A. The Market Revolution: Crash Course US History #12 1. The


A. The Market Revolution: Crash Course US History #12

1. The Market Revolution saw many Americans move away from producing stuff largely for __________ on independent farms--that Jeffersonian ideal--and toward producing goods for sale to ______________, often others who were very far away, with prices set by competition with other producers. This was closer to ______________'s American dream.

2. The first thing that enabled this massive economic shift was new technology, specifically in

_________________________ and ______________________.

3. What did the federal government due to improve transportation?

4. What was the relationship between steamboats and canals AND what was the impact of canals?

5. What was the most important improvement in transportation AND what was achieved by 1860?

6. List 4 effects of the telegraph.

7. What were 3 effects of factories?

8. What were 2 advantages of Limited Liability Corporations?

9. In what ways did the government contribute to the growth of American capitalism?

10. How did work change with the Market Revolution? Choose 3 of the most important.

11. Describe Lowell Mill’s first factory workers.

12. What did men do that didn’t want to work for low wages & how did factory owners replace them?

13. How were Transcendentalists like Emerson and Fuller a response to the Ind & Market Revolutions?

B. Document Set: Transportation Revolution

For each of the documents explain the changes that occurred in America because of the Transportation

Revolution. (Might have something to do with transportation, might not)

Document A:

Document B:

Document C:

Document D:

Document E:

Documents F:

C. Document Set: Reasons for Industrial Growth

List the factor (cause) for industrial growth that you can determine from each document.

Document A:

Document B:

Document C:

Document D:

Document E:

Document F:

Document G:

Document H:

Document I:

Document J:

Document K:

From the evidence you have seen, what do you think the most important factor was for the growth of industrial America? Explain your answer.

D. Document: Women in the Industrial Revolution

1. What other than the textile industry was transformed because of the Industrial Revolution?

2. In what ways was the Industrial Revolution in the United States dependent on Great Britain?

3. In what ways did the Rhode Island system follow British practices?

4. How did the adoption of the mill system change the labor force in industrial America?

5. Why were young women motivated to leave their families and go to work in mills?

6. Identify each of the following:

A. Ten Hour Movement

B. Lowell Factory Girls Association

C. Lowell Labor Reform Association

7. What other reform movements did women become involved with at this time?
