Above and Beyond - Pan Am Historical Foundation

Vol. X1, No. 2 — Summer-Fall 2015
From The Chairman,
Ed Trippe...
Chairman continues on p. 2
Above and Beyond
As I sit down to write this message, I am reminded that the Pan
Am Historical Foundation has been
around for more than 20 years. During this time, the Foundation has
changed and evolved. Our mission
continues to be the preservation and
celebration of the airline’s legacy.
Worth noting is that this November
marks the 80th anniversary of the
first transpacific flight of the China
Clipper. We have undertaken major
projects – archiving the company’s
historic records and memorabilia,
supporting the creation of aviation
exhibits and, increasingly important,
providing archival resources for the
aviation community. Our website,
panam.org, has developed into an
important domain for a growing
audience of aviation enthusiasts
interested in Pan Am history.
We have also endeavored to serve
as the ‘glue’ that keeps our members
connected – through our newsletter,
our website and support of the many
events held around the globe. In this
issue, you will read about the Irish
Spring reunion scheduled for April
2016, and the World Wings International Convention to be held in
Savannah, Georgia in October.
Perhaps most important of all, the
Foundation honors the many people
By John Marshall
ost Pan Amer’s,
when they
think about
the IGS, as the Internal
German Service was
known, reflect on the
unique feature of that
one-of-a-kind operation.
Set up by the mandate of
the Potsdam Agreement,
signed by the three victorious powers at the termination of World War
II, the IGS was one of
three similar operations
set up to provide direct
First Clipper Flight – Hamburg to Berlin
and uninterrupted service
prior to any scheduled departure. I was
to Berlin after hostilities ended. By an
unfortunate quirk, the demarcation lines looking forward to a fun day of flying,
and to the tennis game I had scheduled
that divided the conquered nation resulted in the placing of the former capital that afternoon.
of the Third Reich over 150 miles into
I climbed up the airstairs at the front
the Soviet zone of occupation. Each of
left entry door and entered the main
the four occupying powers had a piece of cabin. The three stewardesses greeted
Berlin. The United Kingdom and France me with the news that we were going
each established their own air service to
to be carrying a critically ill passenger
and from Berlin from the west, and after
to Dusseldorf for medical treatment
the absorption of American Overseas
Airlines by Pan Am, the task of providing that wasn’t available anywhere else in
the country. The passenger was a very
air service by the Americans fell to Pan
prominent and influential citizen in
Berlin and indeed in the country, and
I was lucky enough to have been assigned to the IGS for several years. One was being afforded every advantage in
the treatment of his affliction. I strolled
flight that stands out took place on a
back to the rear of the aircraft and saw
sunny Sunday morning on a trip from
Berlin to Dusseldorf. I was the first offi- that the rear five rows had been blocked
cer. Like all of our skippers, the captain off and a curtain separated the section
from the rest of the cabin. Just before
that day was a wonderfully laid back
the passengers boarded an ambulance
individual, an exceptional airman, and
rolled through the gate and up to the
a great guy to fly with. We had flown
rear airstairs. The patient was carefully
together numerous times, and I always
carried up the rear stairs and placed
enjoyed our trips together. I strolled
atop the folded down seats, with a docout to the Boeing 727 sitting gracetor and two nurses sitting with him in
fully in the morning sun, rear stairs
extended, which was just a bit unusual, the row just ahead of the curtain.
as they were normally up and stowed
IGS continues on page 2
Chairman from p.1
who made the company great. In this
issue, retired Captain John Marshall
tells about an unforgettable flight from
Berlin for IGS. And, one of our ‘next
generation members’, Carol Scowcroft
(daughter of board member Dick Blair)
tells what it was like to grow up in the
Pan Am family. We also honor Captain
Les Brissette who will celebrate his
100th birthday in September.
The Foundation has also sponsored
a series of tours to Cuba for members,
family and friends, and I have been
fortunate to have joined a number of
the trips. It has been gratifying to bring
Pan Am back to the country that holds
such an historic significance for both
Pan Am and Inter-Continental Hotels.
