Remember: ➢This Evaluation is due within one week of the performance’s date. Late evaluations will receive no more than half credit. ➢1st Term Concert Evaluations will not be accepted after October 22nd for Dixon students and 2nd and 4th period PHS students and October 23rd for 3rd period PHS students. ➢The more specific details the better. If you can use examples from specific pieces/songs it shows that you were really listening and paying attention. ➢Write in complete sentences. ➢Write in your best handwriting or type up your concert evaluation form. ➢Use proper grammar and spelling. ➢Have an adult proof-read your assignment to get the best score possible. Concert Evaluation Form – 100 pts. Name ___________________________ Period _______ Name of Group Performing (5 pts.) ___________________________________ Date of Performance (2 pts.) _______ Location of Performance (2 pts.) _____________________________________ Program attached or a signed parent note verifying your attendance at the concert? (4 pts.) Y 1 pt. per area Musicianship Skills • Posture Sitting or standing tall • Tone Quality Smooth, full, clear sound • Intonation (Tuning) Adjusted when necessary • Rhythm/Tempo Correct note/rest values Maintains a steady beat • Musicality/Interpretation Appropriate style, phrasing, dynamics 2 pts. per comment (6 pts. per area) Rating Comments 1. 1 2 3 4 5 2. 3. 1. 1 2 3 4 5 2. 3. 1. 1 2 3 4 5 2. 3. 1. 1 2 3 4 5 2. 3. 1. 1 2 3 4 5 2. 3. N 1. What was your favorite part of the concert? (10 pts.) 2. Why was this your favorite part? (10 pts.) 3. If you could improve something in this concert what would it be? (10 pts.) (Hint look at your comments on the first page to help you if you can’t think of anything) 4. Why? (10 pts.) 5. After watching this concert, what are some changes you would like to make in yourself with regards to practice, performance, and/or musicality? (10 pts.)