Fisheries Division - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation

February 2012
East Central Region: Biologists continued with the Leadership
Development class, “Going from Good to Great”. Saugeye
stocking priorities were established. Attended Spectrum class at
Arcadia facility for Leadership Development Program. Continued
building of new electrofishing boat and installation of electronic
equipment in preparation of sauger collection and spring
electrofishing. Drafted budgets for EC and C regions and
reviewed the AREA 33 habitat budget. Prioritized equipment
needs list with cost estimates. Drafted a new Section 7 for the
EC region grant. Scheduled a meeting with the Gore Chamber
of Commerce to provide an update regarding the lower Illinois
River trout stream. Reviewed regulations and provided some
suggested changes to the Chief. Prepared a trout stocking
application for Trout Unlimited and a Tulsa school. Updated lake
record media contacts. Technician began calling district lake
operators to update contact info and boating, fishing and
camping fee info. Prepped gear for creel survey. Checked water
temperatures and conductivities on region waters. Began creel
survey on the North Canadian arm of Eufaula Lake. The habitat
coordinator and EC staff assisted with a habitat project on
Eufaula reservoir. Worked on coordinating habitat work on
district lakes. Set buoys for new sites on Konawa and Eufaula
Lakes. Ordered and picked up buoy cable in OKC. Installed 375
spider blocks in Konawa Lake with assistance from OFRL staff
and Law Enforcement. Purchased concrete blocks in Tulsa and
stored them at James Collins WMA for upcoming habitat work.
Helped OFRL staff install 100 cedars in Thunderbird Lake.
Brought habitat barge back to office for upcoming projects.
Attended sampling grid map GIS class at ODEQ office. Met with
SDAFS Reservoir Committee Chair Kurt Kuklinski at OFRL
about a survey to update SDAFS and ODWC habitat manuals.
Worked on questions for the survey with Kurt and submitted
them to ODWC habitat committee members for review. Prepped
buoys for installation. Built spider blocks. Worked on pontoon
trailer bearings and transom brackets. Repaired hole in pontoon
of district habitat boat. Answered calls about tagging bass,
surveying farm pond, and putting crappie in new pond. Met with
Asst. Chief and ODEQ staff about a mercury advisory on
Eufaula Lake. Finished SBxWB hybrid stocking criteria sheets
and submitted to committee chair. Continued working with the
City of Webbers Falls and the City of Fort Gibson to complete a
boating access application packet. Contacted past aq. ed
coordinators to discuss possible changes in the future. Finished
Aq Ed channel catfish requests for the upcoming clinic season.
Presented a program to the Lions Club in Muskogee.
Responded to outdoor writer about catfishing in August in region
reservoirs. Talked to Shawnee Lakes newsletter editor about
recent stockings and boating access work. Sent I&E fishing
photos. Gave 4 Fishes of Oklahoma programs to Ag classes at
Eufaula School. Continued with replying to online questions on
the fishing notebook website. Continued with scheduled trout
stockings. Collected Sauger for broodstock and transported
them to hatchery personnel. Collected sauger for the EC region
research project, removed otoliths from sampled sauger.
Judged science fair for Muskogee region. Judged Science
competition for Tulsa Public Schools. Washed pickups and
cleaned interiors. Worked on landscape project at hatchery
office. Vehicle maintenance performed. (J. Burroughs)
Northeast Region: Provided general assistance to public.
Ensured routine maintenance of state vehicles was performed.
Continued transporting equipment, ordering supplies, and
conducting general set-up of new RPC facility. Processed new
hire paperwork for RPC Interns. Continued preparation of RPC
Budget. Designed and ordered signs for new RPC facility.
Began general operation of RPC facility. Maintained Jenks
office. Maintained fish division equipment for NER. Completed
weekly and monthly timesheets, vehicle logs, and P-card
paperwork. Ordered supplies and equipment for NER fish
management. Continued preparation of NER 2012-2013 budget.