The next trip to Havana is scheduled
for October 26-31, following the
World Wings Convention in Savannah.
Another trip is scheduled for February
21-29, 2016. You can read more about
both trips on our website. With so
many changes coming to Cuba the Pan
Am tours have been very timely and
interesting to those who have joined us.
IGS from p.1
The rest of the boarding was routine,
and we started engines and blocked
out on schedule for the one hour and
twenty minute flight to the Rhineland.
It was a beautiful day for flying, and
the trip was smooth as glass; we landed
a few minutes ahead of schedule. This
was before the installation of jetways at
many airports, and we parked on the
ramp and deplaned using a portable
airstair. As we shut the engines down,
from my seat I could see the ambulance parked off to the side waiting for
the last of the passengers to deplane.
Just then the patient’s doctor entered
the cockpit; we could see that he was
in a very agitated state. “Herr Flugkapitain,” he said, “We have a serious
problem. My patient unfortunately has
passed away while enroute to Dusseldorf, and the authorities are preparing
to disembark him here. This is a very
serious problem for the family!” He
clipped his sentences sharply, and his
penetrating eyes were those of a man
who was used to being obeyed. “It will
create great hardship and expense for
the family if he is left here. Can you
possibly take him back to Berlin? We
will leave the stretcher curtained off
and quietly let him off in Berlin.”
The station manager hovered in the
background, insisting that this was
strictly against regulations and Pan
American would be severely sanctioned.
The captain and I exchanged glances.
“Well, doctor, I’m not sure we are permitted to do that. What do you think,
“I don’t have a problem with it. Your
call, skipper,” I replied.
He thought for a long moment, then
turning to the doctor he said, “OK, we
will do it. Do what you have to do to
keep him aboard.” I thought the doctor
was going to swoon with gratitude.
The captain got out of his seat and
strode quickly to the aft of the cabin
to stop the unloading process. It was
an interesting tableau, with the ambulance drivers poised at the top of the aft
airstairs, and the doctor making himself
a physical barrier in front of his patient,
and the captain and I watching the
whole proceedings. Finally, after much
discussion the station manager and the
medics deplaned and the passengers
boarded. We closed up and departed
for Berlin, each of us wondering just
what awaited us when we returned.
We landed at Tempelhof on schedule. Word of our unusual cargo had
preceded us, and without fanfare our
unfortunate passenger was offloaded.
The skipper and I changed airplanes,
and went off to our next trip. When we
returned to Berlin after our day’s flying
was done, we had filed the incident in
the back of our minds as just another
day in the IGS.
The following morning, however,
proved that yesterday was not as innocent as we thought. The same captain
and I were paired again on this day, and
when I checked in at Operations for
the day’s trips I was told by the Opera-
tions Supervisor that my presence was
requested in the Chief Pilot’s Office at
once. When I walked into his office, I
could see through the open door that
the captain was already there. The secretary motioned me into the office with
a bemused grin on her face. The Chief
Pilot was a really good guy, like almost
everyone in the IGS, but he reamed us
out that morning. “What in blazes were
you thinking?” he asked. “Do you have
any idea how many rules and regulations you busted, to say nothing of the
German laws?” He went on at great
length about how we could be thrown
in jail, and Pan American given a severe
black eye.
We both stood rigidly planted in
front of his desk. The skipper finally
spoke up. “Chief, it seemed like a humanitarian thing to do at the time.”
There was a long pause. A small grin
tickled at the corner of the Chief’s
mouth. He reached into the pile of
papers on his desk and handed us a
copy of that day’s Berliner Zeitung, the
local equivalent to the New York Daily
News. We both knew enough German
to see immediately that we were notorious…splashed across the front page
was a banner story about the great good
deed that had been done by Pan Am
and its gallant pilots the day before, a
detailed accounting of our escapade to
Dusseldorf, and that the skipper and I,
and Pan Am, were granted hero status.
