J Paleolimnol DOI 10.1007/s10933-010-9447-z ORIGINAL PAPER A late Lake Minong transgression in the Lake Superior basin as documented by sediments from Fenton Lake, Ontario Andy Breckenridge • Thomas V. Lowell Timothy G. Fisher • Shiyong Yu • Received: 21 April 2009 / Accepted: 2 June 2010 Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010 Abstract The evolution of the early Great Lakes was driven by changing ice sheet geometry, meltwater influx, variable climate, and isostatic rebound. Unfortunately none of these factors are fully understood. Sediment cores from Fenton Lake and other sites in the Lake Superior basin have been used to document constantly falling water levels in glacial Lake Minong between 9,000 and 10,600 cal (8.1–9.5 ka) BP. Over three meters of previously unrecovered sediment from Fenton Lake detail a more complex lake level history than formerly realized, and consists of an early regression, transgression, and final regression. The initial regression is documented by a transition from gray, clayey silt to black sapropelic silt. The A. Breckenridge (&) Department of Geology, Mercyhurst College, 501 E. 38th St, Erie, PA 16546, USA e-mail: abreckenridge@mercyhurst.edu T. V. Lowell Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, USA e-mail: thomas.lowell@uc.edu T. G. Fisher Department of Environmental Science, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606, USA e-mail: timothy.fisher@utoledo.edu S. Yu Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA e-mail: syu2@tulane.edu transgression is recorded by an abrupt return to gray sand and silt, and dates between 9,000 and 9,500 cal (8.1–8.6 ka) BP. The transgression could be the result of increased discharge from Lake Agassiz overflow or the Laurentide Ice Sheet, and hydraulic damming at the Lake Minong outlet. Alternatively ice advance in northern Ontario may have blocked an unrecognized low level northern outlet to glacial Lake Ojibway, which switched Lake Minong overflow back to the Lake Huron basin and raised lake levels. Multiple sites in the Lake Huron and Michigan basins suggest increased meltwater discharges occurred around the time of the transgression in Lake Minong, suggesting a possible linkage. The final regression in Fenton Lake is documented by a return to black sapropelic silt, which coincides with varve cessation in the Superior basin when Lake Agassiz overflow and glacial meltwater was diverted to glacial Lake Ojibway in northern Ontario. Keywords Lake Superior Lake Minong Lake levels Lake Agassiz Paleohydrology Introduction Glacial Lake Minong and Fenton Lake Glacial Lake Minong was the last lake in the Superior basin that received glacial sediments from the retreating Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS). The paleogeography at the inception of Lake Minong is poorly 123 J Paleolimnol constrained, but the lake formed after 11,500 cal (10.0 ka) BP in the eastern Superior basin following drawdown from a Lake Algonquin level, a highstand that connected the Superior, Huron and Michigan basins (Farrand and Drexler 1985) (Fig. 1a). During the early phase of Lake Minong, a separate pro– glacial lake (Lake Duluth) also existed in the western Superior basin. During ice margin retreat, Lake Minong expanded and eventually coalesced with Lake Duluth (Fig. 1b). At later stages, Lake Minong was not a pro-glacial lake, but continued to receive meltwater (Fig. 1c). By around 9,000 cal (8.1 ka) BP, the ice margin retreated north of the Hudson Bay drainage divide, and LIS runoff diverted to glacial Lake Ojibway, ending Lake Minong (Fig. 1d) (Bajc et al. 1997; Breckenridge et al. 2004). The Lake Minong lake level history is complicated by multiple factors including: (1) inadequately understood crustal rebound of the region from the unloading of glacial ice, (2) poorly constrained ice margin recessional positions, (3) uncertain rates of outlet sill incision, and (4) a suspected highly variable discharge at the outlet. Until recently, the only outlet for Lake Minong was believed to have been the St. Mary’s River. The sill, which was initially based in glacial drift, has been referred to as the Nadoway Fig. 1 a–d General late glacial history of Lake Minong, the Great Lakes basin, and Lake Agassiz. SMR is the St. Mary’s River outlet. Multiple sources were used for these reconstructions, most notably: Lewis and Anderson (1989), Lewis et al. (1994), and Dyke et al. (2003) 123 J Paleolimnol barrier (Farrand and Drexler 1985). North of the isobase passing through the outlet, relative lake levels were presumed to have constantly lowered due to crustal rebound and incision of the outlet sill. Falling Lake Minong water levels resulted in the emergence of small lake basins, such as Fenton Lake on the eastern side of Lake Superior (Figs. 2, 3a) (Saarnisto 1975). When regressing Lake Minong waters fell below the local sills in these small lake basins, sediments changed