Participated in NER staff meetings and prepared minutes of
meetings. Attended Fish Biology course at OSU Stillwater.
Completed GIS tutorial workshop for establishing random
sampling grids for SSP Lakes. Collected fish for Mid South
Hunting and Tackle Show. Completed and submitted fish needs
requests for region. Literature review of catch and release
mortality for research proposal on paddlefish. Performed creel
surveys on Hudson Lake for GRDA. Performed creel surveys on
Chimney Rock Lake for GRDA. Provided technical assistance to
multiple private pond owners on fish stocking, fish management,
and aquatic vegetation control. Reviewed GRDA and FERC
documents received via e-subscriptions. Commented on
Dissolved Oxygen Reports for Kerr Dam and Pensacola Dam.
Reports were prepared for GRDA by OWRB. Attended meeting
with GRDA concerning dissolved oxygen plans and technical
committee business. Continued ongoing paddlefish telemetry
research in Grand Lake. Worked ODWC booth at Mid South
Hunting and Tackle Show. Installation of digital phone system.
Stainless steel fabrication on sinks and tables. Biologist
completed required hours of wildlife law training for reserve
game warden. Setup RPC in preparation of opening on March
3rd. Ordered remaining supplies. Modified Blue wave trailer.
Updated carcass trailer. Processed 200 paddlefish. Packed 500
lbs. of caviar. (B. Gordon)
Southeast Region: Assisted walk-ins and answered phones at
the Higgins office. Monthly paperwork and bills were completed
and submitted. Staff maintained office and grounds. Weekly
staff meetings were conducted. Equipment logs were
maintained. Weekly news releases and WOG were reviewed.
AFS technical committee paper regarding centrarchids was
reviewed. Distributed flyers, prepared presentation and
conducted public meeting in Poteau discussing Wister’s crappie
population status. Repairs to the electrofishing boat were made.
Arc GIS training workshop was attended. Facilitated use of
Higgins office as a polling site (Poll reports 27 ballots cast at this
location). “One Minute Manager” and “Creative Problem Solving
Skills” HRDS courses were attended. Local bass clubs were
contacted to encourage tournament reporting and to identify
club meeting times. Dilapidated buoys were retrieved from
Wister Lake. Staff met with a non-profit organization that is
assisting with trash removal at Lake Nanih Waiya. Staff worked
with Wister WMA Biologist to identify any necessary comments
regarding bridge replacement plans on Wister WMA. Assistance
was provided regarding multiple possible lake records on
Eufaula, McGee and Atoka and one possible state record
shovelnose sturgeon below Hugo. A lake record largemouth
bass was approved for Wister Lake. SER budget was reviewed,
necessary items were procured, and SER FY13 budget
preparations were started. Future boating access
opportunities/needs and maintenance of existing project were
discussed with Wister S.P. Manager and staff. Discussed
Oklahoma Aquarium needs/requests with Aquarium Oklahoma
Exhibit staff. 2012 ODEQ mercury sample collection needs were
reviewed. Prepared and submitted SER Section 7. Set trap nets
on Broken Bow and Sardis for walleye brood stock collection
(no luck). Crappie creel surveys developed and conducted on
Wister Lake, Fourche Maline, and the Poteau River. White bass
spawning activities were monitored on Sardis. Brush piles were
refurbished on McAlester City Lake. Assistance was provided to
angler regarding fish health questions. Assistance was provided
to a question regarding alligator gar distribution in southeast
Oklahoma. Pond management assistance was provided to a
private landowner. Assistance was provided to anglers
requesting information about fishing opportunities in small lakes
in southeast Oklahoma. Staff assisted with OAIS SE regional
shoot. A fishing clinic was conducted at Robbers Cave S.P for
Wilburton 4-H trout derby and report submitted to Aquatic Ed.