“Just don’t do it again,” the Chief
said. “Now get the hell out of here!” Q
Retired Captain John Marshall joined
Pan Am in 1964 in Berlin. After 11
years with IGS, he checked out as a 747
captain at JFK. Over the years, he was
based in locations around the world. Returning to JFK as a captain, he flew the
last 747 out of South America the day
Pan Am ceased operations. He is a frequent contributor to ‘Airways’ magazine.
By Carol Blair Scowcroft
hat does your dad do?” As the
sent to Bermuda to help out with the
third of four children growlarge spring break crowd. This sounded
ing up in the 1970’s, I was always proud
like a great job and upon returning
to answer that my dad worked for Pan
home, dad applied, was hired and
American World Airways. Growing up
ultimately rose to Director of Passenger
with Pan Am allowed our family of six
Sales and Marketing for NY State &
the opportunity to live an adventurous
CT. Thirty-four and a half years, one
life of travel that at the time was rare,
exciting and very special. Always formally wife and four children later, we were
all enriched and shaped by this hapdressed,
we would These travels were seminal in my life and from a very penstance
stand by
Dad has a
for our
seats and
great love of
Europe for holiday, meeting other adventurous souls. travel, a cuoften all
wind up
riosity about
in first class, an experience that truly felt
people and their personal stories, and
like royalty — caviar, tenderloin of beef
a thirst for history and knowledge, so
carved seat side, real silverware and lintravel with my dad was not a ‘lie on the
ens, and the spiral staircase to the magical
beach’ type of vacation. His motto was
lounge. To this day, just seeing the Blue
never to visit the same place twice, and
Globe logo fills me with a sense of joy
at every opportunity our family was
and pride. Pan Am embodied worldliness, sophistication and a sense of duty to off to a new destination. These travels
were seminal in my life and from a very
represent our best side to the world. The
young age I became keenly aware that
extraordinary experience of travel with
Pan Am shaped my core values as well as my other friends were not jetting down
enhanced my appreciation and underto the Caribbean or over to Europe
standing that the great variety of people
for holiday, meeting other adventurand places that make up our wonderful
ous souls. By the time I graduated
world all share a common humanity.
from high school in 1983 I had visited
It’s no wonder my father, Dick Blair, and explored among other places; the
went to work for Pan Am back in April Virgin Islands, Antigua and Jamaica,
1956. After spending four summers as
Bermuda, Hawaii, Tenerife, London,
an American Youth Hostel leader in the Rome, Madrid, Paris, parts of SwitzerUS and Europe, he embarked on an 18 land, Austria & Germany, Kenya and
month sailing voyage circumnavigating South Africa — and I would go on as
the globe on the Brigantine Yankee.
a college junior abroad to Nepal, Tibet
Along with 18 other non-sailors, under and China, and further honeymoon,
the pioneering sea education tutelage
by bicycle, the islands of Rarotonga,
of Captain Irving Johnson and his wife New Zealand and Fiji. Needless to say,
Exy, his taste for adventure and far
family and travel have been the greataway destinations was piqued. In the
est influence upon my life and my
spring of 1955, the ship sailed into Ber- education.
muda, the final port before returning
The founding of Pan American
to Gloucester, Mass. While there, dad
World Airways and the pioneering
bumped into a friend from Duke Uni- work on the birth of aviation is an
versity, Cliff Cooke. In the basement
important piece of our collective hisnightclub of the old Bermudiana Hotel tory as are the stories that were created
the next chapter and ultimately the
from these adventures. The stories of
course of dad’s life, and consequently
kindness from strangers, unplanned
my life, was set. Cliff was in the Pan
meetings of friends on the far side of
Am training program and had been
the world, escapes from danger and the
wonders of exploration compose the
rich legacy of the Pan Am family and it
is the important work of the Next Generation to record these in a dynamic
and modern fashion. The other piece
of our story is that I truly have never
met a group of people who so loved the
company they worked for or the people
they worked with. It is a gift to be a
part of Pan Am and an honor to help
forge the legacy that will be left behind.
