“Happiness is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” – Helen Keller
“They who lack talent expect things to happen without effort. They ascribe failure to a lack of inspiration or ability, or to misfortune, rather than to insufficient application. At the core of every true talent there is an awareness of the difficulties inherent in any achievement, and the confidence that by persistence and patience something worthwhile will be realized. Thus talent is a species of vigor.” – Eric Hoffer
Table of Contents:
Welcome Letter
Description, Training Overview + Hourly Breakdown
Wednesday Night Topics + 30 Essential Poses
Meet Your Teachers
Required Resource List
Registration Information + Tuition Options
You’re reading these words because you’re curious. Perhaps, you’re interested in what a structured yoga education looks like on paper; perhaps, the yoga profession intrigues you and you’re considering stepping on the path towards becoming a yoga teacher; perhaps, you’ve been an avid practitioner for years and you’ve decided that it’s time to take your practice to the next level and learn about the logic behind the poses you’ve fallen in love with. For all of this – and more – I applaud your curiosity!
There’s a well-known saying: “Every journey begins with a single step,” which is an adaption of a Lao-tzu quote: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” This Information Packet – combined with
YOUR curiosity – represents your first step on the road towards transforming your relationship to yoga. And when I say transforming , I mean: TRANSFORMING! Make no mistake: a 10-month yoga immersion WILL change your practice; it WILL alter your understanding and appreciation of yoga; and it WILL – inevitably and irretrievably – shift the way you perceive yourself, your practice, your body, and the world.
Whichever species of curiosity has led you to this moment in time, I’m grateful that you’re here. Thank you for taking the time and investing your attention to consider the possibility of diving deep into a concentrated study of yoga’s vast context.
As you peruse the following materials, you’ll see quickly that this program is designed to be rigorous and to expand the understanding of serious yoga students with the sincerest degree of interest in growing their practice and expanding their knowledge base. Over the course of 10-yoga-packed-months you’ll immerse yourself in a wide range of topics, including: yoga’s historical background, fundamental principles of skillful and intelligent practice, the basics of applied anatomy and understanding of how body biomechanics inform the poses, the importance of establishing a home practice, the value of participating in a conscious community of like-minded yogis, and how to craft congruent lifestyle practices. I’m so excited to share all of these details with you!
When and if you decide you’re indeed ready to take the plunge and dive into the first leg of your Yoga Ed.
Odyssey, I hope you’ll consider me an eager and honored guide. I commend your studentship and would be thrilled to guide you in your yoga scholarship.
Course Description
“Order and simplification are the first steps toward the mastery of a subject – the actual enemy is the unknown.” (Trail Guide to the Body)
I’m guessing you’re already in love with Yoga. Right on! Yoga practice is uniquely addictive, isn’t it?! Unlike other forms of movement or fitness, yoga directly addresses the needs of both the mind and the body simultaneously, lending this discipline an integrated appeal that reaches beyond the physical. If you have indeed already fallen in love with this practice and find yourself in a place of readiness to study more deeply, to develop and progress your practice, to join a conscious community of kindred-spirits, and to prepare yourself for the possibility of entering into the Yoga profession, then the time has come for your yoga education to begin!
In this 350-hour training and immersion, you’ll receive THE BEST possible education in yoga fundamentals.
Over the course of 10-months, you’ll steep yourself in the hidden topics behind the poses – the breadth of yoga’s context will be revealed, clarified, experienced, studied, explained and explored in a highly-interactive and supportive setting. The training will take place in Newburyport, MA at the gorgeous and full-equipped
Repose Yoga Studio. Julia Tirabassi will be your primary guide and honored leader. Throughout the duration of the course, you’ll also enjoy learning from several adjunct faculty who are each uniquely equipped to enhance your understanding of special subjects, such as Sanskrit and Ayurveda.
This comprehensive curriculum is designed to challenge, inspire, educate and develop the committed student.
