J •PAS,E SIX BLACK RIVER T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T 20, 1914. DEMOCRAT Constitutional Amendments County FOREST PARK, L O W V I L L E •if. AUGUST 25,26,27,28,1914 4-FOUR BIG DAYS -- 4 $5,000 in Premiums — $1,350 in Purses Races, Base Ball, Special Attractions All Four Days Aerial Flights Daily Two Exciting Exhibitions Tues., Wednes., Thurs., FrFy AUG. 2 5 , 2 6 , 2 7 , 2 8 BY THE CELEBRATED CAPTAIN BALDWIN The First Day Will be a Big Day, including a Lewis County Horse Race for a Purse of $150, for which several entries have been made. An exciting Base Ball Game and Other Special Attractions. BABY SHOW This will be one of the most Attractive Features of the Fair of 1914. Liberal Prizes Offered CLASS No. 1. Baby Girls, 4 months to 12 months, $4, $2, $1; 12 months to 2 years, $4, $2, $1. CLASS No. 2. Baby Boys, 4 months to 12 months, $4, $2, $1; 1 months to 2 years, $4, $2, $1. CLASS No. 3. Twins 6 months to 2 years, $5, $2. CLASS No. 4. Triplets, 2 months to 2 years, $10, $5. Entries close August 22nd, and should be addressed to M. M. Lyman, secretary, Lowville, N. Y. Babies must be on the platform at Forest Park on Wednesday, August 26th, at one o'clock p. m. G O O D B A S E B A L L G A M E S EVERY D A Y Tuesday p. m.-Harrisville vs. Bopnville Wednesday a. m.-Castorland vs. Port Leyden Wednesday p. m.-Harrisville vs. Forestport Thursday a. m.--Lyons Falls vs. Carthage Thursday p. m.-Watertown vs. Boonville Friday p. m.«Port Leyden vs. Lyons Fails FIRST-CLASS COMEDY ATTRACTIONS Including the Famous Perrell Troupe A C R O B A T I C ARTISTS 2 Platform Performances Daily A Grand Exhibit of farm and dairy products, as well as Largest and Best showing of Pure Bred Stock FIRST CLASS MUSIC and PLENTY OF IT AN EXCELLENT PROGRAM OF RACES Tuesday, August 25-3:00 trot or pace, purse $150. (Horses in3:00 class to be owned in Lewis County thirty days previous to date of race.) Two horses allowed to start from same stable. Wednesday, August 26-2:40 trot; 2:19 pace, purse $2:00. Thursday, August 27-2:35 pace; 2:23 trot, purse $200. Friday, August 28-2:25 trot or pace; 2:10 trot or pace, purse $200. Entries close Aug. 22. Should be addressed M. M. Lyman, Sec, Lowville. D. C. Markham is Race Supt. Aside from the Attractions Enumerated Above there will be Many Others that are now being arranged Fair time is home coming; and the sons and daughters of Lewis Gounty and their descendants, and all former citizens are earnestly invited to visit the scenes of their youth and mix and mingle with relatives and friends of former days. A warm welcome extended to all who avail themselves of the invitation. S P E C I A L L O W EXCURSION RATES ON THE RAILROADS IRA SHARP, President M. M. LYMAN, Secretary W. J. STODDARD, Treas. P. E. WHITE, General Supt. D. C. MARKHAM, Supt. Races F o r m 280. ONE. E x p l a n a t i o n — M a t t e r in black face is new; m a t t e r in [ ] is old m a t t e r to be omitted. S T A T E O P N E W YORK O F F I C E O F S E C R E T A R Y OF STATE Albany, July 20. 1014. P u r s u a n t to t h e provisions of section one of article fourteen of t h e Constitution of t h e S t a t e of New York, a n d section two h u n d r e d and ninety-five of t h e Election Law, notice is hereby given t h a t the following proposed a m e n d m e n t to section one of article two of t h e Constitution of t h e S t a t e of New York is referred to the I legislature to be chosen a t the n e x t g e n i r a l election of s e n a t o r s in t h i s S t a t e to be held on t h e third day of November, nineteen hundred and fourteen. M I T C H E L L MAY, S e c r e t a r y of S t a t e . A M E N D M E N T N U M B E R ONE. C o n c u r r e n t Resolution of t h e S e n a t e a n d Assembly proposing an a m e n d m e n t to section one of article two of t h e constitution, in relation to qualification of voters. Section 1. Resolved (if the Assembly c o n c u r ) , T h a t section one of article two of the constitution be a m e n d e d to read a s follows: Section 1. E v e r y [ m a l e ] citizen of t h e age of t w e n t y - o n e years, who shall have been a citizen for ninety days, and an inh