Bird Study (2004) 51, 41–47 Importance of competition for food and nest-sites in aggressive behaviour of Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis MILOS KRIST Laboratory of Ornithology, Faculty of Science, Palacky University, Tr. Svobody 26, 771 46 Olomouc, Czech Republic and Museum of Natural History, Republiky 5, 771 73 Olomouc, Czech Republic Capsule Using an experimental approach, this study disentangles effects of two important sources on the elicitation of aggressive interspecific behaviour. Aims To investigate experimentally whether competition for nest cavities and/or food can explain aggressive behaviour between competing species. Methods The Collared Flycatcher’s Ficedula albicollis responses to mounts of Great Tit Parus major (nest-site and food competitor), Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs (food competitor) and Dunnock Prunella modularis (control species) were tested. Trials were performed near flycatchers’ nests during nest building, incubation and care of nestlings. Results The intensity of dive attacks and frequency of contact attacks showed that the aggression of Collared Flycatchers decreased in the direction: Great Tit > Chaffinch > Dunnock. The difference in aggressiveness was greater between Great Tit and Chaffinch than between Chaffinch and Dunnock. Aggression directed toward Great Tits increased from the nest building to the incubation stage and then decreased markedly in the nestling stage. Males were more aggressive than females. Conclusion These results suggest that competition for nest-sites, and to a lesser extent for food, may be of an interference nature and that the reproductive value hypothesis can only partly explain differences in the Collared Flycatcher’s defensive behaviour found between sexes and stages of the breeding cycle. Food and nest-sites are the most important resources in interspecific competition in birds (Newton 1998). Interspecific competition for food is mostly considered to be exploitation (i.e. competition without direct behavioural interactions between competing individuals) whereas that for nest-sites is considered to be interference (i.e. competition with direct behavioural interactions between competing individuals). However, departures from this rule are quite common, at least in the case of food competition. Substantial aggression directed toward heterospecifics competing for food can eventually lead to interspecific territoriality (Orians & Willson 1964) which is very clear evidence of interference. However, interspecific territoriality is costly and so preferable only in specific conditions. Among those is life in a structurally simple habitat (Reed 1982) or exploiting stratified food sources (Dearborn 1998), both of which preclude niche differEmail: © 2004 British Trust for Ornithology entiation. Newton (1998) listed 27 studies in which at least 32 species pairs maintained interspecific territories. In the case of nest-sites, there is little doubt about the nature of competition. However, there is no support from experimental research that is directly suggestive of interference. So far, most studies have explored changes in local densities of secondary cavitynesting birds after manipulation of nest-site availability – usually after nest boxes were provided. Newton (1998) listed 34 such studies. In all of them local densities of secondary cavity-nesting birds responded in the expected direction to manipulation and the same conclusion can be drawn – cavities are the limiting resource and thus subject to intensive intraspecific and interspecific competition. The latter was documented by complementary changes in the breeding densities of two or more competing species (Minot & Perrins 1986, Gustafsson 1988). Although such correlations can suggest the existence of competition, they cannot reveal its nature. To inves- 42 M. Krist tigate whether interference or exploitation is acting it is necessary to pay attention to a proximate level of interspecific relationships, i.e. to document aggressive behaviour in at least one species involved. So far the evidence of such aggression is mainly observational (Slagsvold 1975, Gustafsson 1988, Winge & Järvi 1988, Meek & Robertson 1994, Merilä & Wiggins 1995). Experimental studies are few in this area. Järvi et al. (1978) tested mutual aggressive responses of Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca and Great Tits Parus major to playback of the other species’ song. Král & Bicík (1992) investigated behaviour of Collared Flycatchers Ficedula albicollis towards a dummy of the Great Tit placed on their nest boxes. Both studies concluded that the observed aggression was selected due to nest-site competition. However, there was no appropriate control treatment in either of these studies. Ficedula flycatchers compete strongly with tits not only for nestsites but also for food (Slagsvold 1975, Gustafsson 1987, Sasvári et al. 1987). Thus, trials without controls for the possible confounding effect of food competition cannot adequately explain the function of observed interspecific aggression. Similarly, Martin & Martin (2001) revealed mutual aggression between two warbler species which compete for food as well as for nest-sites but their study also was not specifically designed