Russia’s!New!Aerospace!Forces:!Effective!at! Countering!the!Kremlin’s!Key!Perceived! Threats?! Elizabeth!Zolotukhina,!Head!of!Department,!North!America!Programme!!! Centre!for!Geopolitics!&!Security!in!Realism!Studies! 20H22!Wenlock!Road,!London!N1!7GU,!United!Kingdom!!/!!! EXECUTIVE!SUMMARY! On! August! 1,! 2015! Russian! President! Vladimir! Putin! signed! decree! No.! 394.! The! document! authorised! the! creation! of! a! new! branch! of! the! Russian! military! H! the! Aerospace! Forces! (AF).! The! reformed! structure! is! unlikely! to! deter! threats! to! which! the! Kremlin! thinks! it! is! most! vulnerable! H! hypersonic!missile!a\acks!and!potential!NATO!airstrikes!on!Russian!territory.!However,!its!creation! in!part!has!spurred!Washington!to!undertake!a!space!resilience!initiative.!Both!Russia!and!the!U.S.! could! benefit! from! cooperation! to! counter! a! jointly! perceived! threat! of! Chinese! ASAT! weapons.! However,!such!collaboration!is!likely!to!be!stymied!by!RussoHphobic!factors!fuelling!Washington’s space!resilience!effort. 2 Russia’s'New'Aerospace'Forces:'Effective'at'Countering'the'Kremlin’s'Key'Perceived'Threats?' ANALYSIS! Introduction! The! Soviet! Union! historically! treated! air! and! space! operations”! (Bodner).! In! part! the! move! space! as! separate! theatres! of! war,! and! has! resonated! in! Washington.! The! U.S.,! delineated! command! authority! for! the! Air! alarmed!by!China’s!2010!antiHsatellite!weapons! Force,! air! defence,! and! space! assets! among! test,! has! commi\ed! to! increasing! space! different! command! structures! with! limited,! if! resilience!(Clark).!The!two!countries’!similar!! any,! overlap! (Bodner).! Worried! that! such! responses! to! homologous! perceived! threats! division! was! “absolutely! obsolete,”! and! suggests!a!possible!area!of!cooperation.!! increasingly! concerned! about! countering! the! U.S.! Prompt! Global! Strike! Program! (PGSP),! Divergent!Threats!as!Viewed!from!the!Kremlin! new! Chinese! antiHsatellite! weaponry! (ASAT)! and,! to! a! lesser! degree,! North! Atlantic! Treaty! The!creation!of!the!AF!entails!the!consolidation! Organisation! (NATO)! forces,! Russian! military! of! the! air! force,! air! defence,! antiHmissile,! and! planners!decided!to!streamline!the!country’s!air! space! forces! under! a! single! command.! In! defence! and! space! forces! (Bodner;! Bodner;! explaining! the! reorganisation! Russian! Defense! Una\ributed).!! Minister! Sergei! Shoigu! cited! the! need! to! enhance! coordination! and! efficiency! in! In!2011!the!two!entities!were!combined!to!form! countering! emerging! and! novel! threats! a! new! branch! of! the! military,! the! Aerospace! (Una\ributed).! While! some! analysts! concur! Defence! Forces! (ADF).! The! ADF! was! tasked! with! the! official! logic,! others,! such! as! military! with! “defending! Russian! airspace! from! expert! Aleksandr! Golts,! argue! that! the! main! airborne! and! spaceHborne! a\acks”! (Bodner).! “advance”! of! the! development! rests! in! the! Further! consolidation! occurred! on! August! 