Coordinator. Aquatic education supply forms were completed
and submitted to Aquatic Ed. Coordinator. Staff provided a
program to a Boy Scout troop regarding aquatic resource
management and recreational fishing. The Sardis Lake
Management Plan and habitat enhancement projects were
presented to the Sertoma Club of McAlester. Technical
assistance was provided to an outdoors writer regarding
summertime catfish opportunities. Trout were stocked per
schedule at Robbers Cave S.P. Staff stocked trout in the lower
Mt. Fork River. HACCP was completed on boats and equipment
as required. Maintenance was conducted on vehicles as
necessary. Future ANS outreach plans were developed with
bass club tournament organizers and ANS Biologist. Staff
worked with LE in reserve capacity in monitoring activities on
Lake Ozzie Cobb. (D. Groom)
Streams Program: Coordinated and conducted bi-weekly,
mitigation and surplus trout stockings at the lower Mountain
Fork River with Crystal Lake Fisheries and hatchery staff.
Stocked supplemental trout at the LMFR. Pick up and deliver
trout to the LMFR with DSFH from Arkansas. Assist I&E with
filming gillnetting at Lake Texoma. Assist SCR gillnet stripers at
Lake Texoma. Held meetings with streams management staff to
coordinate upcoming activities, future directions and to clarify
staff responsibilities. Continued to monitor flow and thermal
changes along the lower Mountain Fork River. Cleaned and
maintained office, grounds and equipment at streams
management facilities in Caddo. PMP review with supervisor.
Annual inventory review with supervisor. Conduct interviews for
Summer Intern positions. Gather materials and equipment for
maintenance of habitat at the LMFR. Technical Assistance to
OSU on Glover River. Continued assisting OBS staff with
documenting the presence and spread of Didymosphenia
geminata (i.e., didymo) at the lower Mountain Fork River.
Maintenance was performed on state vehicles. Completed
HACCP and equipment maintenance logs. Paddlefish duty at
RPC. (J. Barfield)
South Central Region: Assisted hatchery with stocking adult
bass at Durant Lake. Assisted hatchery with stocking trout at
Blue River. Looked over Department web site and submitted
changes. Provided interview to OETA regarding Red River fish
kill. Met with I&E Division and made Outdoor Oklahoma TV
show about Lake Texoma striper gillnetting. Provided interview
to OKG&F magazine. Prepared regional budget. Completed
Section 7 document for SCR Management Grant. Attended
meeting at OK Dept. of Mines regarding Formal Hearing.
Attended meeting with TPWD to trade striper netting data.
Consideration of Federal “Blue ways” opportunity for Blue River.
Compiled list of bass tournament contacts. Contacted local bass
clubs to promote tournament reporting and ANS publication.
Prepared for Blue River coordination meeting. Reviewed and
submitted bass stocking requests to hatchery supervisor.
Attended GIS training in OKC. Attended HRDS training in
McAlester. Approved lake record bass for Lake Texoma. Visited
Atoka and Bluestem reservoirs to evaluate water levels and
access. Compiled biologist habitat survey information for Habitat
Committee. Completed initial PMP. Maintenance of office
building, grounds and equipment. Delivered power washer for
service. Coordinated statewide angler fish attractor survey for
Habitat Committee. Aged walleye and crappie otoliths from
Murray and entered data. Completed Lake Texoma SSP
gillnetting. (M. Mauck)
Southwest Region: Test ran shocking boat. Continued editing
Ellsworth 5-year plan. Changed oil in GPP generator. Wrote
article about fishing hot spots for local media. Planning for AE
events. Formed and poured contoured drive from boat ramp to
ADA pad and abutment at Vanderwork. Ordered new dock for
same. Inspected Lemons Landing, main ramp, Carnegie Cove
ramps and docks at Ft. Cobb. Inspected Elk City docks/ramps.
Removed hazardous fishing dock and replaced deck boards
from Fly Inn 2 at Ft. Cobb. Checked BA facilities at Crowder and
Ft. Cobb’s Crow’s Roost areas. Inspected new facilities at
Shawnee Twin Lakes. Checked work on facilities at Lake Helen.
