Addition Equations Activity Sheet

Addition Equations
NAME ___________________________
Use the Pan Balance – Numbers Tool to complete the following activities. Work with a partner.
1. What addition equations can you create using the number 20? Use the electronic tool to create at
least five different equations, and record them below.
2. What addition equations can you create using the number 33? Use the electronic tool to create at
least five different equations, and record them below.
3. Put 7 + 8 in the left pan. Put something onto the right pan that will make it balance. Then find
something else that will balance with 7 + 8. How many answers can you find?
4. Put 10 + 9 in the left pan. Put something onto the right pan that will make it balance. Then find
something else that will balance with 10 + 9. How many answers can you find?
5. Choose one person to create a problem similar to 3 or 4 above. The other person in the pair
should solve the problem. Record the problem and solutions below.
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