Terms of Reference – Clinical Cabinet The Clinical Cabinet (the Committee) is established in accordance with NHS Bury’s Clinical Commissioning Group’s constitution, standing orders and scheme of delegation. These terms of reference set out the membership, remit, responsibilities and reporting arrangements of the committee and shall have effect as if incorporated into the clinical commissioning group’s constitution and standing orders. Terms of Reference Introduction This paper sets out the context for the establishment of the Committee as a formal subcommittee of the NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body. All Committee functions will be determined by the Vision and Values of the NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group. Purpose of the subgroup The Committee has been established as a subcommittee of the NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body. Its members will be active leaders of change, to set the NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group’s Clinical Strategy and ensure that NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group delivers high quality health care whilst remaining in financial balance and ensure appropriate links to the wider Primary Care Regulatory function. e.g. NHS England. To enable the Committee to carry-out its purpose and duties as stated below the Committee may delegate some of its activities to agreed subgroups which will report directly to the Committee. The delegation of these duties does not extend to the delegation of responsibility and accountability. Membership All members will be voting members. The members are: Chair / Vice Chair Chair: – Clinical Board Member, Sector Lead or Clinical Workstream Lead Vice Chair: Clinical Member of the Clinical Cabinet In extraordinary circumstances, conflicts of interest may require a non clinician to chair all, or part of, a meeting Clinical Work stream Leads Clinical Work stream Lead – Mental Heath Clinical Work stream Lead – IM&T Clinical Work stream Lead – Women’s and Children’s Clinical Work stream Lead – Urgent Care Clinical Work stream Lead – Long Term Conditions Clinical Work stream Lead – Medicines Management Clinical Work stream Lead – Cancer and Palliative Care Clinical Workstream Lead – Learning Disabilities Clinical Workstream Lead – Elective Care Other Clinical Workstream Leads as appointed, at Cabinet’s discretion Other Members Practice Nurse Representative Practice Manager Representative Local Authority Representative Public Health Representative CCG Chief Finance Officer or nominated representative CCG Sector Leads x2 CCG Head of Commissioning or nominated representative Patient Cabinet Chair or nominated deputy Cabinet Advisors (non-voting) Providers delivering 5% of CCG turnover will be invited to nominate two representatives (currently these are Pennine Acute Hospital Representative and Pennine Care Foundation Trust Representative) Providers delivering healthcare services within Bury equivalent to 2% of CCG turnover will be permitted one representative Clinical Commissioning Group – Chair Clinical Commissioning Group - Chief Officer Other advisory members will be invited as and when required for relevant agenda items. Quorum The quorum will be: Seven members, four of whom are clinical members of the committee. Frequency and notice of meetings The Committee will meet monthly. If the Committee needs to discuss matters of a confidential nature, then these will be considered in a private ’part 2’ session. The agenda for each meeting will be sent to members at least five days before the meeting and supporting papers, whenever possible shall accompany the agenda, but will certainly be dispatched no later than three days before the meeting. Emergency items can be introduced outside these timescales at the Committee Chair’s discretion (includes Vice Chair if the Chair is unable to attend). Remit and responsibilities of the Committee Clinical Leadership The Committee has been established to ensure clinical leadership is at the heart of all decisions about patient care and services. Its members will be active leaders of change, to ensure that Clinical Commissioning Group commissions high quality integrated services whilst remaining in financial balance. Work stream leads have been appointed for priority areas and they alongside the Local Authority, Providers and Patient Cabinet are responsible for setting the NHS Bury 2 Clinical Commissioning Group Clinical Strategy in line with the Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Bury. Each Clinical Work stream lead, with managerial support, has established a clinical work stream group. These are responsible for cross organisational engagement to deliver service redesign, quality improvement, Health and Wellbeing, QIPP, Performance Improvement and integration across organisations. More details on the structure of these groups can be found in Appendix 1 Delegated Financial Responsibilities Ensure assurances can be given on the value for money delivered by the NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group in line with external regulation and within the Governing Body’s financial envelope Make decisions in relation to investment plans/disinvestment/re-prioritised spend where the annual financial value is £250k and below and, above that figure, make recommendations to the Governing Body Delegated Clinical Responsibilities Develop NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group’s Commissioning Intentions and Strategic Plan Approve the design and re-design of services commissioned by NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group Support Clinical Leads in considering opportunities for service redesign Ensure that clinical workstreams have sufficient support to understand and monitor current performance Comment on strategies and pathways of partner organisation and assist in their service redesign, as appropriate Minutes of Meeting Minutes of all meetings will be recorded and minutes circulated to CCG Governing Body Other Matters 3 These Terms of Reference, membership and performance will be reviewed on an annual basis and will require approval by the Governing Body if any changes are made. Quality and Performance:The Committee will: Provide advice and guidance to the Quality and Risk Committee, programme leads and sector