I am grateful to Pan Am and to my
father for creating this opportunity, as
they say, “You Can’t Beat The Experience — Pan Am”. Q
Carol Blair Scowcroft is the mother of two
grown sons and lives in Boulder, Colorado with her husband Gordon. She is the
daughter of Dick Blair, Pan Am District
Manager of Sales and Marketing for New
York & Connecticut.
Savannah to Host
World Wings Convention
OCTOBER 20-25, 2015
A Taste of Southern Hospitality
in Georgia’s Oldest and
Most Charming City
orld Wings International will hold
its annual convention on October
22 – 25, 2015 in Savannah, Georgia.
Promising ‘southern hospitality and
world charm’, the three-day event includes a roster of noted speakers who will
share their experiences and perspectives
as members of the Pan Am family. All
Pan Am Historical Foundation members
are invited to attend.
Hosted by the Savannah chapter of
World Wings, the convention begins
on a high note on Thursday with
An Evening with Savannah Legends.
Guests will gather on the picturesque
Westin River Lawn where they will
dine on Low Country cuisine and
southern BBQ, mingling with Savanah
characters and historical figures.
On Friday morning, the Annual
Meeting will be held for World Wings
members. Keynote speaker will be Al
Topping, PAHF board member and
former Pan Am Director for South
Vietnam and Cambodia. Marking the
40th anniversary of the last flight out of
Saigon, Al will share his remembrances
of this historic event that was chronicled in the movie, “Last Flight Out”.
Purser Pamela Borgfeldt Taylor will also
talk about how Flight Service participated in this final flight from Saigon.
All guests at the Convention are invited
to attend Al’s and Pamela’s look back
on this historic event.
In the afternoon, Becky Sprecher will
present Flying into History, a riveting
audiovisual presentation about our
company’s proud legacy. The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion with Becky, Ed Trippe, Al Topping
and Pamela Borgfeldt Taylor.
A variety of dining and entertainment options will be offered on Friday
evening and can be found on the organization’s website.
The Pan Am clan will gather in April
next year for an Irish Spring reunion in
Limerick, Ireland. Hosted by Margaret
O’Shaughnessy, Director of the Foynes
Flying Boat & Maritime Museum, the
reunion is attracting Pan Amers, family
and friends from around the globe.
The Foynes Museum in county
Limerick is the only aviation museum
in Ireland and the only dedicated flying boat museum in the world. The
museum houses an important chapter
in Pan Am’s history and is an ideal
venue for our upcoming reunion.
Arrival date is scheduled for April
12, 2016 with registration beginning
at 11:00 am at the Limerick Strand
Hotel. A formal welcome will begin at
3:30 pm, followed by a series of informative workshops. A civic reception
will be held that evening beginning at
5:00 pm. Attendees will be greeted by
the Mayor of Limerick and feted with
a buffet dinner and entertainment.
The following day, April 13th,
the group will travel by coach to
the Foynes Flying Boat & Maritime
Museum for a personal tour followed
by lunch, Irish coffee, music and entertainment. A leisurely evening will
include music and time to gather with
old and new friends in the Terrace Bar
at the Limerick Strand Hotel.
On Thursday morning there will be
a series of informative workshops and
presentations focusing on Pan Am’s
The convention will conclude with
the President’s Special Gala on Saturday
evening. Guests will fly back to the
1960s for a nostalgic salute to Pan Am’s
glamorous Jet Age. The incomparable
Frank Abagnale will chronicle his highjinx adventures that included a stint as
pioneering history and the early days
of the flying boats. In the afternoon,
attendees can see the sights with
optional visits to King John’s Castle
or Hunt Museum. The highlight
of the reunion will be a gala dinner
on Thursday evening with guest of
honor, Michael D. Higgins, President
of Ireland.