from clays or silts typical of oligotrophic lakes, to more organic-rich sediments (a sapropel) typical of small, mesotrophic to eutrophic temperate lakes on non-calcareous bedrock. Modern sediment studies support this interpretation. Lake Superior sediments have \4% total organic carbon (TOC) and the organic carbon is primarily allochthonous (Thomas and Dell 1978; Johnson et al. 1982; Mothersill 1985). Small temperate lakes generally have [10% TOC and the organic matter is primarily autochthonous (e.g. Dean 1999). Saarnisto (1975) radiocarbon dated organic-rich muds at the transitions between these two lithofacies within Fenton Lake and several adjacent sites to establish the timing of emergence and assign ages to falling Lake Minong lake levels. Since this study, multiple lines of evidence suggest a potential for one or more transgressions, and therefore we returned to Fenton Lake to test this hypothesis. Fig. 2 Topographic map for the lake sites studied by Saarnisto (1975). Core locations are numbered and referenced in Table 1 and Figs. 3 and 6b. The Fenton Lake core site is number 7. The Minong I (dashed) and Dorion (dotted) lake levels from Fig. 3 are traced A short review of the Lake Minong lake level history is helpful to understand why transgressions may have occurred. Lake Minong lake levels Reconstruction of Lake Minong water levels are primarily based on raised shoreline features and graded fluvial terraces. Connected features determine past ‘water planes’ or lake levels (Fig. 3) (Lawson 1893; Stanley 1932; Sharp 1953; Farrand 1960; Bajc 1986). Former water planes have been differentially uplifted, and rise to the northeast where ice was thickest. Lewis et al. (2005) used dated shorelines and studies of crustal response following ice sheet unloading to estimate uplift decrease as a function of time. Regional uplift rates are highest to the northeast, and uplift rates decrease exponentially with time. Seven lines of equal uplift (isobases) are drawn across the Superior basin at approximately 100 km spacing in Fig. 3a based on Lewis et al. (2005). The elevations of all mapped Lake Minong shoreline features in the Lake Superior basin are drawn relative to these isobases in Fig. 3b (Farrand 1960; Cowan 1985; Bajc 1986; Phillips and Fralick 1994; Slattery et al. 2007). Several discrete water planes are associated with Lake Minong (Farrand 1960). The terminology is confusing because the Minong I level (the highest level) is just one of several designated water planes for glacial Lake Minong. At least 8 separate Lake Minong levels have been identified: the Minong I–III, PostMinong I–IV, and the Houghton (Farrand 1960). The Houghton is the lowest level, which was controlled by a bedrock sill on the St. Mary’s River outlet (Farrand 1960). The Post-Minong IV level is well developed near Dorion, Ontario, and named the Dorion. Note that lake levels above the Minong I have been mapped in the western Lake Superior basin that relate to glacial Lake Duluth. The Nipissing level (Fig. 3) is a midHolocene transgression in the upper Great Lakes resulting from uplift of the North Bay outlet in the Lake Huron basin, which reached a maximum level by 4,500 cal (*4.0 ka) BP (Thompson and Baedke 1997). This transgression drowned Lake Minong strandlines in western Lake Superior (Farrand 1960). For most of the basin, discrete Lake Minong lake levels are an abstraction, because in a rebounding basin stable water levels only occur near an outlet or on the same isobase (see Larsen 1987). Water levels fall on 123 J Paleolimnol Fig. 3 Lake Minong (and Nipissing level) shoreline features. a White dots mark Lake Minong and Nipissing features from Farrand (1960) and Bajc (1986), as well as the delta associated with the Nakina moraine by Slattery et al. (2007). The numbers (italicized) are radiocarbon dated sites that constrain lake levels, which are listed in Table 1. Isobases numbered 0–6 are spaced at approximately 100-km intervals and are based on a rebound model (Lewis et al. 2005). Using these isobases, the analysis by Lewis et al. (2005), and ArcGIS (ArcView 9.3), the modern topography was adjusted for 10,200 cal BP and 5700 cal BP to plot the extent of the Minong (black line) and Nipissing (white line) water levels. The Minong shoreline assumes the outlet sill was at a modern elevation of 750 ft/229 m asl at the St. Mary’s River outlet (the Sheguiandah level of Cowan 1985), and the Nipissing level assumes a modern elevation 650 ft/198 m asl at the St. Mary’s River headwaters. Note that the northern Minong shoreline was fronted by an ice margin, therefore the projected Minong shoreline is farther north than the mapped lake extent (white dots). The Nakina moraine deltas associated with Lake Minong by Slattery et al. (2007) may have been within Lake 123 Minong, or they may have formed in a pro-glacial lake that drained into Lake Minong. Elevation data combines 90 m SRTM data (http://www.seamless.usgs.gov) with the Great Lakes bathymetric data set (http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/ greatlakes/). b Projected elevations of shoreline features that correspond to the white dots in Fig. 3a, radiocarbon dated lake sites (triangles with superscript site numbers, Table 1), and other sites (abbreviations) relative to the isobases in Fig. 3a. The shoreline features are primarily from Farrand (1960) (black diamonds) and Bajc (1986) (grey squares). All dates are in calibrated years before present. Related sites are identified with abbreviations noted in Fig. 3a. The Minong, Dorion, and Nipissing lake levels are calculated after Lewis et al. (2005). The topographical profile over the White Otter River drainage divide (Fig. 3a) is provided. The Minong and the highest post-Minong lake levels project above this drainage divide, but younger Lake Minong water levels do not. If the ice margin retreated north of the drainage divide before sufficient down-cutting of the St. Mary’s River sill, Lake Minong would have over topped the drainage divide, and flowed into the Lake Ojibway basin J Paleolimnol isobases north of an outlet and rise south of an outlet. The Lewis et al. (2005) model provides estimates for rates of change at any time period. At 10,500 cal (9.3 ka) BP lake levels were falling at a rate of *2.5 cm/yr in the northeast (isobase no. 6, Fig. 3a), but rising at a rate of *2 cm/yr in the southwest (isobase no. 1, Fig. 3a). In addition to these changes, during a 1,500 year period in Lake Minong (ending around 9,000 cal BP), the Nadoway barrier was downcut *45 m to bedrock (Cowan 1985), equivalent to lake levels dropping basinwide by *3 cm/yr. Episodic downcutting of the Nadoway barrier due to glacial Lake Agassiz flooding has been proposed (Farrand and Drexler 1985). Lake Agassiz was a massive pro-glacial lake (Fig. 1) that drained eastward into Lake Minong through a series of successively lower outlets via the Lake Nipigon basin between 9,000–10,600 cal (8.1–9.4 ka) BP (Figs. 1 and 3a) (Teller and Thorleifson 1983; Leverington and Teller 2003; Breckenridge 2007). The opening of each outlet is proposed to have released catastrophic floods, perhaps up to 8,000 km3 of water in 1–3 years (Leverington and Teller 2003). There is physical evidence of these floods, including boulder strewn outlet channels that empty into the Lake Superior basin. Discharges are estimated to have been as high as 100,000 m3/s (Teller and Thorleifson 1983). There are thick glacial varves in Lake Superior sediment cores that must relate to anomalously high sediment influxes, possibly Lake Agassiz discharge (Teller and Mahnic 1988; Breckenridge 2007). In Lake Huron and Michigan basin sediments, an abrupt decrease in the d18O composition of benthic ostracodes is explained by increased meltwater or Lake Agassiz discharge (Colman et al. 1994; Rea et al. 1994). This event occurred between 9,000 and 9,400 cal (8.1–8.4 ka) BP (Breckenridge and Johnson 2009). There is the undated glaciofluvial delta in the Killala valley that documents an 18 m Lake Minong transgression thought to relate to Lake Agassiz flooding (Fig. 3) (Phillips and Fralick 1994). Finally, there are beach gravels within silt and clay varves in the Black River valley that may relate to significant water level fluctuations (Bajc 1986). Numerical models suggest large discharges ([100,000 m3/s) could cause hydraulic damming at the St. Mary’s River outlet and temporarily raise lake levels (Tinkler and Pengelly 1995). In summary, large Lake Agassiz floods probably spilled into Lake Minong, and the floods had the potential to raise lake levels. They may have also caused rapid sill downcutting, lowering lake levels (Farrand and Drexler 1985). There is an alternative explanation for an observed Lake Minong transgression; the Lake Minong outlet may not have always been the St. Mary’s River. This hypothesis is based entirely on d18O records from Lake Superior and Lake Huron sediments. The d18O composition of Lake Minong water was similar to meltwater, which is too low to explain the coeval d18O composition of water in the Lake Huron basin, which was similar to present-day (Rea et al. 1994; Breckenridge and Johnson 2009). One hypothesis is that overflow from Lake Minong diverted away from the Lake Huron basin via a divide at the headwaters of the Pic-White Otter River on the north side of the Lake Superior basin (Fig. 3) (Breckenridge and Johnson 2009). A diversion to a lower elevation northern outlet (Pic-White Otter) would create a basinwide regression. Subsequent uplift of the northern outlet would create a basinwide transgression. Field work within the Pic River valley and tributaries has documented paleoflow directions in glaciofluvial deposits that are exclusively down-valley, towards Lake Superior (Bajc 1986). These include radiocarbon dated sediments associated with the Dorion level that