Scheduling Notes for the Class of 2017 2016-2017 school year GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Check graduation requirements included in this packet. 2. REMEMBER: a. There are 7 periods in the day. Be sure your choices add up to 7 periods. b. Students do not need to take a study period, but if a study is chosen, students may take only one study period each semester. 3. A.P. COURSES – Students must meet pre-requisites and complete the form. AP courses cannot be dropped after May 1st. 4. PRE-REQUISITES: Individual course pre-requisites are available in the on-line Curriculum Guide. All honors courses and some non-honors courses have pre-requisites. If the pre-requisites are not met, the student will not be allowed to take the course. HONORS OR ADVANED PLACEMENT PRE-REQUISITIES: If a student is currently enrolled in an Honors or AP course, he/she must maintain an A or B for both semesters in order to continue in an Honors or AP level course in that subject area. If a student is currently enrolled in an “A-level” or high academic level class, he/she must maintain a grade of A for both semesters in order to move up to an Honors or AP level course in that subject. For Honors or AP Social Science, students must maintain these requirements in current English as well as any Social Science courses. Students currently enrolled in “B-level” or average academic level courses should not move into Honors or AP courses since this constitutes a double jump in academic levels. THEOLOGY DEPARTMENT: All seniors must take Sacraments and one elective (either Global Ethics or World Religions). SOCIAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT: US History/AP US History and Western Civilization/AP European History are graduation requirements. One elective from the Social Science Department must be taken to complete the requirement. Either Economics or Macroeconomics satisfies the graduation requirement. AP Microeconomics may be taken after Economics or Macroeconomics has been completed. WORLD LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT: Two consecutive years of the same language are required for graduation for all students. To take the third and fourth year of a language, the student must have at least a C for each semester in that language. TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT: All courses are electives. See the handout concerning dual credit (available through Moraine Valley Community College). FINE ARTS DEPARTMENT: ART: A student must take Intro to Art before taking any other Art course. A minimum of C grade must be maintained to continue in Art courses. BAND: Students who would like to continue with music without taking on the additional requirements of Band Honors may take Band. BAND HONORS: A student must have completed a full year of Band and received A’s for both semesters. Students must pass a written music proficiency exam and a performance exam given by the Band Director. Honors students are selected in January/February for the following year. BEGINNING CHOIR: If this is the first year taking Choir, Beginning Choir must be taken. This is a full year course. CHOIR: Choir may be taken one or two semesters. A full year of Choir (regular) may be taken for those who do not wish to take on the additional requirements of Choir Honors. CHOIR HONORS: A student must have completed a full year of Choir and received A’s for both semesters. Students must pass a music proficiency/performance exam given by the Choir Director. Honors students are selected in January/February for the following year. PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT: Co-Ed PE may be taken Soph, Jr or Sr year for a full year or for a semester. Co-Ed Strength Training is one semester which can only be taken once and cannot be taken the same semester as Co-Ed PE, Fitness or Intro to Sports Medicine. Fitness is one semester which can only be taken once and cannot be taken the same semester as Co-Ed PE, Co-Ed Strength Training or Intro to Sports Medicine. Intro to Sports Medicine is one semester which can only be taken once and cannot be taken the same semester as Co-Ed PE, Co-Ed Strength Training or Fitness. ADDITIONAL COURSES AVAILABLE: See the Distance Learning Pilot Program handout explaining additional courses available through Brigham Young University. All BYU courses are electives; they do not fulfill PCHS graduation requirements. The TOTAL count of ALL courses must equal SEVEN full periods for each. NOTE: Course Requests will be honored to the extent the Master Schedule allows. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS FOR CLASS OF 2017 In order to receive a diploma from Providence Catholic High School, a student must complete the following: 1. Each student must earn at least 22 credits to meet the academic requirement for graduation. Therefore, each year a student must take and pass courses worth at least 5½ credits. If a student earns less than 5 and ½ credits because of semester failures, these deficiencies must be made up in summer school to remain eligible to return to Providence Catholic for the next school year. 2. Each student must take and receive a passing grade in the following courses: 4 years 4 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 2 years 1 year ½ year ½ year ½ year of of of of of of of of of of Theology (1/2 credit taken per each semester) English Math Laboratory Science Social Science (US History and Western Civilization) World Language (Same and Consecutive)* Physical Education or Band Health Economics or Macro-Economics Technology The remaining credits are electives. A student must earn at least 5½ credits per year and 22 credits over a four year program of study. A student may not have more than one study period per semester. *The Principal or the Assistant Principal may substitute designated courses from the Fine Arts or Technology Departments for the two year Foreign Language requirement when needed. 3. Each student is required to pass an examination on the United States and Illinois Constitution. 4. Each senior must complete a retreat. 5. Each junior must take the ACT test in April or June during his/her junior year. 6. Each student, in order to participate in Commencement Exercises and/or receive a diploma, must satisfy penalties imposed for poor conduct, financial obligations, and attend all Baccalaureate and Graduation Practices and/or Services. PROVIDENCE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL - CLASS OF 2017 2016-17 SENIOR CLASS COURSE SELECTIONS Please refer to the PCHS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS included in this packet. NOTE: Students must meet prerequisites before selecting classes. ENGLISH English 4 English 4 Honors-WT AP English [4] Literature & Comp-WT Speech-1 sem Nonfiction Literature-1 sem BYU-Creative Writing-1 sem BYU-Writing Poetry-1 sem SOCIAL SCIENCE Western Civilization AP European History-WT Psychology AP Psychology-WT American Government AP US Government/Politics-WT BYU-Current Events-1 sem BYU-US Foreign Policy-1 sem BYU-Intro to Sociology-WT BYU-Intro to International Politics-WT FINE ARTS Intro Art-1 sem Two Dim Design-1 sem Drawing-1 sem Painting-1 sem Studio AP Studio Art: Drawing-WT AP Studio Art: 2-D Design-WT Band Band Honors-WT Beginning Choir Concert Choir-1 sem or full year Choir Hnrs-WT Music Appreciation-1 sem AP Music Theory-WT Accounting Economics-1 sem Macroeconomics-1 sem AP Microeconomics-WT BYU-Business Law-1 sem BYU-Marketing-1 sem STUDY Study Study-1 sem TECHNOLOGY Digital Media-1 sem *** Web Page Design-1 sem *** Intro to Computer Programming-1 sem *** Graphic Design-1 sem *** AP Computer Science A-WT LEARNING RESOURCE MATH Algebra 2C Algebra 2B Algebra 2A Trig/Adv Topics Pre-Calculus Honors-WT Pre-Calculus Calculus Honors-WT AP Calculus AB-WT AP Calculus BC-WT Statistics AP Statistics-WT THEOLOGY Sacraments-1 sem Global Ethics-1 sem World Religions-1 sem WORLD LANGUAGE Spanish 2B Spanish 2A French 2 Spanish 3 Spanish 3 Honors-WT French 3 Honors-WT Spanish 4 Spanish 4 Honors-WT French 4 Honors-WT AP Spanish [5] Language-WT PHYSICAL ED Co-Ed PE Co-Ed PE-1 sem Co-Ed Strength Training-1 sem Fitness-1 sem Intro to Sports Medicine-1 sem SCIENCE General Chemistry Chemistry AP Chemistry-WT Human Physiology Physics Honors-WT Physics AP Biology-WT AP Physics-WT BYU-Astronomy (Non Lab) – 1 sem BYU-Meteorology (Non Lab)-1 sem BYU-Nursing & Medical Terminology-WT BYU-Essentials of Human Nutrition-WT WT=Weighted Courses NOTE: Course Requests will be honored to the extent the Master Schedule allows. BYU=Brigham Young University course taken through the Distance Learning Pilot Program. All BYU courses are electives; they do not fulfill PCHS graduation requirements. (Non Lab) (Non Lab) *** Optional Dual Credit through Moraine Valley College Distance Learning Pilot Program 2016-2017 Purpose: This Distance Learning Program provided through Brigham Young University’s Independent Study Program will provide the PCHS curriculum the ability to offer students high school elective courses as well as college credited courses. This program will enhance the PCHS curriculum providing courses that the current PCHS curriculum is not able to provide due to cost and/or qualified teaching staff. This type of Distance Learning Program is based upon professor and individual student interchange. It does not provide group instruction or an interactive online group environment. Scheduling: These offerings would be scheduled during one period of the school day between 7:55 and 2:35 in the computer lab. A supervising teacher