Museum Director Margaret
O’Shaughnessy is organizing a fournight optional tour around Ireland
following the reunion. The itinerary
includes Killarney, Dingle and Dingle
Peninsula, Cliffs of Moher, Galway
and Bunratty, “all on the wild Atlantic way,” writes Margaret. The tour
by luxury coach is with CIE Tours,
Ireland’s top tour operator.
Don Cooper, renowned reunion
organizer, is helping to plan and
promote the tour. He informs us that
Captain Tommy Carroll will again
be creating a CD about Pan Am life.
Anyone wishing to submit a photo
or comments about Pan Am life can
contact him at TommyCarroll@
To sign up for the reunion or for
more information, contact Margaret
O’Shaughnessy at Margaret@flyingboatmuseum.com. All those interested are urged to sign up soon as space
is limited. When the allotted 430 slots
have been filled by paid registrants, a
waiting list will be created. Don’t miss
out on the Irish Spring reunion. Q
a “Pan Am pilot”. Guests are invited to
wear vintage 1960s attire or chic Pan
Am blue and white. Black tie optional.
For more information or to register,
visit the World Wings International
website at www.worldwingsinternational.org. Q
Pan Am Historical Foundation has had
video. The latest version of the site is
an Internet site – www.panam.org tailored to the evolution of a user base
since 1994, when John Steele started a
that is increasingly mobile. Early in
voluntary effort to provide World Wide
2014, a companion site with special
Web users with information about Pan
content just for members, the PAHF
American World Airways’ amazing hisMembers Center, was also launched.
tory. In the process, he collected some
These days, you can’t really just do
wonderful historical stories and provided
– you have to keep up with
the Foundation an online presence that
too. Another aspect of the
helped build the organization. It was an
online “world” is the almost ubiquitous
impressive achievement and he did it all
parallel universe of Facebook, Pinterwith very little assistance from anyone
est, Twitter, and Instagram and other
else, making time for the pro bono work
in what was already a busy personal
“apps” used by Pan Am community
members, and people interested in Pan
With time, it seemed appropriate to
Am who may not already be Foundaevolve www.panam.org to recognize
tion members. So there’s an important
changes in Internet technology and to
link between developing online content
reflect more dynamic content. In 2011, for the Foundation’s website and manthe Foundation decided to avail itself
aging social media channels and global
of an offer from Doug Miller and his
“fans” of all ages. Content for the webpartner Mimi Carruthers. Doug has a
site is promoted using Facebook posts,
background in historical documentary
for example, where people can share
films (particularly aviation history) and them with friends, and in turn, make
had been fascinated by Pan Am’s woncomments. Now we’re beginning to
derful history for many years. Mimi is
see gains in traffic to the website which
a professional librarian who has been
could translate into more memberships
delving into the technical mysteries of
and support for the future of the Founonline technology (also finding Pan
dation. Also, while we’re on the subject:
Am an intriguing historical subject).
Don’t forget to “like” Pan Am HistoriTogether they created a new PAHF
cal Foundation’s Facebook page! And
website that could be both an online
be sure to follow us @panamhistory
Pan Am resource, as well as a point of
on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram for
connection for Foundation members
other unique posts.
and anyone else wishing to know more
Keeping up with current Internet
about “The World’s Most Experienced technology also keeps the site secure,
which is essential given some of the
Their original effort is now in its
“Wild West” aspects of the Web.
third iteration, reflecting changes in
Operating securely, the site now has
web technology as well as ongoing
easy-to-use tools for online memberrefinement of the Foundation’s mission ship renewal and sign-up, as well as for
and includes many more images and
The website also offers an exciting
and easy shopping option that benefits
the Pan Am Historical Foundation
when you make purchases on Amazon.
Using the “AmazonSmile” service,
shoppers can make online purchases via
Amazon, from which a small percentage is donated back to the Foundation at no extra cost to the buyer.
You just have to click on the “smile.
amazon.com” widget at the bottom of
any page on www.panam.org or the
PAHF Members Center site to begin
Every Foundation member for whom
we have a valid up-to-date email address gets a timely email with a link to
the Pan Am Historical Foundation’s
Members’ Center Website where you’ll
find the latest Clipper Newsletter.
