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You can use Minitab to find probabilities from the binomial, Poisson, and hypergeometric distributions.
Using Minitab to Calculate Binomial
To illustrate the use of Minitab, consider the accounting
information system discussed in section 5.3. To compute
the results of Figure 5.3 on page 171,
1. Enter the values 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 in rows 1 to 5 of column C1.
2. Select Calc Probability Distributions Binomial
to compute binomial probabilities. In the Binomial
Distribution dialog box (see Figure A5.1), select the
Probability option button to compute the probabilities
of X successes for all values of X. In the Number of trials: edit box enter the sample size of 4. In the
Probability of success: edit box enter .10. Select the
Input column: option button and enter C1 in the edit
box. Click the OK button.
FIGURE A5.1 Minitab Binomial Distribution Dialog
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CHAPTER FIVE Some Important Discrete Probability Distributions
Using Minitab to Calculate Poisson
Using Minitab to Calculate
Hypergeometric Probabilities
To illustrate how to calculate Poisson probabilities using
Minitab, return to the bank customer arrival example of
section 5.4. To compute the result shown in Figure 5.6 on
page 177,
To illustrate how to calculate hypergeometric probabilities,
return to the team-formation example of section 5.5. You
computed the probability of exactly 2 members from the
finance department in a sample of 8, from a population of
30 executives where 10 are from the finance department, to
be 0.2980. To compute this result, enter the values 0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 in rows 1 to 9 of column C1. Select Calc Probability Distributions Hypergeometric to compute
hypergeometric probabilities. In the Hypergeometric
Distribution dialog box (see Figure A5.3), select the
Probability option button. In the Population size (N): edit
box enter the population size of 30. In the Successes in
population (M): edit box enter the value of 10. In the
Sample size (n): edit box, enter the sample size of 8. Select
the Input column: option button, and enter C1 in its edit
box. Click the OK button.
1. Enter the values 0 through 15 in rows 1 to 16 of
column C1.
2. Select Calc Probability Distributions Poisson
to compute Poisson probabilities. In the Poisson
Distribution dialog box (see Figure A5.2 below), select
the Probability option button to compute the exact
probabilities of X successes for all values of X. In the
Mean: edit box enter the λ value of 3. Select the Input
column: option button and enter C1 in the edit box.
Click the OK button.
FIGURE A5.2 Minitab Poisson Distribution Dialog
FIGURE A5.3 Minitab Hypergeometric Distribution
Dialog Box