www.headinjuryassoc.org 300 Kennedy Drive Hauppauge, NY 11788 Stuart Gleiber President Liz Giordano Chief Executive Officer Dear Friends, 2013 was a particularly demanding year for organizations within the Community Health and Human Services Field. Doing more with less has become an integral part of our mission at Head Injury Association. Yet, we continue to provide quality services to those individuals who have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Last year, the Head Injury Association was given the opportunity to expand its service delivery system to those individuals who are Intellectually/Developmentally Disabled (I/DD). Our New Horizons Program was launched in the Summer of 2013 with an innovative customized program serving High School Graduates with a diagnoses of Autism. In addition to this expansion of the Hy Feinstein Clubhouse, Head Injury Association significantly increased its residential-care program, with the opening of three new condominiums within Suffolk County. Geography was no challenge for the Head Injury Association! Having obtained approval from New York State, the Head Injury Association began to serve TBI Survivors within the five boroughs. With its first Case Manager, located in Brooklyn, the Head Injury Association expanded its boarders to include bilingual family support groups in the Head Trauma Unit at Bellevue Hospital. It is only through the continued support of our friends, that Head Injury Stuart Gleiber Association is able to touch the lives of individuals with Developmental President Disabilities. Thank you for helping to make Head Injury Association a Bridge to Hope and Healing. Taymor Industries Inc TD Charitable Foundation Tennsco Tervis Thatcher Heating & Cooling Inc The Baby Jogger Company The Boppy Company The Central National-Gottesman Fdn / Lindenmeyer Centr The Charitable Gift Fund The Cohen Brothers Foundation The Coleman Company Inc. The Dover Fund, Inc. The Elsa and Irving Nusblatt Foundation The Fay J.Lindner Foundation The Fortunoff Foundation Inc. The Fortunoff Foundation Inc./Jaftex Corp The Gerson Company The Gould-Shenfeld Fam Fndtn The Gould-Shenfeld Family Foundation The Hall Schultz Foundation/H.Schultz & Sons The Homax Group, Inc. The Hope Co. Inc. The Inner Circle The Jacobson Family Foundation c/o JFI The Kantor Group, LLC The Lido Group, Inc. The Lindy Bowman Co. The Metal Ware Corporation The Neat Co. DBA Neat Receipts The Newark Group, Inc. The Northwest Company, LLC The Pomeroy Collection The Presto Foundation The Retail Connection The Shopping Center Group, LLC The Stanley and Iris Rabinowitz Foundation The Step2 Company The Sullivan Corporation The Tanee Company The Tonytail Company Inc. The Willowbrook Company/Grace Management Group, LLC Theochem Laboratories Inc Thirstystone Resources, Inc. Thomas Frain Associates, Inc. Thomas International dba Westwood Design Three Lollies, LLC Tilden Sales Associates, Inc. Tizo Design Inc. TL Care Todd Christopher International Inc. dba Vogue International Tom's of Maine Topsville Inc./ Jaclyn, Inc Toshiba America Business Solutions, Inc. TotalGreen Holland Totally Bamboo Trans-Ocean Import Co.,INC. Traveler's Choice Travelware Travelon Travelpro Treekeeper, LLC / Village Lighting Trend Evolution, LLC Trendex Home Designs Inc. Trendi & Associates Inc. TRG Group Triangle Home Fashions, LLC Triboro Quilt Manufacturing Corporation Tridim Trinity Packagging/Vantage Marketing & Sales Inc. Triple Crown Tristar Products, Inc TROPICAL BIOMEDICS, INC. Trudeau True Fabrications Inc TST Overland Express Turbie Twist Turtle Fur Company TV Guard Inc./ Parent Units Tweezerman International, LLC U. S. Express, INC. Ultra Standard Distributors Umbra LLC Unger Industrial LLC Uniek, Inc. Unilever Unimac Graphics United Rentals United Weavers of America, Inc Universal Vending Management, LLC Unlimited Export, Inc. Upper Canada Soap UPS Freight/ UPS Foundation, Inc. Urban Express Assembly, LLC US Henkel USM Services VALEANT CONSUMER PRODUCTS Valentino U.S.A. Valspar/Guardsman Van Blerck Photography, Inc. Velocity Express LLC Vendor Development Venta Airwasher, Inc. Venture Products, LLC Veratex Inc. Verdes Toy Corp. Verilux, Inc. Versailles Home Fashions, Inc. Victory Land Group, Inc. Vincent J. DiCalogero LLC Vinturi, Inc Vistar Corporation/Performance Food Group Inc. Vita-Mix VM/SB Marketing Co. Vornado