School Council vs. School Society Hillhurst School Council and Society General Meeting Wednesday November 13, 2013 What is a “School Council”? • It is a collective association of parents, teachers, secondary students, principal, staff and community representative(s) whose purpose is to advise the principal and the board respecting matters relating to the school. • It is a means for parents and community members to work together with the school to support and enhance student learning. • Does not require bylaws because is not permitted to incorporate School Councils Regulation AR 113/2007 states: No school council shall incorporate under the Societies Act or Part 9 of the Companies Act. • It is regulated by the School Act in Alberta. • May or may not have a bank account - there are no bank accounts in the name of Hillhurst School Council What is a School Council? Cont. School Council Functions include: • consulting with the principal so he or she can ensure students have opportunities to meet Ministry standards, fiscal management is sound and the community‘s expectations are taken into consideration during school-based planning • advising the principal and the school board/charter board • being involved in school-based planning • sharing ideas and information with other school councils and provincial organizations • communicating information to the school community and other school councils • setting policies that relate to school council functions School Council Decision Making Authority • The principal, is the key educational leader at the school level and who holds responsibility for directing the management of the day-to-day operations of the school. • The actual decision-making authority of the school council, as a whole, is limited to: a) developing policies at the school level, as described in the School Act, b) planning support activities that align with school council‘s purpose and c) choosing what advice to provide the principal and board on relevant topics. 2013-2014 School Council Executive Members Principal – David B Chair – Kirsten B Vice Chair – Laura S Teacher – Bruce R Community Representative – Erin G GATE Representative – Pat R & Michelle I Secretary – Pam W & Birgitte G Treasurer – Nancy J 2013-2014 School Council General Members School Councils Regulation AR 113/2007 states: “A school council must include the following members: (a) the principal of the school; (b) at least one person who is a teacher at the school, elected or appointed by the teachers at the school; (c) if the school includes a senior high school program, at least one person who is a student enrolled in the high school, elected or appointed by the students enrolled in the high school; (d) subject to section 22(2) of the Act, parents of students enrolled in the school. “ What is the Hillhurst (Elementary) Community School Society? The Hillhurst (Elementary) Community School Society: • was incorporated on September 23, 1996 • became a registered charity under the Income Tax Act on September 1, 2012 • is regulated by the Societies Act in Alberta • is governed by bylaws dated August 2012 • holds a Casino Licence from the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC) • has two bank accounts – general & casino What is the Hillhurst (Elementary) Community School Society? Cont. The School Society objectives are: a) To advance the education of students attending Hillhurst School by: i. purchasing educational supplies and equipment to be used by the students and staff; ii. funding extracurricular activities and other programs to enhance the educational experience of students; and iii. funding and maintaining outdoor school facilities. b) To carry out activities that are ancillary and incidental to the attainment of the above purpose. Hillhurst (Elementary) School Society Decision Making Authority • Societies have all governing, management and implementation authority granted through the Societies Act or Part 9 of the Companies Act. • Society Amended Bylaws August 2012 state: “Voting 8. Any member who has not withdrawn from membership nor has been suspended nor expelled as herein provided shall have the right to vote at any meeting of the society. Such votes must be made in person and not by proxy or otherwise. Votes are taken by show of hands. A simple majority vote carries a motion unless it is a special resolution as called for by the Societies Act when a 75% majority of votes cast is required.” Hillhurst (Elementary) School Society Decision Making Authority Cont. • Society Amended Bylaws August 2012 state: “Board of Directors 10. The Board shall, subject to the by-laws or directions given it by majority vote at any meeting properly called and constituted, have full control and management of the affairs of the society, and meetings of the Board shall be held as often as may be required, but at least once a year, and shall be called by the President.” 2013-2014 School Society Executive Members/Board of Directors President – Kirsten B Vice President – Laura S Secretary – Pam W Treasurer – Nancy J Director – Iris K Director – Maria L Director – Pat R 2013-2014 School Society General Members Society Amended Bylaws August 2012 state: “Membership: 1. Any person being a parent or legal guardian of a student attending Hillhurst Community School, being the full age of 18 years, is a voting member of the society.“ Council vs. Society - Going Forward • Hillhurst School Council and Society Re-defined – What exactly is under the umbrella of our School Council? What exactly is under the umbrella of our Society? • As a School Council we need to consider what we are doing and what we could be doing • Meetings – can be held on the same night but must be stand alone start to finish agendas • Minutes – must be clearly recorded separately • Agenda items – need to determine which meeting agenda they will reside in based on the definition of a School Council or a School Society • Principal - Need to decide if principal should attend School Society Meetings.