NSA Project April 1 2010- October 2011 STRENGTHENING NON STATE ACTORS (NSAs) AND LOCAL BODIES (LBs) TO REDUCE CHILD POVERTY AND PROMOTE RIGHTS OF VULNERABLE CHILDREN (VC) NSA PROJECT OBJECTIVE Overall objective of the project is to build capacities of Non State Actors and Local Authorities for a sustainable reduction of child poverty, child labour and other forms of child rights violations in Bangladesh, thereby contributing to achievement of MDGs 1, 2 and 4 and compliance with UNCRC in Bangladesh. To build capacities of Non State Actors and local governments and strengthen networks and linkages for the economic empowerment of extreme poor households and their children To build capacities of Non State Actors and local governments, thereby making them accountable and responsible for improving conditions of working children in three districts by May 2012 Child labour is one of the most critical issues in the context of Bangladesh. According to the UNICEF study in Bangladesh approximately 45 percent of the total population are children (under 18 years) whereas a significant portion is working children. The children who work in different factories, shops, garments are deprived from fundamental rights and sustain physical, psychological, emotional and moral damages. Violence, abuse and exploitation against children are regarded one of the burning issues around the country. Even in a sense generally speaking Children in Bangladesh face multidimensional forms of violence, abuse and exploitation. It happens almost everywhere like within family, street, community, workplace, school or any state and non state institution. On regional dimension it is found that comparatively the number of violence against children in Lalbagh area is higher than that of any other areas of the city. Such types of violence prevail upon largely in the Lalbagh area due to have high population density, slum and squatter’s settlement and different types of factories in that locality. Why NSA Project Focus on Lalbagh Areas?: Lalbagh Thana (DHAKA district) with an area of 5.74 sq km Population 365323; male 59.09%, female 40.91%; Muslim 97.73%, Hindu 2.01% and 0.26%; population density per sq km is 60645. Lalbagh is characterized mostly by Medium, small, and local factory. Textile factory, Plastic factory, Printing and packaging factory, bidi factory, Cosmetics factory everywhere children aged from 5-18 years old are the main labor source. Many children cannot remember when and how they started working. Day after day, year after year from early childhood they are working even most of the children said that they did not come to their current work of their own choice. In most cases children are asked to do a particular job by adult male guardians, often by command, sometimes by request and encouragement. MAJOR SUCCESS 60 NO WARD a. Health Service Mode of Service Health Red card (Red card) Eye Camp Free Spectacles Health Service through Satellite Clinic Vitamin A+ Campaign Anti warm Campaign Polio Vaccine Bangladesh Crescent Society Total I. Total Service Covered Male Female Total 80 30 110 250 193 443 76 19 95 325 211 536 270 185 455 300 239 539 121 221 342 93 67 160 1515 1165 2680 Vitamin A+ Campaign: With the collaboration of UPHCP. Prodipan NSA Project Organized Vitamin A+ Campaign in every ward. In 60 no ward a total of 455 children under the age of five have been administered life-saving vitamin A doses. Before Days prior, messages had been sent throughout all LRCs and ward wise announcement. II. Health Red card (Red card): The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has been implementing Urban Primary Health Care Project (UPHCP) since 1998. The goal of the project is to improve the health status of the urban population specially the poor through improved access to and utilization of efficient, effective and sustainable Primary Health Care services. In 60 no ward With the cooperation of NSA Project, UPHCP issued Health Entitlement Card (commonly known as Red Card) for working children hence working children can get health services at free of cost. It is estimated that a total of 110 red card issued for children among them 80 are male and 30 female. III. Anti Worm Campaign: A total of 539 children aged between 2-5 years provided with anti-worm (Elbendazol) tablet. The Campaign has been conducted with the mutual collaboration with UPHCP. IV. Free Eye Camp: With the collaboration of Islamia Eye Hospital Prodipan NSA Project organizes the eye camp Targeted to eliminating blindness of working children. Approximately 443 working children got treatment whereas 95 children got spectacles for free of cost. b. Education Total Service Covered Mode of Service Mainstreaming Children to Different Schools Mainstreaming Working Children to Vocational Training Center Total Male Female Total 09 04 13 06 03 09 15 07 22 I. Mainstreaming Children to Different Schools: From NSA project Students with specific leaning mainstream to different schools in different classes for the purpose of higher academic achievement, higher self-esteem, and better social skills. From 60 no ward LRC a total of 15 working children mainstream to Different Schools along with a total of