Saturday 12th April 2014 at 4:00 pm
TTGAC Clubrooms,
Bulkana Oval, Banksia Park, SA
Confirmation of Minutes of the 36th AGM held on 6th April 2013.
Business arising from the minutes.
4.1 Appointment of Auditor for 2013/2014.
5. 2013/2014 Treasurer’s Report and Auditors Report.
6. Reports:
6.1. President C.M.C. (Bruce Ainslie)
6.2. Little Athletics President - (Di Ferguson)
6.3. Senior Athletics (Steve Butler).
6.4. Clubroom Manager – (Jane Sternagel)
6.5. Fund Raising Officer - Vacant.
7. Election of Office Bearers: In accordance with Clause 17.0.2.a of the Constitution, apart
from the Secretary, the current Committee and Sub-Committee members must stand down
at the AGM and shall be eligible for re-appointment.
7.1. Centre Management Committee:
7.1.1. President
7.1.2. Treasurer
7.1.3. Grounds and Equipment Officer
7.1.4. Clubroom Manager
7.1.5. Publicity and Promotions Officer
7.1.6. Fund Raising Officer
7.2. Little Athletics Sub Committee:
7.2.1. President
7.2.2. Secretary
7.2.3. Registrar
7.2.4. Team Manager
7.2.5. Chief Recorder
7.2.6. Education/Coaching Officer
7.2.7. Social Secretary
7.2.8. Publicity and Promotions Representative
7.2.9. General Committee Members
7.3. Senior Athletics Sub Committee:
7.3.1. President
7.3.2. Secretary
7.3.3. Registrar
7.3.4. Team Manager
7.3.5. Recorder
7.3.6. Social Secretary
7.3.7. Publicity and Promotions Representative
7.3.8. General Committee Members
8. Appointment of Auditor for 2014/2015.
9. General Business.
9.1. Nominations for Life Membership: C. Hams
9.2. Any other business
10. Close (followed by Little Athletics Presentation).
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Saturday 6th April 2013 at 4:00 pm
TTGAC Clubrooms,
Bulkana Oval, Banksia Park, SA
Meeting Opened: at 4:00 pm by Bruce Ainslie.
1. Welcome: Bruce Ainslie welcomed those in attendance.
Petra Wiesner, Craig Hams, Kirsty Keegan, Paula Blagrove, David Skene, John Bos,
Grahame Ellis, Di Ferguson, Joshua Hart, Ray Tedore, Bruce Ainslie, Steve Jelfs, Pennye
Richter, Suzanne Ellis, Natalie Noye, Diana Hams, Andrew Saliba, Natalie Saliba, Ry
Kemp, Lee Simmons, Natalie Spackman, Michelle Ady, Cheryl Minuzzo, Paul Geesing,
Nikki Geesing, Reneē Seymour, Maria Stear, Julie Fule, Emma Chalmers, Christine
Pollidou, Jim Stear, Mim Pullinger, Jane Sternagel, Jenny Lirvamager, Darren Visser,
Beryl Robertson, Don Robertson, James Parrott, David Parrott, Stuart Knox, Andrew
Belkner, Barbara Dybala Gov, Wayne Tinsley, Ryan England, Owen Hughes, Jo Gidman,
Tony Gibbs, Jo Collins, Julia Sambell, Kirsty Rudge, Cam Rudge, Jim Holmes, Sally
Menadue, Wayne Jacka.
Special Guests – None
2. Apologies: Caroline Jackman, Pat and Ian Todd, Cassie Neubauer, Shane Grimwade,
Peter Bravey, Chris and Judy Roberts, Sean Roberts, Colleen and Peter Hargans, Leanne
and Andrew Norbury, David Jelfs, Jason Noye, Jordan Staples, Margaret and David
Johnson, Jeff Page, Darren Page, Kylie Page, Loralie Dunn and Steve Butler.
3. Minutes of Previous (35th) AGM held on 31st March 2012 was tabled and accepted.
Moved by Jim Stear; Seconded: Suzanne Ellis. All in favour; Motion Carried.
4. Business arising from previous minutes:
4.1. Constitutional Amendments. Bruce Ainslie advised those attending that the
committee has chosen to withdraw Motion 8 (change to the financial year end date).
Bruce Ainslie moved that Motions 1 through 7 be accepted; Seconded: Jane
Sternagel; All in favour; Motion Carried.
