EXPANDED CURRICULUM VITA Dr. Tom Coates, Doctor of Arts Professor of Physical Education Graduate and Undergraduate Faculty Appointed (Fall, 2007) 1. Academic Degrees Degree: Major: Institution: Bachelor of Science Health and Physical Education Mars Hill College Degree: Major: Minor: Institution: Master of Arts in Education Health and Physical Education Secondary Education Western Carolina University Degree: Major: Institution: Project: Master of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management Clemson University A Revised Curriculum for the Department of Recreation and Leisure Services at Mars Hill College Degree: Major: Minors: Institution: Dissertation: Doctor of Arts Physical Education Recreation, Higher Education Middle Tennessee State University Introduction to Basic Rock Climbing: A Manual for Students Additional Graduate Studies Wake Forest University Memphis State University University of Alabama Western Carolina University University of Utah East Tennessee State University 2. Professional Experience Department Chair/ Professor (2007-Present) HPER Department University of North Alabama Associate Professor (2004-2007) and Director of Graduate Students (2005-2007) KLSS Department East Tennessee State University Associate Professor (2004-2007) and Graduate Coordinator (2000-2005) PEXS Department East Tennessee State University Interim Department Chair (2000-2004) Associate Professor PEXS Department East Tennessee State University Assistant Professor (1998-2000) PEXS Department East Tennessee State University Professor and Appointed Chairman (1997-1998) Department of Health Education and Physical Education Gardner-Webb University Professor and Chairman (1992-1997) Division of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Mars Hill College Teaching and Coaching Positions Professor, Physical Education 2007-Present Associate Professor, Physical Education 2004-2007 Assistant Professor, Physical Education 1998-2003 Professor, Health Education and Physical Education Adjunct Faculty, Maryville Outdoor Outreach Service Experience, 1998 Professor, Physical Education and Recreation Graduate Teaching Assistant, 1990 Associate Professor, Physical Education and Recreation Faculty, Outdoor Recreation Consortium 1983 – 1988 Soccer Coach, 1983 - 1984 Guide, Mount Mitchell Backpacking Tour 1982, 1983 Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Recreation Graduate Teaching Assistant Lifeguard Instructor Trainer Water Safety Instructor Trainer Instructor, Physical Education Instructor, Physical Education Instructor, Aquatics Instructor, Remedial Skills Instructor, Mathematics Graduate Teaching Assistant Instructor, Aquatics and Trampoline Instructor, Physical Education Administrative Positions Co-Director, UNA Conservation Corps Coordinator, Sport Management and Leisure Services Concentration, 1999-2001 Pool Director, 1997 - 1998 Director, Bonner Scholars Summer Service/ Learning Tour, 1992 – 1995 Project Director, MHC Group Initiatives Course, 1990 Co-Director, MHC Scholar Retreat, 1986 – 1990 Supervisor of Student–Teachers, Health University of North Alabama East Tennessee State University East Tennessee State University Gardner-Webb University Maryville College Mars Hill College Clemson University Mars Hill College TVA, Land Between the Lakes Mars Hill College Mars Hill College Mars Hill College Middle Tennessee State University American Red Cross Asheville/Mountain Area Chapter American Red Cross Asheville/Mountain Area Chapter Continuing Education Program Mars Hill College Mars Hill College Upward Bound, Western Carolina University MCRD, Parris Island, SC Beaufort TEC, Beaufort, SC Wake Forest University Asheville YMCA, Asheville, NC Upward Bound, Mars Hill College University of North Alabama East Tennessee State University Gardner-Webb University Mars Hill College Mars Hill College Mars Hill College Mars Hill College and Physical Education, 1981 - 1987, 1992 – 1994 Tour Director, Spring Biology Florida Field Trip, 1982 Coordinator, Credit by Examination and Certification for Physical Education Director, Harrell Pool, 1981 - 1976 Director, Rocky Mountain Experience, 1979 -1997 Director, Summer Aquatics Program Director, Day Camp Program NCOIC, Depot Education Physical Education Director Intramural Director Aquatics Director Coordinator of Tutor - Counselors Assistant Physical Director Assistant