KLASIFIKASI KONSTITUSI ARISTOTELES Type of Constitution Good or True Form Bad or Perverted Form Government of One Monarchy or Royalty Tyranny or Despotism Government of the Few Aristocracy Oligarchy Government of the Many Polity Democracy KLASIFIKASI MODERN • The nature of the state to which the constitution applies; • The nature of the constitution itself; • The nature of the legislature; • The nature of the executive; • The nature of the judiciary The nature of state to which the constitution applies Unitary State organized under a single central gov. Supreme legislative authority by one central power (dicey). Federal a political contrivance to reconcile national unity and power with the maintenance of ‘state rights’. Characteristic: the supremacy of the constitution. Distribution of power between the federal state and co-ordinate state forming it. Supreme authority to settle any dispute which may arise between the federal and state authorities. Centralized Localized/ Decentralized The Nature of The Constitution • Unwritten grown up on the basis of custom. • Written In the form of a document which has special sanctity •Documentary •Non-documentary The Nature of the Constitution “Whether the process of constitutional lawmaking is or is not identical with the process of ordinary law-making.” Flexible Constitution can be altered or amended without special machinary. Rigid Require special procedure for its alteration of amendment. THE NATURE LEGISLATURE 1. Electoral System, by which voters choose the members of legislature. Suffrage a. Adult suffrage; b. Qualified adult suffrage Kind of Constituency a. Multi-member contituency b. Single-member constituency THE NATURE OF LEGISLATURE 2. Types of Second Chamber Election a. Elective b. Non-elective c. Partly elective Strenghtness a. Strong bicameral b. Soft bicameral THE NATURE OF THE EXECUTIVE • Parliamentary Executive • Non Parliamentary Executive THE NATURE OF THE JUDICIARY • Whether subject to Rule of Law or under Administrative Law. • Whether centralized or decentralized judiciary.