Technology Enhanced Lesson Plan Technology

Technology Enhanced Lesson Plan
For Lindenwood University credit. Note: Type in the gray areas.
Lesson Author
Tele Class Name
Creating Smart Board Lessons to Engage and Motivate
Teacher’s Name
Martha Bogart
Lesson Overview
Lesson Topic or Title
Subject Area(s)
Grade Level
Question(s) or Problem(s)
Nesreddin and the Pot
Communication Arts
4th Grade
Students will view “Map Like” stories and questions. They
will log in to the Senteo Clickers to respond to questions
asking for recall and main idea.
Students will use Senteo clickers and the SmartBoard to
read, recall, and support their responses.
Lesson Summary
The story “Nesreddin and the Pot”
Was transferred from an online site in Study Zone. The questions were rewritten into Senteo
responses. Once students read the story, we begin with the questions. When all students
answer the 1st question, we see the results. I then call students up to underline, or locate
information that supports the answer. When we finish this story as a class, student then go to
the Study Zone site and answer questions from the second Nesreddin story, which is
“Nesreddin Goes Shopping”
Approximate Time Needed
This lesson will be completed in one 60 minute class session.
Your Objectives for the Lesson AND GLE(s) with NETS-S
At the end of this lesson students will cite evidence to support their ideas using details from
the text, explain and support their thinking, and use Senteo Clickers to interact with the story.
GLE’s for CA - Develop and apply skills and strategies to the reading process.
CA 2,3 1.5 & 1.6 & 3.5
District Technology Goal Alignment: Be familiar with available technology and use those tools
to complete a task. (Our district Technology Curriculum is up for revision next year. It is very outdated
and does not match our current technology resources. It still contains goals that discuss the use of
software that we no longer are licensed to use)
Technology Needed
Technology – Hardware
Digital Camera
DVD Player
Internet Connection
Technology – Software
Desktop Publishing
E-mail Software
Encyclopedia on CD-ROM
Laser Disk
Projection System
Video Camera
Video Conferencing Equip.
Image Processing
Internet Web Browser
Web Page Development
Word Processing
Computers and Senteo Clickers
Prerequisite Skills
Students will have spent time in a prior class familiarizing the Senteo clickers. They will also have
had prior experience writing on the Smart Board.
Lesson Procedures
1. Students have been reading for main ideas and supporting details in their grade level
classrooms. They have also been practicing for MAP tests using MAP test types of
questions. To support the regular classroom teacher, I will use an online story that I have
edited and transferred into Smart Note Book. Students will practice using the Senteo
Clickers to review main idea and supporting details. We will also discuss test taking skills
that they can apply to the MAP test.
2. Students will begin by logging into their Senteo Clickers. Their names had been entered
into a database prior to class. Each student is assigned a number. The numbers will be
posted on the first page of the Smart Notebook presentation. Check to make sure that the
students have turned on their Senteo clicker and that they have entered their assigned
3. Click on the 2nd page of the Smart Notebook lesson. Read the story out loud to the
4. Click on the next page. Explain to students that the story is located on that page. Please
ask them to use the story to search for their answer,
5. Click on the “start” button on the smart board. Read the question to the students. Give
students time to review the story silently to arrive at an answer from the multiple choice
selection).Tell students to use the clickers to key in their response. They will need to hit the
enter button to submit.
6. When all of the answers have been submitted, click stop. The results of student responses
will be displayed on a graph. We will take just a moment to practice reading and comparing
the graphs that show the results. We will then ask a student to come up and underline the
part of the story that supports that answer. If there is more than one possible item of
support, call other students up to indicate the information that they found that supports their
7. Continue the process for the remainder of the questions.
8. Students will return to their computer and open up the Study Zone website. They will
practice independently with “Nesreddin Goes Shopping”
This top is a sample page from the Smart Board Lesson. There are 6 questions total.
The bottom is the front page of the web site they will go to.
The initial assessment of the group lesson will be the results posted from the Senteo clickers.
The assessment will be simply that they participated in the class activity. Computer class in
our school is an ungraded class. They do receive effort grades. The effort grade is on a scale
of 1 – 4. 4 is exceeds expectations, 3 is meets expectations, 2 is does not meet
expectations, and 1 indicates an area of concern. I will observe students as they participate in
the Senteo clicker activity. I will base my observations on the following:
Student used the clicker
independently during the
entire presentation.
Student was reminded
once to use the clicker
during the entire
Student was reminded
more than once to use
the clicker during the
entire slide show.
Student did not use the
clicker during the
The students scores on their individual work will also be posted (as an independent practice).
Using scoring guide below.
Student lists all the
Identifies important
main points of the
information to
article without
support their thinking having the article in
front of him/her.
Identifies details
Student recalls
several details for
each main point
without referring to
the article.
The student lists all
the main points, but
uses the article for
The student lists all
but one of the main
points, using the
article for reference.
S/he does not
highlight any
unimportant points.
The student cannot
list important
information with
Student recalls
several details for
each main point, but
needs to refer to the
article, occasionally.
Student is able to
locate most of the
details when looking
at the article.
Student cannot
locate details with
If a student (or students) appear to struggle with this lesson, we will continue to practice. I will
share the results of this activity with their classroom teacher.
Differentiated Instruction
Students will use Senteo clickers and the Smart board. Use of the Senteo Clickers provides
immediate feedback. Using the Smart board will help students who struggle with the skill of
locating main idea and supporting details. They will benefit from the other students who are
coming up to locate and identify the evidence. The use of the Smart board will help students
see and interact with the text. They will be able to use the manipulatives that are on the
board, or they can use their hand to highlight information. Students who are hesitant to, or
who are unsure of themselves will be anonymously able to participate in “question – answer”
type of instruction using the Senteo clickers. Because the students will be working on the
Internet to complete the independent work, I can assign different stories to students
depending on their reading level. We have completed the Scholastic Reading Inventory in
computer class. I have their results, so I can assign different sites to students depending on
their reading level.
The use of the Senteo Clickers provides students with a technology tool that can not only
provide a different medium for instruction; it will also provide them with immediate feedback
that is not always available using traditional methods. Using the Smart board as a tool for
finding main idea and supporting details allows students to analyze data and highlight
supporting evidence, in a very hand on and colorful manor. The independent practice that is
completed on student computers allows students to read text that is written on their reading
level. The internet sites used also provide immediate feedback and an explanation of the
correct response. These sites provide students with immediate information that will help them
to independently identify supporting evidence for correct responses. Unless a student is
working one-on-one with their teacher, this is not always available using traditional methods.
The Grapplings level that this lesson is found at is the Adapting level. I believe that this is the
most accurate level since I am using technology for a lesson or assignment that had been
given in the past without technology. It is a drill and practice lesson. There is still a lot of
teacher directed instruction. The student experiences depend on the assignment.
I could take this lesson a step further and have students work in groups to design questions
from a story that they have read. Students could then put those questions into the Smart
Notebook, and create a Senteo quiz. We could then come back together as a class and have
the groups read the story to the students and use the clickers to respond. I believe that not
only would this utilize higher order thinking skills, it would potentially move it to the
Transforming Uses level of Grapplings Learning Spectrum. Student s will have used
productivity tools to construct meaning and produce information form others. It has less focus
on the teacher, and more focus on student roles as self-directed learners. The teacher could
then facilitate rather than instruct.