Students with a serious dedication and sincere hunger to study and learn will most benefit from this immersive experience. You can expect a premium quality program on all-levels, including:
top-notch study materials,
the compassionate guidance of highly-experienced, passionate and professional trainers,
profound development and progression of your personal practice,
tutelage towards establishing a sustainable home practice,
prodigious and enriching instruction intended to demystify the details of practice,
avid accountability, and
rigorously high standards from day one!
This entry-level course promises to deliver a complete package of “everything-you-alwayswanted-to-know-about-yoga-but-didn’t-knowto-ask”. There’s a whole vast universe of teachings, practices, wisdom and insights hiding behind the more obvious experience we enjoy on the mat. Here, you’ll definitely go deep into what the mat has to offer, but you’ll also learn the logic and context behind the physical practice. Your appreciation of yoga will never be the same and you’ll most certainly emerge after
10-months a more knowledgeable, skillful, and adept student, well-equipped with all the requisite tools to begin your journey towards teaching.
Who’s This Training For?
This course has been scrupulously designed for serious students. The content contains a thorough introduction to the world of yoga, as well as providing the basic tools to get new teachers started on their teaching path. It is NOT required that you aspire to teach. This curriculum will serve sincere students as a comprehensive immersion into the logic, context and background of practice. Students of every persuasion will benefit from this sort of education. Again – it is NOT expected, nor assumed, that you’ll go on to teach yoga. However, should you choose to pursue yoga as a profession, this course will set you up with everything you need to begin your journey.
Applicants to this training must have at least 2 years of previous yoga experience and a regular practice already in place.
As a participant in this program, you can expect to delve deep into a wide range of topics - all while furthering your personal practice - under the careful tutelage of Julia Tirabassi. Julia is a seasoned professional with nearly 16 years of experience teaching movement and 13 dedicated years of experience as a full-time yoga teacher. In her role as a teacher trainer, it is Julia's sincerest intention to provide a skillful and structured support system for yogis at the beginning stages of both their yoga education and their professional development.
Julia vehemently encourages ANY sincere student to participate in this program. All that is required is a passion for the practice, a commitment to the demands of the curriculum, a spirit of curiosity, and an eagerness to learn!
Hourly Breakdown
This comprehensive survey course spans the gamut of essential yoga subjects and basic classroom skills for both sincere students and aspiring teachers alike. Whether you intend to pursue yoga as a profession or not, you’ll benefit immensely from this immersive study. Over the 10 months, you’ll receive a thorough foundational education in the following:
The History of Yoga, the context of practice, and the evolution of modern practice
A careful consideration of The Origins of Asana
Ancient traditions, including: Vedanta, the Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras + Raja Yoga, Hatha
Yoga + Tantra, subtle anatomy + classical practices
Chanting, mantra, and Introduction to the Sanskrit language
Sanskrit Essentials for Yoga
Alignment-based asana - both form + flow-based styles of practice
Restorative Yoga
Fundamental Anatomy Studies
Applied anatomy + principles of structural intelligence
Detailed alignment principles of 30 Essential Poses
Development of observation skills + the basics of body reading
Verbal skills and guidance on how to verbally lead a yoga class
The art + science of skillful and savvy sequencing
Sequencing principles, methods, and structures for flawless classes
Practice teaching in a constructive, creative, and supportive setting
Crafting a Congruent Lifestyle + Introduction to the science of Ayurveda
Mindful Business Practices + Mastering the Basics of the Yoga Profession
This is the hourly breakdown for the 350-hr. Curriculum:
10 month duration: September 2015 – June 2016
Basic Structure: (approximately) 3 Wednesday nights/month AND 1, 3-day, weekend/month
Pre-training assignment (TBD): approximately 10 hours
12-hour Kick-Off Weekend: Sat. 6 hrs. + Sun. 6 hrs.
