Kids Yoga Teacher Training Flexible Training ~ 6 Modules ~ Full

Kids Yoga Teacher Training
Flexible Training ~ 6 Modules ~ Full Certification
Yoga Literacy Module
Take an in depth look at yoga poses for children using the
Frog Yoga Alphabet Teacher Training Double Pack. With 26
yoga poses and 22 games and activities for early readers to
teens, you’ll enhance your understanding of how kids do yoga
with fun and safety in mind. Including modifications and
variations for all ages.
About the Module:
Yoga Poses and How to Teach them to Children: Take an in-depth look at the 26 yoga poses of
the Frog Yoga Alphabet, including interesting ways to present yoga poses, different ways to teach
kids from 2 – 15 years old, how to teach poses safely, and variations for each pose. You’ll learn the
principles for teaching yoga poses to children, principles that transfer to all yoga poses.
Games for children who are learning the alphabet, from early readers to teens.
Literacy and Storytelling Games for readers that make yoga fun.
Activities for home and classroom using the Frog Yoga Alphabet.
Relaxation techniques for beginning, middle, and end of class.
Yoga Camp Practicum: observe your trainer, leading a yoga class using the Frog Yoga Alphabet.
Then you will be given specific games and activities from the Frog Yoga Alphabet to practice teach,
under the supervision of the trainer, during the Yoga Camp. Participants will observe and support
each other teaching during the Yoga Camp.
Course includes:
Each participant will receive the complete “Frog Yoga Alphabet
Teacher Training Double Pack” (Valued at $69) in both hard copy
and e-book print and play format. This resource gives you:
26 Colour Full Page Yoga Posters in both hard copy and ebook print and play format
26 Full Page Colouring Poses in both hard copy and e-book
print and play format
Colour Yoga Cards in both hard copy and e-book print and play format
Black and White Yoga Cards for kids to colour in hard copy and e-book print and play format
Teachers Instruction Manual for all Yoga Poses in both hard copy and e-book print and play
License to print the “Frog Yoga Alphabet” for all the children you teach
Colour, Black and White, and teachers instructions
Become a Children’s Yoga Teacher
Register at:
(Modules can be taken alone or with the 95 hour training)
Simple, Fun Ways I Use Frog Yoga Alphabet With 4-to-9-year olds
I teach a 10-week yoga studio class, with weekly one-hour sessions. Here are the top ways my 4 to 9-year-olds
like to participate:
#1 My Yoga Name Book ~ The kids learn the poses from the Frog Yoga Alphabet. Using the Frog
Yoga Flash Cards they spell their names, practice the corresponding yoga poses, and then we bind their
coloured in letters together to create a book. The last class is parent presentation. The kids perform their
book for the audience . . . they love being the teacher and the experience is especially bonding. The kids
feel empowered.
#2 Hangman Yoga ~ Adding frog yoga poses to the traditional hangman word game is a great way for
elementary school kids to identify letters and words. Movement really locks in retention. I print the predrawn hangman page in the workbook and choose the word. For each letter picked, the class does the pose
for a count of 3 breaths. Then they get to see if their pick was a good one!
#3 Frog Yoga Word Scramble ~ I choose a 5 letter word and tape a letter upside down on the backs of
5 children. The children with the letters on their backs, get into handstands in a row, by placing their feet
up the wall so that their letter shows rightside up. Then the remaining children take turns unscrambling the
word by directing one child at a time to move into a new position. The children do this until the letters are
in the correct order and the word is revealed. It is a creative way to learn new words, practice spelling and a
fun way to keep the kids focused.
Frog Yoga Alphabet works equally well in the classroom or the yoga studio. School teachers, kids yoga
teachers, parents . . . the tool is here, the rest is up to you.