology (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 757617 B Pharmacy with Honours UNE 392612 B Physiotherapy ACU 105506 98.15 B Medical Laboratory Science GU 283322 78.25 B Physiotherapy CSU 214401 B Medical Radiation Science (Honours) (Diagnostic Radiography) UON 483355 91.10 B Physiotherapy CSU 214408 85.10 B Physiotherapy UC 365106 89.00 B Medical Radiation Science (Honours) (Nuclear Medicine) UON 483365 81.35 B Physiotherapy WS 723560 99.70 B Medical Radiation Science (Honours) (Radiation Therapy) UON 483375 78.40 B Physiotherapy (Honours) UON 483850 96.15 B Podiatric Medicine CSU 214451 70.00 B Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging) UC 365273 80.00 B Podiatric Medicine WS 723565 87.00 B Podiatry SCU 330169 68.00 B Podiatry UON 483900 73.85 B Podiatry Practice (Honours) CQU 160560 70.20 B Primary Health Care UTS 606040 B Psychological Science (DFEE) ACAP 540200 65.00 64.10 95.00 n/o 74.00 87.20 N/A B Medical Radiation Science with specialisations CSU (Medical Imaging) (Radiation Therapy) and (Nuclear Medicine) 214294 70.00 B Medical Radiation Science with specialisations CSU (Medical Imaging) and (Nuclear Medicine) 214100 B Medical Sonography/GradDip Medical Sonography CQU 160010 89.90 B Medicinal Chemistry UTS 607065 85.45 B Psychological Science (DFEE) ACAP 540201 65.00 B Nutrition and Dietetics GU 283321 83.60 B Psychology CSU 211804 80.00 B Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) UON 483650 85.10 B Psychology CSU 211807 80.00 B Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) UOW 757647 93.00 B Psychology CSU 211810 80.00 B Nutrition Science UOW 757645 78.00 B Psychology USYD 512085 96.00 B Occupational Health and Safety CQU 160471 51.65 B Psychology WS 727500 85.00 B Occupational Therapy ACU 105513 83.10 B Psychology WS 727505 85.00 B Occupational Therapy CSU 214301 75.00 B Psychology (Honours) ANU 138130 95.00 B Occupational Therapy GU 283328 83.60 B Psychology (Honours) MQ 300126 94.15 B Occupational Therapy SCU 335168 72.00 B Psychology (Honours) UNSW 429850 98.00 B Occupational Therapy WS 723555 83.00 B Psychology (Honours) UON 483950 68.70 B Occupational Therapy (Honours) UON 483700 87.25 B Psychology (Honours) UON 483960 68.50 B Oral Health USYD 511401 A+C B Psychology (Honours) UOW 753230 89.00 B Oral Health (Therapy and Hygiene) CSU 214384 70.00 B Psychology with Honours GU 283314 78.25 B Oral Health in Dental Science GU 283310 99.50 B Psychology with Honours UNE 391680 86.25 B Oral Health in Dental Technology GU 283312 78.25 B Public Health UC 365233 60.00 B Oral Health Therapy UON 483750 90.75 B Public Health UOW 757650 73.00 B Paramedicine GU 283330 95.00 B Public Health (Dean's Scholar) UOW 757653 90.00 B Pedorthics SCU 335065 68.00 87.10 n/o All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 45 COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Public Health (Specialisation) CQU 160571 51.65 B Sport and Exercise Science SCU 335100 68.00 B Public Health in Health Promotion and Public Health Nutrition GU 283315 63.40 B Sport and Exercise Science SCU 335154 68.00 B Public Health Nutrition UOW 757655 75.00 B Sport and Exercise Science SCU 338160 68.00 B Science (Advanced)/Doctor of Dental Medicine USYD 512093 A+C B Sport and Exercise Science UC 365191 60.00 B Sport and Exercise Science UTS 606020 86.55 B Science (Biotechnology/Medical Science/ Biomedical Science) UTS 607015 77.50 B Sport and Exercise Science/B Human Nutrition UC 365193 60.00 B Speech and Language Pathology CSU 214501 75.00 UC 365196 60.00 B Speech Pathology ACU 105514 75.80 B Sport and Exercise Science/B Sports Management B Speech Pathology SCU 330168 79.00 B Sport Development GU 283329 66.30 B Speech Pathology (Honours) UON 484150 80.20 B Sports Management (DFEE) ICMS 530120 B Speech, Hearing and Language Sciences MQ 300521 83.00 B Sports Management UC 365183 55.00 B Traditional Chinese Medicine WS 723570 80.00 Dip Health Science (Personal Development Health and Physical Education) WS 729542 n/o Dip Beauty Therapy (VET) ANCB 555010 U/C WS 729656 n/o Dip Counselling (DFEE) JNI 552050 U/C Dip Health Science (Personal Development Health and Physical Education) Extended Dip Health Science (DFEE) ACNT 554010 56.00 Dip Health Science (Personal Development Health and Physical Education) Extended WS 729657 n/o Dip Photo Imaging (VET) CATC 556010 U/C WS 729658 n/o Dip Remedial Massage (VET) ACNT 554120 U/C Dip Health Science (Personal Development Health and Physical Education) Extended Dip Sport Development (VET) ACNT 554110 U/C Human Movement/Sport Sciences COURSE 46 COURSE UNI A+C Information Technology/Information Systems CODE CUT-OFF B Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) USYD 512655 85.00 B Applied Science (Exercise Physiology) USYD 512652 90.00 B Clinical Exercise Physiology UNE 392610 78.85 B Exercise and Sport Science CSU 213267 70.00 B Exercise and Sport Science UON 482800 73.00 B Exercise and Sport Sciences CQU B Exercise and Sports Science COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF AssocDeg Information Technology CQU 160160 51.65 AssocDeg Information Technology CQU 160161 51.65 AssocDeg Information Technology SCU 332350 n/o B Advanced Computing (Honours) ANU 135705 90.00 160461 60.20 B Advanced Computing (Research and Development) (Honours) ANU 135700 99.00 ACU 105504 58.50 B Business Information Systems UOW 754500 75.00 B Exercise and Sports Science UNE 392609 72.55 754510 95.00 UNSW 428100 86.00 B Business Information Systems (Dean’s Scholar) UOW B Exercise Physiology B Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation UC 365113 83.00 B Computer Science CSU 212717 B Exercise Science GU 283305 66.30 B Computer Science GU 283461 78.25 B Exercise Science UOW 757642 78.00 B Computer Science UNE 392624 72.55 B Exercise Science and Rehabilitation UOW 757643 94.00 B Computer Science UON 482400 77.85 B Exercise Science/Graduate Diploma of Exercise Science GU 283336 B Computer Science UOW 754101 75.00 B Computer Science WS 724000 80.00 B Exercise Science/M Physiotherapy GU 283317 96.00 B Computer Science (Advanced) WS 720142 92.00 B Health Science (Sport and Exercise Science) WS 723506 82.80 B Computer Science (Big Data) UOW 754102 75.00 B Physical Activity and Health Science ACU 105520 58.50 B Computer Science (Cyber Security) UOW 754103 75.00 B Sport and Exercise Management UTS 606030 80.10 B Computer Science (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 754110 95.00 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students n/o 65.00 Course listing COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Computer Science (Digital Systems Security) UOW 754105 75.00 B Information Technology (ADF) UNSW 450030 B Computer Science (Enterprise Systems Development) UOW 754108 75.00 B Information Technology UON 483000 60.85 B Computer Science (Mobile Computing) UOW 754109 75.00 B Information Technology UON 483010 61.85 B Computer Science (Multimedia and Game Development) UOW 754104 75.00 B Information Technology USYD 511797 92.00 B Information Technology UTS 603210 N/A B Computer Science (Software Engineering) UOW 754107 75.00 MQ 300504 77.00 B Computer Science and Technology USYD 511795 81.30 B Information Technology – Games Design and Development B Computer Science and Technology (Advanced) USYD 511796 87.00 B Information Technology (Co-op) CQU 160170 83.60 B Design Computing USYD 511102 80.00 B Information Technology (Co-op) CQU 160171 B Games Development (Games Programming) (DFEE) SAE 630110 B Information Technology (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 754310 95.00 B Information Technology (eBusiness) UOW 754300 75.00 B Information Technology (Network Design and Management) UOW 754301 75.00 B Information Technology (Social Policy) UOW 754302 75.00 B Information Technology (Web Design and Development) UOW 754303 75.00 B Information Technology/B Multimedia GU 283460 60.20 B Interactive Technologies (DFEE) SAE 630140 B Networking (DFEE) MIT 570130 45.00 B Science in Games Development UTS 603225 93.00 B Software Engineering UC 366103 60.00 B Software Engineering (Honours) ANU 135604 87.00 N/A B Information and Communications Technology WS 724012 75.00 B Information and Communications Technology WS 724016 75.00 B Information and Communications Technology WS 724020 75.00 B Information and Communications Technology WS (Advanced) 720144 92.00 B Information and Communications Technology WS (Advanced) 720146 92.00 B Information and Communications Technology WS (Advanced) 720148 92.00 B Information and Communications Technology WS (Health Information Management) 724025 75.00 B Information and Communications Technology WS (Health Information Management) 724026 75.00 B Information and Communications Technology WS (Health Information Management) 724027 75.00 B Information Systems UNSW 424500 90.00 B Information Systems WS 724009 75.00 B Information Systems (Advanced) WS 720150 92.00 B Information Systems (Co-op) (Honours) UNSW 424640 B Information Technology ACU 103708 58.50 B Information Technology ANU 136063 80.00 B Information Technology CQU 160060 51.65 B Information Technology CQU 160061 51.65 B Information Technology CSU 212731 65.00 B Information Technology CSU 212734 65.00 B Information Technology GU 283411 60.20 B Information Technology LTU 187410 B Information Technology LTU 196110 52.55 B Information Technology LTU 197410 B Information Technology MQ 300503 75.00 B Information Technology SCU 332153 B Information Technology SCU 332161 65.00 B Information Technology UC 366043 60.00 A+C 50.95 66.70 n/o A+C 83.60 N/A B Software Engineering/B Business Informatics UC 366123 70.00 Dip Computing (DFEE) SIBT 640050 Dip Information and Communications Technology CQU 160062 51.65 Dip Information and Communications Technology CQU 160063 51.65 Dip Information