to conclude which source caused this aggression. I know of no other study investigating the role of nest-site competition in aggressive behaviour of birds. The main aim of the present study was to investigate whether competition for nest cavities and/or food can explain aggressive behaviour between competing species. To test these ideas, the aggressive responses of Collared Flycatchers to the Great Tit (nest-site as well as food competitor), the Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, (food competitor) and the Dunnock Prunella modularis, (neither food nor nest-site competitor) were compared. A prediction of decreasing aggression in the direction Great Tit > Chaffinch > Dunnock was made. In addition, changes in aggression of Collared Flycatchers during the breeding cycle and differences between the sexes were examined. Aggression directed toward nestsite competitors should increase during the breeding cycle, because of the increasing reproductive value of the brood. Changes in aggression caused by competition for food are more difficult to predict because both food availability and food demands presumably increase during the breeding cycle. Thus, it is not clear in which stage of the breeding cycle food competition should be most severe. © 2004 British Trust for Ornithology, Bird Study, 51, 41–47 METHODS Study area and subjects The study was conducted in Velky Kosir area (49°32′N, 17°04′E, 370–450 m asl), central Moravia, Czech Republic, during 1997–2000. Experiments were conducted on two nest-box plots. Both are about 12 ha in area, each provided with approximately 60 nest boxes. The vegetation of these plots consisted of structurally very simple managed spruce Picea abies forest. The spruces were about 90 years old and 25 m tall. Other species of tree were very scarce, represented mainly by pine Pinus sylvestris and birch Betula pendula. The shrub understorey was not developed. The herb level, consisting mainly of Calamagrostis villosa, covered only about 40% of the ground. The Collared Flycatcher is a small (about 13 g), cavity-nesting, migrant passerine species with sexually dimorphic plumage. It easy adopts nest boxes for breeding (about 40 Collared Flycatcher pairs nested each year on the study plots). Collared Flycatchers forage mainly in the canopy, less in the shrubs or on the ground. They obtain food by sallying out from a perch after flying prey or picking up directly from leaves and twigs (Cramp & Perrins 1993). Diet brought to nestlings consists mainly of Lepidoptera larvae, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Araneida (Bures 1986, Cramp & Perrins 1993). The Chaffinch (an opennesting species) and Great Tit (a cavity-nesting species) forage in a way similar to that of the Collared Flycatcher and also the food brought to their young overlaps broadly with that of the Collared Flycatcher (Cramp & Perrins 1993, 1994). Moreover, food competition has been directly proven between the Collared Flycatcher and the Great Tit (Gustafsson 1987, Sasvári et al. 1987) and between the Great Tit and the Chaffinch (Reed 1982). The Dunnock (an open-nesting species), on the other hand, differs from all three species mentioned above largely in its foraging techniques and the food brought to young. This species is mainly a ground forager and its diet consist mainly of harvestmen (Opilionidea), colembolan (Entomobryidae), Auchenorrhyncha and Lepidoptera larvae occurring near the ground (Geometridae) (Cramp 1988, Kristín 1989). All three bird species chosen for experiments are of similar size (Great Tit 20 g, Chaffinch 23 g and Dunnock 21 g) and were present on the study plots. Stuffed specimens of two males of the Great Tit, two males of the Chaffinch and a Dunnock (sexually monomorphic species) of unknown sex were used for experiments. All specimens were stuffed in a similar posture. Interspecific aggression Experimental design Experiments were conducted in three stages of the breeding cycle: nest building, incubation and care for nestlings. The dummy was placed either directly on the nest box, or on the wooden stick about 50 cm high placed at a distance of 2 m from the nest-box. Experiments were conducted on 94 nests. Each of them was tested with all three dummies, placed at a single distance (nest box or 2 m), on the same day. The order of presentation was random. Successive presentations were separated by an interval at least 45 min (75 min in the case of the former contact attack). After the dummy had been installed, focal nest observations were made at a distance about 25 m. After the male or female had approached to a close vicinity of the nest and so presumably noticed the dummy, the observational interval began. It lasted 10 min for each focal bird. For each individual the number of dive attacks against the dummy and the latency to first dive attack were recorded. In cases when an individual did not attack the dummy at all, the latency was stated as 600 s (i.e. the length of observational interval). This method should hold type I errors below the stated level (α = 0.05) and results may be a bit conservative in this respect. Sometimes physical contact was made with the dummy when it was attacked. In this case the trial was stopped and the dummy removed to prevent it from