1 Wednesday night/week for 25 weeks (3x/month for 9 months) @ 3 hours/class = 75 hours
7 weekend sessions: 1, 3-day weekend/month (Fri., Sat., + Sun.) 6 hrs./day (18 hours/weekend) o 4 weekends w/ Julia = 4x18 = 72 hours
Intro. to Yoga History + Philosophy
Applied Anatomy + Asana Pt. 1
Applied Anatomy + Asana Pt. 2
Fundamental Teaching Theory + Methods o 1 weekend of Flow Methodology + Vinyasa Technique = 18 hours o 1 weekend of Sanskrit + Sutra Study = 18 hours o 1 Sampler Weekend: Ayurveda, Ashtanga + Kundalini = 18 hours
Practicums Weekend: 18 hours
4-day weekend of Restorative Training Intensive w/ Erin Ehlers = 24 hours
5-Day Sequencing Intensive w/ Julia: 30-hours (6-hrs. /day for 5 days): Mon.-Fri.
285 classroom hours
Approximately 65 non-contact hours of reading and writing homework assignments
Total hours: 350
Schedule: 10 months: September 2015 – June 2016
This course includes both in-class and out-of-class hours. The 285 classroom hours will follow the schedule below. These hours are comprised of (approximately) 3 Wednesday nights per month for 10 months and 1 full weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) per month for 10 months. The Wednesday night sessions are scheduled for 6-9PM . Weekend sessions are all: FRIDAY 1:30-7:30PM; SATURDAY + SUNDAY 12-6PM.
All sessions will be held at Repose Yoga Studio in Newburyport, MA.
September 2015
Kick-off Weekend: 2 days (12 hours) Saturday + Sunday Sept. 12
Wed. 9/16/15: 6-9PM
, 26 th
+ 27 th th
+ 13 th
: 12-6pm (both days)
Weekend #1 w/ Julia: “Intro. to Yoga History + Philosophy” : 3-days (18 hours)
Friday, Saturday, Sunday Sept. 25 th
Wed. 9/30/15: 6-9PM
October 2015
Wed. 10/7/15: 6-9PM
Weekend #2 w/ Julia: “Applied Anatomy + Asana Pt. 1: Lower Extremity + Pelvis” : 3-days (18 hours) :
Friday, Saturday, Sunday Oct. 16
Wed. 10/21/15: 6-9PM
Wed. 10/28/15: 6-9PM th
, 17 th
+ 18 th
November 2015
Wed. 11/4/15: 6-9PM
Weekend #3 w/ Julia: “Applied Anatomy + Asana Pt. 2: Core Body, Spine + Upper Extremity” : 3-days
(18 hours) : Friday, Saturday, Sunday Nov. 13 th
, 14 th
+ 15 th
: FRIDAY 1:30-7:30PM; SATURDAY +
Wed. 11/18/15: 6-9PM
December 2015
Note: NO WEEKEND during Dec.
Wed. 12/2/15: 6-9PM
Wed. 12/9/15: 6-9PM
Wed. 12/16/15: 6-9PM
January 2016
Weekend #4: “Intro. to Sanskrit + Yoga Sutra Study” w/ Erin Ehlers– 3-days (18 hours)
Friday, Saturday, Sunday January 8 th
, 9 th
+ 10 th
, 2016: FRIDAY 1:30-7:30PM; SATURDAY + SUNDAY 12-
Wed. 1/13/16: 6-9PM
Wed. 1/20/16: 6-9PM
Wed. 1/27/16: 6-9PM
February 2016
Wed. 2/3/16: 6-9PM
Wed. 2/10/16: 6-9PM
***PRACTICUM WEEKEND*** – 3-days (18 hours) :
Friday, Saturday, Sunday February 19 th
, 20 th
+ 21 st
Wed. 2/24/16: 6-9PM
March 2016
Wed. 3/2/16: 6-9PM
Weekend #5: “Flow Methodology + Vinyasa Technique” w/ Melissa Harrington– 3-days (18 hours)
Friday, Saturday, Sunday March 11 th
Wed. 3/23/16: 6-9PM
, 12 th
+ 13 th
Wed. 3/30/16: 6-9PM
April 2016
Wed. 4/6/16: 6-9PM
Weekend #6: Sampler Weekend w/ Guest Faculty: 3-days (18 hours):
Friday, Saturday, Sunday April 15 th
, 16 th
+ 17 th
: FRIDAY 1:30-7:30PM; SATURDAY + SUNDAY 12-6PM o Friday (6 hrs.): “Intro. to Ayurveda” w/ Amanda Stanley o Saturday (6 hrs.): “Intro. to the Ashtanga Yoga System” w/faculty TBD o Sunday (6 hrs.): “Intro. to Kundalini Yoga” w/Jennifer Mercier