a b i t a n t of t h i s s t a t e one year next preceding an election, and for the last four m o n t h s a resident of t h e county and for t h e last thirty days a resident of the election d i s t r i c t in which he or she may offer his or her vote, shall be entitled to vote a t such election in the election district of which he or she shall a t the time be a resident, a n d not elsewhere, for all officers t h a t now are or hereafter may be elective by the people, and upon all questions which may be s u b m i t t e d to the vote of t h e people, provided t h a t a citizen by m a r r i a g e shall have been an Inhabitant of t h e United S t a t e s for five y e a r s ; and provided t h a t in time of Avar no elector in the actual military service of the state, or of the "United S t a t e s , in the a r m y or navy thereof, shall be deprived of his or her vote by reason of his or her absence from such election district; a-nd the legisl a t u r e shall have power to provide the m a n n e r in which and t h e time and place a t which such a h s e n t electors may vote, a n d for t h e r e t u r n and c a n v a s s of t h e i r votes in the election districts in which they respectively reside. § 2. Resolved (if the Assembly concur), T h a t the foregoing a m e n d m e n t be referred to the legislature to be chosen a t the n e x t general election of s e n a t o r s , a:nd in conformity with section one, article fourteen, of the constitution, be published for three months previous to t h e time of such election. S t a t e of New York, In Senate, J a n . 23, 1913, . T h e foregoing resolution w a s duly passed, a majority of all the Senators elected' voting In favor thereof. By order of the Senate. MARTIN H . GLYNN, President. S t a t e of New York, In the Assembly, J a n . 2i7, 1913. The foregoing resolution w a s duly p a s s ed, a majority of all the m e m b e r s elected to the Assembly voting in favor thereof. By order of the Assembly. A L F R E D B. SMITH, ./ Speaker. S t a t e of New York, Office of the Secrett a r y of State. ss.: I h a v e compared the preceding copy of concurrent resolution with the original concurrent resolution on file in this office, and I do .hereby certify t h a t the same is a correct t r a n s c r i p t therefrom, and of the whole thereof. Given under my ha-nd and t h e seal of office of t h e Secretary of •State a t the city of Albany, this [L. S.] twentieth day of July, In the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred a>nd fourteen. M I T C H E L L MAY, F o r m 2S1 TSW e cO r e. t a r y of State. Eplana.tion—Matter in black face is new. S T A T E OF N E W YORX O F F I C E OF S E C R E T A R Y OF S T A T E Albany, July 20, 1914. P u r s u a n t to the provisions of section one of article fourteen of the Constitution of the S t a t e of New York, and section two hundred and ninety-five of the Election L a w , notice is hereby given t h a t the following proposed a m e n d m e n t to section four of article seven of the Constitution of the S t a t e of New York is referred to the Legislature to be chosen at the next g e n eral election of s e n a t o r s In this S t a t e to be held on t h e third day of November, nineteen hundred and fourteen. M I T C H E L L MAY, Secretary of S t a t e . . .AMENDMENT N U M B E R TWO. C o n c u r r e n t Resolution of t h e S e n a t e and Assembly proposing an a m e n d m e n t to section four of article seven of the Constitution, p e r m i t t i n g the legislature to alter the r a t e of i n t e r e s t upon debts a u thorized p u r s u a n t to said section. Section 1. Resolved (if t h e Assembly concur), T h a t section four of article seven of the constitution be amended so a s to read a s follows: § 4. E x c e p t the d e b t s specified in sections two and three of this article, no d e b t s shall be hereafter contracted by or In behalf of this s t a t e , unless such debt shall be authoriezd by law, for some single work or object, to be distinctly specified therein: and such law shall impose unil provide for the collection of a direct aiininil t a x to pay, and sufficient to pay the interest on