destruction. Such trials were classified as ‘contact attack occurred’ and that was the only information involved in statistical analysis, because of the artificially shortened observational interval. the two models test the same hypothesis, a sequential Bonferroni adjustment (Rice 1989) was applied to reduce the type I error rate. In both models the following factors with their twoway interactions were included as fixed effects: species, sex, breeding stage and distance. Since several trials were performed on individual nests, nest was treated as a random factor in both models. To select the best model, a two-step method was used. First, in the fixed part of the model, non-significant interactions were eliminated by backwards selection. Second, the random part of the model (covariance structure) was selected according to Akaike’s information criterion (AIC). In the case of dive attacks, the best model contained random slopes (within nests) for sex and distance. In the case of contact attacks, inclusion of random factors caused an increase in AIC and therefore the final model contained only the fixed part. Denominator degrees of freedom were computed using Satterthwaite’s method (Littell et al. 1996). Dive attacks were analysed using PROC MIXED, contact attacks using the GLIMMIX macro for SAS. Whenever a factor with more than two levels was significant, Tukey’s HSD tests were computed. All tests were computed in SAS (Littell et al. 1996). RESULTS As judged by dive attacks, both male and female Collared Flycatchers behaved most aggressively against the Great Tit, less aggression was directed toward Chaffinch and the Dunnock was the least attacked dummy (Fig. 1 & Table 1; Tukey’s HSD tests: Great Tit 1.25 Statistical analysis 1.00 0.75 Response Two response variables (dive attacks and contact attacks) were used for the statistical analyses. Dive attacks was the first principal component from the principal component analysis (PCA) performed on two original variables (number of dives and the latency to first dive attack) which were highly correlated. Before PCA was performed, variables were ln- (number of attacks) or box-cox- (latency) transformed to achieve better approximation to the required normal distribution. The composite variable has eigenvalue 1.84 (92% variance explained) and the following factor loadings: number of dive attacks (0.71), and latency to first dive attack (–0.71). The second response variable was binomial (contact attack occurred yes/no). The two response variables were analysed separately. Because 43 0.50 0.25 0.00 –0.25 –0.50 –0.75 Great Tit Chaffinch Dunnock Figure 1. Least squares means ± se for the response of male (■ ■) and female (●) Collared Flycatcher to the three species studied. The response is the first principal component comprising the number of dive attacks and latency to the first dive attack. A higher value represents more dive attacks and a shorter latency to the first dive attack. © 2004 British Trust for Ornithology, Bird Study, 51, 41–47 44 M. Krist Table 1. Type III tests of fixed effects. Response was the composite variable derived from a principal component analysis on latency to first dive attack and number of dive attacks. Backwards elimination procedure; only interactions significant after applying a Bonferroni correction were retained in the presented model. NDF DDF F P 2 1 2 1 2 621.0 94.1 671.0 69.6 615.0 22.8 13.4 2.7 8.3 5.9 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.069 0.005 0.003 Table 2. Results of GLIMMIX model performed on contact attacks. Probability of a contact attack occurring was modelled. Backwards elimination procedure; all interactions were non-significant and therefore deleted. Dunnock, male, nestling stage, and the distance of 2 m are the reference levels for the factors species, sex, breeding stage, and distance, respectively. a. Type III analysis of effects Species Sex Breeding stage Distance Species*sex NDF, numerator degrees of freedom; DDF, denominator degrees of freedom. Species Sex Breeding stage Distance DDF F 855 855 855 855 41.0 26.1 7.6 16.3 P < < < < 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 b. Analysis of REML estimates vs. Chaffinch, P < 0.001; Great Tit vs. Dunnock, P < 0.001; Chaffinch vs. Dunnock, P = 0.005). The occurrence of the most aggressive behaviour (contact attacks) supported this pattern (Fig. 2 & Table 2). The Great Tit was contacted significantly more frequently than either Chaffinch (P < 0.001) or Dunnock (P < 0.001). There was no significant difference between Chaffinch and Dunnock in this respect (P = 0.19). Males were the more aggressive sex. They contacted dummies more often (Table 2) and performed stronger dive attacks (Table 1). In the latter case this difference was highest when the Great Tit was presented, less when the Chaffinch presented and virtually disappeared when the Dunnock presented (Fig. 1). Incubation was the stage when the probability of attacking the dummy physically was highest (Table 2; Tukey’s HSD tests: incubation vs. nestling, P < 0.001; incubation vs. nest building, P = 0.020; nest building vs. nestling P = 0.55). Similarly to contacts, dive attacks were strongest at the incubation stage too. However, because the result of the mixed model was Contact attacks (%) 35 30 262 