Wed. 4/20/16: 6-9PM
Wed. 4/27/16: 6-9PM
May 2016
Wed. 5/4/16: 6-9PM
Wed. 5/11/16: 6-9PM
4-day Intensive: “Restorative Yoga” with Erin Ehlers (24-hours):
Thursday – Sunday, May 19 th
- May 22 nd
Wed. 5/25/16: 6-9PM
June 2016
5-day “Sequencing Intensive” w/ Julia – (30-hours)
Monday – Friday, June 6 th
- 10 th
: 11AM-5PM (each day)
Wed. 6/15/16: 6-9PM – Final Presentations
Wed. 6/22/16: 6-9PM – Final Presentations
: GRADUATION: 4 hours (time TBD)
Wednesday Night Topics
Following is the week-by-week breakdown for the Wednesday night sessions. Each session will begin with a
90-minute (or more) on-the-mat practice followed by a variable variety of exercises and actives, including: group discussions, lectures, partner work, practice teaching, observation exercises, and more.
1) Foundational Principles
2) The TADA Template: Tadasana in Every Asana
3) Surya Namaskar A + Chaturanga Dandasana Tutorial
4) Adho Mukha Svanasana Tutorial
5) Mechanics of Breath + Basic Pranayama Techniques
6) Meet Your Feet
7) Intro. to Standing Poses: Closed vs. Open Hips
8) Standing Poses Pt. 1: Open Hip Orientation
9) Standing Poses Pt. 2: Closed Hip Orientation
10) Pelvic Symmetry: navigating & healing the hip joints
11) Posterior Integrity: developing posterior awareness & building back-body strength
12) Safe Forward Bending
13) Squatastic!: principles of safe & effective squatting in yoga
14) Core Essentials + Bandha Investigations
15) Mo’ Core + Navasana Tutorial
16) Low Back Love: harmonizing the core structures for a pain-free practice
17) Seated Forward Bends and Hip-Openers
18) Growing a Lotus: PadmasanaTutorial
19) Principles of Twisting (Standing, Seated and Reclined Twists)
20) Arm Balances Investigation
21) Backbends Pt. 1: Lower Extremity
22) Backbends Pt. 2: Upper Extremity (Shoulder Extension vs. Shoulder Flexion)
23) Urdhva Dhanurasana Tutorial
24) Inversions Pt. 1: Solar (Handstand + Forearm Balance)
25) Inversions Pt. 2: Lunar + Salamba Sarvangasana Tutorial
30 Essential Asanas (to be covered in the course of the 25 weeknight sessions):
Chaturanga Dandasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Supta Padangusthasana I, II, III
Utkatasana + Malasana
Virabhadrasana II
Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita Parsvakonasana
Ardha Chandrasana
Prasarita Padottanasana
Parivrtta Trikonasana
16. Virabhadrasana I
Virabhadrasana III
19. Bakasana
20. Eka Pada Koundinyasana I + II
21. Pincha Mayurasana
22. Sirsasana I + Sirsasana II
23. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
24. Salamba Sarvangasana
25. Virasana + Supta Virasana
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
Urdhva Dhanurasana
Baddha Konasana + Supta Baddha Konasana
Meet Your Teachers
You’ll benefit from the knowledge and expertise of several incredible teachers over this 10 month period.
Your primary guide will be Julia Tirabassi. Julia has lovingly and meticulously prepared this 350-hour course for you! It is her original creation, born of (literally) thousands of hours of yoga experience as a classroom teacher, mentor and teacher trainer. Each of the adjunct faculty have been carefully selected by Julia for their unique skill-sets and areas of expertise.
