WHY BE A Social Executive?
June 16, 2015 - Webcast Chat log
Amy Gonzales
Welcome everyone to our AN Webinar... very excited to be learning more about
being an effective "Social" executive!
what is Nancy's twitter handle again?
Which is YOUR reason for not leveraging social media?!
I have 645 Twitter followers as of today . . . just sayin' @tobymcd
Congrats, Toby!
I don't proactively "make" time to do so. I need to "get over it", and realize it's not
time consuming!
My reason - not sure it is acceptable to be on Twitter while working. I have 112
followers - @lizziemeeks12
Eileen.. you are not alone.
My company (Sanofi) is now utilizing LinkedIn exclusively for Talent Management.
We have an internal tool which we are asked to link with our LinkedIn profiles.
Does anyone use Yammer at work?
Yammer is like Facebook for Business
no Yammer . . .
Yes, but I understand that it will be phased out.
My company limits the use of social media for business due to regulatory
My reason - Not sure how to make it efficient. Already driven by distraction...
@lizziemeeks12 savvy!
It will be integrated with Microsoft social tools.
phased out completely or for your company Tolani?
e.g. Sharepoint
McGraw-Hill used to use Yammer, but we moved away it and now use SPARK as
of a year or two ago.
we are trying to intro Yammer..slow take rate
Thanks Tolani!
we use Yammer at work but it has been difficult to get our employee population to
transition email to Yammer
Before I have a meeting with someone I don't know, I look up their profile on
I'm with you, Jennifer. I always check out the LI profiles, and it is a red flag for me if
they are NOT online.
My 16yr old tells me she can tell someone is old when they text using their index
fingers instead of their thumbs!
Love this slide! These things are so important.
I particularly like #10.
Similarly, it is the new business card
I was curious if at IBM they used closed networks for employee communicaitons via
Twitter or FB?
Amy Gonzales
Amy Gonzales
Amy Gonzales
Eileen McCormack
Liz Meeks
Amy Gonzales
Eileen McCormack
Liz Meeks
Liz Meeks
Tolani Osho
Tina Lloyd
Monica McDaniel
Tolani Osho
Liz Meeks
Tolani Osho
Lisa Gottschalk
Liz Meeks
Jennifer Rowe
Amy Gonzales
Linda Strickland
Melinda Morales
Jennifer Rowe
Lori Gray
Nora Branconi
©2015 WOMEN Unlimited, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Selena Shaefer
Amy Gonzales
Nora Branconi
I'm interested in #5
Use SlideShare as a Marketing tool
I was curious if at IBM they used closed networks for employee communicaitons via
Twitter or FB?
I always have concerns on privacy and security when it comes to Social MEdia.
Twitterfeed is another free tool to "listen" to blogs and auto-post on Twitter,
What about Klout? Anyone use this tool to post and monitor your social impact?
My company stresses security, not sharing company information and only posting
"approved" or public info.
Our company used Yammer last year (almost like an IM between staff), and now
uses Microsoft Lync (for IMs between staff, we can share our screens, etc.)
IBM uses and sells IBM Connections, plus Sametime Chat, SmartCloud Meetings,
etc. We share content both openly and privately through these means.
@lizziemeeks12, I signed up for Klout, but don't really use it, if anyone knows how
to leverage, please share
How do those who work in a corporation AND have their own business (e.g.
executive coach), navigate the social network?
FYI - Lync is now called Skype for Business (recent merger)
My company sends out a social update/roundup with proposed tweets/posts for us
to post (if we want) across various social channels a couple times a week. Makes it
very easy to know what's ok to post
I find that Klout helps me to connect with influencers in topics that I am interested
in. It also helps me to better understand which topics/posts of mine generate
It was the same at Sony. Add a disclaimer to your personal social media profiles
and you are good to go.
IBM's Social Computing Guidelines are shared publically for reference and very
heavily relied on by employees http//www.ibm.com/blogs/zz/en/guidelines.html
What is that other tool again?
oh my
No, Nancy mentioned some tool called something else . . . sumall?
Would one of your guidelines on social media be to schedule time for it and build it
into the day? Unless of course one live-tweets?
Sum All - There are free tools that will automatically track your progress and thank
people who follow you
once you create your twitter handle, can you change it?
Yes, you can Steph
Tolani - regarding scheduling time, it is a good practice to use to build the "habit" of
listening, reading, responding and engaging socially. Otherwise that habit never
Thanks Melinda!
Thanks Laura, that makes sense to be in the correct frame of mind, and resist the
temptation to tweet in an appropriate time.
If I change my twitter handle to something more professional (to your earlier point)
do you lose you followers?
Re-tweeting is a great way to get you feet wet on twitter. You dont have to come up
with something clever to write, just share what someone else has already shared.
Sara, You will retain your followers but they may be confused as to the change. Let
them know you are changing it.
Dalila Springer
Liz Meeks
Laura Ketner
Tolani Osho
Liz Quickel
Sara Steffen
Liz Meeks
Melinda Morales
Laura Ketner
Melinda Morales
Tolani Osho
MB Colucci
Melinda Morales
Laura Ketner
Tolani Osho
Sara Steffen
Melinda Morales
Melinda Morales
June 16, 2015 Webcast Chat Log
©2015 WOMEN Unlimited, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Liz Meeks
Does your @ handle change or just your name that is attached to it?