5. President’s Talk: (Bruce Ainslie)
6. Treasurer’s Report: (Jane Sternagel)
Jane Sternagel tabled the audit of the 2011/2012 Financial Report. Jane advised those in
attendance that the audit of the 2011/2012 Financial Report had found an error in that
some term deposit interest payments had not been included, thus the Income versus
Expenditure has resulted in a surplus as opposed to a deficit for that year. In addition, an
update to the 2012/2013 financial report was tabled to correct an error and because the
auditor’s fee needed to be revised and therefore would now fall into the 2013/2014
financial year.
The Treasurer asked for the audited financial report from 2011/2012 be accepted and the
financial report for 2012/2013 be accepted subject to audit (Hoff and Ashby). Proposed:
Jane Sternagel; Seconded: Grahame Ellis; All in favour; Motion Carried
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7. Reports:
7.1. President C.M.C. (Bruce Ainslie) – tabled
7.2. President Little Athletics Committee (Di Ferguson) – tabled
7.3. President Seniors Committee (Steve Butler) – tabled
7.4. Clubroom Manager (Leanne Norbury) – tabled
7.5. Fund Raising Officer – Position vacant
Bruce Ainslie moved that all reports be accepted. Moved by Bruce Ainslie; Seconded:
Craig Hams; All in favour; Motion Carried.
8. Election of Office Bearers:
8.1. Centre Management Committee:
8.1.1. President – Bruce Ainslie [Second Term]
8.1.2. Secretary – Petra Wiesner [Nominated by Bruce Ainslie, seconded by Jane
8.1.3. Treasurer – Jane Sternagel [Second Term]
8.1.4. Grounds & Equipment Officer – Craig Hams [Nominated by Petra Wiesner;
Seconded: Jane Sternagel]
8.1.5. Clubroom Manager – Unfilled
8.1.6. Publicity & Promotions Officer – Unfilled
8.1.7. Fund Raising Officer – Unfilled
8.2. Little Athletics Committee
8.2.1. President – Unfilled.
8.2.2. Secretary – Unfilled.
8.2.3. Registrar – Emma Chalmers [Nominated by John Bos, seconded by Kirsty
8.2.4. Team Manager – Grahame Ellis [Nominated by Petra Wiesner; Seconded: Jane
8.2.5. Chief Recorder – Di Ferguson [Nominated by John Bos, seconded by Kirsty
8.2.6. Education/Coaching Officer – John Bos [Nominated by Di Ferguson, seconded
by Kirsty Keegan]
8.2.7. Social Secretary – Unfilled
8.2.8. Publicity & Promotions Officer – Unfilled.
8.2.9. Canteen Manager – Unfilled
8.2.10. General Committee
 Kirsty Keegan [Nominated by Paula Blagrove, seconded by John Bos]
 Paula Blagrove [Nominated by Kirsty Keegan, seconded by John Bos]
 Ry Kemp [Nominated by Ry Kemp, seconded by Bruce Ainslie]
 Tim Chalmers [Nominated by Emma Chalmers, seconded by Bruce Ainslie]
 Jason Noye [Nominated by Natalie Noye, seconded by Bruce Ainslie]
 Kym Collins [Nominated by Kym Collins, seconded by Bruce Ainslie]
 David Skene [Nominated by David Skene, seconded by Bruce Ainslie]
Bruce Ainslie advised the new Little Athletics Committee that the positions of
President, Secretary and Canteen Manager will need to be filled from amongst their
8.3. Senior Athletics Committee:
8.3.1. President – Steve Butler [Nominated Petra Wiesner; Seconded Shane
8.3.2. Secretary – Petra Wiesner [Nominated Shane Grimwade; Seconded Steve
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Registrar – Unfilled
Athlete’s Representative – Unfilled.
Team Manager – Unfilled.
Recorder – Pat Todd [Nominated Petra Wiesner; Seconded Shane Grimwade].
Social Secretary (Fundraising) – Unfilled.
Publicity & Promotions – Unfilled.