Julia Tirabassi
Your primary teacher on this exciting journey will be Julia Tirabassi. Longtime
Portsmouth, NH resident, Julia has been teaching Yoga professionally for 13 years in the seacoast region of NH, as well as multiple locations in Maine and
Massachusetts. As a former personal trainer, it was her passion for movement and an on-going fascination with the body's unlimited potential that led her to a full-time career as an independent Yoga teacher. She formed her own solo-preneur business, Lotus Groove Yoga, in 2006. In her work as a traveling teacher, Julia has offered classes, workshops, mentorship programs and teacher trainings in NH, ME, and MA. She is best known for her clarity, proficiency, and authenticity.
A self-proclaimed yoga enthusiast, asana addict, alignment geek, and handstand fanatic, Julia infuses all of her teaching with an impassioned knowledge of sound bio-mechanical movement, applied anatomy, functional optimization, and an overall zest for playful asana adventures. Eternally true to her days as a fitness enthusiast, Julia's teaching style continues to include plenty of athleticism, but has evolved into a unique special blend of creative physicality, sweaty sweetness, mindful movement, and keen attention to deep detail.
In each and every moment, Julia strives to share continuously fresh, contemporary, and creative ways to guide students towards manifesting their personal expression of empowered grace.
In her role as a teacher trainer, it is her sincerest honor and privilege to gracefully guide aspiring teachers on their path and to serve the global spread of yoga's magnificence with ecstatic integrity.
Erin Ehlers
Erin Ehlers, owner of Yoga on the Hill, has taught yoga for over 12 years throughout the Seacoast. With over 1500 hours of professional training from top level teachers, she combines her passion for practice with knowledge, caring and skill. Her take on Restorative Yoga comes from a deep respect for the quiet side of yoga. The gentle art of relaxation and steady rest is overlooked in our world, and Erin inspires yoga teachers and students alike to reconnect with this calm practice.
To learn more about Erin and her fabulous studio in Kittery, ME, please visit her website at: yogaonthehillkittery.com.
Melissa Harrington
Melissa believes that yoga is a way to come home to ourselves and that our practice is a mirror for the way we are living our lives. Her teaching style reflects a synthesis of the numerous teacher trainings and workshops she has attended. Students of any level are welcome to her classes if they bring an open mind, a willingness to play and take risks, and promise to laugh at at least one of her jokes! Melissa is also a STOTT Pilates Lead Instructor Trainer and former national conference presenter, a NSCA certified personal trainer, TRX trainer, Holistic Health Counselor, and former elementary school teacher.
When not on the mat you will find her with a book, on a bike, or packing to travel.
Jennifer Mercier
Jennifer is a 200 hour RYT, a Master Reiki Practitioner and currently working on her 500hr certification through the YogaLife Institute of NH . Jenn originally came to yoga as a supplement to her martial arts training and instantly fell in love. She is a black belt in Ed Parker American Kenpo & has studied many different arts since she began her training in 2003. Just like martial arts, yoga became part of her life. She has always been passionate about sharing her knowledge of her many practices so it seemed only right to pursue teaching Yoga. She is a graduate of Yoga of Energy Flow & My
OmAbilities Teacher Training. She is an avid student who continually participates in mentorships, workshops & digs deep into the practice of selfstudy. In the Fall of 2014 Jenn was fortunate enough to travel to the holy dham of India where she studied
Bhakti Yoga for 3 weeks under Sripad Bhaktivedanta Tridandi Swami. Jenn teaches both Vinyasa Flow &
Kundalini Yoga. She is a high energy Yoga enthusiast who is always at the ready to share & experience new ideas or practices with her students. Drawing from the eclectic combination of her many disciplines she has developed a teaching style all her own. Her motto is: “take the tools that work and throw the rest away!”
Combining the arts proves time and time again that rules, while sometimes are there for a reason, when broken can lead to the most profound discoveries. Welcome to the melting pot of Yoga.