1,! “generals! receiving! posts! in! the! new! 2015! when! Russian! President! Vladimir! Putin! structure”! (McDermo\).! The! truth! likely! is! signed! decree! No.! 394.! The! document! somewhere!in!the!middle.!! authorised! the! creation! of! a! new! branch! of! the! Russian! military! H! the! Aerospace! Forces! (AF).! Although! the! reformed! structure! may! be! less! The! newlyHcreated! AF! will! be! responsible! for! cumbersome!than!its!predecessor,!it!is!unlikely! “commanding!the!hundreds!of!planes!in!the!air! to! deter! threats! to! which! the! Kremlin! thinks! it! force! arsenal! and! managing! air! and! missile! is! most! vulnerable.! These! include! hypersonic! d e f e n c e s! [ a s! we l l! a s! h a ve ]! c o m p l e t e! missile! a\acks,! a! capability! the! U.S.! is! responsibility!for!all!aspects!of!Russia’s!military! developing!under!its!Prompt!Global!Strike!! Copyright©'of'the'Centre'for'Geopolitics'&'Security'in'Realism'Studies'(CGSRS) Elizabeth'Zolotukhina'' 3! Program.! Hypersonic! missile! a\acks! could! existing! Joint! Space! Operations! Centre! (JSOC)! render! obsolete! Russian! air! defence! systems,! located!at!Vandenberg!Air!Force!base!in!! because! the! la\er! are! “deterrent! against! longH range! bombers! armed! with! conventional! California! (Clark).! Like! their! Russian! weapons! traveling! at! supersonic! and! subsonic! counterparts,! American! defence! planners! fear! speeds”! (Beckhusen).! By! contrast,! hypersonic! that! China’s! growing! ASAT! capabilities! could! missiles! H! launched! at! distances! that! exceed! threaten!U.S.!satellites!and!spaceHbased!systems! Russia’s! ability! to! shoot! back! H! could! “smash! (Freedberg!Jr).!! radars,!air!bases...!and!nuclear!weapons!before! they! ever! leave! their! silos”! (Beckhusen).! There! is! cause! for! concern.! Beijing! has! Although! Moscow! is! developing! its! equivalent! conducted! a! series! of! tests! in! space! of! at! least! of!the!PGSP,!a!dearth!of!funding!and!technical! one,! and! possibly! two,! of! their! own! ASAT! expertise!may!yet!hobble!the!effort.!The!AF!also! systems.! At! least! three! of! these! tests! included! is!intended!to!counter!the!“perceived!increased! the! destruction! of! a! target! (Weeden).! Most! risk!of!NATO!air!and!missile!a\acks!on!Russian! significantly,! the! January! 2010! ASAT! test,! soil”!(Gady).! “went! nearly! to! [geostationary! Earth! orbit]! GEO,”! the! location! of! many! U.S.! national! Regardless! of! whether! Russia! is! correct! to! security! satellites! (Clark).! Appreciating! a! perceive! a! threat! from! NATO,! the! purpose! of! common! threat! in! China’s! developing! ASAT! the!newlyHcreated!AF!is!not!offensive!in!nature.! capabilities! could! offer! an! area! of! cooperation! Rather,! the! exclusion! of! Russia’s! Strategic! to! Moscow! and! Washington.! However,! Rocket!Forces!H!the!entity!which!controls!all!of! measures! would! need! to! be! taken! to! foster! the! country’s! landHbased! intercontinental! collaboration!on!such!a!sensitive!security!issue.! ballistic! missiles! H! “suggests! a! defensive! These! could! include;! bilateral! information! orientation! to! the! new! force”! (Bodner;! Gady).! sharing! within! defined! parameters! and! Despite! not! being! best! suited! to! repel! the! key! t e c h n i c a l! s p e c i a l i s t s ’! e x c h a n g e s .! T h e! perceived! threats! facing! the! country,! the! cooperation! could! be! further! hindered! by! the! creation! of! the! AF! in! Russia! has! not! gone! other! factors! driving! the! U.S.! effort! to! enhance! unnoticed!by!Washington.! space!resiliency.! Common!Threats:!Moscow!and!Washington! Divergent!Threats!as!Viewed!from!Washington! Washington!has!appreciated!Moscow’s!a\empt! Despite! the! common! threat! of! Chinese! ASAT! to! streamline! its! spaceHoriented! forces! under! a! capabilities,! bilateral! cooperation! on! the! issue! single! command.! Similarly,! seeking! to! ensure! between! Moscow! and! Washington! may! space! resilience,! the! U.S.! defence! community! encounter! additional! hurdles.! Namely,! in! has!embarked!on!a!lengthy!project!to!establish! addition! to! fearing! Chinese! ASAT! capabilities,! a! backHup! H! the! Joint! Interagency! &! Coalition! Washington! also! is! worried! by! “rising! Russian! Space!Operations!Centre!