You’ll find content there not available anywhere else: an archive of all
past Foundation Clipper Newsletters,
special enhanced content to augment
Clipper articles, as well as new audio
and video provided especially for Foundation members.
As we move forward, our goal is to
distribute the Clipper primarily via
email. This move can save the Foundation significant expense for printing
and mailing. You can email Membership Director Emilia DeGeer at pahf@
metrodisc.com with your email address,
and begin a whole new online Pan Am
experience! Q
Clipper Pilot Les Brissette Celebrates 100th Birthday
By Pat MacKay
Pat MacKay, daughter of Clipper Pilot Tom MacKay, has known Les since her first trip to
Berlin in 1958. Tom and Les first met during WWII in a layover barracks on the Africa
routes and always stayed close. Tom went on to follow Les to Panama and then to Berlin.
Tom retired flying the 747s out of LAX in 1980.
eptember 29, 2015 marks the
100th birthday of Captain Leslie
C. Brissette.
Always sunny and optimistic,
Les has a funny rejoinder ready
for any question or quip. He goes
armed with a pocket full of jokes
to keep any crowd laughing -whether it’s the churchgoing ladies
or the bridge playing guys.
He’s the toast of the dining
room at the Vi at La Jolla where
he moved about 5 years ago. Who
can resist the charm of a Sky God
bearing bottles of carefully curated
wine to dinner? Great way to make
Born and brought up on a farm
in Saranac, New York, Les declares
that he “didn’t see much future in
farming and it sure wasn’t paying”
so he took a temporary Civil Service job with the 1940 census.
With WWII on the horizon, the
government set up seven “free”
flight training schools around the
country and Les was assigned to
what he refers as “Parkersburg,
West-By-God Virginia” and started
training on the UPF 7. “Very
maneuverable” he recalls. Then he
transferred to Northeastern’s flight
school in Burlington Vermont
where PAA came recruiting.
Next stop, 4th officer on the
Flying Boats out of Miami (where
he claims his job was sorting US
Mail) , then the Boats out of La
Guardia to Lisbon. Back to Miami,
on to Panama and then to the IGS.
Like many of the IGS pioneers he
and his family started out living in
England but ultimately moved to
Berlin where he retired in 1975.
Then, Les and his wife Lilo
began a new career of adventures.
It included 270,000 miles in a mobile home, residences around the
country and a ranch in Colorado
before they settled down in the
San Diego area favored by many of
the pioneer pilot crew.
He stays in regular touch with a
number of the old PAA gang including Dewy Hoffman, John Bell,
Bill Box, Bill Nash, Richie Stewart,
widow of Charlie Stewart, and
Gudy Barnholt, widow of Barney
Comfortably ensconced at the
Vi in La Jolla, Les goes out for
lunch most days and keeps them
laughing in the dining room in
the evening. Family, friend — and
with a bit of luck some of the PAA
gang — are planning a series of
celebrations of Les’ first triple digit
birthday. With his trademark sense
of humor, Les attributes his longevity to a diet of “beer and bacon
on a daily basis.” Q
How You Can Help Preserve the Pan Am Story
By Bob Gandt
ere’s a terrific — and painless
—way you can help secure the
future of PAHF. Include a bequest in
your will or trust.
And what, you may ask, is a bequest? It’s a gift of assets from your
estate upon your death. Your gift can
be in any amount, or a percentage of
your estate. Your bequest can be unrestricted or designated for a specific
A bequest makes sense because you
retain control of your assets during
your lifetime, and you can modify
your bequest any time you choose.
You do it like this: Simply include
language in your will that names
the PAHF as a beneficiary. Here’s a
sample clause:
I give, devise, and bequeath to The Pan Am
Historical Foundation, a 501(c)(3) educational foundation, the sum of $________
(or a percentage of your estate), for the benefit of the Pan Am Historical Foundation
and its general purposes.