Air, LLC Voyager Express, Inc. Vtech Electronics North America,LLC W Studio USA LLC W.J. Hagerty & Sons, Ltd. W.M. Barr & Company Inc. Wabash Valley Farms Inc. Wahl Clipper Corporation WAlsay Inc. Waterbrands, LLC Waterford Wedgwood USA Group/ WWRD US, LLC WaterPik Inc. Waxman Consumer Group Way Basics Weeplay Kids, LLC Weiman Products Welcome Industrial Corp Welford Industries Limited Wellbest Industries LTD. Welspun USA Inc. Werner National LLC Western Express Inc. Westminster Inc. Weston Products/ Pragotrade Inc. WestPoint Home Westport Home Fashions LLC WG Security Products Whirlpool Corportion/ Kitchen Aid, Inc. Whitmor Inc. WILKINS GEDDES BEAUDET INC Willert Home Products Willis North America Inc. Wilton Industries, Inc. Windmill Health Products, LLC Winix Inc. Winsome Trading Inc. Wire Weld Inc. Witmar Sales, Inc Wolf Gordon World Class Logistics Mgmnt, Inc. WUSTHOF-TRIDENT OF AMERICA, INC. Wythe Will Distributing, LLC. Yankee Candle YMS Sales LLC York Risk Services Group, Inc York Wallcoverings, Borders & Fabrics Youcopia Products, Inc. Yummy Designs, Inc. Yungjohann Hilman, Inc dba Mombasa Sheer Lifestyles Yusen Logistics Zachary Confections Zadro Products, Inc. Zenith Global Logistics Zenith Products / India Ink Zero Odor LLC Zero Technologies, LLC Ziegler & Robinson, Attorneys Zodax Zojirushi America Corporation Zorlu USA Inc. ZUO Modern Zwilling J.A. Henckels LLC Zyliss USA / DKB Household USA Corp. Individuals Ms. Sara Alderman Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Barshay Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Bednoff Mr. Harvey Bernstein Mr. Jay Bernstein Mr. Edward Blumenfeld Mr. Scott Broder S Calucci Mr. Michael Carmody Mr. Edward Casey Mr. Andrew Charles Mr. & Mrs. B.A. Chin Ms. Susanne Clark Mr. Bruce Clark Mr. Eric Clark Mrs. Karolee Cohn Mrs. Caryl Dabenigno Mr. Robert Dulick Ms. Lynn Emmolo Dr. Roy Fagin Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Feinstein Ms. Amy Feinstein Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Feinstein Mr. & Mrs. Richard Feinstein Mr. & Mrs. Larry Fenster Mr. Matthew Fiorilli Mr. Frank Freeberg Mr. Melvin Ganz Mr. Andrew Gick Mr. Scott Gildea Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Gleiber Mr. David Goldman Mrs. Susan Goodman Mr. Martin Goodstein Mr. Stanley Greenberg Mr. Bradley Gruber Mr. Bruce Harrison Ms. Jeanette Hassett Mr. & Mrs. Keith Jampolis Mr. Bruce Janvery Ms. Rose Kalman Mr. Timothy Kish Mr. David Klein Mr. Robert Kohl Mr. David Lapine Ms. Kathy Maaser Mr. Scott Mager Ms. Carol Maiorella Mr. David Mattana Ms. Michele McCarthy Mr. Kenneth Miller Mr. Charles Mizrahi Mr. Robert Moscovitz Mr. & Mrs. David Newman Mr. Donald Phillips Mr. Jeffrey Pliskin Mr. Gary Podell Ms. Joan Popowyck Mr. Cary Potkin Ms. Carol Queen Mr. Martin Rosenman Mr. Jason Rosenzweig Ms. Carol Savitz Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Scheckman Mr. Michael Schreiber Mrs. Mary Segal Mr. Robert Shapiro Mr. Irwin Shrubstein Mr. Scott Silverman Mr. Scott Smith Ms. Arlene Sommer Mr. Charles Steinberg Mr. Dan Tanenbaum Mr. Rich Tanenbaum Mr. Jeffrey Tauber Mr. Fred Tepperman Mr. Michael Thea Mr. David Wasserman Mr. Joel Weidman Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Weingarten Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Weinstock Mrs. Rosalie Wigutow Mr. Henry Winetsky Mr. Brian Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. Robert Yaffe Mr. & Mrs. Donald Yellin Mr. Eugene Zuriff Mr. & Mrs. George Ziegler A New Horizons For Autistic Individuals The New Horizons Day Habilitation Program is a specialized program located within our state-of-the-art Day Center funded through the NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). It is designed to meet the needs of young adults coming from school-based educational programs, with significant intellectual disabilities and/or educational programs, with significant intellectual disabilities and/or challenging behaviors; including those with Autism, Epilepsy, and Cerebral Palsy. Nurturing and supportive staff encourages family involvement at every step throughout the transition process. New Horizons provides programming that focuses on supporting the development of continuing education, social skills, communication, adaptive living skills and leisure activities. A variety of specialty programs such as Art Therapy, Horticulture, Music