such debt, a s it falls due, and also to pay and discharge the principal of such debt within fifty y e a r s from the time of the c o n t r a c t i n g thereof. No such law shall t a k e effect until it shall, at a "-(--nera) election, h a v e been s u b m i t ted tu the people, and have received a. majority of all the votes cast for and a g a i n s t It a t such election. On t h e final passage of such bill in either house of the legislature, the question shall be t a k en by a y e s and noes, to be duly entered on Hie j o u r n a l s thereof, and shall be: "Shall this bill pass, and o u g h t the same to rocelve the sanction of the people?" The legislature may a t any time after t h e iilipi'uval of such law by the people, if no debt .shall have been contracted In p u r suance thereof, repeal the s a m e ; and may a t any time, by law, forbid the cont r a c t i n g of any further debt or liability iiiulcr such law; but the t a x imposed by such act, in proportion to the debt and liability which may h a v e been contracted In iiiii'KU.'iiiec of such law, shall remain in force and lie irrepealable, and be a n n u a l ly collcclcil, until the proceeds thereof shall have made the provision hereinbefore spccllli.il to pay and discharge the I n t w e s t and principal of such d e b t and liability. The money arising from any InnII or stuck creating such debt or liability Khali be applied to the work or obJci't spi-Hlleil In the a c t a u t h o r i z i n g such debt or liability, or for the p a y m e n t of Mich debt or liability, and for no other purpose wliatever. No such law shall be submitted to be voted on within three nioniliK lifter Its passage or a t any general election when any other law or any hill shall be submitted to be voted for or agnliiKt. The legislature may provide for tile Issue of bunds of the s t a t e to run for a period not exceeding fifty y e a r s in lieu uf bonds heretofore authorized b u t not Issued and ahull impose and provide for the collection of a direct annual tax for the p a y m e n t of the s a m e a s hereinbefore required. When any sinking fund created under this section shall equal in amount the d e b t for which It w a s created, no further direct tax shall be levied on Account of said sinking fund, and the legislature shall reduce the tax to an a m o u n t equal to the accruing i n t e r e s t on such debt, The legislature may from time to time alter the rate of interest to be paid upon any s t a t e debt, which has been or may lie authorized p u r s u a n t to the provisions of this section, or upon any p a r t of such debt, provided, however, that the rate of Interest shall not be altered upon any p a r t of such debt or upon any bond or other evidence thereof, which IIH been, or shall be created or Issued before such alteration. In case die legislature Increases the r a t e of interest upon any such debt, or p a r t thereof, it shall Impose and provide for the collection of a direct a n n u a l t a x to pay and sufficient to pay the increased or altered Interest nn such debt a s it falls due a n d also to pay and discharge the principal of such ilebl within fifty years from the time of the contracting thereof, and shall appropriate annually to the sinking fund moneys In a m o u n t sufficient to pay such Interest and pay and discharge the principal of such debt when it shall become due and payable. In case any annual tax heretofore Imposed for the payment of a debt authorized by vote of the people under the constitution w i l l , If continued, provide for the payment of the Interest on such debt as It falls due and also the payment of the principal of such debt before It becomes due, the legislature may amend the lav. by reducing the rate of such tax provided,that the same shall not be reduced beloy/ a sum sufficient to pay the Interest on ,such debt as It-falls due and also the principal of such debt when It becomes due. The'supreme court shall have jurlsdlotlon to direct the comptroller or any officer of the state to Impose a tax sufficient to comply with the provisions of this section for the protection of any sinking fund of the state, § 2, Resolved (if thp Assembly concur), T h a t the foregoing a m e n d m e n t be referred to t h e legislature, to be chosen a t the n e x t general election of senators, and in conformity to section one, article fourteen of the constitution, be published for three months previous to t h e time of m a k i n g such choice. : S t a t e of New York, In Senate, March 26, 1014. This resolution w a s duly passed, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, three-fifths being p r e s ent. By order of the Senate. R O B E R T F . WAGNER, President. S t a t e of New York, In the Assembly, March 27, 1914. This resolution was duly passed, a majority of all the members elected to the Assembly voting in favor thereof, threefifths being present. By order of the Assembly. T H A D D E U S C. S W E E T , Speaker. S t a t e of New York—Office of m e Secretary of State, ss.: I h a v e compared t h e preceding copy of concurrent resolution witn the original concurrent resolution on file in this office, and I do hereby certify t h a t the same is a correct t r a n s c r i p t therefrom, and of the whole thereof. Given under my hand and the seal of office of the Secretary of S t a t e a t the city of Albany, this [L. S.I twentieth day of July, in the y e a r of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen. M I T C H E L L MAY. Secretary of State. ttNTRft-LV] v v Alexandria Bay $2.00 Utica 1.50 Round trip. Tickets on sale M o n d a y , September 7. Returning same day. Ontario Beach . $ 2.00 Round trip. Special Sunday Excursion August 2 3 . Fast train leaves 6 : 3 0 »• m- Returning leave Ontario Beach 5.50' p.m. STATE OP N E W Y O R K OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE § 7-a. The ,prohibition of section seven I shall not prevent the cutting or removal of mature, dead or fallen timber or trees detrimental to forest growth, on lands constituting the forest preserve, 'nor the leasing of camp sites and the construction of roads and trails necessary for protection against fire, and for ingress and egress. The legislature may authorize the sale of lands outside the limits of the Adirondack park and the Catsklll park as such parks are now established' by law. The proceeds of such sales of lands shall be set apart In a separate fund and used only for the purchase of lands or for reforestation in such parks. § 2. Resolved (If the Senate concur), T h a t t h e foregoing a m e n d m e n t be referred to the legislature to be chosen a t the next general election of senators, and in conformity with section one of article fourteen of the constitution, be published for t h r e e months previous to the time of such election. S t a t e of New York. In the Assembly, April 29, 1913. T h e foregoing resolution w a s duly p a s s ed, a majority of all t h e m e m b e r s elected to the Assembly voting in favor t h e r e of, three-fifths being present. By order of the Assembly. A L F R E D E. SMITH, Speaker. S t a t e of New York. In the Senate, May 2, 1913. T h e foregoing resolution w a s duly p a s s ed a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, three-fifths being present. By order of the Senate. MARTIN H . GLYNN, President. State of New York—Office of the Secret a r y of State, ss.: I have compared t h e preceding copy of concurrent resolution with the original concurrent resolution on file in this office, and I do hereby certify t h a t the s a m e is a correct t r a n s c r i p t therefrom, and of t h e whole thereof. Given under my hand and t h e seal of office of t h e Secretary of S t a t e at the city of Albany, this [iL. S.] twentieth day of July, in t h e y e a r of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen. M I T C H E L L MAY, 40-Cw-e-o-wk. Secretary of S t a t e . ••LINES>.; y Labor Day and Other Excursions Form 2S2. THREE. E x p l a n a t i o n — M a t t e r in black face is new. Albany, J u l y 2(1, ]914. P u r s u a n t to the provisions of section one of article fourteen of the Constitution of t h e S t a t e • f New York, and section two hundred and ninety-five of the Election L a w , notice is hereby given t h a t the following proposed amendment to