Technology (DFEE) MIT 570120 45.00 N/A Law Also refer to Law Combined COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF AssocDeg Law (Paralegal Studies) SCU 336300 63.00 AssocDeg Law (Paralegal Studies) SCU 336361 63.00 B Criminal and Community Justice WS 727040 75.00 B Criminal and Community Justice WS 727045 75.00 B Criminal Justice CSU 211890 65.00 B Criminal Justice CSU 211897 65.00 B Criminology ANU 131150 80.00 B Criminology UNE 391660 72.55 B Criminology WS 727030 77.35 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 47 COURSE 48 UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Criminology WS 727033 77.35 B Criminology and Criminal Justice GU 283223 60.20 B Criminology and Criminal Justice UNSW 422350 83.00 B Justice Studies UC 367033 70.00 B Laws ACU 107000 81.65 B Laws CQU 160081 74.90 B Laws GU 283220 80.40 B Laws LTU 187415 95.30 B Laws LTU 197415 93.20 B Laws MQ 300302 97.00 B Laws MQ 300306 97.00 B Laws UC 367003 87.00 B Laws UTS 604000 97.00 B Laws UTS 604001 B Laws (3 years) UNE 395467 90.00 B Laws (3 years) (Graduate Entry) UNE 395466 B Laws (4 years) UNE 395699 84.40 B Laws (Direct Entry) UOW 756100 90.00 B Laws (Graduate Entry) ACU 107007 N/A B Laws (Graduate Entry) SCU 336100 N/A B Laws (Graduate Entry) SCU 336766 N/A B Laws (Graduate Entry) UOW 756101 N/A B Laws (Graduate Entry) WS 725000 N/A B Laws (Graduate Entry) WS 725001 N/A B Laws (Honours) ANU 137004 97.00 B Laws (Honours) Combined UON 483100 90.30 B Laws (Non-graduate Entry) SCU 336000 89.00 B Laws (Non-graduate Entry) SCU 336060 89.00 B Laws (Non-graduate entry) WS 725005 N/A B Laws (Non-graduate entry) WS 725007 N/A B Legal and Justice Studies SCU 336110 68.00 B Legal and Justice Studies SCU 336161 68.00 B Policing WS 727060 75.00 B Policing WS 727065 75.00 B Policing (Leadership Program) WS 720191 92.00 B Policing (Leadership Program) WS 720192 92.00 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 97.00 N/A Law Combined COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Accounting/B Laws WS 725048 95.00 B Accounting/B Laws WS 725050 95.00 B Actuarial Studies/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Advanced Science (Honours)/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Agriculture/B Laws UNE 392761 84.40 B Applied Economics/B Laws UC 361063 B Applied Finance with B Laws MQ 300312 96.00 B Art Theory/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Arts – Media with B Laws MQ 300318 96.00 B Arts – Psychology with B Laws MQ 300395 96.00 B Arts (Media and Communications)/B Laws USYD 511801 99.50 B Arts (Psychology)/B Laws UOW 751200 90.00 B Arts and Business/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Arts in International Studies/B Laws UC 362323 87.00 B Arts with B Laws MQ 300304 96.00 B Arts/B Laws ACU 107001 78.55 B Arts/B Laws SCU 336104 89.00 B Arts/B Laws UC 362143 B Arts/B Laws UNE 391658 84.40 B Arts/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Arts/B Laws UOW 751201 90.00 B Arts/B Laws USYD 511801 99.50 B Arts/B Laws WS 725011 95.00 B Arts/B Laws WS 725013 95.00 B Australian Politics and Public Policy/B Laws UC 361516 B Biomedical Science/B Laws ACU 107010 78.30 B Building and Construction Management/ B Laws UC 361526 B Business (Advanced Business Leadership)/ B Laws WS 720135 95.00 B Business Administration with B Laws MQ 300308 96.00 B Business Administration/B Laws ACU 107004 78.00 B Business B Laws UTS 609010 B Business/B Laws SCU 336101 89.00 B Business/B Laws SCU 336114 89.00 B Business/B Laws UNE 395679 84.40 B Business/B Laws WS 725015 95.00 B Business/B Laws WS 725016 95.00 B Commerce – Professional Accounting with B Laws MQ 300322 96.00 87.00 87.00 87.00 n/o 97.00 Course listing COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Commerce with B Laws MQ 300307 96.00 B Engineering Science B Laws UTS 609050 99.95 B Commerce/B Laws ACU 107002 79.00 B Environment with B Laws MQ 300317 96.00 B Commerce/B Laws UC 361323 B Environmental Science/B Laws UNE 392763 84.40 B Commerce/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Fine Arts/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Commerce/B Laws UOW 751202 90.00 B Forensic Studies/B Laws UC 368047 87.00 B Commerce/B Laws USYD 511801 99.50 B Human Resource Management/B Laws UC 361536 87.00 B Communication (Creative Writing) B Laws UTS 609006 97.00 WS 725041 95.00 B Communication (Digital and Social Media) B Laws UTS 609008 97.00 B Information and Communications Technology/B Laws WS 725043 95.00 B Communication (Journalism) B Laws UTS 609001 B Information and Communications Technology/B Laws B Communication (Media Arts and Production) B Laws UTS 609002 97.55 B Information Technology with B Laws MQ 300340 96.00 B Information Technology/B Laws UOW 751213 90.00 B Communication (Public Communication) B Laws UTS 609005 97.25 B Information Technology/B Laws USYD 511801 99.50 B Communication (Social and Political Sciences) UTS B Laws 609003 97.00 B International and Global Studies/B Laws USYD 511801 99.50 B International Studies with B Laws MQ 300316 96.00 B Communication and Media Studies/B Laws UOW 751210 90.00 B International Studies/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Communication in Advertising/B Laws UC 362446 87.00 B International Studies/B Laws UOW 751212 90.00 B Communication in Media and Public Affairs/ B Laws UC 363076 87.00 B International Studies/B Laws WS 725045 95.00 B Journalism/B Laws UOW 751211 90.00 B Communication in Public Relations/B Laws UC 363086 87.00 B Laws B Arts in International Studies UTS 609070 97.00 B Communication/B Laws WS 725020 95.00 B Laws B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609575 97.30 B Computer Science/B Laws UNE 392670 84.40 B Laws/B Accounting CQU 160111 74.90 B Computer Science/B Laws UOW 751203 90.00 725009 N/A WS 725022 95.00 B Laws/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS B Construction Management Studies/B Laws B Construction Management Studies/B Laws WS 725024 95.00 B Laws/B Arts CQU 160121 74.90 B Contemporary Music/B Laws SCU 336111 89.00 B Laws/B Arts GU 283502 80.40 B Creative Arts/B Laws UOW 751204 90.00 B Laws/B Business GU 283503 80.40 B Criminal and Community Justice/B Laws WS 725029 95.00 B Laws/B Commerce GU 283504 80.40 B Criminal and Community Justice/B Laws WS 725031 95.00 B Laws/B Criminology and Criminal Justice GU 283505 80.40 B Criminology and Criminal Justice/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Laws/B Data Science WS 725003 n/o B Criminology/B Laws UNE 391662 84.40 B Laws/B Data Science WS 725004 n/o B Criminology/B Laws WS 725034 95.00 B Laws/B Global Studies ACU 107003 79.70 B Criminology/B Laws WS 725036 95.00 GU 283506 80.40 B Design in Architecture/B Laws USYD 511801 99.50 B Laws/B Government and International Relations B Economics and Finance/B Laws UOW 751216 90.00 B Laws/B International Business GU 283507 80.40 B Economics/B Laws UNE 395656 84.40 B Laws/B Psychological Science GU 283508 80.40 B Economics/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Laws/B Science in Environment GU 283501 80.40 B Economics/B Laws USYD B Legal and Justice Studies/B Laws SCU 336109 89.00 B Engineering (Honours)/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Legal and Justice Studies/B Laws SCU 336169 89.00 B Engineering Honours/B Laws UOW 751208 90.00 B Management/B Laws UC 361423 B Engineering Honours/B Laws USYD 511801 99.50 B Mathematics/B Laws UOW 751206 90.00 87.00 97.00 511801 99.50 87.00 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 49 COURSE 50 UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Media (Communication and Journalism)/ B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Media (Public Relations and Advertising)/ B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Social Science/B Laws WS B Social Work (Honours)/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Sport and Exercise Science/B Laws SCU 336106 89.00 B Media (Screen and Sound Production)/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Sport and Exercise Science/B Laws SCU 336163 89.00 B Medical Science B Laws UTS B Sports Media/B Laws UC 365223 87.00 B Medicinal Chemistry/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Theology/B Laws ACU 107005 83.95 B Music/B Laws UNSW 426050 B Pharmacology and Toxicology/B Laws GU B Planning/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Politics and International Relations/B Laws UC 361509 B Politics, Philosophy and Economics/Juris Doctor (CBF) ANU 131170 96.00 B Psychological Science/B Laws ACU 103714 609065 97.00 725075 95.00 A+C 283333 80.40 87.00 Medicine/Medical Sciences Also refer to Medicine/Medicial Sciences Combined COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Biomedical Science ACU 107008 58.50 78.10 B Biomedical Science ACU 107012 58.50 B Psychological Science/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Biomedical Science GU 283302 86.75 B Psychological Science/B Laws UOW 751215 90.00 B Biomedical Science SCU 335165 68.00 B Psychology (Honours) with B Laws MQ 300309 96.70 B Biomedical Science UC 368093 60.00 B Psychology (Honours)/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Biomedical Science UNE 392692 72.55 B Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours)/ B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Biomedical Science UON 482100 81.55 B Biomedical Science UTS 607040 83.75 B Science (Advanced Mathematics)/B Laws USYD 511801 99.50 B Biomedical Science with Honours GU 283338 95.00 B Science (Advanced)/B Laws USYD 511801 99.50 B Medical and Health Sciences UOW 757630 82.00 B Science (Computer Science)/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 757631 93.00 UC B Medical and Health Sciences Advanced (Honours) UOW B Science (Psychology)/B Laws B Science and