Aquatics Director Advisory Positions Advisor, Pi Sigma Phi (Physical Education) Advisor, Outing Club Advisor, Rock Climbing Club Advisor, Junior Class, 1982, 1983 Advisor, Martial Arts Club Advisor, Recreation Majors Club 3. Mars Hill College Mars Hill College Mars Hill College Mars Hill College Mars Hill College Mars Hill College MCRD, Parris Island, SC Upward Bound, Mars Hill College Upward Bound, Mars Hill College Upward Bound, Mars Hill College Upward Bound, Mars Hill College Asheville YMCA Asheville YMCA Mars Hill College Mars Hill College Mars Hill College Mars Hill College Mars Hill College Mars Hill College Faculty and Administrative Load Spring 2011 Chair, Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation HPE 466 Legal Issues and Risk Management, 3 semester hours HPE 603 Sport in American Society, 3 semester hours HPE 670 Legal Issues and the Health and Physical Education Professional, 3 semester hours Fall 2011 Chair, Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation HPE 221 History and Principles of Health and Physical Education, 3 semester hours HPE 675 Administration of Health and Physical Education Related Programs, 3 semester hours Spring 2011 Chair, Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation HPE 466 Legal Issues and Risk Management, 3 semester hours HPE 670 Legal Issues and the Health and Physical Education Professional, 3 semester hours Fall Semester 2010 Chair, Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation HPE 221 History and Principles of Health and Physical Education, 3 semester hours HPE 675 Administration of Health and Physical Education Related Programs, 3 semester hours Summer Semester, 2010 Chair, Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation HPE 130 Beginning Swimming, 1 semester hour SRM 451, Expedition Leadership, 3 semester hours Spring Semester, 2010 Chair, Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation HPE 221 History and Principles of Health and Physical Education, 3 semester hours HPE 466 Legal Issues and Risk Management, 3 semester hours Fall Semester, 2009 Chair, Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation HPE 105 Walking, Jogging, Running, 1 semester hour HPE 221 History and Principles of Health and Physical Education, 3 semester hours HPE 770 Sport and the Law, 3 semester hours Summer Semester, 2009 Chair, Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation HPE 130 Beginning Swimming, 1 semester hour HPE 221 History and Principles of Health and Physical Education, 3 semester hours 4. Current Professional and Academic Association Memberships (* = meetings attended) *Alabama Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance *American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance *American Association of Physical Activity and Recreation *National Association for Sport and Physical Education 5. Current Professional Assignments and Activities President-elect, ASAHPERD 2012-2013 Board of Reviewers, ASAHPERD Journal Southern District AAHPERD, Sport and Leisure Division, Past VP 2011-2012 Southern District AAHPERD, Sport and Leisure Division, VP 2010-2011 AAHPERD Assembly Representative 2006-2010 Editor, ASAHPERD Journal, 2008-present. 6. Publications Marks, L, Nelson, A., Coates, T., Duncan, J., Lowe, E., Lowery, A. & Seier, E. “The winding roads to community partnerships in Appalachia: A faculty perspective.” Pursuing opportunities through partnerships: Higher education and communities. Coates, T. “Outdoor logistics.” Outdoor skills: Curricular modules that align with the NASPE standards workshop. The Council for Adventure and Outdoor Education/Recreation. Coates, T. “Cross roads and decisions: Where do we go from here.” ASAHPERD Journal, vol. 30, number 2, Spring 2010, pp.9-13. Morrell, J., Rand, E., Turner, C., Doan, D., & Coates, T. (2007). “Dutch oven basics: An introduction to th Dutch oven cooking.” Proceedings of the 20 Association on Outdoor Recreation and Education Conference. pp. 49-55. Coates, T. (2005). “Point 19-Service: Expanding the conceptual basis of the WEA curriculum”. Journal of the Wilderness Education Association, vol. 17, number 3, Winter 2005, p. 9. Hanford, A. & Coates, T. (2005). “Red card: Wildland firefighter training with the th U.S. Forest Service.” Proceedings of the 18 International Conference on Outdoor Recreation and Education. pp. 