Another way to make a bequest—
and receive a tax break—is called a
charitable remainder trust. It works
like this: After you transfer the assets
you wish to donate into your charitable
remainder trust, you may continue to
receive income from those assets during
your lifetime. And even though the
assets don’t transfer to PAHF until your
death, you receive the tax deduction
now. It’s a win-win.
Sound complicated? It’s not really,
but we recommend you seek professional guidance in setting up the trust.
And though we hope you inform the
Foundation of your gift, it’s not a
Please consider a bequest or trust.
With your help, the Pan Am legacy will
live on for future generations. Q
Masako Baba
John C Barbery
Diane Barrett 2015
Henry W Beardsley
Dick Blair
Robert Wallace Blake
Fredric R Bocceri
David Boudreau
Barbara Brown
Donald E Burns
Robert J Byrne
Jean C Carroll
Thomas W Carroll
James S Chadwick
Kathleen M Clair
Daniel A Colussy
Clifton N Cooke
Roger Cooke
Donald E Cooper
Charles D Cutting
Rosemarie Doerr
George Doubleday II
Doug Douglass
Benjamin F Edwards
Beverly Fitzpatrick
Shaun F Fitzpatrick
Nancy Hult Ganis
Margie E Gewirtz
Gerald L Gitner
Fred A Graber
George B E Hambleton
Pamela Hanlon
Bob Harrell
John H Hill
Helene Daugherty Hills
Bill Hussman
Earl Kelley 2015
Trudy B King
Leslie Blake Kotiza
Ursel Kratt
Jon E Krupnick
Carrie V Lalonde
James O Leet
Anthony S Leidner
Peter M Leslie
John Luetich
Michael E Lyon
Ruth Maron
Millicent McKee
David McLean
Tim Meskill
Richard E Murray
Lawrence M Norton 2015
Col. H. David O’Malie 2015
Patricia L Palermo 2015
Mario Paul Perillo
Samuel F Pryor III
Vincent D Reilly
Sabine Schwarz Renard 2015
Fred Rentschler
Robert P Reynolds
P.J. Rismon
Frank Rodgers
George A Rogers
Phyllis Roitsch
William R Rose
John K Runnette
Pete Runnette
Allison F Sanford
Maricruz P Sawaya 2015
Penelope Scambly Schott
Mrs. Paul C Sheeline
Gail Z Siegel 2015
Page W Smith
Mrs R. Dixon Speas
John R Steele
Marianne Steer
Thomas J Stone
Alvin Topiol
Edward S Trippe
Charles W Trippe Sr
Richard Urmston
T E Van Note
Diane Vanderzanden
James W Vaughn
Craig W Waldvogel
Cris Wasiak
Roberta Weingarten
Ann Whyte
Beth M Wilkins
Akiyoshi Yonehara 2015
Terry Yuen
James A Zockoll 2015
James F Zockoll 2015
Steven Zockoll 2015
John Ferrari
Peter M Leslie 2014-15
Ron Marasco 2014-15
Joan A Payden
James F Zockoll
Sarah Page Bareau
Daniel S Bennett
Ed Condit 2015
Robert P DeVecchi 2014-15
Shaun F Fitzpatrick
Dr. Richard P Hallion
Robert B Haserot 2014-15
David A Lilly 2014-15
W Harvey Benefield
J Roger Bentley
Ernie Boetz
Judy T Boyles 2014-15
J Noble / L Brickson
John Budd 2014-15
George B Cammann
Joseph A Castiglione 2014-15
Jane Dowalo Conway 2014-15
P T Crews 2014-15
Joseph W. Dalton
Norman Davies 2014-15
Kenneth A DeGhetto 2014-15
Ann Delaney 2014-15
Mary Ann Dietrich
John Dietz 2014-15
Jason Dittmer
Marguerite Djehizian 2014-15
Robert J Dore III 2014-15
Everett Fisher 2014-15
Pamela Freytag
Don Funk 2014-15
Ralph Goldberg 2014-15
Daniel W Harris 2014-15
Robert B Hicks
Leonard L Johnson 2014-15
Louise/Josh Kling
Choy H Lewis
George A Macdonald 2014-15