Appreciation, and Computer Technology are offered through a highly structured schedule of activities. Behavioral support and relaxation activities that promote wellness and reduce anxiety are an integral part of the program. At the Head Injury Association, our mission is to maximize Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Survivors’ potential by providing the necessary residential and support programs to help them achieve four valued outcomes: Individualization, Independence, Integration and Productivity. We are committed to increasing public awareness of TBI and its consequences, and as a result, offer innovative and effective solutions to many of the problems facing head injured survivors and their families. In 2013 The Head Injury Association's Music as Therapy Program was pleased to announce its first musical performance...GREASE! This production featured some of the most popular hits from the musical. Each participant was excited, motivated and genuinely interested in becoming actors and actresses. This was a great opportunity to enhance their cognitive skills; which plays a large role in performing a show. Reading, memorizing, word association, counting and physical hand-eye coordination are required for a successful show. The 2013 Talent Show brought exceptionally talented individuals, into the limelight. Head Injury Association provided a platform to showcase their extraordinary talent. We continue to encourage each performer to pursue their passion and achieve their goals! There is a strong bond between animals and people. Animals are accepting, non-threatening and nonjudgmental; making it easier for our individuals to open up. Our Pet therapy program helps them increase focus, trust, teamwork, and attention. It also helps them reduces depression, grief and isolation. The Head Injury Association, in conjunction with the Cinema Arts Centre, was pleased and proud to host the 2013 screening Caris' Peace. A documentary film of theatre and film actress, Caris Corfman and how she persevered through her TBI. Our 2013 Annual Fall Fun Festival gives our individuals the opportunity to be involved with the community and to obtain resources for recreational and educational activities. The Horticulture and Art Therapy groups took a trip to the Planting Fields Arboretum in Oyster Bay. In honor of the celebration of spring, Earth Day, Arbor Day which and the first day of spring are all in April. Many blooming flowers, hydrangea and daffodils and blossoming cherry blossom and magnolia trees, which awakened the senses of the individuals attending the trip. Each participant collected various petals, leaves, roots, branches, and stones as part of our spring and nature art collage. Organization 1888 Mills LLC 24/7 Express Logistics Inc. AAA Cooper Transportation ABC's of Decor Inc. ABG Accessories Abhiasmi Inc.,dba Jovi Home ABM Canada Inc. Accutime Coporation Acme Global Logistics New York, Inc. DBA Janus Logistics Acme International Enterprises, Inc. Active Media Services, Inc. AD Lines Eurogroup Inc. Aden & Anais Inc. Adesso Inc. ADK Sales Inc. Advance Watch Co., Ltd. dba Geneva Watch Group Aeolus Down, INC. AHI Acquisition, LLC d/b/a American Hygiene Industries Aire-Master of America, Inc. Akasha-US Inc. Albion Associates, Inc. Alfay Designs, Inc. Alfred's Picture Frames, Inc. All Points Logistics Inc./ Kid Glove Service All Star Marketing All Strong Industry (USA) Inc. Allary Corp. Allis Engineering Inc. Allure Home Creation Co., Inc Almar Sales Company Inc. American Dog Toys, Inc American Innotek, Inc. American Textile Company, Inc. Americana at Manhasset Americana Companies Inc. Ameriwood Industries Amerlux Lighting Solutions,LLC Amertac Amscan Amware Distribution Warehouses, M&M, LLC Amy Feinstein Foundation, Inc. c/o Rockdale Capital Anchor Hocking Company Anchor Sales & Marketing Inc. Andy and Evan Industries, Inc. Ann Arbor Distribution Inc. Anotech USA, LLC Aram R. Chowdhury Memorial Foundation ARC Excess & Surplus LLC ARC International North America Architectural Group International, Inc. Ardex Engineered Cements / Ardex Americas, L.P. Arett Sales Corporation Arg Manufacturing, Inc ARGENTO SC BY SICURA INC. Armour Armstrong Berger Construction Arrow Marketing, Inc. Artbeats Inc. Artissimo Designs Asher's Atlantic Retail Properties Audiovox Electronics Corp./Voxx Accessories Corp. Aumi Design