80-210 Logic & Proofs What is Logic & Proofs? Logic & Proofs (L&P) is a Web-Based course which introduces students to symbolic logic and focuses primarily on strategies for constructing and refuting arguments. In service of this primary focus, L&P offers a wealth of online instructional materials which will help students develop an understanding of: i. the logical form of statements; ii. the correctness of logical reasoning in crafting an argument; iii. the formulation of inference rules by which logically correct arguments can be constructed; iv. employing strategies for the use of those inference rules. By the end of this course, students will find themselves introduced to and familiar with the following (this is not an exhaustive list): ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Logical interpretation of statements. The soundness and validity of arguments. Logical interpretation of statements and arguments. The syntax of sentential and predicate (quantificational) logic. The semantics of sentential and predicate logic. Counterexamples. Lastly and most importantly: inference rules, proofs, and strategies for arguments. How does Logic & Proofs Work? As stated above, L&P is a web-based course. There will be lectures that you are expected to attend regularly, however most of your pedagogical experience will take place online. L&P is significantly more than an online text book! It’s a bundle of Interactive Learning Environments (ILEs) which work together to educate students. Most of your time will be spent interacting with the L&P software—it is through the use of these ILEs and not the classroom experience that you will develop most of your understanding in this class. The single weekly recitation I will lead will be another interactive experience. Each week, students will provide a brief presentation or demonstration of key topics. I will then review the assigned chapter, and we will use the remaining time for discussions, exercises and questions. What are the assignments? Your grade will be based on the following three items: ● Participation: First, you must prepare and deliver one of the weekly presentations that should take no more than 10 minutes. ○ Second, you must attend at least 10 recitations, no exceptions. Attending less than 10 will impact your participation grade. ○ Third, I will ask questions in class and encourage discussions—make sure you participate in this process. Your participation in class impacts your participation grade. ○ ● Homework: Every week you will be asked to complete end-of-chapter quizzes, and in most cases a ProofLab or TruthLab problem set. ○ End-of-chapter quizzes are due before class! Your 10 best scores out of 12 quizzes will be counted. Quizzes MUST be completed by the deadline - late submissions will not be accepted for credit. ○ Lab problems are due the Tuesday after class, by 11:59pm. All 10 labs are required, and all problems on each lab are required—some labs have both TruthLab and ProofLab problems, so be sure to complete all problems. Lab problems completed by the deadline always get full credit. Late submissions on lab problems will not be accepted for credit, with the following exception: for every 4 practice lab problems (i.e., those found in the chapter review sections) completed by the lab deadline, you may complete 1 lab problem (from the same chapter) any time through the end of classes (i.e., by December 6) for full credit. In other words, if you can’t finish all the lab problems, do the practice problems to buy yourself some extra time! If you know you will have trouble meeting a deadline in advance, make an appointment with me! I will help you with whatever issues you are having. ● Exams: There will be two midterms and a final, all of which will be conducted online and graded for the most part automatically (like the homework quizzes). Some questions do require instructor/TA attention, and will be graded within a few days of the exam deadline. ● Office Hours: Office hours are Thursday from 10–12 or by appointment. Please do not struggle on material if you are having trouble. My office is Baker 152. ● Cheating: All work on homework (both quizzes and labs) and exams must be your own original and independent work. Collaboration, sharing answers, etc., are considered to be cheating and will be penalized as deemed appropriate. Please keep in mind that this is an online class, and highly detailed logs are available of your work, the time you did it, etc.. Cheating is easily documented and discovered. See: http://www.cmu.edu/policies/documents/Cheating.html for further details. How are grades calculated? ● ● ● ● ● ● Midterm Exams ○ 2 midterms @ 12.5% each = 25% of final grade Final Exam ○ 20% of final grade Chapter Quizzes ○ 12 quizzes, top 10 scores @ 2% each = 20% of final grade Chapter Lab Assignments ○ 10 labs @ 2.5% each = 25% of final grade Recitation Attendance, First Meeting, and General Participation ○ 5% of final grade Presentation ○ 5% of final grade What is the schedule? Week Dates Reading/Topic Tuesday Friday 1 Aug. 26 Aug. 30 Chapter 1 - Introduction nothing due nothing due 2 Sept. 2 Sept. 6 Chapter 2 - Sentential Logic: Syntax nothing due Ch. 1 Quiz Ch. 2 Quiz before class 3 4 5 6 Sept. 9 Sept. 13 Chapter 3 - Sentential Logic: Semantics Sept. 16 Sept. 20 Chapter 4 - Sentential Logic: Derivations Sept. 23 Sept. 27 Chapter 5 - Sentential Logic: Indirect Rules Ch. 4 Lab Sept. 30 Oct. 4 Chapter 6 - Sentential Logic: Derived Rules Ch. 5 Lab nothing due before class Ch. 3 Lab Ch. 4 Quiz before class Ch. 5 Quiz before class Ch. 6 Quiz before class Midterm 1 Opens 7 Ch. 3 Quiz Midterm 1 Closes Oct. 7 Oct. 11 Chapter 7 - Sentential Logic: Elementary Metamathematics Ch. 6 Lab 8 Oct. 14 Oct. 18 Review of Sentential Logic Ch. 7 Lab nothing due (no class today) 9 Oct. 21 Oct. 25 Chapter 8 - Predicate Logic: Syntax and Semantics I nothing due Ch. 8 Quiz Oct. 28 Nov. 1 Chapter 9 - Predicate Logic: Syntax and Semantics II Ch. 8 Lab Nov. 4 Nov. 8 Chapter 10 - Predicate Logic: Derivations Ch. 9 Lab Nov. 11 Nov. 15 Chapter 11 - Predicate Logic: Derived Rules Ch. 10 Lab 10 11 12 before class before class Nov. 18 Nov. 22 Chapter 12 - Predicate Logic: Identity and Functions Ch. 9 Quiz before class Ch. 10 Quiz before class Ch. 11 Quiz before class Midterm 2 Opens 13 Ch. 7 Quiz Ch. 11 Lab Midterm 2 Closes Ch. 12 Quiz before class 14 Nov. 25 Nov. 29 Thanksgiving Break 15 Dec. 2 Dec. 6 Review of everything Exams Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Final Exam held sometime during exam period - date and time TBD nothing due nothing due (no class today) Ch. 12 Lab nothing due