Amanda Stanley
Amanda Stanley CHP, CRMT, RYT 200(+) has been an integrative health and wellness practitioner since 2006 when she began her practice Lion's Tooth
Wellness. She loves working with strong spirited, driven individuals who are ready to take steps toward a happier, healthier life- mind, body and spirit.
Through whole foods, whole herbs, ayurvedic practices, aromatherapy, energy work and yoga, Amanda helps her students and clients find the best wellness tools to fit their unique needs in order to help them reach their personal goals and serve them for a lifetime. She offers group education as well as private 1 on 1 programs in Dover, NH in the 1 Washington Street
Mills. To learn more about Amanda’s work as a reiki master, herbalist extraordinaire, and holistic health educator, please visit her website at: lionstoothwellness.com
Required Resource List: Your Training Kit
The scope of this curriculum requires a substantial out-of-class commitment to your home studies. You’ll have weekly homework assignments that include reading and writing, as well as additional assigned activities.
Following is a list of the tools we’ll need to get the job done. All of these materials WILL BE PROVIDED and made available to you prior to the start of training. The only piece you’ll need to attend to on your own is the
Yogaglo membership; all other materials will be provided in your Training Kit.
Yoga Masters: The Living Wisdom Series by Mark Forstater
The Language of Yoga: Complete A to Y Guide to Asana Names, Sanskrit Terms, and Chants by Nicolai
The Path of the Yoga Sutras: A Practical Guide to the Core of Yoga by Nicolai Bachman
Asana + Applied Anatomy
The Key Muscles of Yoga: Scientific Keys, Volume I by Ray Long
MetaAnatomy: Anatomy of a Yogi by Kristin Leal
30 Essential Yoga Poses: For Beginning Students and Their Teachers by Judith Lasater
Yoga Anatomy-2nd Edition by Leslie Kaminoff & Amy Matthews
The Roll Model: A Step-by-Step Guide to Erase Pain, Improve Mobility, and Live Better in Your Body by
Jill Miller
Teaching Technique
Teaching Yoga: Essential Foundations and Techniques by Mark Stephens
Teaching People Not Poses: 12 Principles for Teaching Yoga with Integrity by Jay Fields
HomeBody Yoga by Jay Fields
Extensive Training Manual
Set of self-massage balls
Yogaglo membership for the duration of the program ***Please note this expense is NOT included in your tuition
Facebook membership for inclusion in the online message board for trainees
Recommended Home Practice Props (NOT provided):
3-4 yoga blocks
2 yoga belts
3-4 yoga blankets
1-2 bolsters
1 metal folding chair
Foam roller
Registration Information + Eligibility Policies
All applicants must complete a written application. The application is included here on the following pages.
Please print out, complete, and return your application via mail or in-person to Gin Evans at Repose Yoga in
Newburyport, MA (address to follow).
Please submit your application prior to the Application Deadline of: Monday, August, 31 st
, 2015
Applications will be reviewed and approved in order of submission. This training is limited to no more than 16 participants and applicants will be admitted on a first-come, first-serve basis. To ensure your admission, please apply as soon as possible, but no later than the deadline of Monday, August, 31 st
, 2015. Once your application has been approved, and you’ve been accepted into the training, you’ll receive a Commitment
Contract. All participants will be required to sign this contract which outlines the program’s payment and participation policies.
There is a non-refundable $500 deposit due upon your acceptance into the program.
Applicants are STRONGLY encouraged to meet Julia – and familiarize themselves with her style and personality
– prior to the start of training. If you’re not already a student of hers, please plan to attend a minimum of 3 classes/workshops/events with Julia as soon as possible. If you’re unable to attend public offerings, Julia will be taking appointments for discounted private sessions. Please contact her about this option and be sure to mention your interest in the training. Meeting and getting to know your teacher is an essential ingredient to making an informed decision regarding your participation in this program.
Eligibility Policy:
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and have been practicing yoga for at least two years.