LLC Avanti Linens Inc. Avery Dennison Corporation Axis International Marketing Ltd B & G Sales B. G. Associates Babo Botanicals Baby Appleseed/ Trifecta Industries, LLC Baby Needs, Inc/ Elegant Baby Babyfair, Inc. Babyswede LLC Bacon and Graham Bacova Guild, Ltd. BAE SYSTEMS Balboa Baby & Co., LLC Ball, Bounce, and Sport, Inc. Ballymore Company Inc. Baltic Linen Company Inc. Barclays Bardwil Industries, Inc. Barry Weismer Sales Company Barry's Bakery/ The Source Bakery, Inc. Bassett Batah Company Bathsense LLC BBX Inc. BCH Mechanical Foundation/Conserv Building Services BDO USA, LLP BDR Express, Inc. BEATRICE HOME FASHIONS, INC Beaumont Products, Inc. Beauty Reaction, LLC Beauty Solutions, LTD Bed Bath & Beyond Bed, Bath & Beyond Beiersdorf Inc. BEME International LLC Bemis Manufacturing Company Benefit Mall Benson Mills Inc. Bentex Group Inc. Bentlin Products LLC Bergeron Health Care Berkshire Blanket, Inc. Berman, Blake Associates, Inc. Bernard Food Industries Inc. Berwick Offray, LLC Best Chairs Inc. Better Houseware Corporation Better Sleep, Inc. Beurer North America LLC Bianca USA, Inc. Bic Corporation Bi-Lo Distributors, LTD. Biofilm, Inc. Biogroup USA,Inc./ Biobag Americas Inc Bissell Homecare Inc. Blissliving Blockware, LLC Blue Box Toys Inc Blue Ridge Home Fashions, Inc. Blue Star Clothing Co, Inc. Blueberry Boulevard, LLC BNSF Logistics Inc. Bonakemi USA, Inc. Bonfit America Inc. Bormioli Rocco Glass Co., Inc. Boston International Import Export Inc. Boston Retail Products Boston Tea Company LLC Boston Warehouse Trading Corp Boston's Best Coffee BPG International Brain Storm Products, LLC Braza Bra Corporation Breathable Baby, LLC Brentwood Originals Breville USA, INC. Brewster Wallcovering Company Brica Inc. / Blue Ridge Int'l Products Co Bright Venture Inc. Britanne Corporation Britannica Home Fashions, Inc. Britax Child Safety Inc. Brookhill Management Corp Browne USA Inc. Brushtech, Inc BSH Home Appliances Corporation Bucky Inc. Bungalow Flooring Bunnies by the Bay Bureau Veritas Consumer Services Inc. Burke Supply Company, Inc Butch & Harold C & F Enterprises, Inc. C.R. Gibson, LLC Cains Foods L.P. Caldeira LTD California Innovations Callen Photo Mount Corp. Cambridge Silversmiths Ltd. Canada Post Carex Health Brands Carnation Home Fashions, Inc. Carol & Richard Feinstein Foundation c/o Rockdale Capital Carol and Richard Feinstein Foundation Carolina Products Carpenter Company Casabella Holdings LLC Casco Cash Solutions CCA Industries, INC Celtic Marketing Food Brokers CentiMark/Questmark Flooring Central Mills Inc. dba Freeze Certified International Chain Store Maintenance Chantal Cookware Corporation Chase Doors Chattem Check Corporation dba Damp Check Checkolite International, INC. Chef`N Corporation Chef's Planet-Taconic Inc. Chem RX Chemotec Cheyenne Industries LLC CHF Industries Inc. Chicco/Artsana USA, Inc. Child Safety Group LLC Childrens Products LLC/ Delta Enterprises Corp Church & Dwight Co., INC. Circle Glass LLC Cleanbrands, LLC ClosetMaid/Emerson CMA CGM (aMERICA) LLC Coast to Coast Fixturing Inc. Cohesion Products Inc. Coleman Cable Inc. Colgate Mattress Colordrift LLC Combi USA, INC. Commerce Hub Conair Concepts In Time, LLC Conimar Corporation/Counter Art Connoisseurs Products Corp. Container Connection Continental Fragrances, LTD. Contour Products, Inc / Comfort-trac Cool Gear International, Inc. Cooper Classics, Inc Copomon Enterprises LLC, DBA Keratin Complex Core Home Core State / 360 Project Management, LLC Corona Curtain Corporate Identification Solutions Corporate Traffic Inc. Cosco Container Lines Americas Inc. County Frame Crane USA Inc. Creative Bath Products, Inc. Creative Converting Creative Laboratories, Inc. Croscill Crowley Crown Crafts Inc. Crown Point Graphics, LLC Custom Laminations, Inc. DBA The CLI Group/Dasco Cyrus Settineri dba CS Brokers D & E Marketing Group D. Smith Associates, Inc./ Specialty Products Resources, Inc D.F. Stauffer Biscuit Co., Inc. Dandelion Dreams Inc. (Kiss My Back) Dare Foods Inc. Dat Farms Inc. DeLonghi America Inc. Delsey Luggage Delta Enterprise Corp./Delta Childrens Products Delta Faucet Co./masco Corp Indiana Demar Logistics, Inc. Dennis K. Burke Inc. Dentovations Design Go Inc Design Imports Design Language Design Manufacture Distribution, LLC Design Source International, Inc. Designs Direct, LLC Developers Diversified