Submitted compliance documents for Quartz Mt. boating access
project. Met with Lawton Lake patrol to discuss future brush pile
projects. Checked vegetation pens and repaired at Cobb. Pulled
lower unit of whaler outboard for repair. Test ran whaler. Met
trout truck to inspect stocking compliance. Inspected Quartz Mt.
fish kill and talked with game wardens on same. Repaired
plumbing in boat barn. Maintenance on utility trailer. Quarterly
planning meeting and safety meeting. Built equipment rack for
boat barn. Submitted 2012 fish needs. Biologist attended GIS
training. Data write up for F11AF00318. Answered phones in
Central office fish division. Prepared and gave pond
presentation at Great Plains Trail conference. Held quarterly
staff and safety meetings. Reviewed agreements on
Vanderwork dam and requirements for upgrades- sent report to
OKC. Worked on budget. Planning on Medicine Creek fish
management. (L. Cofer)
Environmental Program: Reviewed and responded to
requested environmental impact assessments that could affect
species of greatest conservation need. Participated in
conference call to discuss October 2011 mussel kill in Deep fork
River and potential liability of responsible parties. Participation in
the Tar Creek trustee council conference call and other related
activities associated with Tar Creek. Attended OCLWA
executive board meeting to plan upcoming annual meeting and
discuss other associated business. Coordinated with Law
Enforcement and NW Region on fish kill below Great Salt Plains
Reservoir. Attended OKAFs Meeting. Participated in conference
call to discuss potential in-stream flow project/studies on
Oklahoma rivers. Participated in the Oklahoma Conservation
Exchange Group meeting. Coordinated with USFWS about ESA
sec 7 concerns. Discussed in-stream flow issues and potential
projects with The Nature Conservancy staff. Attended Gulf
Coastal Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative Science
Forum in Dallas, Texas. Answered questions from the public
regarding streams management and trout fishing. Attended
meeting at Oklahoma State University to discuss current zebra
mussel risk assessment research project. Worked at the
paddlefish RPC. Attended a coordination meeting with the Tulsa
USFWS office to discuss section 7 compliance requirements.
Sent HACCP reminders to fisheries supervisors. Worked on
section 7 compliance documents for all fisheries regional
management grants. Finished quarterly accomplishment reports
for VHS project with APHIS. Coordinated with fisheries staff
about bass club contacts and tournament schedules to
distribute fish care/ANS cards. Reviewed and issued
commercial permits, import/export, and scientific collector’s
permits. (W. Ray/C. Tackett)
Northwest Region: Walleye and saugeye season started at
alternate Lake Fort Supply on March 13th. To date, 3/4 million
walleye eggs have been harvested. The walleye population at
Fort Supply appears to be very abundant with 25 percent of the
sample being female. Assisted OFRL personnel with walleye
data collection at Fort Supply. Transported, injected and
spawned saugers with Byron Hatchery personnel. Regional
biologist assisted Southeast Region with walleye sampling on
Broken Bow. Visited with Southwest Region personnel on Altus
trout kill. Sampled blue catfish at Kaw. Completed 2012 budget.
Northwest Region inventory was checked by assistant chief.
Assisted with one trout stocking at Lake Watonga. Collected a
13 pound, 6 ounce largemouth from angler at Watonga and sent
tissue sample to South Central Region biologist. Donated scrap
plastic pipe has been collected and transported to Canton for
future habitat work with Enid Bass Club. (J. Stahl)
North Central Region: The North Central regional inventory
was inspected by the Assistant Chief of Fisheries and
supervisor’s 2011 PMP was finalized and the 2012 PMP had an
initial review. Hybrid stocking criteria requests sheets were
modified and regional requests were checked and clarified when
necessary. All hybrid requests were sorted by points and sent to
Steve Spade for processing and planning. The total number of
hybrid striped bass requested increased from 555,340 in 2011
to 886,445 in 2012. Hybrid production in 2011 was 671,909
compared to 996,002 in 2010. The Interim Report for North
Central Regional Project was completed and sent to OFRL to
combine and send to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Office for approval.