25 20 15 10 295 305 5 0 Great Tit Chaffinch Dunnock Figure 2. Least squares means ± 95% confidence limits of occurrence of contact attacks against the three species studied. Values are adjusted for sex, breeding stage and distance. The sample size for each species is indicated above the bar. © 2004 British Trust for Ornithology, Bird Study, 51, 41–47 Factor Intercept Species Sex Breeding stage Distance Level Parameter estimate se –4.32 2.65 0.55 –1.30 0.20 1.09 1.16 0.437 0.367 0.426 0.255 0.336 0.280 0.287 Great Tit Chaffinch Female Nest building Incubation Nest box DDF, denominator degrees of freedom; REML, restricted maximum likelihood. marginally non-significant (Table 1), multiple comparisons were not computed. DISCUSSION Food and nest-site competition In research on interspecific competition it is commonly assumed that competition for nest-sites is of an interference nature. However, hitherto there has been no support from experimental research for this idea. This study revealed that dive attacks decreased in the direction Great Tit > Chaffinch > Dunnock as predicted under the hypothesis that nest-site competition as well as food competition contribute to aggressive behaviour of Collared Flycatcher. The difference in the intensity of dive attacks was greater between the Great Tit and the Chaffinch than between the Chaffinch and the Dunnock. The same was true for the occurrence of contact. These results imply that competition for nestsites contributes more to aggressive behaviour of Collared Flycatchers than competition for food. Competition for nest cavities has been considered to be low in primeval forests in the past because of high availability of cavities. Further it has been considered that at present we can observe competition for cavities Interspecific aggression in nature only due to decrease in hole numbers caused by intensive silvicultural management (Walankiewicz 1991). However, the life-history traits of some North American (Martin 1993a) as well as European (Mönkkönen & Martin 2000) secondary cavitybreeding birds are best explained by the limited breeding opportunities hypothesis (Martin 1993b). This fact suggests that competition for tree cavities played an important role in the evolutionary past of these species. Nest defence behaviour is possibly less apt to reflect the situation hundreds of years ago, because of its potential for rapid evolution through learning and cultural transmission (cf. Maloney & McLean 1995). On the other hand, studying this behaviour is the only way to reveal underlying mechanisms involved in competition. Aggressive behaviour directed specifically toward the nest competitor in this experimental study, although it cannot be treated as evidence of long-acting selection pressure, proves the interference nature of competition for nest cavities. Ficedula flycatchers are not usually assumed to defend large feeding territories (Cramp & Perrins 1993). However, in contrast to this traditional view, older males of the Pied Flycatcher were found to possess territories with a greater abundance of invertebrate food than subordinate yearlings (Huhta et al. 1998). This suggests that the abundance of food can influence intraspecific and so possibly also interspecific behaviour. The latter was proved in this study on the Collared Flycatcher when the food competitor was attacked more strongly than the non-competing species. However, the fact that the differences in aggression were greater between the Great Tit and Chaffinch than between Chaffinch and Dunnock indicates that food competition plays only a minor role in aggressive interactions between tits and flycatchers. Moreover, the effect of food on aggression may be specific for a simple habitat such as that on my study plots. As Orians & Willson (1964) stated, a simple habitat can prevent niche differentiation, consequently competition for food is more pronounced and can lead to interspecific territoriality among competing bird species. Reed (1982), for example, found Great Tit to be interspecifically territorial with Chaffinch on Scottish islands whereas such a pattern did not emerge in the more structured habitats on the mainland. Sex differences Males were the more aggressive sex in this study. They contacted dummies more frequently and performed 45 stronger dive attacks compared to females. In the case of dive attacks, the difference between sexes was greatest with the Great Tit, less with the Chaffinch and almost non-existent with the Dunnock. The role of sex in nest defence against nest competitors has been investigated just once (Král & Bicík 1992). Unlike this study, Král & Bicík (1992) did not find any differences in the nest defence between sexes. These contrasting results can be explained by a different assessment of the intensity of defence. Král & Bicík (1992) combined records of watchfulness and aggressiveness whereas here only aggression was recorded, making the interpretation more straightforward. Overall, higher aggression of males against food competitors (Great Tit and Chaffinch) is not surprising. As in most other birds, males in Collared Flycatcher are the sex predominantly engaged in territory defence (Cramp & Perrins 1993). The finding that the largest difference in aggression between sexes was seen