Realty Corp Development Solutions Global Devgiri Exports, LLC Dexas International Ltd. DGL Group LTD Dial Industries, Inc. Dial Industries/Austin-Abbott Corp. Diaper Dude LLC Digital Media Cartridge, LTD Distribution Technology Divatex Home Fashions Inc. DLM/Div of Systems Inc DM Merchandising, Inc. Dolan Designs Dorcy International Inc Down Lite Dr.Harold Katz LLC DRM Waste Management Dufek and Associates Durkee Drayage Company, Inc. DV International dba Madesmart Housewares DWI Holdings Inc. Dyson, Inc E & E Co. LTD E. Mishan & Sons Inc. E.T. Browne EA International LTD Eagle Eye Enterprises of America Easy Trading ECCOLO LTD. Eclipse Lighting, Inc. Edgecraft Corporation Edward Hecht Importers EFA/Ellision First Asia, LLC E-Financial Services Corp. Electrolux Home Care Products Eli Yedid Cutie Pie Baby inc. Elite Storage Solutions Inc. ELLERY HOLDINGS Elsa L Inc. Emerson Healthcare LLC Enchante Accessories, Inc Englewood Marketing Group, Inc. Envion LLC Epicurean Cutting Surfaces, Inc. ERGObaby, Inc Estes Express Lines Eton re_inventing radio Etro Euro-Pro Evans Delivery Co Inc. Evco International Inc. Evenson Best Evergreen Enterprises Inc. Everstar Merchandise Co., LTD. Evmel Corporation Evolution Lighting LLC Evriholder Products, Inc. Exotic Gourmet Corp. Expressive Design Group, Inc. Expro3, LLC E-Z Do, Inc. F&M Tool & Plastics, Inc. Fagor America, Inc. Fairy Tales Hair Care, Inc. Famous Home Fashions Inc. Fan Fi International, Inc. dba Energy Technology Laboratory Fantas Eyes Inc. FC Meyer Packaging Federal Heath Sign Company FedEx Feit Electric Company Inc. Feizy Import & Export Co. Fenton & Weidler Sales Co., Inc. Ferolie Family Foundation Ferrero USA Inc. Fetco Home Decor, Inc./Mac & Company Inc. FGX International Fiske Industries Incorporated Five Star Apparel, LLC Flex-O-Glass, Inc/ Warp Brothers Floxite Co. Inc. Focus Products Group LLC Foreston Trends Formation Brands, LLC Forsythe Cosmetic Group Ltd Fox Run USA, LLC Fraternale Associates, Inc Fred M. Lawrence Co./D.B.A. Lawrence Frames French Transit, Ltd. Fresh City Acquisition Group, LLC Freshlink Product Development LLC Friedman Management Co. Fruit of the Earth Inc. Fulcrum Products, INC. Fullbar LLC Fusion Architecture, PLLC Garlock Printing Gatco, Inc. Gel Spice Company George & Company LLC Gerber Childrenswear LLC Gershwind Family Foundation c/o JFI Glen Oaks Philanthropic Fund Glenna Jean Manufacturing Glenoit LLC/ Ex-cell Home Fashions, Inc. GLJ, LLC d/b/a O2 Cool Global Distributors Global Industries Inc. Global TV Concepts Ltd. GMB Consulting Inc. GoJo Industries, Inc. Gold Coast Bank Gold Medal International GOLD, INC. Golden Charm / Crown King Ent., Ltd Golden Tadco International Corp. Goldstein Associates Golick Martins, Inc. Gordon Companies Inc. Grace Home Fashions Grace Manufacturing Inc. & Microplane Div. Granite Gold Inc. Graphic Communications Graphique de France Great American Products Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc. Griffon Corporation/ Ames True Temper Group SEB USA Groupe SEB USA / KRUPS ROWENTA GSI Sales, Inc. GW Acquisition LLC DBA G&W Industries H2O Furnishlings LLC c/o Nathan Katz HADDAD BROTHERS, INC. HAJOCA CORPORATION Halo Innovations Inc. Hampton Direct Inc. Handi-Craft Company HandStands/American Covers Inc./Refresh Your Car Harman Investments Ltd. Harrison Edwards Compnay Harte Hanks Harwyn Shoes Haskel Trading Inc. Haute Decor HDS Trading Corp. Healthy Home Products/ Kas Direct LLC Hearthware, Inc. Heartland Fragrance Co., LLC Hedaya Home Fashions, Inc Helen of Troy Herbal Concepts, Inc. High Desert Sales, In Highland Mint Hillsdale Furniture, LLC HJ RASHITI & COMPANY, INC Hollander Home Fashions Hollywood Fashion Secrets Home Dynamix Home Essentials & Beyond Inc. Home Fashions International, LLC Home Products International, Inc Homedics Homeland Housewares/Capital Brands LLC Honey Can Do International, Inc. Hong Kong Sunhouse Ent. Co,./ JB Innovations Corporation Horizon Lines International Service Hosley International Inc. Household Essentials, LLC HUB Group HUB International Northeast Limited Huntington Bicycle Club Hutzler Manufacturing Co, Inc. Hyper Pet/ a Division of Rose America Corp. IBEX Corporation ICI USA LLC Idelle Labs IGS Store Fixtures, Inc. IJK Limited/Reliance Trading Corp. Images 2000 Inc. IMS Trading Independent Floor Testing & Inspection Inc. Infantino, LLC Infiniti