BASINGSTOKE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION CAPITAL PROJECT COMMITTEE Minutes of a Meeting held on Monday 15 December 2014 at 9.00am Membership: * * * * * Phil Wilding Anthony Bravo Steve Fussey Mike Howe Lynne George External Member Principal External Member External Member External Member Chair 2 Members required 5 present at start Meeting quorate * * * * * Simon Burrell Hazel Jones David Moir Richard Burgess Dominic Gaunt Clerk to the Corporation (Clerk) Head of Estates & Facilities (HEF) Deputy Principal Finance & Resources (DPFR) Design ACB (ACB) Design ACB (ACB) * Present at meeting Quorum: In Attendance: PART 1 – NON CONFIDENTIAL MINUTES 64. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE/WELCOME None received. Richard Burgess and Dominic Gaunt were welcomed to the meeting. 65. CONSTRUCTION BLOCK PROJECT The DPFR advised outlined a proposal to re-roof the Construction Block and to create a new covered extension at the rear of the site for brickwork and storage etc, at a cost of £1.2m (incl VAT). He advised further that he had sought financial assistance towards the project from the LEP (Local Enterprise partnership) but they (the LEP) had not been interested in offering any support. The ACB representative advised that a condition survey of the roof had shown that it would need to be replaced within the next 5 years. There were also a number of problems associated with the Construction Block, particularly that vehicle access around the rear of the block had very limited visibility/bad sight lines, poor pedestrian links, insufficient workshop space, inadequate storage, leaking roofs and a generally untidy appearance. He advised further that, following discussions with staff, the HEF and DPFR a design brief had been established and proposals made. The ACB representative gave Members a visual presentation on his initial proposals for developments to the Block. They included a re-roof of the main building and the construction of an extension to the rear the incorporated a brick workshop, storage, open and covered external working space, vehicle access for deliveries, better vehicular access around the rear of the Block, and new pedestrian walkways. In response to a question from the Chair of the Ctte the DPFR confirmed that there had been a number of discussions with staff, and plans drafted and reviewed. He advised that the plans would enable the College to re-introduce brickwork courses to meet industry demand for these skills. In response to a question he advised further that there were, currently, 8 learners undertaking brickwork. In response to a question from the Chair the ACB representative agreed to review the scheme to consider the possibility of expansion with upper floors at a future date. He agreed to review the matter. The DPFR stressed that the cost of preparatory works required to be undertaken to accommodate such an expansion would be outside of the proposed budget and were not affordable. The HEF advised that the proposed works would be undertaken over a 4 month period, with some works being started in the Summer Term. She also advised that planning consent was due to be sought in January 2015. When received, the structural design would be finalised, and tenders under Stage E Design and Build would be issued in February 2015, with a return date in March 2015. She stressed the tight time-frame involved if works were to commence before the summer holiday period. The Chair of the Ctte sought clarification on the condition of the existing roof of the Construction Block, and the proposed works for its replacement. The ACB representative advised that it was anticipated the cost of the re-roofing would be £400k (plus VAT) and the extension works £600k (plus VAT). The Ctte sought clarification on what alternatives had been considered for the replacement roof systems, and questioned whether the contract should be broken-down into two separate elements; the re-roof and the extension works. It was reported that the best option would be for a single design and build process as there would be less risk involved. The Chair of the Ctte suggested, though, that two specialist roofing manufacturers (Kingspan and Euroclad) be invited to make their recommendations on the best options available to re-roof the Construction Block. The Ctte adjourned to walk round the Construction Block and view the proposed works areas. In resuming the meeting the Chair of the Ctte stressed that the deciding factor to the overall scheme was the roof works. He suggested that a single main contractor could be invited to co-ordinate the overall works. The DPFR reminded the Ctte that the overall budget for the works was £1.2m (incl VAT). The Corporation had agreed to a 10% contingency that would be used only with the approval of the Capital project Ctte. It was noted that a detailed structural design would need to be drawn-up and a clear specification issued for the tendering process. The Chair of the Ctte and Steve Fussey were invited to be involved in the drafting of the specification etc and to review the tender documentation. (Richard Burgess and Dominic Gaunt left the meeting) 66. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS The Chair of the Ctte made a declaration of interests. He advised that he had worked with Design ACB through his professional connections. 67. HEATING AND COOLING SCHEME: BLOCKS F & G The DPFR advised that there was a need to consider some form of works to the heating and cooling system in F Block, and that detailed design work had been undertaken. A high-tech solution had been proposed that would be linked to the College’s BMS system. However, he felt that it was not a compelling project and estimated costs were high at £1.4m (incl VAT). The HEF advised that there were a number of issues with the BMS system and that it was currently under review, especially with regards to its ability to do more on energy management matters. The DPFR advised that there had to be a clear demonstration that the project was a sound financial investment. He expressed his concern that funding could be spent and the results would not be as anticipated. He advised further that F Block did have heating but that it was inadequate, there was no cooling option and some rooms had stand-alone air conditioning units for the summer, while others had additional electric heaters for colder periods. The DPFR advised that visit to reference sites were required in order to see first-hand how the system proposed operated and that it did deliver to the specification. In response to a question the DPFR advised that the cladding works around G Block had eased the pressure for heating works to be undertaken and so had been removed from the proposals for the current time. This would be revisited after F Block. The DPFR would report back to the Ctte at a future meeting. 68. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Friday 13 February 2015 @ 9.00am (10.07am Meeting closed)