Business/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Medical Science ANU 138403 90.00 B Science B Laws UTS 609060 97.00 B Medical Science UC 368083 60.00 B Science in Information Technology B Laws UTS 609020 97.25 B Medical Science UNSW 429700 94.00 B Science with B Laws MQ 300305 96.00 B Medical Science UTS 607050 88.25 B Science/B Laws UC 368143 87.00 B Medical Science WS 728005 75.55 B Science/B Laws UNE 392669 84.40 B Medical Science WS 728006 75.55 B Science/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 B Medical Science (Advanced) WS 720176 90.00 B Science/B Laws UOW 751207 90.00 B Medical Science (Advanced) WS 720178 90.00 B Science/B Laws USYD 511801 99.50 B Medical Science (First-year Entry) USYD 512080 90.00 B Science/B Laws WS 725060 95.00 B Medical Science (MD Provisional Entry for School Leavers) GU 283303 99.80 B Science/B Laws WS 725065 95.00 B Medical Science (Second-year Entry) USYD 512081 B Security Studies with B Laws MQ 300310 96.00 B Medical Science (Specialisation) CQU 160491 60.20 B Social Research and Policy/B Laws UNSW 426000 99.70 214554 70.00 MQ 300319 96.00 B Medical Science with specialisations (Clinical Physiology)(Pathology)(Biotechnology) CSU B Social Science with B Laws B Social Science/B Laws SCU 336113 89.00 B Medical Sciences MQ 300518 85.00 B Social Science/B Laws SCU 336162 89.00 B Medicine (Joint Medical Program) UNE 780000 N/A B Social Science/B Laws UC 361546 B Medicine (Joint Medical Program) UON 780000 N/A B Social Science/B Laws WS 725070 95.00 365163 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 87.00 87.00 N/A Course listing Medicine/Medical Sciences Combined COURSE UNI COURSE CODE CUT-OFF B Arts/B Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine UNSW 428000 A+C B Biomedical Science/B Applied Public Health ACU 107009 58.50 B Commerce/Doctor of Medicine USYD 511541 A+C B Economics/Doctor of Medicine USYD 511236 A+C B Engineering (Hons) B Medical Science UTS 609370 85.90 B Medical Science (Advanced)/B Data Science WS 720220 90.00 B Medical Science (Advanced)/B Data Science WS 720221 B Medical Science/B Data Science WS 728009 85.00 B Medical Science/B Data Science WS 728010 n/o B Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine USYD 512097 A+C B Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine (for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants only) USYD 512098 A+C B Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine UNSW 428000 A+C B Medicine/B Surgery WS 725500 N/A B Medicine/B Surgery/B Arts WS 725510 N/A B Music Studies/Doctor of Medicine USYD 512309 A+C B Science (Advanced)/Doctor of Medicine USYD 512097 A+C B Science (Advanced)/Doctor of Medicine (for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants only) USYD 512098 A+C n/o Nursing/Midwifery COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Nursing CSU 214657 70.00 B Nursing GU 283308 72.60 B Nursing SCU 335101 68.00 B Nursing SCU 335151 68.00 B Nursing SCU 335164 68.00 B Nursing UC 365103 B Nursing UON 483600 77.00 B Nursing UON 483610 78.70 B Nursing UON 483620 70.35 B Nursing UOW 757101 B Nursing UOW 757102 70.00 B Nursing UOW 757103 70.00 B Nursing UOW 757104 70.00 B Nursing UOW 757105 70.00 B Nursing UTS 606000 80.00 B Nursing UTS 606001 85.00 B Nursing WS 726550 76.95 B Nursing WS 726555 69.90 B Nursing WS 726560 79.05 B Nursing WS 726565 60.25 B Nursing – GradDip Clinical Practice (Paramedic) CSU 214707 B Nursing (3 years full-time) UNE 396665 72.55 67.00 70.00 70.00 B Nursing (Accelerated Program: Enrolled Nurse UTS 2009 onwards) 606004 N/A N/A B Clinical Practice (Paramedic) CSU 214200 84.25 B Nursing (Accelerated Program: Graduate Entry) UTS 606005 B Clinical Practice (Paramedic) CSU 214207 70.00 B Nursing (Advanced Studies) USYD 511925 84.00 B Midwifery SCU 335153 90.00 B Nursing (Advanced) WS 720170 90.00 B Midwifery SCU 335167 90.00 B Nursing (Advanced) WS 720172 90.00 B Midwifery UC 365083 N/A B Nursing (Advanced) WS 720174 90.00 B Midwifery UON 483400 A+C B Nursing (Enrolled Nurse entry) LTU 185030 N/A B Midwifery UON 483410 A+C B Nursing (Enrolled Nurse entry) LTU 189930 N/A B Midwifery UTS 606010 95.35 105518 N/A WS 726570 B Nursing (for Enrolled Nurses – Dip Nursing Entry) ACU B Midwifery B Nursing ACU 105501 69.95 B Nursing (for Enrolled Nurses – Dip Nursing Entry) ACU 105519 N/A B Nursing ACU 105502 67.20 B Nursing (Graduate entry) LTU 185032 N/A B Nursing CQU 160511 56.55 B Nursing (Graduate entry) LTU 189932 N/A B Nursing CSU 214651 70.00 B Nursing (Pre-registration) LTU 185028 51.75 B Nursing CSU 214654 70.00 B Nursing (Pre-registration) LTU 189928 50.00 B Nursing CSU 214655 70.00 B Nursing Advanced UOW 757110 80.00 A+C All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 51 COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Nursing Advanced UOW 757111 80.00 B Biotechnology UON 482150 70.90 B Nursing Advanced UOW 757112 80.00 B Biotechnology UTS 607045 75.00 B Nursing Advanced UOW 757113 80.00 B Equine Science CSU 215204 70.00 B Nursing Advanced UOW 757114 80.00 B Food and Agribusiness USYD 511009 80.00 B Nursing/B Paramedicine ACU 105510 79.35 B Food Science (Honours) UNSW 425600 91.00 B Paramedic Practice/B Public Health Promotion LTU 183042 84.35 B Forensic Biology in Biomedical Science UTS 607025 86.95 B Paramedic Practice/B Public Health Promotion LTU 193042 70.00 B Forensic Science in Applied Chemistry UTS 607020 78.20 B Paramedicine 103713 92.40 B General Studies (Science) CSU 214001 70.00 B General Studies (Science) CSU 214004 70.00 B General Studies (Science) CSU 214007 70.00 B General Studies (Science) CSU 214008 70.00 B Genetics ANU 138600 90.00 ACU Science/Applied Science/Technology COURSE 52 COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF AssocDeg Aviation CQU 160281 51.65 B GeoScience UNE 392606 72.55 B Accident Forensics CQU 160441 51.65 B Human Sciences MQ 300522 80.00 B Advanced Science MQ 300543 96.00 B Life Sciences UNSW 429050 80.00 B Advanced Science (Advanced Materials and Data Science) UTS 607058 99.95 B Mathematical Sciences ANU 138200 95.00 B Advanced Science (Environmental Biotechnology) UTS 607059 B Mathematics UON 483200 80.15 B Mathematics UOW 756511 75.00 B Advanced Science (Honours) UNSW 429350 95.00 B Mathematics Advanced UOW 756512 95.00 B Advanced Science (Infection and Immunity) UTS 607060 96.50 B Mathematics/B Science UON 483300 89.30 B Advanced Science (Pre-medicine) UTS 607063 96.90 B Medical Mathematics UOW 756530 85.00 B Agricultural Science CSU 214024 70.00 B Medical Mathematics (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 756535 95.00 B Agricultural Science LTU 187025 56.55 B Medicinal Chemistry (Honours) UNSW 429720 90.00 B Agriculture UNE 393676 72.55 B Medicinal Chemistry (Honours) UOW 757613 85.00 B Agrifood Systems UNE 392700 72.55 UOW 757619 95.00 B Animal and Veterinary Bioscience USYD 512105 85.00 B Medicinal Chemistry (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) B Animal and Veterinary Biosciences LTU 187049 65.00 B Nanoscience (Honours) UNSW 429450 85.00 B Animal Science CSU 215034 70.00 B Nanotechnology (Honours) UOW 757625 85.00 B Animal Science UNE 392696 B Nanotechnology (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 757626 95.00 B Applied Science (Marine Engineering) AMC 120110 61.70 B Natural History Illustration UON 483550 75.10 B Applied Science (Maritime Technology Management) AMC 120030 50.00 B Natural Science (Advanced) WS 720180 90.00 B Natural Science (Animal Science) WS 728020 70.00 B Applied Science (Nautical Science) AMC 120120 B Optometry (Honours)/B Science UNSW 429750 B Applied Science (Outdoor Recreation and Ecotourism) CSU 214390 70.00 B Plant Science UNE 392699 72.55 B Pre-Medicine, Science and Health UOW 757500 95.00 B Applied Science (Outdoor Recreation and Ecotourism) CSU 215051 70.00 B Psychological Science ACU 103313 58.50 B Applied Science in Forensic Studies UC 368044 60.00 B Psychological Science CQU 160531 54.20 B Aviation (Flying) UNSW 429500 B Psychological Science GU 283313 63.40 B Aviation Technology CQU 160291 51.65 B Psychological Science LTU 187055 66.25 B Biological Sciences LTU 187047 60.20 B Psychological Science SCU 335152 68.00 B Biotechnology ANU 138503 80.00 B Psychological Science UNE 391678 72.55 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 97.70 77.10 n/o A+C A+C Course listing COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Psychological Science UNSW 429800 87.00 B Psychological Science UOW B Rural Science COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF UON 753220 75.00 B Science (Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Geography, Mathematics, Photonics, Physics, Psychology, Statistics) UNE 393605 B Science (Biotechnology) (Honours) UNSW 429400 85.00 B Science ANU 138003 80.00 B Science (Chemistry) WS 728075 73.00 B Science CQU 160411 60.20 B Science (Chemistry) WS 728076 75.55 B Science CSU 215854 70.00 B Science (Chemistry)/B Data Science WS 728130 85.00 B Science GU 283401 60.20 B Science (Chemistry)/B Data Science WS 728131 B Science LTU 187020 66.65 B Science (Chiropractic) CQU 160181 60.20 B Science MQ 300517 75.00 B Science (Computer Science) UNSW 425800 91.00 B Science MQ 300917 75.00 B Science (Computer Science)/B Science UNSW 425800 91.00 B Science SCU 334116 68.00 B Science (Environmental Science) WS 728080 73.00 B Science UC 368103 60.00 B Science (Environmental Sciences) UTS 607011 71.35 B Science UNE 392603 72.55 B Science (Flexible) UTS 607001 74.15 B Science UNSW 429000 85.00 B Science (Forensic Science) WS 728085 80.00 B Science (ADF) UNSW 450020 B Science (Forensic Science)/B Data Science WS 728139 85.00 B Science UOW 757621 75.00 B Science (Forest Sciences) ANU 138084 80.00 B Science USYD 512040 83.00 UOW 757700 90.00 B Science WS 728055 76.30 B Science (Honours) (Dean's