II. Mainstreaming Working Children to Vocational Training Center: NSA project Mainstreaming Working Children to Vocational Training Center has started with a view to providing functional skills to children in order to rehabilitate them and mainstream them into socio-economic sphere. Evidently a total number of 7 children Mainstream to Vocational Training Center. c. Recreation: Mode of Service Participation of Different Course in Bangladesh Shishu Academy Total I. Total Service Covered Male Female Total 02 03 05 02 03 05 LRC Wise recreation: Every child spends two and a half hours a day, six days a week, at a learning centre. During this time, working children get some respite from their hazardous occupations in an enjoyable environment. They learn basic literacy and numeracy skills and gain knowledge on life skills, healthcare, their rights, ways of identifying hazardous work and other issues relevant to their situation. The hours at the learning centre are regarded as a first step in discouraging working children from engaging in full-time, risky and exploitative occupations and encouraging them to seek safer alternatives and pursue their educations. I. Participation of Different Course in Bangladesh Shishu Academy: Last 14th July Bangladesh Shishu Scademy started class of working children with the regular student. A total of 31 working children attended the schedule class course on different events namely Dance, Drawing, Play etc. Whereas 5 students got admitted to different course from 60 no ward. D. Participation: Mode of Service Participation in Different programs in Bangladesh Shishu Academy Participation in Different Competition in Bangladesh Shishu Academy and others Participation in Child Film Festival Total I. Total Service Covered Male Female Total 149 103 252 25 13 38 17 10 27 191 126 317 Participation in Different programs in Bangladesh Shishu Academy: A total number of 252 working children participated in different programs in Bangladesh Shishu Academy namely National Girl Child Day program 15 augustnational mourning day, Everest Conquer M A Muhit program etc. II. Participation in Different Competition: in 60 no ward A total number of 38 working children participated in Different Competition namely 6th International Children-Art Biennale Competition and Exhibition-2011, Art Competition on the occasion of world day against child labour, Art Competition in Department of Archiology, Shishu Ananda Mela etc. III. Participation in Child Film Festival: On 22 September 2011 at Art Gallery of Bangladesh Shishu Academy, arranged a free show of Amar Bondhu Rashed (My Friend Rashed). My Friend Rashed is the story of 1971 liberation war seen through the eyes of a young boy. The backdrop happens to be a remote small town, and the characters are a few students of a school. The story of My Friend Rashed ends with the liberation of Bangladesh. When the fallen apart residents finally return back to the small town to their utter surprise they become aware of the fact that Rashed, the amazing little boy, is missing. Conspired by the anti-liberation force he has been killed by the Pakistan Army. The story ends there, although his friends reminisce about him for a long time—even when they grow up. This outstanding film carries out an immense feeling of liberation war of Bangladesh among the working children. Remarkably a total number of 36 working children enjoyed the free film show. d. Community Contribution Community Contribution for Eid ul-fitr: Eid ul-fitr is a source of merriment among Muslims. Especially this year’s Eid ul-Fitr brings a very joyous day for working children through getting a new dimension of contribution through the community. According to the commitment of NSAs Prodipan collects and distributes it among the needy working children in the form clothes to bring Eid enjoyment among the poor children. A total of 510 children got new clothes to wear throughout the Eid. Md. Enamuddin Enam one of the prominent NSA Said “Many parents cannot afford to buy new clothing for their working children because retailers charge high prices. This is our responsibility by realizing the intrinsic social religious value of Eid”. Prodipan Family is Much Beholden with the generous contribution of Taka 102000. Other Community Contribution: NSA project committed to sharing and building the local community by organizing a wide range of charity activities through a series of community engagement activities. From the very beginning NSA Project gets both material and financial support accumulated to the intrinsic value amount of 545000 Tk. The remarkable contributions are as follows: Three hundred warm cloths donated by four NSAs of Lalbagh area. Two hundred blanket donated by a NSA of Lalbagh. Two eye camp were organized for working children at free of cost with the support of Islamia Eye Hospital, Dhaka. Three children have got the sewing machine at free of cost from Azad Muslim welfare Complex. Three benevolent NSAs given three Color Television (21") for better recreation of working children. Mr. Iqbal Hossain, Vice Pesident, Killa Sava Songah has provided an Almirah made of steel for working children e. Awareness, Training, Capacity Building