General Committee –
Shane Grimwade (Education/Coaching Officer) [Nominated Petra Wiesner;
Seconded Steve Butler]
Peter Bravey [Nominated Petra Wiesner; Seconded Steve Butler]
Cassie Neubauer [Nominated Petra Wiesner; Seconded Steve Butler]
Jeff Page [Nominated Petra Wiesner; Seconded Steve Butler]
9. Appointment of Auditor.
Jane Sternagel proposed that the club appoint Hoff and Ashby as the auditor for the
current financial year unless an alternative can be found. Proposed by Jane Sternagel;
seconded by Petra Wiesner. Motion Carried
10. General Business:
Nominations for Life Membership
10.1.1. From Little Athletics Committee – Kirsty Rudge Coppin [Nominated Craig
Hams; Seconded Petra Wiesner; All in favour]
10.1.2. From Seniors Committee – David Jelfs [Nominated Jeff Page; Seconded Bruce
Ainslie; All in favour]
Nominations for Athlete Life Membership
 Sean Roberts [Nominated by Chris Roberts; Seconded Bruce Ainslie; All in
 Stephen Jelfs [Nominated by Petra Wiesner; Seconded by Jane Sternagel; All in
Any Other Business
11. Meeting Closed:
Bruce Ainslie thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 5.00pm.
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Prepared by Jane Sternagel
Yet again, it has been an exceptionally good year for the club. We have had many returning
sponsors as well as numerous new sponsors. Both have donated monetary amounts or
donations of goods to a dollar value.
Our Little Athletics registrations have equalled last year, but our Seniors registrations are
slightly down again mainly due to injuries. Having said this, there has been a huge focus on
leading some of our older Little Athletes into the senior club for season 14-15
I have attached the financials for this year to this report for you to review.
This year, due to an amazing effort from Pam Cummings, the books will have been audited
before the AGM and so are presented as fully correct and audited documents. It has also been
decided by the CMC that new account keeping software was necessary and Pam Cummings
has generously donated her time and expertise to upload all of the previous 2 season’s data
onto the new MYOB program. We are hoping this will make life a lot easier in future and will
make auditing a happier process.
The Seniors Pro Meet as usual was a positive for the Tea Tree Gully Seniors and although
they fell just short of the sponsorship required to cover the meet, it was a great night (apart
from a TTG Council blunder which left the track under sprinklers and slightly soggy!)
Centre Management hall/oval hire is up slightly. The kitchen area has welcomed a new
coffee machine, new pie warmer and a brand new drinks fridge. Last years’ decision to
increase hall hire and bond cost hasn’t deterred any of the regular schools or hirers. Next
season will also hopefully see the kitchen upgrade take place. Petra Wiesner has been hard at
work organising grants and quotes to get our kitchen upgraded and modernised.
The council is renegotiating our lease. The new leasing policy being applied by the council
will dramatically increase our lease costs for the clubroom by approximately $6000 pa. Costs
associated with hiring the oval appear to be staying the same. The capital outlay associated
with the kitchen upgrade may help offset the rate increase by a small amount. In order to
further offset the rate increase, we have increased hall hire fees in line with other facilities in
our area and hope to retain our Gold Sponsor Move-It who holds regular fitness and
recreational activities for adults and children. It is great to see the facilities being utilised so
We continue to have several schools (5 in total) still using our facilities for their sports days
as well as having the Little Athletics club run the canteen on some of these days. The profit
that the centre makes from running a canteen for these schools is extremely profitable so it is
well worth the effort of making sure this continues. We thank our members for volunteering
on these days.
The term deposits since 12th March 2013 have provided an interest income of $1894.78,
which has all been reinvested. The interest rates have not been as favourable this financial
year and are currently sitting at 2.4%. These term deposits are currently sitting out of line with
our financial year calendar and to the incoming Centre Management Committee (CMC) will
revisit these accounts and look into options for higher interest bearing accounts and different
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term durations. The CMC have discussed producing a document titled “Memorandum of
Minimum Investment Holdings” which will document reasons for the TTGAC maintaining a
safe guard sum of $70,000 in term deposits for unforseen events.
Although no formal fundraising has been initiated this year, a couple of raffles and meat trays
have generated a small amount of extra income for the club. The seniors raised $1200 by
contributing their time to marshal, set up, time keep and packup during the City to Bay Fun
Run. This event is always fun and a good revenue for the club. Similarly members who assist
during the SAPASA meet as officials also earn valued revenue for the club.
The club was successful in obtaining two grants during the last year. The City of Tea Tree
Gully Community Program Grant of $1800 helped pay for the new pie warmer and the drinks
fridge. Both the Pie Warmer and fridge have been put to good use. In addition a grant for
coaching/ training and sporting equipment for $2855 was received from the Office of
Recreation and Sport under the Active Club Grants Program. This enabled a number of
members to attend Level 0 and Level 1 Coaching courses and Officials training. In addition,
new sporting equipment including a new multi-timer running clock, starting pistols and
general fitness equipment for use in the gym were purchased. In addition the gym area is
slowly being revamped with the removal of old equipment and the provision of gym rubber
mats for the floor.