The regional Boating Access Project Inventory was completed
and sent to OKC. Considerable time was spent during this
reporting period on the Kaw Lake Research project detecting
striped bass locations. Two trips were made to the upper
Arkansas River SUR to deploy and/or check for detections
during this reporting period. No detections were observed,
indicating that the striped bass had not begun spawning
emigration up the Arkansas River above Kaw Lake. Three
striped bass detection trips were made in Kaw Lake. Each trip
detected one tagged fish and each trip identified a unique fish.
Three trips found three different striped bass ranging from the
Dam Area, to Mid Lake to Upper Bend Area of Kaw Lake. The
SUR at the Dam site was also pulled, checked and redeployed.
No fish were detected at this site. One exploratory electrofishing
trip was made below Kaw Dam assisting the OFRL staff to look
for striped bass and hybrids in tailwaters. Two electrofishing
boats produced only one hybrid striped bass. Unless strong
releases are made from Kaw Lake, it will not be possible to
collect candidate fish to be tagged at this site. Fish Tagging
dates were coordinated with Dr. Gene Parker of OSU at the
Kaw Tailwater and Zink Dam areas. An amended Grant Report
was made to the Striped Bass and Hybrid Movement research
project reflecting an additional year of monitoring and funding.
The Section 7 for the NCR project grant was modified to an
updated format acceptable to USFWS. Staff reviewed a Pod
Cast from the Southern Division AFS Meeting. Supervisor
discussed with the COE modifying the Kaw Lake Water Level
Management Plan to delete the five foot drawdown in late winter
through early spring. A Paddlefish kill was reported to the NRC
from airboat anglers. 100+ fish were stranded from OMPA’s
generation ramp down on March 2. Discussions with COE
manager and analysis of release data in 2012 from OMPA will
elicit a discussion and possible modification of ramp down
procedures during this time period. FY13 regional budget was
initiated. Aquatic education needs were evaluated and solicited
then sent to Arcadia by deadline. Frozen fish samples from
2011 were transferred to DEQ for analysis. 2011 SSP Reports
were proofed and the Ponca Lake Management Plan was
initiated. The last trout stocking for Lake Pawhuska was
observed. 10 Shad Nets were repaired. Staff attended a
coordination meeting in Enid and technician attended the
ArcMap Training session for developing grid maps for sampling
lakes. Training was reviewed for regional staff. Supervisor met
with Kaw Lake Association to discuss and plan the Focus on
Fishing event and the Kaw Lake EXPO participation. Discuss
and noted changes in the 2013 Fishing Regulations to clarify
noodling violations using sticks. Staff was interviewed by OSU
student concerning the conservation efforts of the ODWC and
our involvement with the Grand Lake Bass Tournament in 2013.
Assistance was provided to Law Enforcement and Wildlife
divisions. Routine office duties and grounds/equipment
maintenance were performed as needed including tagging
bobcats, phone calls and email correspondence to constituents.
(B. Wentroth)
Lake Maintenance: Nathan returned a water pump to the
Porter office. Trash runs were made at Lakes: Elmer, American
Horse, Burtschi and Watonga. We reshaped a river bank at the
low-water dam and placed rip-rap along the bank. Nathan
assisted the Lab crew at Lake Thunderbird two days with habitat
work. The track-hoe and front-end loader were transported to
Dahlgren to repair beaver damage. Engine oil was changed in
all semi-trucks. The old 750 dozer was taken in for repair. I met
with Tony Harrison from NRCS and signed papers for repair on
Lake Vanderwork. We changed out boat trailers for our
department boat. All vehicles, equipment, buildings and grounds
were serviced and maintained as scheduled or as needed. (T.