leads with regard to performance concerns Support the production of local development and training plans for individual practices, and practice level interventions when performance is in question Where appropriate, review and report on local trends in performance concerns relating to the Inter Practice Agreement in their specialist area Advise on the development of the strategic vision for patient safety and quality Ensure that quality is at the heart of commissioning and reform programmes Ensure that priority is given to patient experience in line with local, regional and national priorities Ensure that NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group complies with the CQC standards relating to the quality of care Ensure that NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group complies with their duties under the Equality and Human Rights act (see below) Hold Clinical Programmes to account for delivery via the Clinical Work stream leads, to ensure delivery of clinical objectives, value for money, risks and opportunities are being managed Ensure commissioning intentions and contracts are negotiated and executed in line with NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group intentions Ensure services commissioned have appropriate safeguarding arrangements in place. Review issues log from sector meetings to ensure actions are being appropriately escalated or closed Ensure the Communication and Engagement Strategy is met when making decisions about patient care and services Risk Management:The Committee will: Ensure areas of risk have associated robust prevention and mitigation strategies in place. Escalating any risks rated over 12 to the Quality and Risk Committee. Equality and Non-Discrimination:NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group has a responsibility not to discriminate, promote equality of opportunity and pay particular attention to groups or sections of society where improvements in health and life expectancy are not keeping pace with the rest of the population. As part of these legal requirements and principles of the NHS Constitution1, NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group will carry out equality impact assessments to take account of its diverse population and to ensure that no groups are adversely affected. Bury 1 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-nhs-constitution-for-england 4 CCG will also ensure that easily accessible information is available to all. Member, Patient and Public Engagement:NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group has a duty to involve members, patients and the public, whether by consulting or by other means in developing and improving services and any proposals for change. NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group will consult with Bury Local Authority through the local Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Healthwatch and the Health and Wellbeing Board when the redesign process identifies any proposal for a substantial development of the health service or any substantial variation in the provision of such service that will trigger the legal duty to consult.2 NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group is committed to actively engaging with Bury’s patients and local population. In particular this will assist in identifying areas where health needs are not being adequately met and where there is scope for improvement of services. Service users should also inform the shape of planned changes to provision. Engagement will be ongoing through stakeholder events. Register of Interests:Members of the Committee will declare any conflicts of interest. The NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group has a duty to publish registers which will be published on the group’s website Individuals will declare any interest that they have, in relation to a decision to be made in the exercise of the commissioning functions of the group, in writing to the governing body, as soon as they are aware of it and in any event no later than 28 days after becoming aware Where an individual is unable to provide a declaration in writing, for example, if a conflict becomes apparent in the course of a meeting, they will make an oral declaration before witnesses, and provide a written declaration as soon as possible thereafter. The Governing Body will ensure that the register(s) of interest is reviewed every 3 months and updated as necessary. Interests previously declared that affect, or may affect an individual’s ability to perform a role or inform a discussion must be restated and the Chair will decide whether an appropriate action which may include being excluded from relevant parts of the meeting or may join in the discussion or answer questions but not participate in the decision making itself. The decision of the Chair will be minuted. Reference to key policies:NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group Conflicts of Interest Policy NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group Standards of Business Conduct NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group Communication and Engagement Strategy NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group Equality and Human Rights Strategy NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group Clinical Quality Strategy Other policies: http://www.buryccg.nhs.uk/your-local-nhs/Our-plans/Policies.aspx 2 CCGs have a duty to consult their local authority under Regulation 23(1) of The Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health Scrutiny) Regulations 2013. 5 Relationship with the Governing Body The Clinical Cabinet is a subcommittee of NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body. The IM&T Steering Group is a sub group of the Cabinet and maintains links with the Committee the IM&T Clinical Lead. The PMO supports the Committee to ensure efficient working. Committee agenda papers should be prepared two weeks before meetings and be considered by the PMO technical group to ensure completeness of information and strategic fit. This group will then facilitate implementation of the Committee decisions The Committee maintains links with the Patient Cabinet, Procurement Committee, Quality and Risk Committee (See appendix 1) NHS Bury CCG Governing Body approved: [Insert Date] 6 Appendix 1