Attendance Policy:
Your fullest commitment is expected (and appreciated!). Julia must approve any absences prior to the beginning of training. In order to be granted your certificate of completion, you must invest yourself earnestly and complete at least 90% of the training hours, pass your final exam, complete your final project, and fulfill all other training requirements.
Should you miss more than 10% of the contact hours (30 hours), you forfeit your eligibility to graduate.
Arrangements for make-up hours can be made for illness and emergency.
Tuition Options
The Lotus Groove Yoga Foundational Teacher Training and Student Immersion costs $3,800 (all inclusive of books and manual).
Upon acceptance, applicants will submit a signed contract and $500 deposit to secure space in the training.
Applicants will be expected to pay the remaining balance or submit a credit card for the payment plan no later than September 7, 2015.
If you choose to pay in full, the remaining balance of $3,300 is due September 7, 2015. If you choose the payment plan, the remaining balance of $3,700 is due over a seven month period as outlined below.
Two Payment Options:
Pay in full:
Deposit with signed contract: $500
September 7 th
, 2015 payment: $3,300
Payment plan:
Deposit with signed contract: $500
September 7 th , 2015 payment: $925
November 7 th , 2015 payment: $925
January 7 th , 2016 payment: $925
March 7 th
, 2016 payment: $925
Refund Policy
If your application is not approved for any reason, the $500 deposit will be refunded in full.
***No refunds will be made once the program begins*** All payments – once made – are nonrefundable.
***Please also note: Graduation from this program is not guaranteed. Your commitment, attendance, and participation are required. In order to be granted your certificate of completion, you must invest yourself earnestly and complete at least 90% of the training hours, pass your final exam, complete your final project, and fulfill all other training requirements. Should you miss more than 10% of the contact hours (30 hours), you forfeit your eligibility to graduate.
Thank you for your interest in the Lotus Groove Yoga Foundational Teacher Training and Student Immersion.
Please print out, complete, and return your application via mail or in-person to Gin Evans at Repose Yoga in
Newburyport, MA.
Repose Yoga Studio
49 Liberty Street
Newburyport, MA 01950
(508) 423-3182
Please submit your application prior to the Application Deadline of: Monday, August, 31 st
, 2015
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this application, please contact Gin Evans at: gin@reposeyogastudio.com
(508) 423-3182
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone #: __________________________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ______________________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Name & Phone: ____________________________________________________________
Occupation: ________________________________________________________________________________
Do you have an interest in becoming a yoga teacher? Or, would you be participating in this program as a student looking simply to immerse yourself in deeper yoga studies?
Please respond to the following accurately and honestly. All information shared herein will be held in the strictest of confidence.
How long have you been practicing yoga? And, how did you get started in yoga?
What style(s) and/or methods of practice would you say best define(s) your practice?
On a separate piece of paper, please provide a brief history (1-2 pages) of your practice. What’s your yoga story?
On a separate piece of paper, please describe some of your strengths and weaknesses as a yoga practitioner.
On a separate piece of paper, please list your most influential yoga teachers to date. How often and how long have you studied with them? What about their teachings have held the greatest significance for you?
On a separate piece of paper, please discuss your interest in this program. Why are you applying to this
Teacher Training and Immersion course? Additionally, please include some thoughts on what you hope to gain from this experience, should you be accepted into the program.
Please provide a Letter of Reference (1 page) from a current/former yoga teacher of yours with whom you have an established relationship. Please request that your teacher provide responses to the following:
Name of Applicant
Briefly describe how long and in what capacity you have known the applicant.
Briefly describe why you would recommend this applicant for the Lotus Groove Teacher Training and
Student Immersion program.
What unique assets does this individual possess that would support them in a 10-month-long, 350+ hour, training program?
Are you currently under medical supervision for any condition (including pregnancy)? If so please state type of condition and list Dr. contact information:
Do you have any physical limitations, past surgeries, or injuries? If so, please offer a brief description of each, as well as the treatments (if any) you’ve undergone:
Please feel welcome to share any additional thoughts, ideas, information or concerns: