Hamlet Vocabulary Directions: For each word, find a picture or symbol that illustrates that word. Also, find an antonym for each word. This assignment may be completed typed with digital images or handwritten with images drawn by hand. It must however, be turned in to me on paper on the first day of school. You will have a test over these words during the first week or two of school. Study your words! Act I 1. avouch- v. to cite as authority 2. martial- adj. related to or suited for war 3. portentous- adj. eliciting amazement or wonder; shadowy or ominous 4. harbingers- n. foreshadows what is to come 5. dirge- n. a song of grief/ mournful piece of music 6. impious- adj. lacking in reverence or proper respect 7. jocund- adj. marked by or suggestive of high spirits/mirth 8. circumscribed- v/adj. to surround by a boundary 9. dalliance- n. frivolous action or act of delay/ flirtation 10.precepts- v. to take beforehand/instruct Act II 1. perusal- n. act of examining or considering with attention and in great detail 2. discretion- n. ability to make responsible decisions 3. firmament- n. the heavens/ the arch of the sky 4. paragon- n. A model of excellence or perfection 5. gratis- adj. free/ without charge/ nothing 6. savory- adj/n. tasty, flavorful dish 7. chronicles- n. historical account of events 8. cleave- v. to split or separate 9. malefactions- n. evil deeds or crimes 10.arras- n. tapestry of Flemish origin used for wall hangings and curtains. Act III 1. visage- n. the appearance of a person 2. consummation- n. the completion or ultimate end 3. orisons- n. prayers 4. paradox- n. a statement that is seemingly contradictory but true 5. calumny- n. false accustion/ false charges 6. temperance- n. moderate in action 7. buffets- n. blows of force or striking with the hand 8. purging- v. to clear of guilt; to free or cleanse 9. bulwark- n. a strong support or structure for defense 10.mandate- n. an authoritative command or order Act IV 1. importunate- adj. persistent; urgent 2. conjectures- n. a conclusion deduced by guesswork 3. inter- v. to deposit a dead body in the earth; bury 4. pestilent- adj. deadly; destructive; disease-causing 5. superfluous- adj. exceeding what is sufficient or necessary 6. impetuous- adj. marked by reckless or impulsive action 7. incensed- v. aroused extreme anger 8. mortal- adj. subject to death 9. obscure-v. to hide or conceal 10.requite- v. to repay; to make return for Act V 1. cudgel- v. to beat or strike as with a heavy stick 2. pate- n. the human head, especially the top of the head 3. abhorred- v/adj. to regard with horror or loathing; despise 4. prate- v. babble on and on 5. amities- n. peaceful relations between nations 6. diligence – n. steady effort 7. dearth – n. a scarce supply 8. germane- adj. relevant and pertinent 9. potent- adj. of great strength 10. felicity- n. great happiness; bliss