Judith A Mall
David A McCauley 2014-15
Jean McCormick
Robert C McGrory 2014-15
Ginny McKillop 2014-15
Inger S Mejean
Henry L Meloan 2014-15
Henry Michaelis 2014-15
Susan E Mittelkauf 2014-15
Betty Moulthrop 2014-15
Allan R Moulton III
Thomas L Murray 2014-15
Elie Nicoletta
Anne-Marie Olympios
Fred H. Parkin
Georgena Pasquinelli 2014-15
Angelo T Patterson 2014-15
James E Potter 2014-15
Marina I Reagan
Kathy Crane Reilly 2015
Sabine Schwarz Renard
Marianne Schumacher 2015
Arthur Schwarz 2014-15
Graeme E Seaton 2014-15
T B Sheehan 2014-15
Carol Bowlin Smith
Dennis A Smith
Paul A Taipale 2014-15
Kristie/Bob Thorson
Alfred R Thort 2014-15
Lynne Tondorf 2014-15
Steff/Stacy Trippe
Jocelyne Tufts 2014-15
Matthew C Tully
C G Vlahakis 2014-15
Thomas L Wallace 2014-15
Fay Allison
Diane Baker
Betty Ball
John Ferrari
George F Giampetro
Jan Kish
Gayle Larson
Karen Untied Hillman
Laura Hoffman
Lynn McIver
Margaret Morgan
Guy Noffsinger
Hamilton F Potter III
Rhodonna W Poulson
Jaqueline Robertson-Kitchell
Mary Ann Ryerson
Jim Scott
Philip Smyth
Charles W Trippe Jr
Pan A m Historical
Edward S. Trippe
C.W. Runnette
Virginia McKillop
Charles Trippe, Jr.
Richard Blair
Memberhip & Marketing
Director, Europe and Atlantic
John H. Hill
Museums & Exhibits
Jeffrey Kriendler
Darlene Carver Laster
Director, Asia and Pacific
PERMIT # 11882
Pan Am Returns to Cuba
In 1927, Pan American World Airways completed its inaugural flight
from Key West to Havana. Eightyeight years later we return with a
series of tours specially designed for
the Pan Am Historical Foundation.
There couldn’t be a more exciting
time to visit Cuba or a better way
to see all that this country offers.
The series has proven to be very
popular with new dates and itineraries announced for the coming
months. These include:
Exploring Havana
October 26 – 31, 2015
Legacies & Landscapes
February 21-29, 2016
Visit www.panam.org for complete
itineraries and reservation forms.
John P. McGhee
Director, Western U.S.
and Alaska
Lilian A. Walby
Archives & Memorabilia
Director, Latin America
and Caribbean
George Doubleday II
Robert Gandt
Peter M. Leslie
Ron Marasco
Ruth Maron
Doug Miller
Allan H. Topping
Charles W. Trippe
Mary Goshgarian Memorial Service
By Al Topping
On July 11, almost 60 former Pan Amers and
friends gathered at the Pan Am International
Flight Academy to pay tribute to Mary Goshgarian who passed away on March 9, 2015 at the age
of 92. A plaque was presented to Mary’s nephew,
JP Goshgarian and his family. The plaque said in
part “she spent more than 20 years as a volunteer
/ manager at the store and enjoyed every moment. Pan Am memorabilia was something that
brought her great joy as she shared her passion,
in a very special way, for the company she loved.”
All of the current AWARE Store volunteers were
also on hand. When next you visit the Store the
plaque will be on display for all to see.
A profile on Mary Goshgarian, Miami Clipper
Club Skipper, appeared in the Fall 2014 issue
of Clipper.
Charles W. Trippe, Jr.
Ruth Maron
Volunteers pictured L/R are: Kathy
Diossey, Sybille Holder, Betsy Leder,
Heike Greenwood, Ron Poggio