Scholar) (Human Geography or Land and Heritage Management) B Science WS 728056 73.00 757710 WS 728057 75.55 B Science (Human Geography or Land and Heritage Management) UOW B Science B Science – Psychology MQ 300129 83.00 B Science (International) UNSW 429420 87.00 B Science (Advanced Mathematics) USYD 512042 98.00 B Science (Marine Science, Psychology, Sustainable Resource Management) UON 484010 66.75 B Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) UNSW 429300 95.00 B Science (Materials) UOW 757636 78.00 B Science (Advanced Science) WS 720182 90.00 B Science (Mathematical Science) WS 728090 73.00 B Science (Advanced Science) WS 720184 90.00 B Science (Mathematical Science) WS 728091 75.55 B Science (Advanced Science) WS 720186 90.00 728142 USYD 512041 95.00 B Science (Mathematical Science)/B Data Science WS B Science (Advanced) B Science (Advanced)(Honours) ANU 138004 95.00 B Science (Mathematical Science)/B Data Science WS 728143 85.00 B Science (Advanced)/B Data Science WS 720227 n/o B Science (Mathematics/Statistics) UTS 607003 76.05 B Science (Advanced)/B Data Science WS 720228 n/o B Science (Nanotechnology) UTS 607007 B Science (Advanced)/B Data Science WS 720229 90.00 B Science (Nuclear Science and Technology) UOW 757638 78.00 B Science (Analytics) UTS 607080 89.00 B Science (Nutrition and Food Sciences) WS 728035 73.00 B Science (Applied Chemistry) UTS 607005 72.00 B Science (Physics) UOW 757637 78.00 B Science (Applied Physics) UTS 607009 71.20 B Science (Physics)/B Mathematics UOW 751805 80.00 B Science (Biological Sciences) WS 728062 73.00 B Science (Psychology) ANU 138123 80.00 B Science (Biological Sciences) WS 728064 73.00 B Science (Psychology) CQU 160190 54.20 B Science (Biological Sciences) WS 728067 75.55 B Science (Psychology) CQU 160191 54.20 B Science (Psychology) UC 365123 60.00 B Science (Resource and Environmental Management) ANU 138083 80.00 B Science (Wildlife and Conservation Biology) LTU 187033 60.00 77.10 A+C B Science (Biological Sciences)/B Data Science WS 728125 n/o B Science (Biological Sciences)/B Data Science WS 728126 n/o B Science (Biological Sciences)/B Data Science WS 728127 85.00 484000 65.20 n/o 75.00 n/o 71.55 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 53 COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Science (Zoology) WS 728040 74.65 B Social Science UNE 391659 72.55 B Science (Zoology)/B Natural Science (Animal Science) WS 728044 75.80 B Social Science UON 484050 60.20 B Science Advanced (Honours) UOW 757601 95.00 B Social Science UON 484060 60.10 B Science Advanced Honours (Physics) UOW 757602 95.00 B Social Science UOW 755300 70.00 B Science and Society LTU 187043 B Social Science UOW 755301 70.00 B Science in Agriculture USYD 511001 75.00 B Social Science UOW 755302 70.00 B Science/B Data Science WS 728120 n/o B Social Science UOW 755303 70.00 B Science/B Data Science WS 728121 n/o B Social Science WS 727610 B Science/B Data Science WS 728122 85.00 B Social Science WS 727615 68.00 B Statistics ANU 134200 86.00 B Social Science WS 727620 68.00 B Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security WS 728028 70.00 B Social Science (Advanced) WS 720194 90.00 B Technology (Aeronautical Engineering) (ADF) UNSW 450080 A+C B Social Science (Advanced) WS 720196 90.00 B Technology (Aviation) (ADF) UNSW 450090 A+C B Social Science (Advanced) WS 720198 90.00 B Technology (Renewable Energy Systems) UON 484600 N/A B Social Science (Psychology) CSU 211850 70.00 B Veterinary Biology/B Veterinary Science CSU 214964 A+C B Social Science (Psychology) CSU 211854 70.00 B Veterinary Biology/Doctor Veterinary Medicine USYD 512101 A+C B Social Science (Psychology) CSU 211857 70.00 B Veterinary Technology CSU 214954 70.00 B Social Science (Psychology) UOW 753210 75.00 B Zoology UNE 392695 72.55 B Social Science (Psychology) WS 727600 75.00 Dip Aviation Theory CQU 160271 51.65 B Social Science (Psychology) WS 727605 75.00 International B Science UOW 757600 A+C B Social Science (Scholar) UOW 755320 90.00 International B Science (Honours) UOW 757590 A+C B Social Science (Scholar) UOW 755321 90.00 B Social Science (Scholar) UOW 755322 90.00 B Social Science (Scholar) UOW 755323 90.00 Dip Applied Social Science (DFEE) JNI 552040 56.00 n/o Social Sciences COURSE 54 COURSE UNI 68.00 CODE CUT-OFF AdvDip Sociology CQU 160541 n/o B Anthropology WS 727604 74.00 B Anthropology WS 727607 74.00 B Applied Social Science (DFEE) ACAP 540300 65.00 B Applied Social Science (DFEE) ACAP 540301 65.00 B Applied Social Science (Community Services) (DFEE) JNI 552010 60.00 B Applied Social Science (Counselling) (DFEE) JNI B Applied Sociology Social Work/Welfare Work COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Community Welfare WS 727715 73.00 B Community Welfare WS 727720 73.00 B Counselling (DFEE) ACAP 540500 70.00 B Counselling (DFEE) ACAP 540501 70.00 552020 60.00 B Human Services GU 283326 63.40 CQU 160501 B Human Services GU 283801 63.40 B Child and Family Studies GU 283339 63.40 B Human Services/M Social Work LTU 183032 55.00 B Child and Family Studies GU 283802 63.40 B Human Services/M Social Work LTU 193032 55.00 B Community and Social Development WS 727725 B Social Welfare SCU 331162 68.00 B Social Science MQ 300120 77.00 B Social Work (DFEE) ACAP 540400 60.00 B Social Science SCU 331101 68.00 B Social Work ACU 103202 58.50 B Social Science SCU 331161 68.00 B Social Work ACU 103203 58.50 B Social Science UC 361603 70.00 B Social Work CSU 211900 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students n/o N/A N/A Course listing COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Social Work CSU 211904 65.00 B Social Work GU 283323 63.40 B Social Work GU 283803 63.40 B Social Work UNE 391666 72.55 B Social Work UOW 755340 80.00 B Social Work UOW 755341 80.00 B Social Work USYD 511615 80.00 B Social Work WS 727700 84.80 B Social Work WS 727705 84.80 B Social Work (Honours) CQU 160551 54.20 B Social Work (Honours) UNSW 422400 80.00 B Social Work (Honours) UON B Social Work (Honours)/B Social Research and Policy UNSW 422402 80.00 Dip Community and Social Development WS 727730 N/A B International Tourism and Hotel Management GU 283126 60.20 Dip Counselling (VET) ACAP 540502 N/A B Tourism Management WS 727750 72.15 Dip Counselling (VET) ACAP 540503 N/A B Tourism Management WS 727755 72.15 Dip Youth Work (VET) ACAP 540402 N/A Dip Events (DFEE) APM 550130 U/C Dip Youth Work (VET) ACAP 540403 N/A Dip Events (DFEE) WBC 553115 U/C Dip Hospitality (DFEE) WBC 553110 U/C 484100 80.30 B Commerce – TAFE Advanced Diploma of Events UOW 753640 72.00 B Commerce – TAFE Advanced Diploma of Events UOW 753641 72.00 B Commerce – TAFE Advanced Diploma of Events UOW 753642 70.00 B Commerce – TAFE Advanced Diploma of Hospitality UOW 753630 72.00 B Commerce – TAFE Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism UOW 753650 72.00 B Event and Tourism Management UC 361479 70.00 B Event Management (DFEE) ICMS 530020 A+C B Hospitality Management CQU 160050 N/A B Hospitality Management CQU 160051 N/A B Hospitality Management (DFEE) ICMS 530040 A+C B International Tourism (DFEE) ICMS 530060 A+C Tourism/Hospitality Management COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF AdvDip Hospitality (Commercial Cookery Specialisation) (DFEE) WBC 553130 U/C AdvDip Hospitality (Event Management Specialisation) (DFEE) WBC 553140 U/C AdvDip Hospitality (Hotel Management Specialisation) (DFEE) WBC 553120 B Business (Event Management) (DFEE) APM 550020 60.00 B Business (Event Management) (DFEE) WBC 553030 60.00 B Business (Hospitality Management) (DFEE) WBC 553020 60.00 B Business (Hospitality Management) WS 721020 70.00 B Business (Tourism Management) (DFEE) WBC 553040 60.00 B Business in Convention and Event Management SCU 334152 65.00 B Business in Convention and Event Management SCU 334460 65.00 B Business in Hotel Management (DFEE) SCU 354140 B Business in Tourism and Hospitality Management SCU 330410 65.00 B Business in Tourism and Hospitality Management SCU 330450 65.00 B Business in Tourism and Hospitality Management SCU 330460 65.00 U/C N/A Pathway Courses COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF ANU Preparatory Program ANU 130000 N/A AssocDeg Arts SCU 333311 45.00 AssocDeg Arts SCU 333361 45.00 AssocDeg Business SCU 332313 45.00 AssocDeg Business SCU 332351 45.00 AssocDeg Business SCU 332362 45.00 AssocDeg Health SCU 335319 45.00 AssocDeg Health SCU 335361 45.00 AssocDeg Justice Studies UC 367014 AssocDeg Science SCU 334312 45.00 Associate Degree ANU 130003 B Contemporary Studies SCU 330100 45.00 Dip Arts (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729610 U/C Dip Arts (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729611 U/C Dip Arts (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729612 U/C Dip Arts (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729486 55.00 Dip Arts (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729490 55.00 n/o A+C All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 55 COURSE 56 UNI CODE CUT-OFF COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF Dip Arts (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729492 n/o Dip General Studies CSU 214014 30.00 Dip Business (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729618 U/C Dip General Studies CSU 214017 30.00 Dip Business (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729620 U/C Dip General Studies CSU 214019 30.00 Dip Business (Fast Track) – 2 terms WS 729501 55.00 WS 729659 U/C Dip Business (Fast Track) – 2 terms WS 729508 Dip Health Science (Health and Physical Education) (Extended) – 4 terms Dip Business (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729500 55.00 Dip Health Science (Health and Physical Education) (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729660 