64-67. Coates, T. (2005). “Outdoor logistics.” Convention Programs; The Council for Adventure and Outdoor Education and Recreation. pp. 27-30. Coates, T. (2005). “The application of service-learning principles to support our national parks”. Journal of the Wilderness Education Association, vol. 17, number 2, Fall 2005, pp. 14-15. Bitner, H., Williams, W., & Coates, T. (2005). “Lessons learned in our national parks.” Proceedings of th the 18 International Conference on Outdoor Recreation and Education. pp. 54-59. Taylor, W., Coates, T. & Morgan, L. (2004). “The student, the agency, the department: What is an outdoor pursuits internship?” Texas HPERD Association Journal, pp. 16-17, 36. Taylor, W., Gilbert, J., Coates, T., and Morgan, L. (2004). “Internships in recreation degree program and outdoor pursuits: The student, the agency, the department.” Proceedings of th the 17 International Conference on Outdoor Recreation and Education. pp. 50-57. Taylor, W., Gilbert, J., Kaufman, T. & Coates, T. (2002). “Ranking collegiate outdoor programs on th campus: What did freshmen participants think at eight universities.” Proceedings of the 16 International Conference on Outdoor Recreation and Education, pp. 124-129. Davis, J. & Coates, T. “Supporting natural resource management through servicelearning”, http://www.conferencepapersonline.com Coates, T. “Models and case studies in emergency management service learning: East Tennessee State University Response”, ttp://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu Coates, T. & Cockerham, S. (2001). “Meeting National Association of Therapeutic Wilderness Camps counselor certification requirements through an established university curriculum.” Pathways: Journal of Outdoor Therapeutic Programming, 1, 15-21. Coates, T. (1984). “Rock climbing as a college course.” The North Carolina Journal, 20, 1, p. 26. Coates, T. & Rice, M. (1981). “Climbing the wall for college credit.” Tennessee Journal Of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 19, 2 p. 13. 7. Thesis Committees Lauren Gover. M. S. The effects of caffeine on session Ratings of Preceived Exertion. University of North Alabama Jared Hornsby. M. S. Influence of acute RPE on session RPE following cycling bouts of equated work. University of North Alabama 8. Professional Presentions Killen, LG, Green, JM , O’Neal, EK, McIntosh, J R, Hornsby, J, Coates, T. Effects of Caffeine on Session Ratings of Perceived Exertion. A) TAHPERD (Fall, 2011) B) Middle Tennessee State University Research Day (Spring, 2012) Coates, T. AAAPR/NHTSA Bicycle Curriculum Workshop. ASAHPERD Spring Conference, 2012. Coates, T. and Hall, M. Incorporating outdoor recreation activities into a community recreation program. Alabama Park and Recreration Association, District Conference, Florence, AL., 2011. Currie, S., McBrayer, D., Coates, T. Hall, M.,and Colclough, S. Team building leadership activities. ASAHPERD Fall Conference. 2011. Coates, T. Paddle safe, paddle smart: A paddle sport education program for youth. ASAHPERD Fall Conference. 2011. Killen, L. G., Green, J. M., O’Neal, E. K., McIntosh, J. R., Hornsby, J., Coates, T. Effects of Caffeine on Session Ratings of Perceived Exertion. TAHPERD Fall, 2011. Coates, T. & Hall, M. “More Dutch oven cooking.” ASAHPERD District 7 Physical Education Workshop, 2011. Coates, T. & Hall, M. “Physical education gone wild.” 2011 Multi-State Summer Workshop. 2011. Coates, T. & Hall, M. “Leadership activities for Future Professionals.” ASAHPERD Spring Conference. 2011. Coates, T. & Hall, M. “Dutch oven cooking: Back for seconds.” ASAHPERD Spring Conference. 2011. Coates, T. & Hall, M. “Getting children outdoors.” ASAHPERD Fall Conference, 2010. Coates, T. “Map and Compass: How to use a topographic map.” ASAHPERD District 7 Physical Education Workshop, 2010. Coates, T. “Outdoor education: Basic fishing techniques.” No Child Left on Their Behind: Play it Forward Conference 2010. Coates, T. “Outdoor education: Dutch oven cooking.” No Child Left on Their Behind: Play it Forward Conference 2010. Coates, T. “Team building”. Southern District AAHPERD Leadership Conference, 2010. Coates, T. “Crossroads and decisions: Where do we go from here?” The Julian Smith Award Lecture, AAHPERD National Convention, 2010. Coates, T. & Hall, M. “Bridging the gap through adventure education.” SDAAHPERD Convention, 2010 