date near the end of Lake Minong at 9,000 cal BP (8,070 ± 180 BP, Table 1: 13b) (Bajc et al. 1997). Dates on the Lake Huron d18O record suggest an active northern outlet between 9,400 and 10,000 cal (8.4–8.9 ka) BP, when the d18O values of lake water were close to modern (Rea et al. 1994). If there was a northern Lake Minong outlet, the sediments dated to 9,000 cal (8.1 ka) BP near the Pic River require an undocumented ice readvance over the drainage divide to restore southern flow. Note that the Lake Minong glacial varve sediment record within Lake Superior is continuous (Breckenridge 2007), so even if a northern outlet for Lake Minong opened, Lake Minong always received Lake Agassiz and LIS meltwater and sediments via the Lake Nipigon inlets. Fenton Lake was isolated from Lake Minong at 9,000 cal (8.1 ka) BP, and this was the only record studied by Saarnisto (1975) that documents emergence from Lake Minong after 9700 cal (8.8 ka) BP. Crozier Lake was isolated after 9,700 cal BP too, but isolation of Crozier Lake post-dates Lake Minong. For this reason none of the other sites could record an initial regression and subsequent transgression from 123 J Paleolimnol Table 1 Radiocarbon dates associated with Lake Minong lake levels. Sites are numbered and mapped in Figs. 2 and 3. Most dates are also referenced in Fig. 5b. The radiocarbon dates are calibrated using Calib 5.0 (Stuiver and Reimer 1993), using the intcal04.14c calibration dataset (Reimer et al. 2004). The extreme 2r calibrated ages before present are provided along with the median probability age Site no.: site Lat. N. & Long. W Lab. no. & date Material dated and stratigraphy 1: Antoine Lake 47 53.8 Hel-398 84 50.5 8,830 ± 200 Bulk sediment, above Lake Minong clay 10,397 2: Alfies Lake 47 52.8 84 52.1 GSC-1851 Bulk sediment, above Lake 9,210 ± 100 Minong clay 3a: Beaver Lake 86 20.5 WW-1362 43 34.0 8,320 ± 60 3b: Beaver Lake 86 20.5 WW-1356 43 34.0 8,360 ± 70 3c: Beaver Lake 3d: Beaver Lake 4: Blackington Lake 5: Crozier Lake 86 20.5 WW-1363 43 34.0 8,520 ± 60 86 20.5 WW-1361 43 34.0 9,480 ± 60 47 53.8 Hel-399 Peat, between rhythmites Reference 9,476 9,900 Saarnisto 1975 10,204 10,651 10,390 Saarnisto 1975 9,136 9,340 Fisher and Whitman 1999 9,370 Fisher and Whitman 1999 9,510 Fisher and Whitman 1999 10,750 Fisher and Whitman 1999 9,700 Saarnisto 1975 8,400 Saarnisto 1975 9,139 9,521 Peat, between rhythmites 9,427 9,596 Wood, in sand below rhythmites 10,572 11,079 84 50.3 47 54.1 Hel-396 84 49.2 7,590 ± 180 Bulk sediment, above clay 9,004 10,403 8011 8,970 10,440 Julig et al. 1990 9,010 Saarnisto 1975 84 52.8 10,645 Bulk sediment, above L. Minong 8,563 8,100 ± 180 sediment 9,467 7b: Fenton Lake 47 51.35 OS-64682 9,540 This study 84 52.73 8,570 ± 45 8: Jock Lake 48 47.6 Hel-402 10,190 Saarnisto 1975 10,430 Saarnisto 1975 10,670 Flakne 2003 6,340 Saarnisto 1975 10,630 Zoltai 1965 7a: Fenton Lake 9: Last Lake 10: Lily Lake 11: Roller Lake 12: Rosslyn Pit 13a: Rous Delta 89 20.9 47 51.3 TO-547 Med. Prob. 9,468 Gyttja, above rhythmites Bulk sediment, above Lake 8,640 ± 280 Minong clay 6: Cummings Pond 48 24.3 2r Cal BP Wood, above basal sand 10,248 9,260 ± 70 Hel-400 Pine wood, in gray silt Lake Minong silt 86 27.9 Bulk sediment, above Lake 9,060 ± 200 Minong clay 47 55.7 GSC-1719 89 5.4 9,220 ± 180 47 55.7 AA-12529 89 5.4 9,420 ± 90 47 54.5 GSC-1731 84 49.3 5540 ± 150 48 21.8 GSC-287 89 27.3 9,380 ± 150 86 2.7 WAT-1508 9,478 9,624 9,563 10,691 Bulk sediment, above Lake Minong clay 11,079 9,905 Bulk, from gyttja above gray clay 11,086 Bulk sediment, above L. Superior sediment 6,660 Wood, at contact between sand & clay 11,094 10,402 5,955 10,248 Wood, bottomset of glaciofluvial 8,310 ± 200 delta WAT-1,623 Wood, overlain by sands 8,070 ± 180 associated w/Rous Delta 8,648 9,260 Bajc et al. 1997 9,678 8,543 8,970 Bajc et al. 1997 14: Lake St. Croix 46 22.9 ETH-31000 10,429 10,660 91 46.8 9,420 ± 75 Lowell and Fi Fisher, unpublished 13b: Black River cutbank 123 48 42.1 48 44.2 85 58.7 Wood, in basal sand/silt rhythmites 9,442 11,070 J Paleolimnol the opening and closing of a northern outlet, which would have occurred between 9400 and 10,000 cal (8.4–8.9 ka) BP. The motivation for our work was to test this hypothesis by re-coring Fenton Lake to determine whether or not there was evidence for an undocumented regression and transgression in the sediment. pre-treated with hydrogen peroxide to remove organic matter. Eight pollen samples from the top 2.2 m were prepared following standard techniques (Faegri and Iverson 1989). All pollen samples have counts over 250 grains. The overlapping sections from Fen05-A and Fen05-B were correlated visually and with the MSCL data to create composite profiles for the TOC, pollen, and grain size data. Methods Results Two Livingston square-rod piston cores with overlapping sections that prevent stratigraphic gaps were recovered in February of 2005 from the southern basin of Fenton