US History Study Guide [3.19]

US History
Study Guide [3.19]
North v South: Geography, Economics, and
Student Name/Period
10 FEBRUARY 2015
North and South: Impact of Geography
Where was the boundary between the North and The South? Can you identify it on a map?
How did the geography of the North impact its economic development?
What two things was the Northern economy based on?
How did the geography of the South impact its economic development?
What two things was the Southern economy based on?
North and South: Internal Improvements and Immigration
What was Henry Clay’s American System?
What was Clay’s intent?
How was he planning to pay for it?
How did new technology in transportation and communication impact America? Development of cities, industry, etc.
SteamshipLocomotive and RailwayTelegraph_
How did immigration in the mid-1800s impact America?
Who were the two largest groups? Where did they tend to settle? Why?
What were the push and pull factors for each group?
How did immigration impact industrialization?
What is urbanization?
North and South: The Northern Economy
How did the North’s Industrialization happen? What are the three steps?
What were some of the most important technological developments that fueled industrialization? What industry did
they impact?
The sewing machine and water-powered loom
The steel-tipped plow
The mechanical reaper
The thrasher
What innovations made up the transportation and communications revolutions?
US History
Study Guide [3.19]
What were the three main advantages the Northern economy had over the South? Explain.
North and South: The Southern Economy
What impact did cotton and the cotton gin have on the South’s economy?
What did the cotton gin do? Invented by whom? Its impact on cotton industry?
Where was cotton grown?
Why did the free population and industry develop more slowly in the South?
What was the most important means of transportation in the Southern economy? Why?
How did slavery affect the economic development of the South?
North and South: The Southern Life
How where Southern Farms different from Southern Plantations?
What group made up most white Southerners?
How did geography and culture impact education and literacy in the South?
What is Transcendentalism and who were the Transcendentalists?
What impact did the Transcendentalists have on American Society?
Impact of New Madrid Earthquakes on Tennessee people and land
Early leader of the Plymouth Colony
Founder of Connecticut
Puritan dissenter; founder of Rhode Island
Early leader of the Jamestown settlement
Puritan minister and early leader of the Massachusetts Bay colony
Founder of Georgia
Quaker and founder of Pennsylvania
Leaders of the Great Awakening
Early American writer, printer, scientist, and inventor
Student Name/Period
US History
Study Guide [3.19]
Student Name/Period