Name: Othello Act 2 Questions Scene 1 Everyone has a hard time

Act 2 Questions
Scene 1
1. Everyone has a hard time getting across the sea to Cyprus. What is the cause of this
difficulty? What does it foreshadow?
2. Iago does into a long rant about women in the first part of this scene. What does he think
about women?
3. “With as little a web as this will I ensnare as great a fly as Cassio” (Act 2; Scene 1; Lines
183-184). What is Iago talking about? Be sure to explain the insect metaphor.
4. How does Iago convince Roderigo that Cassio wants Desdemona? Be specific! He does
more than just one thing!
5. Why does Iago want Roderigo to fight Cassio? What is in it for Roderigo? What is in it
for Iago?
6. Besides the reasons he gave in Act 1, what other reason does Iago give for wanting such
revenge on Othello?
Scene 3
7. How does Iago ensure that Cassio will get in a fight and embarrass Othello? What does
he say to Montano?
8. What happens to Cassio? What does Iago tell him to do?
9. How does the above advice set Iago’s plans further in motion? What is he trying to do to
Desdemona’s virtue?