Lake (z = 14.6 m, 47.8558°N, -84.8788°W) (Fig. 2). These cores are designated Fen05-A and Fen05-B. The sediment core from Saarnisto (1975) is designated Fen67. Successive sections were driven, recovered, and extruded with a hydraulic motor, which aided the recovery of dense sediment. The shallowest core (Fen05-B) begins at 19.5 m below the ice surface. In comparison, core Fen67 begins at 19.9 m, and water depth was 14.4 m. The cores were logged at the Limnological Research Center in Minneapolis with a Geotek MultiSensor Core Logger (MSCL). The MSCL measures whole core, volume magnetic susceptibility and wet bulk density via gamma ray attenuation. The cores were split into working and archive halves and photographed with a flatbed DMT CoreScanÒ digital core scanner. Archive halves are stored at the National Lacustrine Core Repository in Minneapolis. Sediment lithologic descriptions are based primarily on smear slide analyses using classifications by Schnurrenberger et al. (2003). Grayscale intensity was calculated from digital images with Image J image analysis software after calibrating grayscale colors using Adobe Photoshop and a Gregtag-Macbeth Mini ColorCheckerÒ card included with each core scan. Total organic carbon (TOC) and grain size analyses were completed at a 10 cm sampling interval. TOC data are from losson-ignition (LOI) at 5508 C using a LOI:TOC ratio of 2.13:1 (Dean 1974). The LOI data provide a direct comparison to data obtained by Saarnisto (1975). Grain size analyses (0.4–2,000 lm) were completed via laser diffraction using a LS320 Beckman-Coulter size analyzer. Samples were disaggregated with a sodium hexametaphosphate solution in a shaker and sonicated for 90 s prior to analysis. Samples with[5% LOI were The TOC profile from cores Fen05-A/B matches the TOC profile from core Fen67 if the depths are adjusted by 30 cm (Fig. 4). Data from core Fen67 are lowered by 30 cm to match cores Fen05-A/B. An additional 3.5 m of sediment was recovered below the inorganic clay in which core Fen67 terminates. The stratigraphy is broken into 5 lithofacies, referred to as units 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Figs. 4, 5). Unit 4 is further subdivided into sub-units 4a, 4b, and 4c. The elevation of Fenton Lake requires lake levels higher than the Dorion level in Lake Minong to deposit the inorganic gray clay silt into which Fen67 terminates (sub-unit 4b). Below these sediments is a dark, organic-rich unit ([4% TOC) uncharacteristic of Lake Superior sediments (unit 3). Unit 3 must have resulted from initial emergence and isolation of Fenton Lake from Lake Minong. The base of the core (unit 1) is characterized by light gray (2.5YR 5/1–7/1) calcareous sand/silt rhythmites (Fig. 5e). These are Lake Minong glaciolacustrine rhythmites, but probably not glacial varves (annual rhythmites) because the thickness patterns of the couplets are irregular. The coarsest-grained layers are well-sorted fine-grained sands. The finer-grained laminae are clayey silts. These may be ice proximal glaciolacustrine sediments, but ice proximal rhythmites from the open lake have regular thickness patterns and the coarse-grained layers are not so well sorted (Breckenridge 2007). This site was close to shore (\500 m) and water depths were never more than 60 m, even in the earliest phases of Lake Minong (Fig. 2), therefore the Fenton Lake site is much different than the sediment records from the deeper basin. Perhaps the differences are explained by coastal currents or waves. There is an abrupt transition to mottled gray (2.5YR 4/1) clayey silt (unit 2) (Fig. 5d). This unit 123 J Paleolimnol 19.5 % TOC 0 4 8 Selected pollen Volume magnetic susceptibility (×10-6, SI units) 12 10 % Clay 40 30 20 10 100 340 % Picea % Pinus % Betula 0 60 0 20 0 20 0 20 Lithofacies & Interpretation 20.5 9.01 4a 4: Gray clayey silt, 4b 4b, between sandier subunits, 4a & 4c. Lake Minong 4c 9.54 14C dates (cal ka BP) 5: Black sapropelic clayey silt. isolation from Lake Minong 21.5 3: Black sapropelic clayey silt. isolation from Lake Minong 22.5 2: Gray clayey silt with iron sulfide laminae. Laminated above and generally mottled near base. Lake Minong 23.5 Depth from ice surface (m) Fig. 4 Stratigraphic data for Fenton Lake, including core Fen67 (dashed lines) and cores Fen05-A/B (solid lines). The original depth for core Fen67 is lowered by 30-cm to match the data from cores Fen05-A/B. The raw grayscale and magnetic susceptibility data are provided for every section from the two overlapping cores (Fen05-A/B), but the grain size, pollen, and TOC data is presented as a composite profile based on the correlated cores. Radiocarbon dates (7a and 7b, Table 1) are noted on the depth scale (left side) 24.5 1: Gray calcareous clayey silt rhythmically laminated with well sorted, quartzose sand. Lake Minong 255 100 (white) 10 Grayscale gradually darkens upsection (2.5YR 5/1), and TOC increases as grain