would be assigned to the computer lab to monitor and help facilitate the student completion of these courses. Pre-Requisite: These offerings will be limited to junior and senior students who have a GPA of 3.0 or higher at the time of student registration in February. The maximum number of students accepted into this program is 30 due to available space in the computer lab. All BYU courses are electives; they do not fulfill PCHS graduation requirements. Course Programs & Credit: There will be two different and distinct programs offered. The first will be elective high school courses for PCHS credit. The second will be elective college courses in which the student earns both PCHS High School credit and Brigham Young University credit concurrently. The concurrent college courses will be weighted while the elective high school courses will not be weighted. It should be noted that the college GPA earned for these courses may be included in the student’s overall college GPA as these credits transfer to the student’s university. Cost: The high school elective courses are one semester courses that will cost approximately $144 per course. The concurrent college courses will cost approximately $178 per credit per course. Therefore, a three credit course will cost $534, and a four credit course will cost $712. There is an additional registration fee of $20 per course. There may be additional fees associated with specific courses, as well as the cost of textbook(s). NOTE: Tuition costs for the 2016-17 school year are not announced until June. Most likely, the amount will be increased. Billing: Providence Catholic High School will act as the billing agent for any of the Brigham Young University Distance Learning courses offered. Transcripts: Students will provide PCHS with a copy of their BYU University transcript at the end of each semester; a copy will be maintained as part of the student’s official high school record. Transfer of BYU Credit: It should be noted that the transfer of BYU course credits is accepted by other universities and colleges on a case by case basis; there is no guarantee that credit will transfer. The acceptance of the BYU credits may require the submission of the BYU course syllabus with the BYU transcript. The non-acceptance of BYU course credits may depend upon the existence of a similar course at the university or college receiving the credits. Course Offerings: SEE WEBSITE FOR CATALOG – then go to Courses for the Course Catalog. High School Elective Courses by Department: Science Social Science English Business Astronomy Meteorology Current Events U.S. Foreign Policy Creative Writing Writing Poetry Business Law Marketing Concurrent College Credit Courses by Department: (Weighted Courses) Science Nursing & Medical Terminology Essentials of Human Nutrition Social Science Introduction to Sociology Introduction to International Politics Dual Credit for Technology Classes 2016-17 Providence Catholic High School has partnered with Moraine Valley Community College (MVCC) to offer students the option of earning dual credit for courses in our Technology Department. Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions. Q: Which courses will be dual credit for 2016-17? A: You may take any class (except AP Computer Science) as dual credit. Q: Why is PCHS offering this option? A: Students in these classes are already doing college-level work. PCHS wants to provide the option of earning college credit for that work. Q: If I enroll in these courses, do I have to take the dual credit? A: Dual credit is completely optional. The coursework will be the same for all students in the class, whether or not they are working towards dual credit. Q: Which students are eligible for dual credit? A: Students in class of 2017, 2018 and 2019 are eligible for dual credit (except those in AP Computer Science). Students must also have met the course pre-requisites as stated in the PCHS curriculum guide. Q: What does it cost? A: Current fees are approximately: $44 dual credit and $131 general education/transfer fee for a total of $175. Payments are made directly to MVCC either in-person, by phone or online. Online payment instructions will be mailed to student households. MVCC Transcripts fee: $7 per transcript. Q: Is there a residency requirement? Do I have to live in the MVCC district? A: There are no residency requirements for dual credit courses. Q: How do I register for dual credit? A: Students will register during a class period with the teacher providing instruction. Students will register online via MVCC’s dual credit homepage. Students will receive instructions from the classroom teacher before online registration opens. Q: Who teaches the class? A: Classes are taught by PCHS faculty members. The class is part of the student’s