Overall the club is in a strong financial position but, as usual, highly dependent on the
voluntary helpers and fundraising efforts which need to continue to maintain this position.
I, with the cooperation and help of Pam Cummings, hereby present the Treasurers Report
complete for 2013/2014.
We ask that it be accepted by the members.
Jane Sternagel
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Prepared by Bruce Ainslie
Welcome to all members and their families to our 37th Annual General Meeting. I will leave
the performance and highlights of both Little Athletics and Seniors to the Reports from their
respective Sub Committees.
This season the Centre Management has had a good year supported by our hard working team
of Petra Wiesner (as she has been Secretary to CMC but also sat on the Seniors committee as
secretary), Treasurer Jane Sternagel (again steered our finances in a positive way and held
position of Club Room Manager), Di Ferguson (who has done a fantastic job for someone
who did not want the job as President of the LA Committee), Craig Hams as our Grounds and
Equipment Officer in a thank less job and Steve Butler as the Seniors President. I have
worked with these people for the last 2 years and have had only pride in having them guide
our Club forward.
Volunteers make this a great Club. Please feel free to nominate for any positions as they are
called as many hands make the work load lighter.
To All the Parents that have stood up and helped to make this a better club as we move
forward Thank You
As I said last year “I would come on to CMC for a 2 year term which ends at the 37th AGM
next year so please find my replacement “
But if you will have me I would like to carry on in the position working with the new team
Again thanks for your support
Bruce Ainslie
President – Centre Management Committee
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Prepared by Di Ferguson
Following the success of 2012/13 we reached a total of 281 registered athletes, only 5 less
than the previous year. Tiny Tots has continued to grow with a staggering 45 registered
athletes and two age groups (the Under 7 and 9 girls each having 24 athletes) were split into
two groups to prevent long hold ups especially in the field events.
There were a few hiccups as the year went along with the loss of a few committee people due
to various reasons. Our new Tiny Tot co-ordinator had to step down due to work
commitments and with a bit of bribery we were able to pull Kirsty Rudge out of retirement to
co-ordinate Tiny Tots again. Kirsty was ably assisted by Steve Borgas and the two of them
ran a very successful Tiny Tot session over the season. Many thanks also go to Cameron
Rudge who also helped with Tiny Tots and setup. Natalie Jackway also joined the committee
to assist in the webmaster role.
Many thanks to those parents/ families who helped with setup/ canteen/ pack up/ starting and
time-keeping duties on their rostered days and sometimes just to help to help out even when
not rostered. Unfortunately, overall the number of families adhering to the parent roster was
disappointing and this is one area that needs to be improved next year. As always, many
hands make light work.
TTGAC was lucky enough to be involved in the Exhibition Relay events and Tiny Tot race at
the Athletics SA Adelaide Track Classic. TTG athletes did us all proud and we have a relay
baton signed by Sally Pearson as a memento that will be displayed in the clubrooms.
Thank you goes to Eric McConnochie who volunteered to take many action photos over three
weeks (roughly 800 photos in total) which he has kindly donated to the centre.
We also received some good PR through the participation in the Westfield TTP Xmas pageant
and an article in the local Messenger paper.
Training sessions started off strong and at the business end of the season we were fortunate to
have Senior Athletics coaches Pat Todd and Jeff Page assist us and run training sessions in
their areas of expertise. Those athletes that were able to train with them have commented on
how much they learnt and enjoyed their sessions, and it is something that would be good to
foster for next season to encourage closer training ties between Little Athletics and seniors.
We had some great success at the various Championships held throughout the year.
Relay Championships: TTG came third overall, with the various track and field teams
bringing home 7 x Gold, 7 x Silver and 5 x Bronze medals.
Multi Event Championships – 5 x bronze
Improvers Championships: we had 50 athletes nominate and ended up with 9 x gold,
4 x silver, 9 x bronze plus the participation medals for tiny tots up to Under 8’s.
State Individual Championships : saw 67 athletes nominate for a total of 217 events,
from which our athletes brought home 14 x Gold, 17 x Silver and 17 x bronze.
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Two of our athletes, Rachel Gill and Lachlan Barr have also been chosen to represent SA in
the Under 13 State Team competing in Melbourne in May this year at the Australian Little
Athletics Championships and we wish them the very best at this event.