size and magnetic susceptibility decreases. Clay content is high and these sediments are similar to modern nearshore Lake Superior sediments (Thomas and Dell 1978; Mothersill 1985). As water levels fell from the Minong to the Dorion level, the Fenton Lake site became a bay on Lake Minong with a restricted inlet to the southwest (Fig. 2). The increasing organic carbon and decreasing grain size in unit 2 are explained by falling lake levels and a narrowing inlet. The transition to unit 3, a black (5Y 2.5/1) to dark olive gray (5Y 3/2) sapropelic silt, is evident by a rise in TOC and a decrease in clay content (Fig. 5c). The rise in organic carbon occurs over *10 cm. The high organic content precludes the possibility that these sediments were deposited in Lake Minong, and therefore they must be from an isolated lake. There are discontinuous *0.67-mm scale light/dark 123 1 (black) 8 7 6 5 4 3 Grain size (φmean) laminations within unit 3 (see base of Fig. 5c). These are alternating laminae of dark, organic-rich sediments and gray clayey silt, and may be bioclastic varves. If these couplets are annual, unit 3 represents *500 years of deposition. This sediment accumulation rate is similar to the average post-glacial accumulation rates calculated for unit 5. The transition to unit 4 is abrupt (Fig. 5b). Unit 4 has a complex stratigraphy. The base and top (subunits 4a and 4c) are poorly sorted gray sands with plant macrofossils, including terrestrial plant material. Sub-unit 4b consists of gray clayey silt that is lithologically similar to unit 2. Pine wood within subunit 4b was radiocarbon dated by accelerator mass spectrometry to 9540 cal BP (8,570 ± 45 14C yr BP, Table 1: 7b). The transition to unit 5 is also sharp and marked by more organic material and sand (sub-unit 4c) (Fig. 5a). Unit 5 is lithologically identical to unit 3, although the light/dark couplets are less apparent. J Paleolimnol Fig. 5 Core images of the five lithostratigraphic units. a Fen05-B, secton 2, 10–30 cm. b Fen05-B, section 2, 54–74 cm. c Fen05-B, section 2, 79–99 cm. d Fen05-B, section 4, 40–60 cm. e Fen05-B, section 6, 20–50 cm The base of unit 5 was dated to around 9,010 cal BP (8,100 ± 180 yr BP, Table 1: 7a) (Saarnisto 1975). This radiocarbon date is on bulk sediment, and if the sediment included aquatic plants that incorporated dissolved carbonate leached from calcareous drift, the dates may be too old. However, with the exception of the date from Last Lake, the bulk sediment dates from Saarnisto (1975) appear to be consistent with radiocarbon dates on macrofossils from elsewhere in the basin (Julig et al. 1990; Bajc et al. 1997; Fisher and Whitman 1999). The pollen across units 5, 4, 3, and 2 were analyzed to test the idea that unit 4 was simply reeroded, older glaciolacustrine sediment (from units 1 and 2). Qualitatively, overlapping pollen analyses from cores Fen05-A/B match core Fen67 very well. The Picea data appear very similar. Pinus abundance is overestimated and Betula abundance is underestimated in our analysis, but the trends are identical. The key feature is that the six pollen samples are unique within unit 4 compared to older glaciolacustrine sediments, and show a consistent trend downsection. If unit 4 were re-eroded Lake Minong clay, the pollen signature should have higher Picea concentrations than sediment below and be more homogenized. We conclude that unit 4 is not purely reworked glaciolacustrine sediment, but must have been deposited in glacial Lake Minong following a transgression, which happened at 9,540 cal (8.6 ka) BP or some time thereafter. The radiocarbon dated 123 J Paleolimnol wood may be reworked, therefore this date is considered a maximum age for the transgression. Discussion As outlined in the introduction, the regression (documented by the transition to unit 3) and subsequent transgression (documented by the transition to unit 4) was predicted (Breckenridge and Johnson 2009). The hypothesis was that ice retreat north of the drainage divide opened an isostatically depressed northern outlet at the headwaters of the White Otter River, a tributary of the Pic River, which lowered lake levels below the sill at the St. Mary’s River, and caused a basinwide regression. A subsequent ice readvance blocked the outlet, created the glaciofluvial sediments that record down valley paleoflow directions in the Pic River valley and tributaries (Bajc 1986), and caused lake level rise and a transgression. Despite evidence for a transgression at Fenton Lake, there are multiple unresolved problems with the northern outlet hypothesis. The reference isobases across the proposed drainage divide calculated by Lewis et al. (2005) do not depress the northern outlet enough to cause isolation of Fenton Lake when the outlet is opened. The isobases would need to be shifted by several 10’s of kilometers (M. Lewis, personal communication). The Lewis et al. (2005) estimates could