Cornell University Class of 1955 60TH Reunion June 4 – 7, 2015 On Saturday night, June 6, 2015, 147 classmates and 75 of their guests (out of the 236 registered) sat down for a delicious dinner at the Statler’s Carrier Ballroom. After a thoughtful invocation by our classmate, Rex Boda and a moment of silence in memory of our departed classmates, we were entertained by the harmony of the Hangover’s Emeriti. Near the end of dinner we had the great fortune of listening to Professor Glenn Altschuler, Co-author of Cornell: A History 1940 - 2015. His knowledge of “Cornell Then”, our days on the Hill, was only surpassed by the humorous manner in which he discussed our memorable times at Cornell in the early ‘50’s. Each classmate received a copy of Professor Altschuler’s book and he was available twice during the reunion to sign them. The dinner on Saturday was the highlight of the days of renewing our friendships of long ago and the return to our magnificent campus. Wednesday marked the arrival of the Reunion team to prepare for the next four days and meet six student clerks who became an important part of our success. Even the weather was on our side, except for Friday night’s thunderstorm and torrential rain (a few of us got soaked coming back to Mews Hall on Friday night from the glee club concert), the weather was perfect. Thursday morning was “get ready” time. We found out that the helium tank delivered the night before was empty but, after some frantic phone calls, a new one was delivered and the “blow-up” began. The clerks prepared a colorful balloon arch with the numbers 55 displayed at the entrance to Mews as well as balloons for our Thursday night dinner at Appel Commons. The arrival table with the luggage wraps was set up and our greeters, Fred Antil, Carol (Ritt) Byron, Bill Doerler, Phil Harvey, and Eva Ray went to work welcoming our classmates and helping them check in and pick up their welcome packages. 142 of our classmates and guests registered on Thursday with 98 staying at our headquarters at Mews. Thursday afternoon was “at leisure” with 53 people able to participate in a campus tour conducted by Corey Earle, class of 2007, who gave an excellent perspective of the new Cornell. Thursday dinner had us listening to Charlie Phlegar, the departing Vic President of Alumni Affairs and Development, who is going to be in a similar position at Virginia Tech. Joel Malina, Vice President for University Relations, talked to us about “Cornell Now”, what is occurring in many areas on campus. Charlie and Mary Anne Wolf then announced that our class had set the record for an annual fund amount for a 60th Reunion – $39.7 million. This was one of the four records that the “greatest class of Cornell University” set this weekend. On Friday, 73 of our classmates and guests registered with 30 staying at Mews. That morning in the Lund Lounge, with an overflow crowd of about 70 people, Barbara Peltz hosted the discussion of Professor Gail HolstWarhaft’s review of the 2014-15 freshman book, A Clash of Civilization Over an Elevator in Piazza Vittoria. That afternoon, 54 people participated in the second campus tour conducted by a University tour guide. Friday night dinner was at the newly remodeled Stocking Hall, home of the Cornell Dairy Barn, where we heard to the wonderful harmonizing of the Cayuga’s Waiters of the ‘50’s who serenaded Barbara Peltz with their infamous song, “Good Night Little Girl, Good Night”. Some of us went on to the Cornell University Chorus and Glee Club concert at Bailey Hall. Others came back to Mews to listen to jazz vocalist Joanna Pascale (thanks to Phil Harvey) who gave us a terrific rendering of the Great American Song book. Unfortunately her concert was cut short by a couple of numbers due to the thunderstorm and lightning. Saturday dawned much nicer than the night before and many of our classmates went on to College breakfasts with only 110 of all those registered having breakfast at the tent at Mews. That morning many attended President Skorton’s last State of the University address and then returned to Appel Commons for our lunch and our class meeting. Outgoing Presidents Fred Antil and Barbara Peltz announced the slate of officers for the next five years; Michael Avery and Phil Harvey - CO-Presidents, Carol Rittershausen Byron and William Doerler - CO-Vice Presidents, Daniel Krouner – Treasurer, Eva Konig Ray – Secretary, Nancy Savage Petrie – Class Correspondent, all were elected by unanimous voice vote. We then announced that we were the first class to commit to a Naming Opportunity for the new University Health Services Center (UHSC), a major expansion and renovation of the current campus facility (Gannett). This was due to the funding of $25,000 from classmate Peter Schluter with the remaining monies coming from our investment and class accounts to reach the minimum naming opportunity of $100,000. Saturday night was the dinner where we recognized and thanked all our classmates and their guests for coming to our 60th Reunion, especially Bob Miller from Hong Kong, the Hirsch’s from Israel, and Roger Burggraf from Alaska. Our breakfast Sunday morning was attended by 169 people and we said our good-byes for another five years. Our 60th Reunion will most likely be considered one of the finest moments in our class history not just because of the records made or established; breaking the attendance record for a 60th, which we have done for the last four Reunions (no other class has done this in recent time), establishing the record for funding for a 60th Reunion and the first class to name a room at the USHC. We have elected to place our plaque on the Clinical Consult room, which is directly across from a waiting room allowing many students to see the contribution made by the super-class of 1955! It will also be considered the finest due to the many compliments both verbal and written that were received by our Reunion team. See you all in 2020.