U/C Dip Business (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729507 55.00 WS 729541 n/o Dip Business (Sydney Business School) (DFEE) UOW 759040 60.00 Dip Health Science (Health and Physical Education) (Standard) – 3 terms Dip Business (Wollongong) (DFEE) UOW 759030 60.00 Dip Health Science (Health and Physical Education) (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729543 55.00 Dip Business Informatics UC 360020 50.00 729650 U/C ICMS 530500 A+C Dip Health Science (Health Promotion, Health Services Management or Therapeutic Recreation) (Extended) – 4 terms WS Dip Business Management (DFEE) Dip Business Management with specialisation in Retail Marketing (DFEE) ICMS 530560 A+C WS 729651 U/C Dip Communication (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729625 U/C Dip Health Science (Health Promotion, Health Services Management or Therapeutic Recreation) (Extended) – 4 terms Dip Communication (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729626 U/C WS 729531 n/o Dip Communication (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729517 55.00 Dip Health Science (Health Promotion, Health Services Management or Therapeutic Recreation) (Fast Track) – 2 terms Dip Computing ANU 136060 A+C WS 729530 55.00 Dip Construction Management (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729628 U/C Dip Health Science (Health Promotion, Health Services Management or Therapeutic Recreation) (Standard) – 3 terms Dip Construction Management (Fast Track) – 2 terms WS 729522 n/o Dip Health Science (Health Promotion, Health Services Management or Therapeutic Recreation) (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729533 n/o Dip Construction Management (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729520 55.00 Dip Health Science Extended WS 729652 n/o Dip Construction Management Extended WS 729629 n/o Dip Hospitality Management (DFEE) ICMS 530530 A+C Dip Criminal and Community Justice (Extended) WS – 4 terms 729632 U/C Dip Information and Communications Technology (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729662 U/C Dip Criminal and Community Justice (Extended) WS – 4 terms 729633 n/o Dip Information and Communications Technology (Fast Track) – 2 terms WS 729551 n/o Dip Criminal and Community Justice (Standard) WS – 3 terms 729590 55.00 Dip Information and Communications Technology (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729550 55.00 Dip Criminal and Community Justice (Standard) WS – 3 terms 729592 Dip Information Technology (DFEE) UOW 759010 n/o Dip International Tourism (DFEE) ICMS 530550 A+C Dip Design UC 360035 50.00 Dip Islamic Studies (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729664 U/C Dip Design (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729640 Dip Islamic Studies (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729554 n/o Dip Design (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729524 55.00 Dip Liberal Studies ANU 131001 A+C Dip Engineering UOW 759020 A+C ICMS 530520 A+C Dip Engineering (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729643 U/C Dip Property (Development, Investment and Valuation) (DFEE) Dip Engineering (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729645 U/C Dip Science SCU 334014 45.00 Dip Engineering (Fast Track) – 2 terms WS 729532 n/o Dip Science UC 360030 50.00 Dip Engineering (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729528 55.00 Dip Science (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729667 U/C Dip Engineering (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729529 n/o Dip Science (Fast Track) – 2 terms WS 729561 n/o Dip Engineering Extended WS 729644 n/o Dip Science (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729560 55.00 Dip Event Management (DFEE) ICMS 530510 A+C Dip Social Science (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729669 U/C Dip General Studies CSU 214010 30.00 Dip Social Science (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729671 U/C Dip General Studies CSU 214011 30.00 Dip Social Science (Policing) (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729674 U/C All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students n/o n/o U/C Course listing COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF Dip Social Science (Policing) (Extended) – 4 terms WS 729676 U/C Dip Social Science (Policing) (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729580 55.00 Dip Social Science (Policing) (Standard) – 3 terms WS 729582 55.00 Dip Social Science (Standard) – 3 terms WS Dip Social Science (Standard) – 3 terms Combined degrees across several fields of study Also refer to Law Combined, Medicine/Medical Sciences Combined and Education/Teaching Combined COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Accounting/B Data Science WS 721076 85.00 B Actuarial Studies with B Science MQ 300276 97.75 729570 55.00 B Actuarial Studies/B Science UNSW 424350 97.50 WS 729577 55.00 UNSW 424350 97.50 Dip Sports Management (DFEE) ICMS 530540 A+C B Actuarial Studies/B Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) Newstep (ENA) UON 481500 A+C B Advanced Science (Honours)/B Arts UNSW 429370 95.00 Newstep (ENA) UON 481550 A+C B Advanced Science (Honours)/B Engineering (Honours) UNSW 429360 95.00 University Entrance certificate (ENA) UOW 759000 55.00 B Advanced Science (Honours)/B Fine Arts UNSW 429395 95.00 University Preparation Program (ENA) UNSW 430200 N/A UNSW 429361 95.00 UNSW Preparation Program (Arts and Social Sciences) (ENA) UNSW 430100 A+C B Advanced Science (Honours)/B Science (Computer Science) UNSW 429390 95.00 UNSW Preparation Program (Business) (ENA) UNSW 430110 A+C B Advanced Science (Honours)/B Social Research and Policy UNSW Preparation Program (Engineering) (ENA) UNSW 430120 A+C B Advanced Science B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609590 99.95 UNSW Preparation Program (Science) (ENA) A+C B Agriculture/B Business UNE 393678 72.55 B Applied Public Health/B Global Studies ACU 105515 58.50 B Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science)/M Nutrition and Dietetics USYD 512658 99.00 B Applied Sciences/M Occupational Therapy Practice LTU 183035 83.40 UNSW 430130 Single degrees across several fields of study COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Arts (Business and Communication Studies) ACU 103307 58.50 193035 80.00 UNSW 422050 90.00 B Applied Sciences/M Occupational Therapy Practice LTU B Arts and Business B Arts and Economics ACU 103309 B Applied Sciences/M Physiotherapy Practice LTU 183045 98.80 B Interdisciplinary Studies (Sustainability) ANU 138008 80.00 B Applied Sciences/M Physiotherapy Practice LTU 193045 96.00 B Interdisciplinary Studies (Sustainability) Advanced (Honours) ANU 138009 95.00 B Applied Sciences/M Speech Pathology LTU 183055 99.95 B Applied Sciences/M Speech Pathology LTU 193055 80.00 B International Development Studies ACU 103312 58.50 B Art Theory/B Arts UNSW 421401 81.00 B Languages and International Business UNE 391762 72.55 B Art Theory/B Social Research and Policy UNSW 421402 80.00 B Mathematics and Computing UTS 609045 75.20 B Arts – Psychology with B Human Sciences MQ 300523 83.00 B Mathematics and Finance (Honours) UOW 756503 85.00 B Arts (Psychology)/B Commerce UOW 751305 75.00 B Mathematics and Finance (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 756520 95.00 B Arts in International Studies/B Commerce UC 362223 60.00 B Political, Economic and Social Sciences USYD 511226 82.50 B Arts in International Studies/B Communication UC in Advertising 362306 60.00 B Politics, Philosophy and Economics ANU 131161 96.00 UOW 753115 80.00 B Arts in International Studies/B Communication UC in Media and Public Affairs 362326 60.00 B Politics, Philosophy and Economics B Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753116 93.00 B Arts in International Studies/B Communication UC in Public Relations 362336 60.00 B Science and Business UNSW 429100 90.00 B Arts in International Studies/B Event and Tourism Management UC 362318 70.00 B Arts in International Studies/B Management UC 362343 60.00 B Arts in International Studies/B Media Arts and Production UC 362284 60.00 B Arts with B Commerce MQ 300287 81.25 n/o B Science Criminology and Psychological Studies WS 729215 75.00 B Social Sciences (Honours in Actuarial Studies ANU and Economics) 134454 n/o All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 57 COURSE 58 UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Arts with B Science MQ 300145 75.00 B Arts/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS 720525 85.00 B Arts/B Business CQU 160381 51.65 B Arts/B Business GU 283540 60.20 B Arts/B Business UNE 391753 72.55 B Arts/B Business WS 720600 70.00 B Arts/B Business WS B Arts/B Commerce COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Business Administration with B Commerce – Professional Accounting MQ 300282 81.00 B Business Administration with B Psychology (Honours) MQ 300283 94.35 B Business Administration/B Global Studies ACU 103707 58.50 B Business Analytics with B Security Studies MQ 300233 85.00 B Business B Arts in International Studies UTS 609130 92.05 720605 70.00 B Business B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609530 96.95 ACU 103303 58.50 B Business B Science in Information Technology UTS 603220 85.55 B Arts/B Commerce GU 283541 66.30 WS 721060 85.00 B Arts/B Commerce UC 362023 60.00 B Business/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking B Arts/B Commerce UOW 751301 75.00 B Business/B Arts SCU 332105 65.00 B Arts/B Communication and Media Studies UOW 751350 70.00 B Business/B Data Science WS 721065 85.00 B Arts/B Communication and Media Studies (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 