ETMC ceases clinic affiliations on Aug. 15 Here Chicky, Chicky, Chick

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The Light and Champion
“Covering Shelby County Like The Pine Straw Covers The Ground.”
Volume 137, No. 53
© 2014 All Rights Reserved
Celebrating 137 years of service to Shelby County, Texas
Friday, June 6, 2014
16 Pages
75 Cents
‘Now that justice has been served I can rest’
Victim speaks out to defendant at sentencing
By Leah Dolan
Associate Editor
for an hour and 27
minutes Weds., July 5,
returning a verdict finding Deedra Michelle
Grubbs guilty of Capital
Murder and two counts
of Aggravated Assault.
Grubbs was sentenced
to life in prison without possibility of parole
for the Capital Murder
charge and 20 years for
each of the Aggravated
Assault charges. She
is currently being held
at the Shelby County
Sheriff’s Department
and according to Sheriff
Willis Blackwell, being
closely monitored. She
will be transported to an
Institutional Division of
the Texas Department
of Criminal Justice
where she will serve
out her sentencing.
Against the advice of
the defense and his personal attorney, Bobbie
Dewayne Grubbs, who
is currently an inmate at
the Texas Department
of Criminal Justice’s
Byrd Unit in Huntsville,
took the stand Tuesday
morning at the Shelby
County Courthouse and
answered crucial questions directed at him
by the State. Bobbie
Grubbs stated repeatedly that he forced his
then wife to accompany
him on their violent
crime spree that resulted in the fatal shooting of hotel employee,
Martha Acevado-Chan,
and injuring of Marilyn
Retimar and Quinton
“Sam” Watts, also hotel
Here Chicky,
Chicky, Chick
Submitted by Lane Dunn
Orders are being
sought for Poultry Festival chicks for the 2014
Poultry Festival Broiler
Show. The price of the
pens are $30.00 for 30
chicks. Please make
check or money or-
der payable to Shelby
County Broiler Show. O
Cash will be accepted.
The last day to order
chickens for the Poultry Festival will be July
10. For more information contact the Shelby
County Extension Office at (936) 598-7744.
Frontier Days
brings new
Submitted by Timpson Chamber
of Commerce
The Timpson Area
Chamber of Commerce
will hold their annual
Frontier Days event
July 3 through July 6.
Events included for this
year include but are not
limited to a laser light
show by Laser Spectacles out of San Marcos and reenactments
of gun fighting right in
the streets of Timpson.
Mark your calendar and
plan to attend the event.
Katie Miller / The Light and Champion
Deedra Grubbs is shown exiting the courtroom after receiving life imprisonment for
her involvement in the shootings occurring April 27, 2012 at the Joaquin Country Inn.
She is escorted out by Shelby County Sheriff Deputy, Jim Ed Matthews.
employees, at the Joaquin Country Inn on
April 27, 2012. Bobbie
also stated he forced
Deedra to use drugs
and drove a wedge between Deedra and her
friends and family to
shift her focus entirely on himself and the
couple’s two children.
Bobbie further added
his actions were the
results of the teachings
he and Deedra both received being brought
up in the Pentecostal
religion where “women
are taught to submit to
their husbands.”
“She [Deedra] is bipolar and I would take
away her medications
so she would start acting crazy. I wanted to
be in control. I am the
dominant one in the
Bobbie. “I made her do
everything. I was just
going to take us both
out. I made her write
out a will. I was going to
put both of us out of our
misery. The plan was
for us both to be dead
at the end of all this.”
LundbergLove, a Professor of
Psychology at the University of Texas at Tyler, was called to testify
for the state. LundbergLove stated Deedra was
brought to her office
for review. A four hour
that Deedra suffers
from severe bipolar disorder and depression.
Revealing that Deedra
high in many areas of
the testing, LundbergI See JUSTICE Page 2A
Rodeo Court rides into town
By Katie Miller
Associate Editor
The 2014 Shelby
County Sheriff’s Posse
Rodeo is set to take
place this weekend
starting Friday, June 6
and Saturday, June 7 at
7:30 p.m.
This rodeo court
which was selected
during the 60th annual
rodeo will continue to
reign through this 61st
annual rodeo.
The reason for their
two year reign relates
to the busy season
in the rodeo pageant
world, according to
Ann Blackwell, Pageant Coordinator.
“There’s always so
much going on during
the rodeo and this time
of the year, the girls
that usually compete in
the rodeo queens contest are at state pageants. Actually, both of
the state pageants are
Submitted photo.
Submitted photo
2013 Shelby County Sheriff’s Posse 2013 Shelby County Sheriff’s Posse
Rodeo Queen Harli Joe Cowden
Rodeo Duchess Emily Andrus
2013 Shelby County Sheriff’s Posse
Rodeo Princess Lieza Grace Klein
in June so that does
keep entries down.
What we’ve decided to
do is make the reign
longer for the current girls, their reign
will just be extended,
and have our pageant
early in the spring.
We’re probably going
to have it in April,” said
are always just itching to go somewhere.
The ones that do this
are really ready to get
out there and compete
somewhere. I’m hoping that it draws a lot
of entries. We hope to
utilize some of the lo-
Katie Miller
Along with this
change in timing,
Blackwell hopes to
bring customers into
Center businesses.
“What we’re looking at right now is the
last weekend of April.
That’s early enough
in the year the girls
I See RODEO Page 2A
ETMC ceases clinic affiliations on Aug. 15
Submitted by Deleisa Johnson, ETMC Affiliate Marketing
The East Texas Medical Center Regional
Healthcare System will
cease employing the
medical providers and
staff at three ETMC
First Physicians clinics in Center, effective
Aug. 15.
Patients will receive
notification by mail in
the coming weeks.
“ETMC is proud to
have played a role in
supporting physicians
in Shelby County and
readily available to area
residents for the past
five years,” said Perry
vice president, ETMC
reimbursement from
commercial insurance
n Sports
Shelbyville, Center, Joaquin 7
on 7 football results. Preston
Football Camp has seasoned
coaches. What I’ve learned about
boating. See Sports Page 1B.
and federally funded
health programs forces
us to reevaluate our operations. Unfortunately,
it no longer makes economic sense for ETMC
to continue clinic operations in Center.”
ETMC entered the
Center market in 2009,
responding to a turbulent economic situation with the county’s
hospital that eventually
resulted in the facility’s
n Obituaries
Albert E. Browning
Ira Ware Fenley
Stephanie Marshalle Garrett
Edward M. Markl Jr.
Elton Bradley McSwain
Robert E. Tinkle, Sr.
closing. ETMC’s support allowed local physicians to continue to
remain in the community and provide care to
county residents. Now,
with a new outpatient
and emergency facility under construction
by another hospital
system, ETMC feels
confident that Shelby
County residents will
continue to have access
to medical care.
“Shelby County has a
strong, growing base of
medical providers and
services,” said Henderson. “We believe Shelby
County providers are at
a point where they can
continue to serve the
community, either independently or by affiliating with another medical group.”
employees, including
physicians and mid-
level providers, will be
affected by the changes
in ETMC’s affiliation.
“We are proud that
ETMC was able to provide support over the
past five years to the
serving Center,” Henderson said. “We wish
the people and providers of the county continued success in meeting
the healthcare needs of
local residents.”
n Inside
Community ...............................................3A
Editorial .................................................. 4A
Obituaries ............................................... 6A
Classified .....................................4B, 5B, 6B
Sports ....................................1B, 2B, 3B, 6B
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day for their service to our country.