January 2016 - Loudoun Soccer

Loudoun Soccer Board Minutes
Monday, January 4, 2016
Board Members Present:
Mike Harris X
Neal Thurman
Rob Russell X
Sheldon Buytenhuys
Michael Fay X
Allen Sayles X
Board Members Absent: John Warner
Junior Board Members Present:
Also in attendance: Darryl Gee, Chris Pittman, Kristen Heggenstaller, Les Kaciban
Meeting called to Order at 7:05pm
New Business:
1. Minutes
a. No open Board Meeting was held in December. As such no minutes were
2. Recording of Previous Vote
a. At Executive Session held on December 7, 2015, the following items were voted
on and approved:
A. For those Board members who terms expire December 31, 2015, the
proposal was made to extend terms to January 31st, 2016. Allen Sayles
motioned to approve, and Michael Fay seconded. The motion was
approved by unanimous vote.
B. The proposal was made to approve Chris Pittman as Executive Director
of the club. The motion was made by Mike Harris, and seconded by
Michael Fay. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
2. Events – Kristen Heggenstaller
a. Board of Supervisors event planned for April 6, 2016
b. Multiple new events planned for 2016
c. Circle of Champions Soccer Ball planned for September 17, 2016
3. Fundraising Committee
a. Follow-up on Events discussion; focus on planning for Circle of Champions Ball
4. Fields & Facilities Committee
a. Planning initiated for Board of Supervisors meeting at LSP
b. John Warner developing presentation
5. Marketing Committee
a. Review of Why Loudoun presentation materials in December; plan is to finalize
messaging, materials by March
b. 2016 focus on soliciting stories from Club membership for future campaigns,
c. Next Marketing Committee meeting scheduled for January 14, 2016
Rob Russell motioned to adjourn the meeting. Allen Sayles seconded the motion. The regular
meeting was adjourned at 8:26pm. Next Board meeting will be February 1, 2016 at 7:00 at
Loudoun Soccer Park.