Group International Inc. INMUSIC BRANDS INC. Innovative Technology Electronics Corp. Integrated Design Products (IDP) LLC Intek America Inc Intelligrated Systems Inc. InterDesign Inc. Interlink Products International Inc. International Art Enterprise Co., LTD International Beauty Network, INC. International Innovation Company USA/ Vacuvin International Sales, Inc. International Warehouse Group, Inc. Intrigue Designs Ltd. Inventel LLC Iris USA Inc. iRobot Corporation Irwin Katz & Assoc Inc. Irwin Naturals Isaac Jacobs International LLC Isaco International iSi North America Inc. Izola, Inc. J & D Brush Co., Inc. J & J Invision J & J Sales and Logistics Co.,LLCJ Queen New York J R/B C Blumenthal Foundation J.E.Allton, LLC dba Compu Expert, LLC. Jackson Lewis LLP Jack-Tom Industrial Co. Ltd / Unisom Investment Co. LLC Jarden Home Brands / Brawley, Pardini, Inc. Jasco Products Company JB Hunt JBM Sales & Marketing JENNMAR Jerdon Style Jessie Steele, Inc Jewish Communal Fund Jiangsu Royal Home USA Inc. Jimco Lamp & Manufacturing Co. JNJ Express, Inc Jobar International JODHPURI Inc. John Ritzenthaler Company Johns Manville Jokari/ US Inc. Jones Lang Lasalle Americas Joovy Josie Accessories Inc. dba Elrene Home Fashions JP Morgan Chase & Co. JP Products LLC JR/B C Blumenthal Foundation Judith & Donald Rechler Foundation, Inc. Ju-Ju-Be International Jura Capresso Inc. jWIN Electronics Corporation K A & F Group, LLC KA Display Solutions, Inc. Kao Brands Company Kas Oriental Rugs, Inc. Kassatex Inc. Keeco, LLC Kennedy International Inc. Kent Displays Kentex Corporation KID Design/SDI-iHome/Timex Kidkusion Inc. Kids II Foundation Inc Kids Line LLC Kids Only Inc Kids Preferred, LLC Kikkerland Design Inc. King Zak Industries Inc. Kittrich Corporation Klear-VU Corporation Kliger-Weiss Infosystems KLT Global/Lipari Foods, Inc Knight Transportation Services Inc. Kolcraft Enterprises, Inc. KONE Inc. Kraftware Corporation Kreber Kroll Creations K-tec / Blendtec L.C. Industries, Inc La Compagnie Safdie Inc La Crosse Technology, Ltd LaJobi Inc. LaLa Imports/ Nexgen Lambs & Ivy Laminet Cover Company LaMont, Limited Lancer and Loader Group LLC Landstar/Secret Direct Inc. Lane Associates LapGear/ Creativ Essentials, LLC Las Vegas/ L.A. Express Lasko Products, Inc. Lava Lite, LLC Law Offices of James P Clark P.C. Lawrence Exterior Restoration Corp. Layton Home Fashions LCG Sales Inc. Le Creuset of America, Inc. Leap Year Publishing LLC Leifheit International USA, Inc. Leila's Linen Inc. Leisure Time Inc. Lenox Corporation Leon Korol Company Leonard S. Klein Co.Inc./National Marketing Organization Lerner,David,Littenberg,Krumh olz, & Mentlik LLP Les Friedland Associates, LTD Les Ventes Domay Sales Inc. Let's Gel Inc. Levinsohn Textile, Co,. Inc. Lexmark Libbey Inc. Liberty Distributors Inc. Liberty Hardware Liberty Transportation Libra Wholesale, Inc. License Products, Inc.dba First Time Life Gear dba Pacific Pathway Lifetime Brands, Inc. Lily Transportation Corp. Lincoln Textile Products Co. Inc./Kensington Home Fashions Linon Home Decor Products, Inc Lipper International Inc. Liss Global Lite Source Inc. Little Castle Furniture Co., Inc. Little Kids Livingston International,Inc. Loftex USA, LLC Loloi Rugs, Inc. London Jewelers London Luxury LLC Lornamead Inc. Lorraine Home Fashions, Inc Louisville Bedding Company / Hollander Sleep Products, LLC Lovett International, Inc. Loving Pets LQ Management L.L.C. Luigi Bormioli Lux Products Corporation Lynn Roberts Company, LLC/ LRI Holdings Company M & L Wholesale Inc. M. Block and Sons, Inc. M. Style M.Jacob & Sons M.Z. Berger & Co., Inc. Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLp Manhattan Group/Manhattan Toy Co. Manhattan Kids/ Microtex Maples Industries, Inc. Marc Anthony Cosmetics Inc. Marcella Corporation Marino Adnriani, LLC Marketing Results, LTD. Markos & Widly, Inc./American Furniture Alliance Marlite Marpac LLC Marsalle, Inc. Marut Enterprises LLC/Mangroomer.com Mason Distributors Inc. Masterpiece Art Gallery Inc. Maverick Industries. Inc. Mayo Studios, Inc. Maytex Mills, Inc. MCG Architecture McNabb Nutraceuticals, LLC MCS Industries Inc. MECO Corporation Medical Depot dba Drive Medical Design & Manufacturing Medport, LLC MEG/Merchandising Equipment Group Melissa & Doug, LLC MerchSource, LLC Mercury Luggage/Seward Trunk Merkury Innovations Merrick Engineering