751360 93.00 B Business/B Digital Media GU 283135 60.20 GU 283131 60.20 B Arts/B Communication in Advertising UC 362056 60.00 B Business/B Government and International Relations B Arts/B Communication in Media and Public Affairs UC 362096 60.00 B Business/B Journalism GU 283136 60.20 B Business/B Professional Communication CQU 160401 51.65 B Arts/B Communication in Public Relations UC 362106 60.00 B Business/B Psychological Science GU 283137 63.40 B Arts/B Economics USYD 511260 90.00 283138 60.20 UOW 751306 80.00 B Business/B Public Relations and Communication GU B Arts/B Economics and Finance B Arts/B Information Technology UC 362123 60.00 B Commerce with B Arts – Psychology MQ 300212 83.00 B Arts/B Management UC 362163 60.00 B Commerce with B Psychology (Honours) MQ 300213 94.20 B Arts/B Media Arts and Production UC 362084 60.00 B Commerce with B Science MQ 300288 81.25 B Arts/B Science UNE 392759 72.55 B Commerce/B Advanced Science (Honours) UNSW 424100 96.50 B Arts/B Science UON 482050 78.65 B Commerce/B Arts UNSW 424100 96.50 B Arts/B Science UON 482060 80.00 B Commerce/B Arts USYD B Arts/B Science (Psychology) UC 362183 60.00 B Commerce/B Aviation (Management) UNSW 424100 96.50 B Arts/B Social Science WS 720610 70.00 B Commerce/B Communication in Advertising UC 361436 60.00 B Arts/B Social Science WS 720612 70.00 B Commerce/B Communication in Media and Public Affairs UC 361466 60.00 B Arts/B Social Science WS 720614 70.00 361456 60.00 USYD 511300 82.50 B Commerce/B Communication in Public Relations UC B Arts/B Social Work B Arts/M International Affairs (CBF) ANU 131010 80.00 B Commerce/B Design (Honours) UNSW 424100 96.50 B Arts/M Nursing USYD 511913 82.50 B Australian Politics and Public Policy/ UC B Communication in Media and Public Affairs 361426 70.00 B Biomedical Physics B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609600 94.35 B Biomedical Science/B Business Administration ACU 107011 58.50 B Biotechnology B Business UTS 609176 89.90 B Business Administration with B Arts MQ 300253 81.00 B Business Administration with B Arts – Psychology MQ 300258 83.00 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students B Commerce/B Event and Tourism Management UC 511530 95.00 361465 70.00 B Commerce/B Fine Arts UNSW 424100 96.50 B Commerce/B Global Studies ACU B Commerce/B Information Systems UNSW 424100 96.50 B Commerce/B Media (Public Relations and Advertising) UNSW 424100 96.50 B Commerce/B Science UNSW 424100 96.50 B Commerce/B Science USYD B Commerce/B Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) UNSW 424200 96.50 103703 58.50 511535 95.00 Course listing COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Commerce/B Science (Computer Science) UNSW 424100 96.50 B Creative Arts/B Arts UOW 751501 75.00 B Communication (Advertising)/B Business (Marketing) CSU 211217 65.00 B Creative Arts/B Commerce UOW 751502 75.00 B Communication (Creative Writing) B Arts in International Studies UTS 609330 81.00 B Creative Arts/B Communication and Media Studies UOW 751506 75.00 B Communication (Creative Writing) B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609525 88.95 B Creative Arts/B Computer Science UOW 751503 75.00 B Creative Arts/B International Studies UOW 751505 75.00 B Communication (Digital and Social Media) B Arts in International Studies UTS 609298 77.20 B Creative Arts/B Journalism UOW 751507 75.00 B Creative Arts/B Science UOW 751504 75.00 B Communication (Digital and Social Media) B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609495 92.40 B Criminal and Community Justice/B Social Work WS 727047 84.80 B Communication (Journalism) B Arts in International Studies UTS 609300 86.70 B Criminology/B Data Science WS 727035 85.00 B Communication (Journalism) B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609505 89.70 B Criminology/B Data Science WS 727036 UNSW 421101 85.00 B Communication (Media Arts and Production) B Arts in International Studies UTS 609310 85.30 B Design (Honours)/B Media (Public Relations and Advertising) 609258 91.60 UTS 609510 94.75 B Design in Animation B Arts in International Studies UTS B Communication (Media Arts and Production) B Creative Intelligence and Innovation 609538 97.05 UTS 609320 85.00 B Design in Animation B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS B Communication (Public Communication) B Arts in International Studies UTS 609535 97.40 B Communication (Public Communication) B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609515 93.05 B Design in Architecture B Creative Intelligence and Innovation 609260 93.35 211257 65.00 B Design in Fashion and Textiles B Arts in International Studies UTS B Communication (Public Relations)/B Business CSU Studies 609540 609345 83.40 B Design in Fashion and Textiles B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS B Communication (Social and Political Sciences) UTS B Arts in International Studies 609270 93.40 609520 83.35 B Design in Integrated Product Design B Arts in International Studies UTS B Communication (Social and Political Sciences) UTS B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UOW 751351 75.00 B Design in Integrated Product Design B Creative UTS Intelligence and Innovation 609545 94.95 B Communication and Media Studies/ B Commerce 609280 90.70 UOW 751355 80.00 B Design in Interior and Spatial Design B Arts in International Studies UTS B Communication and Media Studies/ B Economics and Finance 609550 95.55 UOW 751354 75.00 B Design in Interior and Spatial Design B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS B Communication and Media Studies/ B International Studies 609285 91.05 UOW 751363 93.00 B Design in Photography and Situated Media B Arts in International Studies UTS B Communication and Media Studies/ B International Studies (Dean’s Scholar) 609290 94.50 751353 75.00 B Design in Visual Communication B Arts in International Studies UTS B Communication and Media Studies/B Science UOW B Communication in Public Relations/B Event and Tourism Management UC 362458 70.00 B Design in Visual Communication B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609555 99.40 B Communication/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS 720710 85.00 B Design/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS 720717 B Communication/B Business WS 721043 70.00 B Economics/B Advanced Science (Honours) UNSW 424470 95.00 B Communication/B International Studies WS 724525 70.00 B Economics/B Arts UNSW 424450 93.00 B Computer Science (Advanced)/B Data Science WS 720209 90.00 B Economics/B Science UNSW 424450 93.00 B Computer Science/B Applied Leadership and WS Critical Thinking 724001 85.00 B Economics/B Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) UNSW 424460 95.00 B Computer Science/B Data Science WS 724002 85.00 B Engineering (Advanced)/B Data Science WS 720206 90.00 B Computer Science/B Science UOW 751402 75.00 B Engineering (Honours) with B Arts MQ 300723 80.00 B Construction Project Management B Arts in International Studies UTS 609195 90.90 B Engineering (Honours) with B Commerce MQ 300721 81.00 B Engineering (Honours) with B Science MQ 300722 80.00 n/o 97.10 n/o All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 59 COURSE 60 UNI CODE CUT-OFF COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Engineering (Honours)(Materials Science and Engineering)/B Commerce UNSW 429610 96.50 B Event and Tourism Management/B Sports Management UC 361481 70.00 B Engineering (Honours)/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS B Exercise Science/B Business GU 283334 72.60 B Engineering (Honours)/B Arts UNSW 425850 91.00 B Exercise Science/B Business Administration ACU 105516 58.50 B Engineering (Honours)/B Business WS 722494 85.00 B Exercise Science/B Psychological Science GU 283335 72.60 B Engineering (Honours)/B Business WS 722495 85.00 B Exercise Science/B Public Health ACU 105517 58.50 B Engineering (Honours)/B Business WS 722496 85.00 B Fine Arts/B Arts UNSW 421001 81.00 B Engineering (Honours)/B Business WS 722497 85.00 B Graphic Design/B Communication in Advertising UC 363116 60.00 B Engineering (Honours)/B Commerce UNSW 425900 96.50 UTS 609346 84.00 B Engineering (Honours)/B Data Science WS B Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine B Arts in International Studies B Engineering (Honours)/B Science UNSW 425850 91.00 B Health Sciences/M Nursing USYD 511916 80.00 B Engineering (Honours)/B Science (Computer Science) UNSW 425850 91.00 B Human Services/B Criminology and Criminal Justice GU 283340 63.40 B Engineering (Hons) B Arts in International Studies UTS 609032 85.40 B Human Services/B Criminology and Criminal Justice GU 283804 63.40 B Engineering (Hons) B Business UTS 609350 89.85 B Information and Communications Technology WS (Advanced)/B Data Science 720211 90.00 B Engineering (Hons) B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609560 94.55 724003 85.00 B Engineering (Hons) B Science UTS 609360 85.75 B Information and Communications WS Technology/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking B Engineering Honours (Civil)/B Design in Architecture USYD 511762 95.00 B Information and Communications Technology/B Arts WS 724100 75.00 B Engineering Honours (Mechanical or Mechatronic)/B Exercise Science UOW 751625 80.00 B Information and Communications Technology/B Business WS 724105 75.00 B Engineering Honours/B Arts UOW 751302 80.00 B Information and Communications Technology/B Business WS 724110 75.00 B Engineering Honours/B Arts USYD 511780 90.00 WS 724115 75.00 B Engineering Honours/B Commerce UOW 751601 80.00 B Information and Communications Technology/B Business B Engineering Honours/B Commerce USYD 511760 B Information and Communications Technology/B Business (Accounting) WS 724120 75.00 B Engineering Honours/B Computer