with the Great Tit can be explained in terms of residual reproductive value, because the Great Tit, in contrast to Chaffinch and Dunnock, can destroy a flycatcher’s nest. Greater intrasexual competition in males, as suggested by a small proportion of yearling males in the breeding population in contrast to a great one in females (Král & Pithart 1995, M. Krist, unpubl. data), results in their lower renesting potential and residual reproductive value. Consequently, males should defend the brood more aggressively (Montgomerie & Weatherhead 1988). In addition, if the territory defence and residual reproductive value alone are responsible for the sex differences in aggressiveness, as suspected, then aggression toward a non-competing bird (Dunnock) should be low for both males and females, as was found. Breeding cycle The frequency of contact attacks decreased in the direction incubation > nest building > nestling stage. Due to the very low frequency of contacts against the Chaffinch and the Dunnock (Fig. 2) this pattern is driven by flycatchers’ responses toward the Great Tit. Parental investment is predicted to increase in the course of the breeding cycle due to an increase in both the reproductive value of the current brood (Andersson et al. 1980) and a feedback stimulus of the nest contents to a parent (McLean & Rhodes 1992). A large number of studies of nest defence against predators have confirmed this prediction (Montgomerie & Weatherhead 1988). In contrast to the large number of © 2004 British Trust for Ornithology, Bird Study, 51, 41–47 46 M. Krist studies investigating breeding-cycle changes of nest defence against predators, just two such studies were done with nest competitors, although nest competitors might pose the same threat for the brood as nest predators. In the first, Winge & Järvi (1988) found no evidence that past parental investment influenced the success of nest defence in Great Tits. However, all their observations were performed during the nest building stage, where the amount of variation in individuals’ residual reproductive values was probably too small to answer this question adequately. In the second, the nest defence of Collared Flycatchers against the Great Tit was observed to be stronger later in the breeding cycle (Král & Bicík 1992). However, their results may reflect watchfulness rather than aggression, the former surely being very low at the egg-laying stage. The pattern of contact attack variation in this study provided only partial support for a parental investment/ feedback hypothesis. Aggression against nest competitors increased from the nest building to incubation stage as predicted but then decreased markedly. This decrease can probably be explained as follows. Although both nest competitors and nest predators pose theoretically the same danger for the brood, they probably behave in a different way. Nestlings are presumably more valuable prey for nest predators than eggs, because of their greater energy content. For nest competitors, on the other hand, the presence of young can complicate the take-over of a nest hole for two reasons. First, it may be difficult for them to build their own nest on that with living young because of their activity. Second, if young are much more valuable for parents than eggs, increased aggression from nest hole owners will deter an intruder to try to take over such a hole. The latter also concerns nest predators but the difference is in the duration of experiencing such aggression. Predation can happen very quickly, whereas take-over is necessarily a lengthy act and thus costs of suffering aggression from hole owners would be probably much greater. Such conditions could favour an increase in defence against nest predators occurring near the nest with nestlings, as has been repeatedly confirmed (Montgomerie & Weatherhead 1988), since the presence of a predator near such a nest means a high risk of nest predation. However, the presence of a nest-site competitor near a nest containing nestlings is, in contrast to a nest containing eggs, probably only a random event and does not mean that it is trying to take over the hole. This hypothesis explains why the take-over of cavities occurs just before incubation (Slagsvold 1975, Meek & Robertson 1994), while © 2004 British Trust for Ornithology, Bird Study, 51, 41–47 aggression directed toward the nest competitor occurring in the vicinity of nest was found to be low during the nestling stage. Acknowledgements I thank Stanislav Bures, Tomás Grim, Tomás Herben, Václav Pavel, Vladimír Remes, Emil Tkadlec and Karel Weidinger for valuable comments or discussion on the manuscript and Honza Str̆íteský for exceptional willingness in field cooperation. The secondary grammar school in Kromeríz kindly provided me dermoplastic preparates. Forest enterprise Cechy pod Kosírem allowed me to work on their nest-box plots. This study was supported by a grant from the Czech Ministry of Education (MSM 153100012). In the final part of the project I was supported also by a grant from GACR (No. 206/03/0215). I thank Kacenka for everyday support. 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(MS received 6 January 2003; revised MS accepted 14 April 2003) © 2004 British Trust for Ornithology, Bird Study, 51, 41–47