be incorrect because there are few control points on the most northern isobases, or maybe there is significant sedimentation on the valley floor that postdates drainage. A second problem is that field work in the Pic River valley documents only southerly paleoflow directions (Bajc 1986). A third problem is that the sedimentological transition between units 2 and 3 (the regression) is gradual. Unit 2 is characterized by slowly increasing TOC concentrations and decreasing clay, which is best explained by decreasing lake levels and local restriction of the connection with Lake Minong. The transition to unit 3 (the initial isolation horizon) is not abrupt as would be expected from a rapid drop in lake level when an ice dam on the northern outlet was breached, but instead appears to be part of a continuum of gradually falling lake levels. Perhaps the ice dam breach occurred only after Fenton Lake was isolated, or there was a drift covered sill across the outlet that was gradually downcut (in a manner perhaps similar to the Nadoway barrier). 123 An alternative explanation for the transgression (the transition from unit 3 to 4) is increased discharge from Lake Agassiz and/or glacial meltwater caused lake level rise due to hydraulic damming at the St. Mary’s River outlet. As explained earlier there is widespread evidence of high discharges of glacial meltwater or Lake Agassiz overflow from 9,000 to 9,500 cal (8.1–8.5 ka) BP (Fig. 6a). Several radiocarbon dated sediment records in the Lake Huron basin document episodic lake level rises that can only be explained by hydraulic resistance at the Lake Huron basin outlet (Lewis and Anderson 1989; Lewis et al. 1994, 2005). In the southern Michigan basin, the Olson Forest Bed was drowned by rising lake levels (Chrzastowski et al. 1991; Miller et al. 2000). The oxygen isotope records from sediments in Lakes Huron and Michigan document an abrupt decrease in d18O, which is due to the influx of glacially derived meltwater (Colman et al. 1994; Rea et al. 1994). If the transgression recorded at Fenton Lake is from meltwater or Lake Agassiz floods, the floods must have persisted for at least several decades in order to deposit sub-unit 4b (a 20-cm thick silty clay bed). If the cause was Lake Agassiz drawdown, flooding lasted much longer than the 1–3 year prediction of Teller and Leverington (2004). Both hypotheses to explain the deposition of unit 4b: (1) basinwide flooding from hydraulic damming at the St. Mary’s River outlet, and (2) a basinwide transgression from closure or uplift of a northern outlet, are reasonable and can be tested. The timing of the transgression at Fenton Lake is close to the timing suggested for flooding in the Lake Huron and Michigan basins, but the flooding hypothesis lacks a good mechanism for maintaining high discharges for a prolonged period. The northern outlet hypothesis lacks supporting evidence of sufficient crustal depression of the drainage divide at the headwaters of the White Otter River, and a subsequent unrecognized ice readvance must cross the drainage divide at some point. Future modeling efforts should be able to detail the range of discharges that would be required to produce both the d18O records and lake level data. Hopefully these models can shed light on potential mechanisms for the abrupt changes in discharge and/or lake level that occurred around 9,400 cal (8.4 ka) BP. A summary relative lake level curve (Fig. 6b) is constructed by projecting all radiocarbon dates associated with Minong lake levels to the Fenton Lake isobase J Paleolimnol Fig. 6 a Evidence for floods in the Great Lakes basin. Triangles are dates on emergence of lakes and bogs, squares are tree stumps, circles are reworked material and likely flood deposits (2r distributions shown). Radiocarbon dates from the Lake Huron basin are numbered according to Table 1 from Lewis et al. (2005). The thick varve event in Lake Superior lasts 36 years but has a 200 year age uncertainty (Breckenridge et al. 2004). Radiocarbon dates from the Olson Forest Bed are labeled O:1 (Miller et al. 2000) and O:2 (Chrzastowski et al. 1991). The d18O data are from Rea et al. (1994) for Lake Huron and Colman et al. (1994) for Lake Michigan, but the ages are from Breckenridge and Johnson (2009). The dates for when Lake Agassiz may have begun draining into Lake Minong are labeled A:1 (Mann et al. 1997), A:2 (Teller et al. 2000), and A:3 (Fisher 2003). b A relative lake level curve for Lake Minong at Fenton Lake determined from radiocarbon dates (with 1r and 2r error bars). Elevations for all sites are projected according to Lewis et al. (2005) equations 7 and 8, using the calibrated radiocarbon dates, and adjusting elevations to the Fenton Lake isobase. The grey dashed lines are calculated lake levels based on isostatic rebound alone (no sill downcutting). The dashed black line is the interpolated Lake Minong lake level history at Fenton Lake assuming there was never an ice free northern outlet. The corresponding Fenton Lake lithofacies (Fig. 4) are based on the core sedimentology and interpretation using equations 7 and 8 from Lewis et al. (2005). The Minong lake level history at Fenton Lake is interpolated with a black dashed line. Gray dashed lines predict lake levels from isostatic rebound alone (no downcutting). The lithofacies (1–5) from Fenton Lake correspond to the interpolated Minong lake levels. 