what you should be able to explain, what you

what you should be able to explain, what you should be able to do
Concept learning
o type of learning task
o instances
o concepts
o version space
o more-general-ordering
o sets S and G
o develop a simple example
o let the version space algorithm run on a very simple example
Decision tree learning
o type of learning task
o instances
o decision tree
o attribute selection
o Shannon entropy
o how to prevent too fine-grain trees
o pruning
o develop a simple example
o construct decision tree - estimation of information gain is sufficient, you must not
compute entropy formulas
Perceptron learning
o type of learning task
o instances
o model of a perceptron, bias weight instead of threshold
o linear separability, hyperplane, halfspaces
o example of an non linear separable problem
o how does perceptron algorithm work
o what happens in case of a linearly separable problem - why
o what happens in case of a non linearly separable problem
o execute a few steps of perceptron algorithm
Perceptron networks
o false negatives etc
o explain what upstart algorithm does
o explain what tower algorithm does
o explain architecture of a rosenblatt perceptron
o show examples of tasks a rosenblatt perceptron cannot solve
o what is the conclusion for the architecture of multi layer perceptrons
Multi-layer perceptron
o explain architecture
o what sort of activation functions, derivatives
o forward pass, formulas
o error function
o gradient descent, partial derivatives
o problem of local minima, oscillation, flat plateaus, deep valleys
o heuristics to solve these problems, momentum, Super-SAB, RProp
o backward pass, chain rule, formulas
o explain applications
Generalization and learnability
o overview over regularization techniques
o explain preference for small initial weights, weight decay
o optimal brain damage
o skeletization
o learnability framework: unknown rule, unknown data distribution, hypotheses space
o training set and training error
o generalization error
o which parameters play a role: error rate, confidence, training set size
o learning a rectangle
o explain definition of VC-dimension, give an example
o how are error rate and confidence related to training set size (not exact formula
required, but explain rough quality of estimations)
to do
o explain recipe for a MLP project
Hopfield networks
o explain architecture
o asynchronous and synchronous dynamics
o stable states
o energy function
o Hebb training
o storage capacity
o correlation based learning
to do
o let a small Hopfield network do a few asynchronous steps
o determine some (not all) stable states
Boltzmann machines
o explain architecture
o stochastic dynamics
o influence of temperature
o Markov chains
o limit distribution, stable distribution
o being irreducible
o being aperiodic
o what is correlation training
o definition of Kullbach-Leibler divergence
o correlation training is gradient descent w.r.t. Kullbach-Leibler divergence
to do
o compute development of distributions over time for a very simple Markov chain
Support vector machines
o explain architecture
o what is margin, how is it computed
o normalize problem, final form of minimization problem
o minimization under equality constraints
o Lagrange multiplies
o convexity
o minimization under inequality constraints
o Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions
o primal-dual
o dual function for margin maximization problem
o what are support vectors, why are they particularly interesting
o Kernel-functions and kernel trick
o give some examples of kernel-functions
o what is meant by soft-margin
to do
o solve a very simple minimization problem under equality constraints
Bayes Learning and Hidden markov models
o basic probabilities that occur in Bayes Learning (5 different probabilities)
o Bayes rule
o ML and MAP learning
o relation to concept learning
o multy layer perceptrons that learn the probability of classification
o what is meant by optimal Bayes classificator
o what is meant by naive Bayes classificator: explain an example
o what are hidden markov models, give an example
o Viterbi algorithm
o present an example of a Bayes network
Principle Component Analysis networks
o what is the meaning if first, second ... principle component
o what is the relation to Hebb rule for linear neuron
o does Hebb rule lead to convergence of weight vector
o normed Hebb rule: disadvantage
o explain Oja's rule
o explain Sanger' rule
Winner Take All networks
o architecture
o what role does the winner neuron play
o relation to clustering
o what is k-means clustering
o how difficult is the general clustering problem
o explain main approaches to vector quantization (basics, improved approaches as
neural gas, learning vector quantization)
o what are self-organizing maps (SOM's)
o what sort of neighbourhoods are used in SOM's
o how are SOM's trained
o explain usage of SOM's with an example