Coates, T. & Hall, M. “Leadership and team building.” SDAAHPERD Convention, 2010. Crew, K, Green, M, & Coates, T. “Training program design specifically for the tennis athlete: A pilot study.” ASAHPERD Fall Conference, 2009. Hall, M. & Coates, T. “Adventure education.” ASAHPERD District 7 Physical Education Workshop, 2009. Coates, T. & Hall, M. “Leadership activities for the young professional.: SDAAHPERD Young Professionals Conference, 2009. Coates, T. & Hall, M. “Team building activities.” SDAAHPERD Young Professionals Conference, 2009. Coates, T. & Hall, M. “Cooking like Lewis and Clark.” NWDAAHPERD and Montana AAHPERD Convention, 2009. Coates, T. & Hall, M. “Outdoor/adventure skills for physical education classes.” ASAHPERD Spring Conference, 2009. Coates, T. & Hall, M. “Team building.” ASAHPERD Spring Conference, 2009. Coates, T. & Hall, M. “Dutch oven cooking 101.” American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance National Conference, 2009. Hall, M. & Coates, T. “Outdoor education.” ASAHPERD District 7 Physical Education Workshop, 2008. Coates, T. “Adventure education: How to plan a successful field trip.” (2008). AAHPERD National Convention. Coates, T. “How to plan a camping trip.” (2007). AAPAR “Get Out” Conference. Coates, T. “The business of motorsports: The other side of the industry.” Southern District AAHPERD Convention, 2007. Morrell, J., Rand, E., Turner, C., Doan, D. & Coates, T. “Back for seconds: More Dutch oven cooking.” Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education Conference, 2006. Morrell, J., Rand, E., Turner, C., Doan, D. & Coates, T. “Fundamentals of Dutch oven cooking.” U. S. Army Outdoor Recreation Conference, 2006. Coates, T. & Davis, J. Ropes course program. Southern District AAHPERD Student Leadership Development Conference, 2006. Coates, T. “Point 19 Service: Expanding the conceptual basis of the WEA curriculum”, Wilderness Education Association National Conference, 2005. Coates, T. “Outdoor logistics.” American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance National Conference, 2005. Coates, T. “Gearing up for motorsports.” American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance National Conference, 2005. Coates, T. & Bitner, H. “Lessons learned: An analysis of service-learning experiences in our national parks.” International Conference on Outdoor Recreation and Education, 2005. Strom, J., Williams, W., & Coates, T. “Dutch oven cooking: Back to basics.” International Conference on Outdoor Recreation and Education, 2005. Coates, T. “Outdoor recreation/adventure experiences at East Tennessee State University.” Communication Department Student Preview, Fall 2005. Bitner, H, Williams, W, & Coates, T. “Lessons learned in our national parks”, International Conference on Outdoor Recreation and Education, 2004. Hanford, A. & Coates, T. “Red card: Wildland firefighter training with the U. S. Forest Service”, International Conference on Outdoor Recreation and Education, 2004. Coates, T. & Duncan, D. “From syllabus to synergy: A five step process for building community partnerships”, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance National Conference, 2003. Coates, T. “Green service: Gambling with our national parks”, Student Leadership in Service Workshop, Johnson City, TN., 2003. Coates, T. & Davis, J. “Supporting natural resource management through servicelearning”, National Recreation and Park Association National Congress, 2003. Coates, T. “Service-learning in emergency management: ETSU Response”, Emergency Management Higher Education Conference, FEMA National Emergency Training Center, Emergency Management Institute, 2003. Coates, T. “Diffusing service-learning infusion,” Hawaii International Conference on Education, 2003. Coates, T. “On the road again – with students,” Hawaii International Conference on Education, 2003. Coates, T. “Adventure education in the national parks”, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance National Conference, 2002 Coates, T. & Duncan, J. “Integrating service-learning into public schools”, Hancock County In-Service Teacher Workshop, Sneedville, TN., 2002. Coates, T. “ Something new at East Tennessee State University: Preparing outdoor leaders for the future”, Tennessee Recreation and Parks Association Conference, 2001. Coates, T & Duncan, J. “On the road again: Building citizenship in the field”, National