123 J Paleolimnol The transgression in the Killala valley (Phillips and Fralick 1994) is much older and at a higher elevation (Minong level) than the Fenton Lake transgression. This transgression may be from the initial Lake Agassiz floods to Lake Minong (see Fig. 6a). Emergence of the lakes studied by Saarnisto (1975) [Jock Lake (8), Antoine Lake (1), and Blackington Lake (4)] are explained by a combination of isostatic uplift and gradual sill downcutting at the St. Mary’s River outlet. Date 7b is the wood from the transgression layer (unit 4) in Fenton Lake. If this age is correct, and unit 3 represents a 500 year period of isolation from Lake Minong, then Fenton Lake was isolated by 10,000 cal (8.9 ka) BP, but this timing is earlier than the isolation of both Antoine (1) and Blackington (4) which are at higher elevations. Instead a transgressive event at around 9,300 cal (8.3 ka) BP is interpreted, which is younger than the radiocarbon date within unit 4 (Fig. 6b). The 9,300 cal (8.3 ka) BP date is more consistent with evidence from the Lake Huron and Michigan basins for flooding (Fig. 6a) and the radiocarbon dated wood in Fenton is interpreted to be re-worked from flooding of the local basin. The transgression correlates spatially and temporally with the glaciofluvial delta in the Black River valley (13b) (Bajc et al. 1997). If the organic-rich sands from subunits 4a and 4c are from rapid lake level rise and local flooding, unit 4 may represent two floods during a period of high Minong lake levels. The Lake Michigan d18O record details two meltwater events, and at Beaver Lake, a peat deposit is located stratigraphically between rhythmically laminated sand and clay from Lake Minong (Fisher and Whitman 1999). By around 9,000 cal BP lake levels dropped in Fenton Lake, which may directly correlate to the loss of glacial meltwater that is recognized throughout the Superior basin by the abrupt cessation of glacial varves (Breckenridge et al. 2004). This period marks the diversion of all Lake Agassiz overflow and glacial meltwater to glacial Lake Ojibway in the present Hudson Bay watershed. dates to before 10,200 cal (9.0 ka) BP. The younger transgression recorded at Fenton Lake occurred between 9,000 and 9,500 cal (8.1–8.5 ka) BP. Fenton Lake was isolated from Lake Minong for a period of perhaps 500 years prior to the transgression. The basinwide lake level rise required to flood Fenton Lake was at least 12 m. The cause of the transgression is uncertain. If a lower elevation northern outlet for Lake Minong at the headwaters of the White Otter River was opened by the retreat of the LIS, a subsequent ice advance, or ongoing uplift, closed the outlet and caused the transgression. This hypothesis is appealing because the diversion of Lake Minong overflow away from the Lake Huron basin, and subsequent redirection back to the Huron basin, explains the d18O values between 9,400 and 10,000 cal (8.4–8.9 ka) BP from western Lake Huron that suggest an absence of glacially derived water (Rea et al. 1994; Breckenridge and Johnson 2009). However, published rebound models do not support a reconstruction where Fenton Lake is isolated with the opening of this northern outlet, and there is no field evidence to support the existence of this outlet. Alternatively, high discharges ([100,000 m3/s) and hydraulic damming at the St. Mary’s River outlet to the Lake Huron basin could explain lake level rises in Lake Minong. Numerous records from the Lake Huron basin suggest high discharges raised lake levels at about this time (Lewis and Anderson 1989; Lewis et al. 2005). There is also a series of 36 anomalously thick varves dated to around 9,100 cal (8.1 ka) BP in Lake Superior sediments that correspond to high Lake Agassiz or glacial meltwater discharge (Breckenridge 2007). Models show that large flood discharges had the potential to temporarily raise lake levels by many meters (Tinkler and Pengelly 1995). The Fenton Lake transgression lasted long enough to deposit 20 cm of clayey silt in the small Fenton Lake basin. The transgression ends by 9,000 cal (8.1 ka) BP when lake levels abruptly fell. The timing is consistent with evidence from the upper Great Lakes of an abrupt cessation of meltwater (Breckenridge et al. 2004; Lewis et al. 2007). Conclusions The Fenton Lake sediment record documents the second of at least two basinwide transgressions in glacial Lake Minong. 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