JA Manning Hatchery: Performed routine maintenance to
equipment and vehicles as scheduled or needed. Fed and
monitored water quality on catfish ponds daily. Harvested one
forage pond and moved brooder sunfish to holding pond and
forage to bass brooder pond. Technician traveled to Thomas to
pick up one pond of sauger fry from Byron Hatchery. Hatchery
manager and technician assisted with Paddlefish Project at
Miami for three days. Continued to work with Fastenal to get
parts for the plasma cutter off MRO contract. Still waiting for
prices from Fastenal of water values (been waiting three
weeks). Continued working to get truck bed purchased for new
truck. Performed predator control on ponds. Met with Hatchery
Supervisor to do inventory. Hatchery Manager and technician
assisted with Archery in the Schools program at Duncan
fairgrounds. Completed hatchery production report sent to
supervisor. Assistant manager and technician assisted
southwest region pouring concrete at Vanderwork. Technician
assisted southwest region with pouring more concrete at
Vanderwork. Assistant Manager gave tour to homeschooled
children. (T. Wright)
Durant Hatchery: Rainbow trout were delivered bi-monthly to the
Durant Hatchery by Crystal Lake Fisheries personnel and
stocked into the Blue River weekly by DH personnel. Rainbow
trout held at the Durant Hatchery were fed twice a day, water
quality maintained and raceways cleaned. DH staff transported
11” RBT from the Norfork NFH to the Mt. Fork River. DH staff
assisted Streams personnel by meeting Crystal Lake Fisheries
truck and stocking 11” rainbow trout in the Mt. Fork River. The
DH crew harvested a koi over-winter pond, sexed broodstock,
and put brooders into raceway to hold until needed for spawning.
DH staff harvested two bluegill over-winter ponds and one Flmb
future broodstock pond. Two minnow spawning ponds were set
up and stocked. DH personnel worked closely with Garver
Engineering personnel providing information for the completion of
the preliminary Engineering report. DH personnel completed work
on the proposed FY13 budget. Fathead minnows were delivered
by vendor and stocked into Flmb future brooder and broodstock
ponds. Base rock was delivered and spread on hatchery roads.
Purchases for needed hatchery supplies were made and P-Card
purchases were processed accordingly. The annual production
report was submitted. DH staff compiled requested Flmb
information for SE Region personnel. DH staff attended two
HRDS courses in McAlester, and Hatchery Techs assisted I&E
with the AIS program at the McAlester Expo Center. Hatchery
personnel also assisted with the paddlefish project at the RPC in
Fairland. The Hatchery Supervisor visited DH and performed
annual inventory review. Packets with general ODWC information
were handed out, and numerous walk-in visitors were assisted
during this reporting period. All fish species were monitored and
fed as water temperature and weather conditions permitted,
sampled regularly, water quality maintained, and nuisance
aquatic vegetation was controlled. Hatchery grounds, buildings,
equipment, and vehicles were maintained. Repairs to equipment,
dip nets and seines were completed. DH staff continued
monitoring and deterring otters, cormorants, and herons. The
shop and office were cleaned weekly and as needed. (Gordon
Schomer II)
Byron Hatchery: The staff at the Byron State Fish Hatchery
began preparations for the spring spawning and egg incubation
season by washing jars, aquariums, egg buckets, hatching
battery, etc. this month. Sauger males and females were
received from the East Central Region. To date 27 sauger
females have been spawned and from these 1,579,575 eggs
have been fertilized. To date 234,546 sauger fry have hatched.
We have also received two lots of walleye eggs totaling 454,441
from Ft. Supply. Trout and bass have been fed daily when
weather conditions allowed and the channel catfish were started
on feed when pond water temperature reached 50⁰ F. The
fathead minnow pond was drained and partially harvested. The
harvested minnows were fed to the sauger and white bass. A
hybrid sunfish pond was harvested and fish moved to the fish
house to be trained to feed on a pelleted diet. Pond 15 was set
up, filled, fertilized, and stocked with sauger fry. The plankton in
that pond was sampled as was initial water quality. Maintenance
completed this month include repair to gate and fence at west
entrance to the hatchery, hatchery road were graded, vehicles
and gators were serviced, and offices cleaned. One pickup was
cleaned up and turned in to Property Division. Staff assisted
with paddlefish project. The assistant chief of fisheries checked
Byron Hatchery inventory. Administrative activities completed
this month by the hatchery supervisor include attending
engineering meeting and making recommendations for Durant
Hatchery repair project, checking inventories at Durant,
Manning, and Holdenville, and compiling and submitting to
hatchery managers the 2012 fish needs list. Supervisor also
worked on 2013 budget and the staff worked routine purchases.