(JICSPOC)!H!to!the!! threats!to!U.S.!spaceHbased![assets]”!(Freedberg!! Copyright©'of'the'Centre'for'Geopolitics'&'Security'in'Realism'Studies'(CGSRS) 4 Russia’s'New'Aerospace'Forces:'Effective'at'Countering'the'Kremlin’s'Key'Perceived'Threats?' Jr).! Moreover,! U.S.! officials! are! concerned! by! threat! by! the! Kremlin.! Similarly,! the! AF! is! not! “Russia’s! recent! use! of! ‘hybrid! warfare’! to! intended!as!an!offensive!force,!one!which!could! annex! Crimea! and! undermine! Ukraine,! and! counter! potential! NATO! airstrikes,! another! o t h e r w i s e! a n t a g o n i s e! N AT O ”! ( C l a r k ;! critical! perceived! threat! by! Russian! officials.! Zolotukhina).! Although! there! is! ample! However,! its! creation! in! part! prompted! U.S.! evidence! to! back! the! la\er! worry,! support! for! authorities! to! enhance! space! resilience.! In! this! the! former! is! less! evident.! Moscow,! which! is! sphere,! both! Moscow! and! Washington! share! a! reportedly! developing! ASAT! capabilities,! has! common! threat! H! vulnerability! to! increasingly! recently! “launched! an! undeclared! object! into! sophisticated! Chinese! ASAT! weapons! which! space!which![the!U.S.]!military!now!believes!to! could!target!spaceHbased!assets.!Cooperation!in! be!some!sort!of!microsatellite”!(Lamborn).!It!is! countering! the! mutual! threat! would! be! important! to! ascertain! Russia’s! intentions! as! advisable.! However,! such! a! course! of! action! is! such!an!object!could!be!used!to!jam!or!directly! likely! to! be! stymied! by! other! factors! fuelling! a\ack! U.S.! satellites.! Certainly,! unlike! Beijing,! Washington’s!initiative.!!!!!! Moscow! has! not! yet! tested! ASAT! weapons.! Nevertheless,! however! wellHfounded,! these! CONCLUSIONS!FOR!POLICY! additional! concerns! fuelling! the! U.S.! effort! to! augment! space! resilience! may! undermine! The! newlyHformed! Russian! Aerospace! Forces! potential! RussianHAmerican! cooperation! to! are! not! intended! as! an! offensive! force! to! counter! the! jointly! perceived! threat! of! Chinese! counter! NATO.! Instead,! the! exclusion! of! the! spaceHbased!weapons.! Strategic!Rocket!Forces!from!the!AF!suggests!a! defensive!posture!for!the!force.! Washington! and! Moscow! and! Moscow! could! Conclusion! benefit! from! collaborating! on! the! mutually! Russian! defence! planners! had! hoped! that! the! perceived! threat! posed! by! Chinese! ASAT! creation! of! the! AF! earlier! this! month! would! weapons.! ConfidenceHbuilding! measures! and! foster! enhanced! coordination! and! efficiency! in! additional! information! regarding! Russia’s! countering! key! perceived! threats.! These! aims! development! of! its! own! ASAT! capabilities! have! been! dashed.! The! AF! likely! would! be! could!ease!cooperation.! ineffective! against! a! hypersonic! missile! a\ack.! However,! such! cooperation! is! likely! to! be! Such!capability!currently!is!being!developed!in! impeded! by! the! RussoHphobic! factors! fueling! the!U.S.!PGSPS!initiative!H!a!key!perceived!! Washington’s!space!resilience!initiative.!!!!!! . 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