and Service Skill: I. Theater for Development (TFD) Training for Working Children: For increasing the efficiency and assertiveness a five days TfD training was conducted including one day practical demonstration was organized with collaboration of Rupantar in 60 no ward. Under this training in two different LRCs two moral drama namely A Tale of Wicked Tiger and Bondhu taught by facilitator. II. Children Participating Rally on Eve Teasing: As parts of activities of the social action project Prodipan 60 no ward LRC arranged a 3-day program date on 20 June, 14 July and 16 July 2011 to create social awareness regarding Eve-teasing. The Main activities Distribution of posters and leaflets produced against eve-teasing, discussion, conducting rally, Documentary show on eve-teasing prevention. Other activities Distributing posters, leaflets that bear the message about the negative and harms of eve-teasing to all people and writing awareness message on the walls and digital banner on the road side. III. Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Into Community: Training on Earthquake, Fire Hazard Mitigation Evacuation and First Aid Service for Community Level Volunteers: According to Asian Disaster Risk Reduction Report Lalbagh under old Dhaka is hazardous for fire. Even it is estimated that approximately the Bangladesh is the world largest Fire Service and Civil Defense with the technical support of CDMP, Organized a Training titled “Training on Earthquake, Fire Hazard Mitigation Evacuation and First Aid Service for Community Level Volunteers”. A total of 22 Participants participated with the training. From the Prodipan family 60 no ward 4 Project personnel along with 7 selected NSA participated. The Concerned authority of Fire Service and Civil Defense committed that they will organized this type of training for Prodipan personnel and other stakeholders under especial consideration immediately. Workshop on Chemical and Fire Hazard: Roundtable workshop on chemical Hazards on working children and occupational safety and health in urban Informal Sector in Dhaka October 9, 2010 It is estimated that over 15,000 small and big informal factory units have been set up in residential buildings in Old Dhaka. Many of them use highly flammable substances. The residences are also used as a storehouse of the combustible materials. Many industries in Old Dhaka use such goods including artificial rubber, synthetic goods, foam, sponge, raw plastic materials, fabric, chemical dyes, polish, varnish, enamel, acids, battery, fibreglass, tyre and tube. For the purpose of making resilience children’s working environment. From 60 no ward a total no of 05 factory owner joined with this roundtable meeting and they have committed to make risk free factory. IV. Advocacy Meeting on HIV AIDS and STD Issue: Ministry of Health and Family Planning organized an advocacy open discussion meeting concerning the issue of HIV AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Disease. The main idea revealed that Bangladesh is especially hazardous in the transformation of AIDS. Hence we need necessary steps to protect against it. Here also analyzed some statistical analysis and projection. The program was inaugurated by Md. Jashim Uddin Sarkar (District Civil Surgeon), Md. Abdul Salam (Senior Health officer), and Dr Abdul Oahed(Head STD). In this specialized advocacy meeting from Prodipan Family a total of 25 members including 7 CPC members and 3 Project Personnel were attended from 60 no ward. According to the special request of Prodipan NSA project Coordinator, the Civil Surgeon Mr. Jashim Uddin Khan committed to organize a special meeting with Prodipan NSA network regarding these issues. V. Capacity building workshop NSAs: Two workshops were organize and in the venue of Azad Muslim Club Hall Room Prodipan Project office addressing the issues of child protection policy, right based approach to develop child issue, probable responsibilities of NSA members, better ways of working Safety for children, Children Act etc where 31 members were spontaneously participated with this two workshop. SUCCESS STORY Access to basic health services through linkages and referrals, this is one key project activity which is supporting the children through the initiative on proper health and treatment services. This activity has been organized by the NSA (Non State Actors’) members accompanied by the support of the Islamia Eye Hospital on 17 April, 2011. A team of eye expert doctors provided support to the children having eye disease and disorders. It is well-documented that Substantial feedback was received from the participants undertaken 92 free Spectacles along with 213 got free treatment facility. This interventions also targeted doctor’s counseling to avoid eye diseases and disorders. Hence, with the coordination of prodipan’s NSA project Islamia Eye Hospital negotiate to give eye treatment for the destitute economically disadvantaged children. Through this benevolent initiative the disadvantaged children got a spectacles and necessary medicine. Now they can look far….. Obviously there is no doubt that this initiative through NSA project made the whole program a success.