Supervisor also attend OWRB meeting on water permitting. (S.
Holdenville Hatchery: Various fish were sampled and feeding
rates were adjusted accordingly. Water quality parameters were
monitored in culture ponds. Distributed 6,723 rainbow trout from
Greer’s Ferry National Fish Hatchery to the Mountain Fork
River. Hatchery reservoir water level and pumps were
monitored. A leak in the hatchery water line was repaired.
Hatchery staff deterred herons, egrets, cormorants and river
otters from culture ponds. Ponds were mowed, disked and
graded for upcoming culture season. Continued preparing and
compiling information for the 2013, budget. Hatchery inventory
was inspected and found no discrepancies. Hatchery roads
were graded and maintained. Hatchery grounds were
maintained though out the month. Repairs were made to ponds,
nets, seine and screens where needed. Shop and vehicle
storage buildings were cleaned as needed. Repairs and
maintenance to buildings, equipment and hatchery grounds
were made as needed. (J. Davenport)
Economic Impact of the Cold-water Fishery in the Lower
Mountain Fork River: Data analyses and preparation of the
Final Report continued. (OSU Coop)
Post-hooking Mortality of Blue Catfish Caught by Jug
Fishing: No field trials were conducted this month because we
have sufficient replication at the temperatures observed this
month. Only a few trials at slightly warmer temperatures remain
to be conducted. Analysis of existing data began. Results thus
far were presented at the Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma
Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. (OSU Coop)
Effectiveness of Stocking 7-inch Channel Catfish to
Reservoir Fisheries: Growth of channel catfish from 2 of the
study reservoirs, Ponca and Okmulgee, was assessed; it was
similar between study years (2010 and 2011). Processing of
otoliths for age and growth estimation for the other study
reservoirs is ongoing. (OSU Coop)
Habitat Use and Movement by Fishes using Shallow-water
Habitats in Three Scenic Rivers in Oklahoma – Information
for Developing Instream Flow Guidelines: Analyses of
wetted-perimeter data have been completed for Flint Creek and
continue for Barren Fork and upper Illinois River. Indicators of
Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) software has been used to
characterize trends in discharge for all 3 study reaches. We are
exploring options for survival and movement analyses of
preliminary PIT tag recapture data. Central stoneroller
Compostoma anomalum and cardinal shiner Luxilus cardinalis
have been PIT tagged to determine retention of tags using a
different tagging strategy. (OSU Coop)
Arkansas River Striped Bass Evaluation: Preparations for
striped bass sampling for 2012 are ongoing. OFRL staff are
purchasing 100 more PIT tags to complete the tagging portion
of this study. (G. Summers)
SSP Electrofishing Evaluation: The final Report was
completed and the project has ended. (G. Summers)
Grow-out catfish stocking: Data analysis of angler catch and
satisfaction is ongoing. (G. Summers)
Walleye stocking evaluation: OFRL staff assisted NW Region
staff with walleye broodstock collection at Fort Supply Lake.
Ripe walleye females were collected each day of netting. All fish
collected in the first three days of netting were retained for
otolith analysis. The otoliths will be checked for OTC marks. (G.