normal 7-period schedule here at PCHS. Q: How will I be graded? A: Students will receive a grade as normal on their PCHS report cards and transcript; that grade is based on the PCHS grading scale as posted in our student handbook. Students will receive a separate grade on a MVCC transcript, using the college’s grading scale. Thus, it is possible that a student could earn different grades at each institution. Students will be given a MVCC username to access the MVCC student portal that contains their final grades, unofficial transcript and online payment. Q: How many college credit hours will I earn? A: Students must earn at least a “B” for the semester grade to earn college credit. Students can earn 3 college credit hours per course. Learn more about MVCC dual credit program at or stop by the PCHS computer labs and talk to Mr. Devine, Mrs. Hartel or Mrs. Grigoletti. APPLICATION FOR ADVANCED PLACEMENT CLASSES 2016-2017 All of the following criteria are necessary to be enrolled in an Advanced Placement Course at Providence Catholic High School. Student’s Name ____________________________________________ Class of ______________ AP COURSE(S) REQUESTED: __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ 1. The student must meet all prerequisites for the specific courses as detailed in the Curriculum Guide for each particular course. Grades will be checked at the end of the school year. If the prerequisites are not met, the student will be dropped from the class. 2. Students who do not qualify will only be considered after the last possible drop date for AP courses which is May 1st. Students wishing to be admitted must seek out their counselor from May 11th to May 30th. 3. No student will be admitted to an AP class after May 30th. 4. The Chairperson of each department must approve the placement for each AP class in which the student is enrolled. 5. The student can anticipate introductory readings and/or projects during the summer before the school year begins. 6. The student must take the corresponding AP exam for each AP class in which the student is enrolled. 7. AP courses incur additional fees. Currently the fee is $92 for each AP exam in addition to regular lab and course fees charged in the regular (non-AP) level courses. These fees will be charged to the tuition bill. 8. All students are required to take the AP exam associated with each course and are expected to put forth their best effort. Failure to do so will result in the overall semester grade being lowered by one letter grade. 9. The student and parents must understand that the level and quality of work will be equal to a college level course. The student must be willing to undertake the rigorous demands of the AP course. 10. The student MAY NOT drop any AP class after May 1st. No exceptions are made to this rule. 11. A student needs “special permission” to take three or more AP classes. Signature of Student: ______________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent: _______________________________________________________________ SPECIAL PERMISSION FOR A STUDENT TO TAKE THREE OR MORE ADVANCED PLACEMENT COURSES Advanced Placement classes are the equivalent of college courses and are meant to be taught as a college class would be taught – reading and student assignments to be done independently; lectures that need to be attended; challenging material that needs to be mastered by a certain date. In other words, these classes demand the full attention of a student who is extremely motivated and hard-working. Taking three or more AP classes is a very heavy load for a student. Besides the AP classes, the student also has other classes that demand his/her time and attention, extra-curricular activities which are important to the growth of the student, and sometimes part-time employment. Some students are very successful in meeting the challenges these classes present. However, it is very important that you and your son/daughter discuss the consequences of taking three or more AP classes. If you give your son/daughter permission to take three or more AP classes, please sign this form and return it. Please remember that students will not be allowed to drop any AP class after May 1st. The policy regarding dropping AP classes supersedes any other policy regarding schedule changes. Thank you for your attention to this important decision. This form must be turned into your child’s Guidance Counselor no later than February 5, 2016. I give my child permission to take three or more AP classes during the 2016-2017 school year. Signature of Parent: ________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Please refer to the Parent-Student Handbook for further information. Please return this form to your Guidance Counselor no later than Friday, February 5, 2016.