article seven of the Constitution of the S t a t e of N e w York is referred to the L e g i s l a t u r e to be chosen a t the n e x t g e n eral election of senators in this State to be held on the third day of November, nineteen hundred and fourteen. MTTCHELL MAY, Secretary of S t a t e . AMENDMENT NUMBER T H R E E Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and Assembly proposing an a m e n d m e n t to article seven of the constitution, in r e lation to the forest preserve. Section 1. Resolved (if the S e n a t e concur), T h a t article seven of the constitution be amended by i n s e r t i n g a new section to b e section seven-a, to read a s follows: Boston r . ASK A B O U T T H E M . $ 9.90 R o u n d trip f a r e , going Friday, August 2 1 . Return limit, September 4. Stop-over in either direction at Pittsfield, Palmer, South Framingham, Springfield or Worcester. Consult local ticket agents for time of trains and other information. Valuable Books For Home, Student, Worker "POPUAR M CHANICS" PUBLICATIONS MISSION FURiN'lTUWE—-How to Make it. A series of 3 volumes at 50c e a c h ; $1.50 the s e t ; cloth bound. W O O D C A R V I N G FOR AMATEUR C R A F T S M A N — T e l l s how to make t h i n g s and of wood. 50c each; cloth bound. ARTS-CRAFTS LAMPS—Useful designs i n l a m p s ; easily m a d e ; price 50c each; cloth bound. L A M P S A N D S H A D E S — I n metal and A r t Glass; m a k i n g of designs in a r t metal and wood f o r r e a d i n g l a m p s and chandeliers. Price 50c each; c l o t h 'bound. E L E C T R O P L A T U N G — P l a t i n g of various metals, gold, silver, copper, nickel;; c l o t h bound; iprice 50c. M E T A L WO'RlK AND ETCHING— Complete Manual of Art Metal W o r k e r s ; c l o t h bound,; price 50c. M E T A L SPINNING—Fascinating art, e x p l i c i t i n s t r u c t i o n s , figures t o i l lustrate m e a n i n g ; c l o t h ; price, 50c. BEAT, MEASUREMENT, EXPANSION, CONTRACTION, TEMPERATUIRE, A R T I F I C I A L ICE; cloth, 50c. H A N D F C R G I N G — W r o u g h t Iron Ornamental Work, Brazing, Scroll W o r k , Grilles Embossing! ct0fh>*"T each, 50c. M E C H A N I C A L DRAWhNG—Teaching how to d r a f t . Fine book f o r indiv i d u a l S t u d y ; c l o t h ; each, 50c. SPLENDID SET FOR BOYS—700 t h i n g s a boy can m a k e ; 1,000 illust r a t i o n s , Valuable f o r home or m a n u f a c t u r e ; 4 volumes at 25 cents each. Price of e n t i r e set, $1.00. P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S — S h o p Note Series—Each v o l u m e contains one year's shop notes of Popular Mechanics Magazine, 9 volumes, 1095 t o 1914. W o r t h their weight in gold. Price per v o l u m e , 50c. A n y of these books w i l l be sent poet paid on receipt of p r i c e . Address liNTER-STATE AGENCY SYSTEM Lowville Make the Old Look Young Again | - . New Y o r k L4' i Unshrinkable Material. e' "Isn't that lawyer a rather extravagant man?" "By no means! l ' v e known him to make one suit last for several years!" CHAS. A. RUMBLE .i Flesh of th<j Beaver. The flesh of the fyrequarters of thef OPTOMETRIST & JEWELER beaver has something 0 f the flavor of .., beef, while that of the hindquarters f 75 State Street has a fishy taste. -3 f o o i an a n s w e r . S. J. NEFF ENGINEER and SURVEYOR P o r t L e y d e n , N.Y. Work T a k e n During July and A u g u s t Phone. m -,.,_ . Professor (discussing organic and lit.-'.*'' organic kingdoms)—Now, if I shouIoS'L. shut my eyes—so—and drop my head—' T so—an* remain perfectly still, you *' i would say 1 was a clod. But I move, . A << r'. I leap. Then what do you call me? Bright Pupil—A clodhopper, sir.—Bos- f.V ton Transcript. ft, S EVERAL REASONS why you should place the order for that monument now and with this establishment are. 1st--In ordering now you insure having the monument finished and erected before inclement Autumn ! 'I Iw weather arrives. 2nd--In ordering of us, yo will obtain expert workmanship, a beautify designed stone and the'f inest marble or granfc^ The inspection of our stock and comparison our prices will show you several other reason|i E. A. BINGHAM DAYAN ST. OPPOSITE P. 0. LOWVILLJ