Melinda Morales
Liz, you can change both but they are independent
Do you tweet to people you work with instead of using IBM
Monica Mcdaniel
Does it make sense to have more than one account, or is it easy to manage
different interests in one account to have different networks?
It's also fun to attend live events and follow a hashtag specific to the event, can
gain a lot of followers that way. Common in high tech industry events
Laura Ketner
An answer for Kathy -- IBM discourages use of external social media for discussing
or collaborating on business. There is too much opportunity for company or client
sensitive information to be exposed publically (especially in cumulative over many
posts). That said, many people do connect externally just to plan to meet or find
places to eat, etc.
Laura Ketner
Mixing some personal and fun engagement with your business Twitter or LinkedIn
account helps your followers to learn about you and understand who you are as a
"human". It makes you more appealing to follow and engage with.
Sandy Harwood
Cost - estimate - for Hootsuite?
Laura Ketner
Could the replay of this session be made available? It was really awesome!
There are paid versions of hootsuite too
Amy Gonzales
Yes - it will be posted on our website in the Alumnae area!
Liz Meeks
what about linking Twitter with other social sites so your tweets are automatically
posted across platforms? Twitter and Facebook can be linked. Used to be able to
link LinkedIn with Twitter as well - not sure this is still possible
@lizziemeeks, check out Twitterfeed
Jennifer Rowe
You can cross post between LinkedIn and Twitter
Liz Meeks
Thanks Toby!
Laura Ketner
Can you please post the URL for the Alumnae area?
Following you now Nancy, thanks for a quick hour!
Eileen McCormack
This was very informative! I learned alot in just under an hour! Thank you!
have you had any issues with people who follow you and then post non-work
appropriate information?
Lori Gray
What are your thoughts on a generic LinkedIn connection request (like LinkedIn
sends by default the app) vs. a custom note with your connection request?
Liz Meeks
I loved this Webinar! The best I've ever attended. great topics, information, and
Liz Quickel
If you hashtag on FB will it automatically show up on Twitter?
Alison Hinds-Pearl
Thank you!!! I might just get a twitter account. LOL
Liz Meeks
hashtags are new to FB - they stay on FB
Twitter is going to remove the 140 character restriction- heard on the radio
Thanks! People start following me, and I don't know who they are (not easy to
figure out based on their handle)
Liz Meeks
they do the same thing as on Twitter - create a searchable topic
@Alison - Agree!!!
@Lis and @Alison - Agree!!
Liz Meeks
Amy Gonzales - are you on Twitter?
MB Colucci
Great webcast - thank you Nancy!!
June 16, 2015 Webcast Chat Log
©2015 WOMEN Unlimited, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Shari Gowdy
Tolani Osho
Selena Shaefer
Katie Thie
Lori Gray
Thanks! This was very valuable and enjoyable!
Twitter - going to try it out!
Will create a twitter account.
I am going to sign up for SumAll or Commun.it, I like the auto thank yous!
Thank you so much, Nancy - this was such a valuable hour!
Make time to develop a better LI profile and respond to requests
Apply immediately Re-assess Twitter (had an account, but didn't keep up with it, so
I closed it)
Will also set the time.
I will update my twitter profile!
Twitter is the new newspaper!
Thank you. Very helpful presentation. I'll update my LinkedIn profile.
I need to update my LinkedIn Profile, and get two profiles combined into one. I also
need to just plain take the time.
I like the idea of getting a partner to hold each other accountable!
At least the headlines!
I love the idea of using Cisco WebEx Meeting (real time) for Town Halls at work
I will look into using my internal social networking site at work
Will actively participate in Twitter and Hootsuite-update profile
Tolani Osho
Miriam Ohrt
Liz Meeks
Sandy Harwood
Liz Meeks
Alva Ware-Bevacqui
Lisa Gottschalk
Laura Ketner
Sandy Harwood
Liz Quickel
Selena Shaefer
Christy Brasher
Dee Brown
Lori Gray
Liz Meeks
Erica Bundy
Tammy Cabe
MB Colucci
Melinda Morales
Jennifer Rowe
Selena Shaefer
Jody Myers
Liz Meeks
Liz Meeks
Linda Strickland
Melinda Morales
Karen Northup
Tammy Cabe
Monica Mcdaniel
Laura Ketner
@Lisa agree! I've been negligent!
Increase Social Presence Go back to my goal to share at least one item on
LinkedIn each week.
use our internal Yammer site more to build my internal brand
I'll pay more attention to my twitter presence and update it - I joined the twitter
community years ago - but have used it minimally!
I already let my husband know we are going to dip our toes into twitter...
I'll send the url with the follow-up
Would love to have a place to share twitter handles for the group here so we can
support eachothers social exploring.
Thank you! This was a great session.
Nancy is great!
Thank you Nancy! Exceptional presentation.
@Melinda - send yours in the chat!
Great! Thank you!
Thank you.
My social media fear factor is lowered thanks to Nancy!
Thank you! )
Thank you for hosting, Amy!
I'd volunteer to do something for the "Collaborate for IMPACT" session! That's
what I am passionate about (and responsible for) in IBM!
June 16, 2015 Webcast Chat Log
©2015 WOMEN Unlimited, Inc. All Rights Reserved.