Tailwater Blue Catfish Food Habits: OFRL staff are planning
2012 tailwater sampling. Five sampling locations are being
proposed for 2012 blue catfish collections. (G. Summers)
Other Research Laboratory Activities: One hundred and fifty
four podcasts from the 2012 SDAFS Meeting in Biloxi were
produced. The new electrofishing boat is being constructed for
use in spring 2012. The 2012 Angler Guide was reviewed by
OFRL staff. Review of ODWC research interim reports were
completed and forwarded to Federal Aid Coordinator. Staff
PMP’s were completed. The RBFF marketing campaign
focusing on retention of lapsed anglers and using direct mail
and supporting emails continues. A training course was
provided to regional personnel in the use of ArcGIS to produce
random grid maps for SSP sampling. Routine server
maintenance was performed. A creel schedule was prepared for
Chimney Rock Reservoir and The North Canadain Arm at
Eufaula. Analysis was initiated on the Hudson Creel Survey
data. B.A.S.S. was provided assistance in producing podcast
from presentations at the Conservation Meeting in Shreveport.
Staff assisted Central Region East with deploying spider blocks
at Konawa. Work was done on a stream fishes webpage for the
ODWC website. Staff continued to plan a summer meeting for
the SDAFS Reservoir Committee which will focus on updates to
the Reservoir Committee habitat manual. OFRL staff has
responded to a data request from the EPA concerning fish
impairment standards being set by the OK Water Resources
Board. A summary of ODWC sampling protocol and the current
SSP manual were forwarded to the EPA for review. Boats and
equipment were maintained and HACCP procedures were
performed after sampling. Staff participation in the Leadership
Development Program continued. Technical assistance was
given to seven pond owners and two public entities. (G.
Golden Algae Management Measures: The lake monitoring
program and sample analyses continued as well as flow
cytometry-based analyses of golden algae and bluegreen algae
and other bacteria. Bluegill were collected for future
experiments into possible mechanism of golden algal toxicity to
fish (cyprinids, i.e., fathead minnows, have a more primitive
response mechanism compared with perciforms). The
investigation continued into the possible effects of light and
bacteria on golden algae toxin stability. Analysis continued on
the long-term annual, seasonal, and spatial patterns in
zooplankton community composition in the current Texoma data
set compared to previously published analyses of zooplankton
in Texoma, in an effort to discern possible causes behind the
2004 appearance and bloom of golden algae, and to serve as
baseline data for interpreting possible future Zebra mussel
impacts. Water samples were analyzed from a suspected
golden algae fish kill in a sand pit lake near Marietta. The final
draft was completed for a manuscript describing fish community
response to golden algae in Lebanon Pool. A harmful algae
meeting was attended at the State Capitol at the request of Sen.
Josh Brecheen (OK District 6). (G. Summers)
Central Region Management Activities: Staff participated in a
GIS training workshop for creating random sampling grid maps
for SSP survey work. Library coding of recently received
scientific literature was performed. The March OKC Game and
Fish Commission meeting was attended where there was
discussion on developing a new SE city park with a pond.
Concerns were expressed about the lack of fishing regulations
on the pond. OKC is exploring the possibility of adding the pond
to the Close to Home Fishing Program. Repairs to fishing piers
and courtesy docks at Stanley Draper were also discussed.
Work continues on the new electrofishing boat. A newly built
municipal pond was inspected in Norman with a city engineer.
One hundred large cedar trees were cut, hauled, and placed
into Thunderbird Reservoir for recharging of existing fish
attractor sites in the Hog Creek and South Dam areas.
Technical assistance was provided to a number of stakeholders
regarding a new lake record crappie at Tenkiller Reservoir, trout
angling activity at Dolese, crappie fishing activity in the metro,
algae control in farm ponds, mosquito control, boat dock plans
to OKC and fish stocking information at CTHFP sites. Over 190
rainbow trout from Bass Pro Shop were moved to a pond at
Dolese Youth Park following a fishing event at Bass Pro Shop.
Fliers were distributed to Norman Public Schools regarding the
Norman Trout Derby and Clinic. Dahlgren Lake dam was
prepared for repair work to patch beaver borrows. Nuisance
beavers have been removed from the lake during the past
months. Sampling equipment and vessels were cleaned as
needed according to Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
(HACCP) procedures. (G. Summers)