MUSCLE TISSUE II Smooth muscle. Ultrastructure of the myofibril. Muscle contraction Institute of Histology and Embryology Author: doc.MUDr. Tomáš Kučera, Ph.D. Subject: General Histology and General Embryology, code B82241 Datum: 8.11.2013 1 Smooth muscle tissue Basic structural and functional unit: - smooth muscle cell – fusiform shape 5-10m in diameter, 20500 m in length, rod-like nucleus with several nucleoli - does not display cross-striations Smooth muscle tissue smooth muscle cell - surrounded by external lamina, network of reticular fibrils, interconnected via gap junctions - mitochondria in the perinuclear region, ribosomes, GER, Golgi complex, sarcoplasmic reticulum is less developed - dense bodies, thin myofilaments, thick myofilaments, intermediate filaments - synthetic capabilities: collagens, elastin, proteoglycans Arrows:dense bodies Smooth muscle tissue • Visceral smooth muscle - Walls of tubular organs (intestine, vessels, urinary excretory passages and genital ducts) • Mosaique smooth muscle - iris Ultrastructure of a myofibril Myofibrils in the skeletal muscle fiber H nucleus A Z I M Thin myofilaments (actin myofilaments) - double-helix of F-actin, tropomyosin a troponin (a complex of 3 subunits): TnC binds Ca2+, TnT binds tropomyosin, TnI inhibits interaction between actin and myosin) Figure from Junqueira, Carneiro, Basic Histology, 2003 G-actin (a binding site for myosin) Tropomyosin (a double helix from 2 polypeptide chains) TnI TnC TnT F actin Troponin Tropomyosin Tropomyosin stabilizes thin myofilaments Myosin myofilament Thick myofilament (myosin myofilament) contains myosin II Myosin molecule is composed of two heavy chains and two pairs of light chains Figures from Ross, Pawlina, Histology, 2006 Flexible junction Myosin light chains Binding site for actin heavy chains tail (double helix from 2 polypeptide chains) head Binding site for ATP ATP-ase activity Myosin myofilament – in skeletal muscle M-linie bipolar filament Myomesin and C protein maintain regular arrangement of myofilaments in sarcomere SARCOMERE – arrangement of myofilament (Figure from: Junqueira´s Basic Histology, Mescher, 2010) Thin filaments are attached on one side to Z line (α-actinin), with their opposite end they extend to A-band. Accessory proteins: nebulin and tropomodulin Thick filaments occupy the whole A-band. They are bound to M line via myomesin and through titin they are anchored to Z line. sarcomere thin filaments Z line I band titin M thick filaments A band Z line I band Arrangement of myofilaments in the sarcomere is provided by accessory proteins. Titin attaches thick myofilaments to Z-line, αactinin attaches thick myofilaments do Z line, nebulin twists around thin myofilaments helps to attach them to Z-line, tropomodulin regulates the length of thin filaments Schéma: Ross, Pawlina, Histology, 2006 MECHANISM OF MUSCLE CONTRACTION Length of myofilaments does not change during contraction Motor end-plate (efferent nerve ending in the skeletal muscle) Impulse transduction MP Release of acetylcholine, Ach binds to receptors at the sarcolemma (postsynaptic membrane). Change in ion permeability leads to depolarization of sarcolemma, which spreads along the membrane of T-tubules. Membrane depolarization of T tubules opens voltage gated Ca2+ ion channels of sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. Ca2+ ions released from sarcoplasmic reticulum enter cytosol and bind to TnC subunit of troponin. Spatial configuration of troponin is changed upon Ca2+ binding to TnC, binding sites for myosin on actin (active sites) are demasked and myosin heads bind to actin. Actin myofilament Myosin myofilament From Junqueira´s Basic Histology, Mescher, 2010 MECHANISM OF MUSCLE CONTRACTION- II ATP End of muscle contraction Myosin head has the binding site for ATP. After the myosin head binds to actin (co-factor of the myosin ATP-ase), rapid cleavage follows ATP→ADP + Pi The energy released leads to flexion of the myosin head, which causes shifting of actin myofilament (sliding of the myofilament) towards the center of the sarcomere. Next the myosin head is disengaged and binds again to the next actin molecule. This cyclic process: binding, flexion, detachment of the myosin head repeats many times and leads to a complete insertion of actin filaments and shortening of the sarcomere (as a consequence the muscle fiber or cardiomyocytes contract as well) End of contraction (repolarization of sarcolemma) – transport of Ca2+ back to sarcoplasmic reticulum, tropomyosin covers again myosin binding sites on G actin and actin myofilaments return to their original position. From Junqueira´s Basic Histology, Mescher, 2010 Change of the sarcomere length during contraction Mechanism of smooth muscle cell contraction Stimulus: Parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation Hormones Contractile apparatus of the smooth muscle cell Relaxed cell Sarcolemma Dense body IMF (desmin, vimentin) Actin filament Myosin filament Dense bodies Myofilaments Calmodulin – Ca2+ binding protein Nucleus Contracted cell Myosin filament Tropomyosin Actin Dense bodies contain actin-binding protein (alpha-actinin) Ross, Pawlina, Histology, 2003 Regeneration of the skeletal muscle • satellite cells • proliferation and fusion – recapitulation of embryonic myogenesis • myoblasts → myotubes Muscle atrophy • Aging • Neurogenic • Nutrition • Inactivity Skeletal muscle fiber Energy source: fast – ATP and phosphocreatine Fatty acids, glucose anaerobic glycolysis → lactate Types of fibers: can be differentiated morphologically, histochemically and biochemically Types of skeletal muscle fibers Type I – slow oxidative fibers, slow-twitch, fatigue resistant motor units contains high amount of myoglobin, metabolize fatty acids, slow and continuous contraction - limb muscles, long muscles of the back Type IIA – fast oxidative glycolytic fibers, fast-twitch, fatigue resistant motor units – many mitochondria, high amount of myoglobin, capable of anaaerobic glycolysis, fast and short contractions Type II B – fast glycolytic fibers, fast-twitch, fatigue prone motor units Less myoglobin, few mitochondria - high anaerobic enzyme activity, large amoun of glycogen stores - rapid contraction, precise movements Types of skeletal muscle fibers Histochemical demonstration of Type I and Type IIB fibers (NADH-TR in the mitochondria)