Inc. Merril Lynch Method Products, Inc. Metro Marketing Group Metrokane Metropolitan Trucking Meyer Corporation US MGR Design International Inc Midwest Commercial Realty Miele Milano Series International Products MindsInSync Inc. Minhou Minxing USA Inc. Mitzi and Warren Eisenberg Family Foundation MKR Corporation/ Trinity Packaging Mobile Mini Moen Mohawk Industries Morgan Home Fashions Morgan Home Fashions, Inc Mr. Bar-B-Q MSA Products Inc./Real Simple MSC International MSG Marketing Inc. Mudpie Munchkin Inc. MVP Group International/ Colonial Candle MVP Group International/ TLC Candle My Tribute Gift Foundation Mytex, LLC Najarian Furniture Co., Inc. Narita Trading Company, Inc Nassau Candy Distributors, Inc. Naterra International, Inc. National Express Inc. Naturepedic / Safe for Home Products LLC Nature's Animals, Inc Natures Pillows Inc. NBTY NCC NY LLC Neatfreak Group Corp. Neato Robotics Nelson New York Architecture Operating Co. Inc. Neoteric Cosmetics Inc. NESCO/Needham Electric Supply New View Gifts & Accessories LTD New York Representatives LTD. Newell Rubbermaid / Calphalon Next Creations Holdings, LLC Nice Pak Products USA Nichols Trucking Co., Inc. Nielsen Bainbridge LLC Nifty Home Products, Inc. NML Group Nonni's Food, LLC Normande Lighting Northern Trust Company Northland Aluminum Products,Inc./ Nordic Ware Northland Industrial Truck Co., Inc. Northwest Atlantic Nostalgia Home Fashions, Inc. Nourison Industries Inc. Novar Controls Corp. NSH, Inc. Numark Industries Company Limited NuWest Logistics, LLC O2COOL LLC Office Star Products Div. of Blumenthal Distributing, Inc. Olde Thompson, Inc Omega Products, Inc OMI Industries On Time Staffing, LLC OP Batteries, LLC Orange County Community Foundation Organization Organize It All Inc. Orian Rugs, Inc / Betsy BurnesMcCarthy Original Gourmet Food Co. Otto International USA, LLC Our Lady of Mt.Carmel Outerstuff, LTD. Over and Back Inc. Oxford and Simpson OXO International, Inc. P2B Inc Pacer Transportation Solutions, Inc. Pacific Coast Feather Company Pacific Coast Home Furnishings Pacific Silver Inc. PACIFIC SUPREME CO., LTD Pacific World Cosmetics Packaging Corporation of America PackIt LLC Papyrus-Recycled Greetings, Inc. Paris Presents Incorporated Parissa Laboratories, Inc. Park B. Smith Ltd. Parker & Bailey Corp. Pastourelle, LLC Patton Picture Compnay Paul K. O'Rourke Co., Inc. PayPal Giving Fund Pearhead, Inc. Peg Perego Peking Handicraft Inc. PEM-America, Inc. Pepperidge Farm, Inc Perfect Curve Inc. Perfect Fit Industries, LLC Perfect Time Productions, LLC Performance Sales and Marketing, Inc. Perpetual Product Development/PPD Pet Rageous Designs Limited Pet Ventures, Inc. Petkin, Inc Petunia Pickle Bottom PH Beauty Labs, Inc. Philips Consumer Lifestyle Phoenix Energy Technologies, Inc. Pic Corporation Pioneer Pet Products LLC Pioneer Photo Albums Plastec Industries/ Architec Plaston International Corporation Platinum US Distribution/ Wellnx Plum Inc. Plus Mark Polder Housewares, Inc. Polyvinyl Films Inc. Popcorn Indiana / Dale & Thomas Popcorn Popular Bath Products, Inc. Port Logistics Group Power Line Sent Premier Pan Company, Inc Preprint Logistics / Clark Group Inc. Pride Family Brands Prime Time Packaging, LTD Primo Water Corporation Prinz Ltd Pro Tile Distributors, Inc Proctor and Gamble Prodyne Enterprises Inc. Progressive International Corp Progressive Transportation Services, Inc. Pro-Mart Industries, Inc. Proskauer Rose, LLP PTS America, Inc Punati Chemical Corp. Punch Studio, LLC Pure Products Corporation PureRed / Graphics Atlanta, Inc PURSEN LLC Quad Graphics / World Color Quadro Frames, Inc. T/A Quadro Designs QUAKER PET GROUP LLC Quality King Distributors Quoizel R.C. Bigelow Inc. Ravensburger USA, Inc. Raymond of NJ LLC Real Home Innovations, Inc. REDBARN PET PRODUCTS, LLC Redi Shade, Inc. Reed Smith LLP Regal Home Collections, Inc Regalo International LLC Regency Wraps, Inc. Regent Products Corp. Renpure, LLC Retail Resources Group, LLC Revere Mills International Group, Inc. Revman International, Inc. Ricardo Beverly Hills, Inc. Richards Homewares, Inc. Richfield Window Coverings LLC/ Nien Made (USA) Inc. Rickland Farms LLC Rico Industries Inc/Tag Express Riker, Danzig, Scherer, Hyland & Perretti LLP Rite Lite Ltd. RJ Brands RNS Associates Account Robinson Home Products Inc. Rockline Industries Rosenman Family Roses Southwest Papers, Inc. Royal Basket Trucks Royal Heritage Home Royal Pet Inc Royale Linens, Inc R-Pac International Corp. RR Donnelley RT Nash, Inc dba Robux USA Rubi Rose, LLC/ dba Dapple Baby Ryder Truck Rental S. I. T., Inc. DBA American Widgeon S. Lichtenberg & Co., Inc. S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. Sam Hedaya Corp Sam Salem & Son Sama Plastics Corp. Samsonite Corporation Sango America, Inc. Sanming Foreign Trade Development Co., Ltd. Sara Kety LLC Saturday Knight Ltd. Save the Starfish Foundation SBC Advertising Ltd Scent-Sation Inc. Schechner Lifson Corporation Schimenti Schroeder & Tremayne Inc. Schwarz Supply Source SCS Planners,Ltd. Seaman Paper Company of Massachusetts, Inc. Select Express & Logistics Select-A-Vision Sentry Industries Inc. Serota Development Co, LLC Seville Classics, Inc. / J. Yang & Family Foundation Shalom International Corp. Sharon Associates Shaw Industries Group, Inc. Shilav USA Inc. (dba Tinylove USA) Shrunks Family Toy Company, The ShurTech Brands LLC SHYE Worldwide Silverite Construction Simplehuman, LLC Simplicity Creative Group / WM Wright Co. SISTEMA US, Inc. Sixtrees USA, LTD Skip Hop, Inc. Skyline Imports LLC Slendertone Distribution, Inc. Smart Concept Trading LTD SML (USA) Inc. SodaStream USA, Inc. Softline Home Fashions Soft-Tex Manufacturing Co. SOLVIT PRODUCTS, LP Somerset Group LTD Sorelle by C&T International, Inc. Source Global Enterprises Inc. Southeastern Freight Lines, Inc. Specials Unlimited Cosmetics Inc. Specialty Brands of America, Inc./ Bear Creek Spectrum Brands Inc. Spectrum Diversified Designs Inc. Spectrum Plastics, Inc. Spencer N Enterprises Inc./ Spencer Industries Splash Home SPOT Ethical Products Springs Window Fashions SRG Inc. St. George Distribution Co. Stanley Black & Decker,Inc./Stanley Access Technologies Staples Star Candle Company, LLC Star Snacks Co, LLC Stargate Apparel Inc. STARPLAST USA LLC Stephen Sills Associates LLC Sterling Infosystems, Inc. /Sterling Testing Sys. Steve Dolce Marketing Structural Industries Struthers Business Association Stry-Lenkoff Co. StyleCraft Home Collection Inc. SueIsmeil & Daughters Sumersault, Ltd. Summers Laboratories Inc. Sun Ban Fashions (NY) Inc dba Todays Optical Sun World Commerce (HONK KONG) CO Sunbeam Products,Inc./dba Jarden Consumer Solutions Sundesa, LLC Sundial Brands LLC Sunham Home Fashions, LLC Sunny Marketing Systems Inc. dba Earth Therapeutics Sunshine Kids Sunstar Americas, Inc. Suntex Designs, Inc. Sure-fit Products, Inc. Susan and Leonard Feinstein Foundation SWB Holding Co. Swimways Corp. Swissco, LLC T I Design Tablecraft Products Company Tabletops Unlimited, Inc. Taconic Talco Packaging Corp Tatara Group Tawil Associates Inc. Taylor Precision Products By Robert S. I sustained my TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) due to a motor vehicle accident in which I wasn’t wearing a seat belt while speeding. My car slid on black ice, which is frozen dew, or mist on the road surface. Immediately after the accident, I was in a coma for ten weeks. My leg bones were broken, and I fractured three ribs. Once I recovered from that, I had permanent partial paralysis and weakness on my right side. I used to be right sided, but I have adapted to becoming a lefty. If I had been wearing my seat belt during this unfortunate incident, I would be in much better shape now. That doesn’t excuse the fact that I was driving recklessly and speeding. Speeding is taking tremendous risks with your life, and with the life of innocent people. You should think twice before driving recklessly, and should always wear a seat belt. If your enjoy driving recklessly, like speeding or not following the laws of the road, perhaps you should visit the ER, or facilities like our where you may find others who have made the same mistake, or victims of the recklessness of others. Knowing this information might give knowledgeable people better information to improve their driving skills, and learn to be more cautious on the road for your sake and for the sake of others you may injure as a result from reckless driving behavior. Remember you are not just driving for you, you are driving for the protection, and safety of everyone on the road. I mention this because I am a TBI Survivor and I lost control driving over black ice, and without caution. Don’t make the same mistakes I have made!