Define and Explain: Adolescence Puberty Anticipatory Socialization Courtshio Homosamv Willard Waller Courting Bussv Drug Social lntesration Dating Understanding Main ldeas: 1. Describe the factors that led to the development of the concept of adolescence in the U.S. 2. ldentify and describe the 5 major features of adolescence. 3. How did the practice of dating develop in the U.S.? 4. What functions does the dating process form today? 5. What major social problems face American teenagers today? (as listed in the book and class notes). Thinking Critically Drawing lnferences and Conclusions: Why do you think that adolescence, by and large, is found only in modern industrialized societies? ldentifying Cause and Effect: How do advertisers use peer pressure to encourage you to buy various goods and services? Analyzing lnformation: Consider Willard Waller's work on dating patterns. Why might his study have produced a skewed view of dating in the United States? ldentifying Points of View: Why do you think most teenagers see less danger in regular drinking than in the regular use of drugs and cigarettes? Evaluating: Emile Durkheim described certain suicides as altruistic. Do such suicides result from low levels of social integration or high levels of social integration? Explain your answer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I-)ate Class Name Review Worksheet The Adolescent in SocietY ifrUtTlPLE CHOICE In each blank, write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. !. The physical maturing that makes an individual capable of sexual reproduction is a- adolescenceb. puberty. c homogamy. d. adulthood2. Learning the rights, obligations, and expectations of a role in preparation for assuming that role in the future is called a. maturiry b. social integration. c adolescence. d. anticipatory socialization5. In his study,WillardWallace concluded that dating a- had little to do with mate selectionb. had a lot to do with mate selectionc. was highly structured. d. was based on the traits of dependability and honesty. 4. Homogamy reflects the importance of a- having fun together b. Iooks c. status attainment d. character in spouse selection. - 5. AII of the following statements are true of AIDS EXCEPT a. It can be fatal. b. It is sexually transmitted. c It attacks the immune system. d. Studies show that teenagers are generally rot aware of the dangers AIDS. 6. Which of the following is NOT considered a drug? a. cocaine b. alcohol c- marijuana d. aspirin C"opyright @ b,I Holt, Binehart md Winston. All Hoh sociology righs reserued- of SHORT ANSSTER Answer the questions in the space provided. 7. \^lhy are the beginning and end dates for adolescence somewhat blurred? & \i/hat three ftctors have helped distinguish adolescence as a life stage in the United States? 9. Describe some sources of pressure on adolescents- lO. Compare the main purpose of courtship to that of dating. I I. Describe some characteristics of contemporary dating patterns._ 12- Identi& six negative consequences that are more likely for teenage than for adult pregnancies. IiI. Describe three key factors associated with teenage drug use- lll. List seven social factors that appear to affect the rates of teenage suicide.- Copyri8h e by Holt, RindErt andYlqlrn. All rights reserved nortus for a dal's productiou. They' enlbrced llrese nonns srth sanctions. The intbnrral slructure n'as rnore irnportant than the fornral structurB lo the indiridual *orkers. 22. According to Robert Nlichels. the iron larr of oligarchy is dre tendenc!' of orgaiizations to becoore ilrcreasingll- dorninared b,r- srnall groups of people" thenrseh-es. 13. Ke1' tactors in teen drug use are haling friends uho regularll'en*sage iu drug use. Ghapter 5 hating social and academic adjurtmeat prohlenrs- ard litirrg in a hostile arld so(f{IJzil:sc Tnm niDnmt'.rL l.d l[. 2.c 1t" I 3-a 13. nre .[. b 5.d 1"1. tarill- Eeneralized other 16. lO. prinrary Peer 17. school personaiitl' 9, looking-glass r*jectirrg lamilr setling" 14" Tnre lhctors identit-red b,v r*searchers Neiger and Hopkiu include alcohol or drug use" triggerin_e r1'ent$. a_se" sd]L populalion densitl-" tanrily nelations- and the cluster etTeci" 15" deliberare 7. socialization 8. 12" Negatile consequences that are more lilel1' for t.eruee pregnancies include lorrer birth rales. inthnt deatlr- deatli of the urother duriag childbirttl lort'er educational attainrnent tar thR parerlls ald thus lou'er litbtime earaings- leaming di&-rculties among the children. a:rd risk ofthe children beconring teen parents seH 18. nmss media 19. total institution 20. Resocialization Chapter 7 THE ADI..,I.T IN SOCIETY Ghaphn 6 [" The most irnportant task of,nren in ttre eull' adult trzursirion period is learing ffiE 2, NIen der-elop a dreanr ofadult "t" home" troth phl,sically and psJ-claologically. ADOLESCEIiIT IN SOGETT b 2.d 3-a 4.c 5"d 6.d '?. Pubertl- and acceptance irrto accornplishment. almost al.n'4 s piuared in termrs ot-occupational goals and ofterr wrrealistic" the adult rrorld occur at dittlrent times fq 3, A menlor is sorneone rrho di&erent people. 8. The tlree lhdors ale education. exclusiorr and helping ihe person achiete those dreaurs- I-sualll'th. firemor is an older. erperienced persolr in the u'orld of t'ortri. Ttrre urentor acts as a role model and helps the indilidual grn started in adult life" of 1-outh lrom the labor frce. and der-eloprnent ofthe juvenile justice s-1'stem. 9, Pressures colre *o:r parental rules. school- peers- relationships. jobs- and conllictine roles. 1{}- The purpose ofcourtship uas erentual marriage. \l'hile datilg ural'lead to .1. The three phases are lear ing the famil) ruarriage. its rrain purpose is .rltertaitrnent and arn$semeut. at least ilr the casual :taees. 11" Conternporary datilg is inlbnnal and has no set stases. It i:xoh-es flexrbiliq- and greater equaliry' betu-een the sexes, Relationships ar* based on friendship. ald the group-rather ihan the couple- is dre ruost inrportant focus of interaction- Col4rrglr e bv Holt, Rnehart ad \tr-nston -{ll rigtcs l-lolt Sociology t'oeiers an i.ndir-idual's derelopment b1- b*lieling in the person- sharing the person's dreanrs. - entrring the adult u-orld- and enteriug the adult u'orld again 5. Farrale de'r'eloprlrent is dift'ererrt itorn nrale derelopment in n'omen's emphasis orr narriase o1?r career irr Phase L in the breali in enrplo,r-ment that o€curs during Phase II. and in u-ourerr's corrrruitnrent lo lheir careers in Phase III at a ti.ure tten men are begirurine to hare serious doubts about rheir o\\'tl rxm:d (39) Cf6pbr Review Acliuities