Society of Experiential Education Conference, 2001. Coates, T. "The Service-Learning Concept", International Conference on Outdoor Recreation and Education Conference, 2000. Coates, T. & Powell, D. "Service-Learning in the National Parks", Greening of the Campus III Conference, 1999. Coates, T. & Powell, D. “Service-Learning in the National Parks”, Tennessee CrossStream National Service Conference, 1998. Coates, T. "Service-Learning as an Educational Experience in Professional Courses," American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance National Conference, 1997. Coates, T. "Service-Learning: From the Classroom to the World," National Society for Experiential Education Conference, 1996. Coates, T. "Service-Learning in the National Parks," Wilderness Education Association National Conference, 1995. Coates, T. "Beyond the Classroom: Learning and Service in the National Parks," North Carolina Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance Convention, 1994. Coates, T. "Innovative Ways to Serve Our National Interest," National Society for Experiential Education Conference, 1993. Coates, T. "Red Cross for 1993," Region IX North Carolina Recreation and Parks Society Spring Workshop,1992. Coates, T. "State of Recreation Education in North Carolina," North Carolina Recreation and Parks Society Conference, 1992. Coates, T. "Whatever Happened to Senior Lifesaving?," North Carolina Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance Convention, 1991. Coates, T. "Mars Hill College, Rocky Mountain Experience Trip," North Carolina Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance Convention, 1990. Coates, T. "Rocky Mountain Experience," National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association National Convention, 1989. Buselmeier, B. & Coates, T. "The State of Recreation in North Carolina," North Carolina Baptist Colleges Physical Education Conference, 1986. Coates, T. "Rock Climbing as a College Course," Tennessee Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance Convention, 1986. Coates, T. "Teaching Rock Climbing," North Carolina Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance Convention, 1986. Coates, T. "Pool Maintenance," Region IX, North Carolina Recreation and Parks Society Workshop, 1985. Coates, T. "Rock Climbing and Rappelling," North Carolina Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance Outdoor Recreation Workshop, 1985. Coates, T. "Acquisition of Federal Surplus Properties for Public Recreation," Tennessee Valley Authority – Land Between the Lakes Outdoor Recreation Consortium, 1985. Coates, T. "Introduction to Rappelling," Tennessee Valley Authority – Land Between the Lakes Outdoor Recreation Consortium, 1985. Coates, T. "Swimming Pool Emergency Management," American Red Cross Pool Operators Workshop, 1983. McClellan, P. & Coates, T. "The Relationship Between Selected Anthropometrical Measures and Abdominal Muscular Endurance", Tennessee Alliance for Health Physical Education and Recreation Convention, 1980. Coates, T. "Outdoor Recreation as a Component of School Physical Education," North Carolina Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance Convention, 1978. Coates, T. "Basic Rock Climbing, Program Administration," North Carolina Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance Convention, 1978. Coates, T. "Basic Rock Climbing, A College Course," Tennessee Alliance for Health Physical Education and Recreation Convention, 1978. 9. Grants 2011 2010 2009 NPS, Natchez Trace Parkway Project NPS, Natchez Trace parkway Project NPS Service and Conservation Corps Program Tom Coates and Mike Hall COE Faculty Development Coleman Company, Inc. (not funded) U.S. Department of Defense Instructional Development Grant Student Activities Allocations Committee Johnson City Cardinals Johnson City Cardinals Bristol Motor Speedway Presidential Grant-in-Aid Coleman Company, Inc., In-kind Grant Kellogg Grant, Tom Coates and Joyce Duncan Instructional Development Grant, 2007 2007 2006 2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2003 2001 2001 2000 $15,280.00 $11,859.00 $1.1 million/5 years cooperative agreement $1806.50 $5619.92 $3,588 $1,670 $3,300 $1,000 $1,000 $5,250 $1,175 $1000 $23,870 $1115 2000 1999 Chris Ayres and Tom Coates National Parks PATHS Grant (not funded) Instructional Development Grant $60,000 $4700