Thank you to the Little Athletics Committee for the last 12 months as without your
unwavering enthusiasm, support and dedication, this centre would not be able to provide our
children with the chance to participate in a great sport with a great club. Congratulations also
to John Bos for being awarded the Little Athletics Coach of the Year Award.
Many thanks also to Pam Cummings for taking on the role of Canteen Manager and keeping
us well supplied with home-made cup-cakes.
Finally thank you to all those parents who chaperone, rake pits, measure jumps and throws,
and who bring their children out to competitions and encourage them to ultimately try their
best and more importantly, to have fun.
Di Ferguson
President - Little Athletics Sub Committee
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Prepared by Steve Butler
Hello to all,
The 2013/14 season has been a year of stability for the Senior Athletics Club with again a
focus on increasing membership, athlete participation at interclub and state events and
providing high quality training venue and coaches. It is of the utmost importance that we
provide a pathway for little athletes to senior athletes and putting together a senior committee
to oversee and achieve a successful senior club. The goal is to increase membership,
participation, resources and improve coaching and training opportunities, not only for this
season but future seasons.
Despite the small number of senior athletes this season, we are a group that continues to
punch well above it’s weight at state, national and international level. Gabriel Cole
represented Australia at the 2013 IPC World Games in Lyon, France for the 100, 200 and
sprint relay. Gabriel had great success there winning the Silver medal in the 100m. At the
recent Australian National Titles in Melbourne, Gab Cole won Gold in the 100m and Katy
Parish won Bronze in the women’s Long Jump. Steve Butler (myself) was awarded Athletics
SA Coach of the Year.
The National Titles were also the Commonwealth Games Selection Trials and Sean Roberts
achieved Automatic selection on the Australian team for the men’s 100m. Katy Parish and
Jamie McInerny have also attained A qualifiers for the Commonwealth Games and hopefully
will be selected to represent Australia with Sean in Glasgow. We have a very strong EAD
(Elite Athlete with Disability) program at TTGAC with five athletes representing Australia
over recent years Gab Cole, Jamie McInerney, Sean Roberts, Katy Parish and Andrew
Mathews. The first three named are current SASI High Performance scholarship holders and
are representing TTGAC at all the Athletic Australia National series meets.
Tea Tree Gully Athletic Club hosted the SA League Carnival again this season with great
success and support from the club and local businesses. The event is held in January and is the
traditional start to the New Year for the SA Athletic League. Shane Grimwade continues to
oversee this event and gives a lot of his personal time and effort to put together a very good
event. This is an event that offers the club exposure, an opportunity for its athletes, the local
community who offer support through sponsorship and provides the club some club revenue.
This year’s event was a great success and had very positive revues from the League and the
athletes. I would like to thank Shane for his continued efforts and to all the sponsors who have
connections with the club, the committee, Little Athletics Club and athletes for making a great
Moving forward there are a number of initiatives that will provide extra resources for our club
and its members. One of these initiatives is to refurbish the Gym and provide quality exercise
equipment for all athletes. Another initiative is to help coaches achieve accreditation with
Athletics Australia so that we can offer this service to our up and coming athletes. We will be
offering more training opportunities and options in the new season with qualified coaches and
more training times at Bulkana and other venues..
I would like to thank the Senior Committee for continuing to offer their time at meetings and
to the parents, family members, athletes, officials and all members who have assisted in
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keeping the senior club operating this season. A big thank you again must go to Petra Wiesner
who has put in a lot of time and effort to drive the senior club this season. Petra has been
instrumental in getting meetings together, taking minutes, organizing new uniforms and
keeping me informed and on course.
Membership and athletes are the lifeblood of our club and it is the highest priority of all
involved to build our numbers for the club to be prosperous and successful. It is extremely
important that the Little Athletics and Senior Athletics work together for the smooth transition
of athletes. This club was the states number one senior club for both men and women as
recently as 2005/2006. The Senior Club needs the support of all as we build it back to the top
of SA Athletics. We have quality athletes competing at a high level and now we need to build
our numbers and participate at every Athletics SA competition. The goal is to continue to
build the club numbers and success over the next 3 to 5 years and return to the top of the
South Australian Athletic competition. I feel very confident and positive about the future and
look forward to being a part of the next successes as the next group competes for the Tea Tree
Gully Athletics Club
Stephen Butler
President - Seniors Sub Committee
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