Science UOW 751609 80.00 724130 75.00 UOW 751610 80.00 B Information and Communications Technology/B Business (Accounting) WS B Engineering Honours/B Mathematics B Engineering Honours/B Medical Science USYD 511790 90.00 B Information and Communications Technology/B Data Science WS 724132 B Engineering Honours/B Music Studies USYD 511792 724134 85.00 USYD 511784 90.00 B Information and Communications Technology/B Data Science WS B Engineering Honours/B Project Management B Engineering Honours/B Science UOW 751624 80.00 WS 724136 B Engineering Honours/B Science USYD 511770 90.00 B Information and Communications Technology/B Data Science B Engineering Honours/B Science (Physics) UOW 751623 80.00 B Information Systems (Advanced)/B Data Science WS 720213 90.00 B Engineering with Honours in Civil Engineering/B Business GU 283435 72.60 B Information Systems/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS 724010 85.00 B Engineering with Honours in Civil Engineering/B Information Technology GU 283436 72.60 B Information Systems/B Data Science WS 724011 85.00 B Engineering with Honours in Civil Engineering/B Science GU 283437 72.60 B Information Technology/B Arts USYD 511765 B Information Technology/B Business UON 483050 78.80 B Environmental Management/B Arts UNSW 429560 81.00 ACU 103712 58.50 B Environmental Science/B Marine Science and Management SCU B Information Technology/B Business Administration B Information Technology/B Commerce UC 366063 60.00 B Information Technology/B Commerce USYD 511761 722511 85.00 722499 85.00 95.00 A+C 334112 68.00 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students n/o n/o 92.00 95.00 Course listing COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Information Technology/B Media Arts and Production UC 366084 60.00 B Medicinal Chemistry B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609595 90.00 B Information Technology/B Medical Science USYD 511763 92.00 UTS 609570 96.45 B Information Technology/B Science USYD 511764 92.00 B Midwifery B Creative Intelligence and Innovation B Music Studies/B Arts USYD 512310 A+C B Music/B Advanced Science (Honours) UNSW 422520 A+C B Music/B Arts UNSW 422504 A+C B Music/B Arts UON 483500 A+C B Music/B Commerce UNSW 422505 A+C B Music/B Engineering (Honours) UNSW 422525 A+C B Innovation and Entrepreneurship/B Business UON 483060 73.95 B Innovation and Entrepreneurship/ B Commerce UON 483070 70.55 B Innovation and Entrepreneurship/ B Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) UON 483080 B International Business/B Government and International Relations GU 283133 60.20 B International Studies/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS 724502 85.00 B Music/B Media (Communication and Journalism) UNSW 422501 A+C B International Studies/B Business WS 724518 70.00 UNSW 422502 A+C B International Studies/B Business WS 724520 70.00 B Music/B Media (Public Relations and Advertising) B International Studies/B Commerce UOW 751311 75.00 B Music/B Media (Screen and Sound Production) UNSW 422503 A+C B International Studies/B Economics and Finance UOW 751313 80.00 B Music/B Science UNSW 422510 A+C B International Studies/B Media (Communication and Journalism) UNSW 422210 93.00 B Natural Science (Animal Science)/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS 728022 85.00 B International Studies/B Media (Public Relations and Advertising) UNSW 422220 93.00 B Natural Science (Environment and Health)/ B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS 729207 85.00 B International Studies/B Media (Screen and Sound Production) UNSW 422230 93.00 B Natural Science (Environmental Management)/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS 728027 85.00 B International Studies/B Social Science WS 724522 70.00 B Nursing B Arts in International Studies UTS 609150 95.40 B International Studies/B Social Science WS 724523 70.00 B Nursing B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609568 90.75 B International Tourism and Hotel Management/B Business GU 283134 60.20 B Nursing/B Business Administration ACU 105509 58.50 B Journalism/B Arts UOW 751660 75.00 B Pharmacology and Toxicology/B Business GU 283332 n/o B Journalism/B Commerce UOW 751661 75.00 B Philosophy (Honours) [ANU]/B Science (Honours) [NUS] ANU 138005 A+C B Journalism/B Engineering Honours UOW 751665 80.00 B Planning/B Data Science WS 727634 85.00 B Journalism/B International Studies UOW 751666 75.00 B Planning/B Data Science WS 727635 B Journalism/B Science UOW 751663 75.00 WS 727070 85.00 B Justice Studies/B Forensic Studies UC 367034 70.00 B Policing/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking B Management B Arts in International Studies UTS 609090 80.15 B Politics and International Relations/B Applied UC Economics 361504 70.00 B Management B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609532 85.15 B Politics and International Relations/ B Business Administration UC 361506 70.00 B Management/B Science (Psychology) UC 361443 60.00 361507 70.00 UC 361476 B Politics and International Relations/ B Commerce UC B Marketing Management/B Communication in Advertising 361496 70.00 B Mathematics and Computing B Arts in International Studies UTS B Politics and International Relations/ UC B Communication in Media and Public Affairs 361508 70.00 B Mathematics/B Computer Science UON 483250 88.00 B Politics and International Relations/B Science UC (Psychology) B Mathematics/B Computer Science UOW 751701 75.00 B Project Management/B Arts USYD 511783 86.00 B Medical Science B Arts in International Studies UTS 609255 90.35 B Property Economics B Arts in International Studies UTS 609200 91.10 B Medical Science B Business UTS 609175 93.50 B Psychological Science/B Commerce UOW 751750 75.00 n/o 70.00 609225 81.45 n/o All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 61 COURSE B Psychological Science/B Criminology and Criminal Justice 62 UNI CODE CUT-OFF GU 283337 63.40 B Psychology (Honours) with B Human Sciences MQ 300524 94.00 B Psychology (Honours)/B Commerce 751751 UOW 89.00 COURSE UNI CODE CUT-OFF B Science/B Arts USYD 512094 83.00 B Science/B Arts WS 728100 75.55 B Science/B Business WS 728110 73.00 B Science/B Business WS 728111 75.55 B Science/B Commerce UOW 751802 75.00 B Psychology/B Applied Leadership and Critical WS Thinking 727515 85.00 B Psychology/B Data Science WS 727518 85.00 B Science/B Fine Arts UNSW 429230 85.00 B Psychology/B Data Science WS 727519 B Science/B International Studies WS B Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours)/ B Arts UNSW 429320 95.00 B Science/B Social Research and Policy UNSW 429220 85.00 B Science/M Nursing USYD 511914 83.00 B Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours)/ B Engineering (Honours) UNSW 429330 95.00 B Science/M Nutrition and Dietetics USYD 512099 98.50 B Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours)/ B Science (Computer Science) UNSW 429331 95.00 B Social Science (Psychology)/B Business (Human Resource Management) CSU 211027 n/o B Science (Biological Sciences)/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS 728069 85.00 B Social Science (Psychology)/B Business (Management) CSU 211017 70.00 B Science (Chemistry)/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS 728078 85.00 B Social Science (Psychology)/B Business (Marketing) CSU 211037 70.00 B Science (Computer Science)/B Arts UNSW 425800 91.00 B Social Science (Psychology)/B Data Science WS 727606 B Science (Computer Science)/B Media Arts (Honours) UNSW 425801 91.00 B Social Science (Psychology)/B Data Science WS 727609 85.00 727625 85.00 WS B Social Science/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS B Science (Environmental Science)/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking B Social Science/B Data Science WS 727622 B Science (Forensic Science)/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS 728087 85.00 B Social Science/B Data Science WS 727623 85.00 B Science (Mathematical Science)/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS 728093 85.00 B Social Science/B Data Science WS 727624 B Social Work (Honours)/B Arts UNSW 422401 81.00 B Science (Nutrition and Food Science)/ B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS 728037 85.00 B Social Work (Honours)/B Criminology and Criminal Justice UNSW 422403 83.00 B Science (Physics)/B Arts UOW 751803 80.00 UTS 609296 75.00 B Science (Psychology)/B Sport and Exercise Science UC 365133 60.00 B Sound and Music Design B Arts in International Studies 609085 88.95 WS 728042 85.00 B Sport and Exercise Management B Arts in International Studies UTS B Science (Zoology)/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking 609080 91.20 UTS 609250 82.40 B Sport and Exercise Science B Arts in International Studies UTS B Science B Arts in International Studies B Science B Business UTS 609170 85.90 B Sport and Exercise Science B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609580 88.55 B Science B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609585 80.55 365194 60.00 UTS 609220 91.00 B Sport and Exercise Science/B Information Technology UC B Science in Analytics B Arts in International Studies B Science in Information Technology B Arts in International Studies UTS 609230 87.00 B Science in Information Technology B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609565 88.45 B Science in Information Technology, Dip Information Technology Professional Practice UTS 603200 83.00 B Science/B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS 728095 85.00 B Science/B Arts UNSW 429200 85.00 B Science/B Arts UOW n/o 728082 85.00 751801 75.00 All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 728115 75.55 n/o n/o n/o B Sport Studies/B Communication (Journalism) CSU 213377 70.00 B Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security/ B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking WS 728029 85.00 B Technology/M Engineering (Civil Systems) CSU 212817 A+C B Urban and Environmental Planning/B Science GU 283600 63.40 Flexible Double Arts, Social Sciences, Business and Science ANU 130010 80.00 Flexible Double Engineering or Advanced Computing ANU 135010 87.00 Flexible Double Law ANU 137010 97.00 Other UAC resources Other UAC resources Online Publications UAC offers a range of online resources on its website. Visit and Schoolink at UAC Guide University Entry Requirements for Year 10 Students ATAR UAC International booklet All about your ATAR (video) Educational Access Schemes (EAS) All About the ATAR (PowerPoint presentation) Equity Scholarships (ES) Schools Recommendation Schemes (SRS) Year 10 Report on the Scaling of the NSW Higher School Certificate UAC News Directions e-newsletter All About Your ATAR Frequently Asked Questions About the ATAR A Walk Through the Year 10 Booklet (PowerPoint presentation) Choosing HSC Courses – Facts and Myths (PowerPoint presentation) Year 12 Applying to Uni: It’s Easy if You Know What to Do (PowerPoint presentation) All About UAC for Student Advisers Applying as a Year 12 Student (video) All About UAC for Parents Applying as an International with an Australian Year 12 or IB (video) All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students 63 Introducing My UAC My UAC is UAC’s mobile app. It allows you to search for courses, manage your course preferences, check your ATAR and your offers on your phone or tablet. Download My UAC Search for courses You can search for courses by keyword, field of study, institution name, course name, course cut-off, course code, or distance from your location. Tag your favourite courses. They’ll be saved to your Favourites list so they’ll be easy to find next time you use My UAC. Manage your course preferences Your course preferences are the courses that you have applied for through UAC Apply. In My UAC, you can manage your application wherever you are by adding courses, removing courses or re-ordering your course preferences. What you need to log in Your UAC application number. It has nine digits and is issued when you apply. You can find it on your Confirmation of Application. Your UAC PIN. UAC PINs are sent to Year 12 students in August. If you’ve forgotten your UAC PIN and you have applied through UAC, use Check & Change to have your UAC PIN automatically emailed to you. Otherwise, call UAC on 1300 ASK UAC (1300 275 822) or (02) 9752 0200 from mobiles to have your PIN re-issued. View your 2016 ATAR ATARs will be available from 9am, Friday 16 December 2016. You’ll need your Year 12 student number or your UAC application number and UAC PIN to view your ATAR. Check your offers You can view and respond to your offers. Offers are made in a number of offers rounds throughout the year. Need help? For more information about using My UAC, visit My UAC is available for FREE in iOS and Android. Download our App today! All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students Published March 2016 Printer: Webstar, Silverwater, NSW © 2016 Universities Admissions Centre (NSW & ACT) Pty Ltd ACN 070 055 935 ABN 19 070 055 935 UAC and individual contributing institutions are the owners of the copyright in this publication. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, criticism or review, or otherwise as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without UAC’s written permission. Enquiries should be addressed to the Managing Director, UAC. UAC disclaimer While UAC and the institution authors of this publication have used their best endeavours to ensure that information and analyses of information contained in this publication are correct at the time of printing, any use or reliance whatsoever on the publication by any person is that person’s responsibility and UAC and the institution authors of this publication disclaim any responsibility or liability in relation to that use or reliance. UAC and the institution authors reserve the right to change their processes, scholarships, schemes, content or the method of presentation of any unit of study, or to withdraw any unit or course of study on offer or to impose limitations on enrolments in any unit or course of study. Advertising disclaimer UAC does not necessarily endorse any product or service that may be advertised in this publication. UAC has no objection to secondary schools and tertiary institutions reproducing or using the publication provided it is for use only within their own institution and this copyright statement is included. Fees and charges If the document isn’t reproduced in full, sections shouldn’t be copied out of context where information could be incomplete and/or misleading. Schools and tertiary institutions must ensure that this information is not transmitted to any other person or body without prior permission from UAC. Times This publication is available on UAC’s website. About this publication All About UAC for 2016 Year 11 and 12 Students provides information for Year 11 and 12 students about applying for tertiary study through UAC. It guides students through things to consider and common questions about tertiary study and explains the process of applying to university, managing your application, accepting an offer and enrolling. Cover image Pei Peggie Chen North Sydney Girls High School He who is enchanted by the nightscape does not see My work explores the lack of personal connection with time and place, particularly in an urban lifestyle. Individuals in a fast-paced environment may have difficulties engaging with the present moment – a part of them is searching for fulfilment in the past or the future, either anticipating or recollecting. I have incorporated quick lines and vivid colours to depict bustling and radiant city life. Through several representations of light, I suggest the vivacity of what the ‘present moment’ can offer. However, these are intentionally blurred, conveying our lack of engagement with and appreciation of the moment. ARTEXPRESS ARTEXPRESS is a showcase of Higher School Certificate work selected from the NSW Higher School Certificate examination in Visual Arts. ARTEXPRESS is a joint project of the NSW Department of Education and Communities and BOSTES in association with the Art Gallery of NSW. Artworks are displayed at Margaret Whitlam Gallery, Western Sydney University; Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre; The Armory, Sydney Olympic Park; Art Gallery of New South Wales; Wollongong Art Gallery; Wagga Wagga Art Gallery; McGlade Art Gallery, Australian Catholic University; the Glasshouse Regional Gallery; Maitland Regional Art Gallery; and the Blue Mountains Cultural Centre, from February to December. All UAC fees and charges include 10 per cent GST. UAC fees and charges are not refundable under any circumstances, except as required by law. Times indicated in this Guide are based on Sydney time. UAC Privacy Policy The Universities Admissions Centre (NSW & ACT) Pty Ltd (UAC) recognises the importance of protecting personal information and is bound by the NSW State Information Protection Principles1, the Australian Privacy Principles2 and the NSW Health Privacy Principles3. Details of UAC’s Privacy Policy are available at privacy.shtml. Also refer to UAC declarations which are set out in our publications, online at or within our applications. UAC collects personal information and, in some circumstances, information regarding your health, or information about someone other than yourself, for the purpose of processing your application for admission to tertiary institutions. UAC will only collect information for lawful purposes related to its function. You may seek access to personal information about you collected by UAC. The type of personal information UAC holds includes your contact details (name, address, telephone number, email address), date of birth, gender, citizenship, educational achievements, professional qualifications, employment experience, examination results, information related to your health or the health of a family member and your Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). If you are providing personal information about someone other than yourself, you should tell them about UAC’s Privacy Policy, which can be found on UAC’s website at If you are a NSW Higher School Certificate student, your Year 12 results will be held, along with Year 12 results from other states and territories in Australia, in an archive database at UAC. If you are eligible for an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) or a Limited ATAR, these will also be held in the database. Your results, including your ATAR if you are eligible, will be held in similar archives at tertiary admissions centres in other states in Australia. Results held in these archives will only be accessed by the relevant tertiary admission centre if you initiate an application for tertiary study through that centre, or if you submit an application for tertiary study directly with an institution participating in that centre. Any questions regarding privacy at UAC should be forwarded in writing to: The Managing Director, UAC, Locked Bag 112, Silverwater NSW 2128. 1 2 3 In the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW). In the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). In the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW). 2016 edition Universities Admissions Centre (NSW & ACT) Pty Ltd Quad 2, 8 Parkview Drive Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127 Locked Bag 112, Silverwater NSW 2128 1300 ASK UAC (1300 275 822) from mobiles: (02) 9752 0200 from overseas: +61 2 9752 0200 ABN 19 070 055 935 ACN 070 055 935