Name: Foundations of Literature Ms. Zarkh Study Guide Questions for Othello Act I and Act II The following questions are meant to guide your reading, assist you with understanding the text, and prepare you for our discussions of the play in class. Directions: Please read the assigned sections and complete the assignments on separate sheets of paper. 1. Define the vocabulary words and put each word into an original sentence. 2. Answer the questions with reference to specific lines of text (quotes). 3. Add your own questions about the text. Assignment #1 Vocabulary Act I, Scene 1 evades (14) obsequious (49) homage (59) incense (verb) (76) Due: malicious (111) lascivious (141) deluding (155) apprehend (200) Questions 1. What feelings does Iago express toward Cassio? 2. Lines 74-80: What is Iago’s first plan for revenge? 3. Line 94-100, 122-131. What attitudes in Brabantio is Iago appealing to? 4. Line 135-155. How does Roderigo characterize Othello in these lines? Your Questions Write your own questions about the text. Assignment #2 Vocabulary Act I, Scene 2 contrived (3) grievance (17) promulgate (24) manifest (37) palpable (95) Due: Questions 1. Lines 1-6: Iago claims here to lack the evil will needed to strike Brabantio, Othello’s accuser. Why is this ironic? 2. Lines 8-37: What is the nature of Iago’s report to Othello—what is Iago trying to do to Othello? What does Othello’s response reveal about his own self-image? 3. Page 23: Briefly sum up the news that Cassio brings. Your Questions Write your own questions about the text. Assignment #3 Vocabulary Act I, Scene 3 (cont’d on back) facile (28) fortitude (255) valiant (47) alacrity (265) beguiled (79) visage (287) imminent (157) consecrate (289) insolent (159) sanctimony (397) discourse (174) cuckold (410) Due: Name: Foundations of Literature Ms. Zarkh Questions 1. Lines 1-55: Briefly sum up the reports that the Duke and Senators are now hearing about the war in Cyprus. 2. Lines 61-240: Of what does Brabantio accuse Othello? How does Othello respond? What is the Duke’s ruling? 3. Where must Othello go and why? What happens to Desdemona? 4. Lines 343-425: Why is Iago so anxious that Roderigo not take his own life? Why does he urge him to “put money in [his] purse?” Your Questions Write your own questions about the text. Assignment #4 Vocabulary Act II, Scene 1 &2 congregated (76) contention (103) chides (120) bestow (159) prattle (227) Due: abhor (255) eminent (258) voluble (259) egregiously (331) perdition (II, ii, 3) Questions 1. To where has the scene shifted from Venice? 2. What does the banter between Iago, Emilia, and Desdemona reveal about Iago’s attitude toward women? 3. pages 75-77: What is Iago trying to convince Roderigo of in this long speech? What arguments does he offer to support his claim? 4. What information does the Herald bring in Scene 2? Your Questions Write your own questions about the text. Assignment #5 Vocabulary Act II, Scene 3 clamor (246) bestial (283) inordinate (326) importune (338) dilatory (394) Due: Questions 1. Line 3. What does Othello warn Cassio against? 2. Line 48: In what two ways does Iago try to tempt Cassio in this scene? Does he succeed? 3. How does Othello make his entrance? What is his emotional state when he delivers his speeches and what has brought him to this state? 4. What is Cassio likely feeling as he speaks about his lost reputation? What tone does Iago assume in response to Cassio? What does he suggest Cassio do and why? Your Questions Write your own questions about the text.