Contents Acknowledgments xi Introduction 1 I History of Adoption in the United States 7 1 An Act to Provide for the Adoption of Children (1851) 9 General Court of Massachusetts 2 Society’s Children: The Care of Indigent Youngsters in New York City, 1875–1903 11 Catherine J. Ross 3 Perfect Substitutes or the Real Thing? 19 Naomi Cahn 4 Like Our Very Own: Adoption and the Changing Culture of Motherhood, 1851–1950 25 Julie Berebitsky 5 Fallen Women, Problem Girls: Unmarried Mothers and the Professionalization of Social Work, 1890–1945 29 Regina G. Kunzel II Creating Adoptive Families: Legal and Psychological Requirements and Consequences 33 A Contemporary Standards of Adoption Practice 35 6 State and Federal Adoption Laws 37 Joan Heifetz Hollinger 7 Code of Ethics 43 American Academy of Adoption Attorneys 8 Adoption as a Child Welfare Service: CWLA 2000 Standards 45 Child Welfare League of America v vi Contents 9 Analysis of the Proposed Uniform Adoption Act (UAA) of 1994 47 Joan Heifetz Hollinger 10 Family Ties: Solving the Constitutional Dilemma of the Faultless Father 52 David D. Meyer B Who May Adopt: Evaluating Prospective Adoptive Parents 61 11 Proposed Uniform Adoption Act (UAA) of 1994 63 12 Adoption Agencies and the Search for the Ideal Family, 1918–1965 64 Brian Paul Gill 13 Adoption and the Parental Screening System 72 Elizabeth Bartholet C Consequences of Adoption 75 14 Proposed Uniform Adoption Act (UAA) of 1994 77 15 Adoptees’ Inheritance Rights 78 Naomi Cahn and Joan Heifetz Hollinger 16 Is Adoption a Risk Factor for the Development of Adjustment Problems? 80 Jeffrey J. Haugaard 17 Coming to Terms with Adoption: The Construction of Identity from Adolescence into Adulthood 84 Harold D. Grotevant 18 Nature and Nurture: A New Look at How Families Work 85 Susan Freivalds 19 Nature in Adoptive Parenthood 88 Irving Leon III Foster Care and Informal Adoption 91 20 Smith v. Organization of Foster Families for Equality and Reform (O.F.F.E.R.) (U.S. 1977) 95 21 In re G.C. (Pa. 1999) 100 22 Rodriguez v. McLoughlin (S.D.N.Y. 1999), reversed (2d Cir. N.Y. 2000) 102 23 In re Jasmon O. (Cal. 1994) 106 24 Parents’ Rights vs. Children’s Interests: The Case of the Foster Child 108 Marsha Garrison Contents vii 25 When Children Cannot Remain Home: Foster Family Care and Kinship Care 111 Jill Duerr Berrick 26 Taking Adoption Seriously: Radical Revolution or Modest Revisionism? 115 Elizabeth Bartholet 27 The Extended Family System in the Black Community: A Child-Centered Model for Adoption Policy 119 Gilbert A. Holmes IV Adoption and Confidentiality 123 28 Adoption and Change of Name: General Statutes of Minnesota (1917) 125 29 The Sealed Adoption Records Controversy in Historical Perspective: The Case of the Children’s Home Society of Washington, 1895–1988 126 E. Wayne Carp 30 We Have a Long Way to Go: Attitudes toward Adoption 134 Ellen Herman 31 The Idea of Adoption: An Inquiry into the History of Adult Adoptee Access to Birth Records 136 Elizabeth J. Samuels 32 Doe v. Sundquist (6th Cir. Tenn. 1997) 142 33 State Legislation and Mutual Consent Registries 145 National Council for Adoption 34 The Basic Bastard 146 Janine Baer et al. 35 CWLA Standards: Policy Changes, 1973–2000 149 Child Welfare League of America 36 Adoption, Identity, and the Constitution: The Case for Opening Closed Records 153 Naomi Cahn and Jana Singer V 37 Adoption with Continuing Contact: “Open Adoption” 157 Overview of Legal Status of Post-Adoption Contact Agreements 159 Joan Heifetz Hollinger 38 Perspectives on Open Adoption Annette Baran and Reuben Pannor 163 viii Contents 39 In re Adoption of Vito (Mass. 2000) 167 40 Guidelines for Public Policy and State Legislation Governing Permanence for Children 172 U.S. Children’s Bureau 41 Post-Adoption Contact: CWLA 2000 Standards 174 Child Welfare League of America 42 Increasing Options to Improve Permanency: Considerations in Drafting an Adoption with Contact Statute 175 Annette Ruth Appell 43 Kinship with Strangers: Adoption and Interpretations of Kinship in American Culture 177 Judith S. Modell VI The Frontiers of Adoption 185 A Adoption within and across Racial and Ethnic Boundaries 187 44 The What and Why of the Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA) 189 Joan Heifetz Hollinger 45 “Are You My Mother?”: Conceptualizing Children’s Identity Rights in Transracial Adoptions 194 Barbara Bennett Woodhouse 46 The Color of Desire: Fulfilling Adoptive Parents’ Racial Preferences through Discriminatory State Action 200 R. Richard Banks 47 Private Race Preferences in Family Formation 205 Elizabeth Bartholet 48 Racial Geographies 208 Sally Haslanger 49 Does a Child Have a Right to a Certain Identity? 211 Anita L. Allen-Castellitto 50 Intercountry Adoption: A Frontier without Boundaries 215 Joan Heifetz Hollinger B 51 The Indian Child Welfare Act and the Adoption of Indian Children 219 Who Are Indian Children within the Scope of the Federal Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)? 221 Joan Heifetz Hollinger Contents ix 52 Pigs in Heaven: A Parable of Native American Adoption under the Indian Child Welfare Act 228 Christine Metteer C 53 Single, Gay, and Lesbian Adoptive Parents and Their Children 233 Second Parent Adoptions Protect Children with Two Mothers or Two Fathers 235 Joan Heifetz Hollinger 54 55 State Appeals Court Rulings That Deny or Approve Second Parent Adoptions by Same-Sex Couples 239 (How) Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter? 248 Judith Stacey and Timothy J. Biblarz 56 Single Parent Adoptions 252 Nancy E. Dowd VII 57 Feminism 257 Re-expressing Parenthood 259 Katharine T. Bartlett 58 Transracial and International Adoption: Mothers, Hierarchy, Race, and Feminist Legal Theory 265 Twila L. Perry 59 Family Issue(s) 270 Naomi Cahn 60 “O Wind, Remind Him That I Have No Child”: Infertility and Feminist Jurisprudence 273 Linda J. Lacey 61 Adoption, Biological Essentialism, and Feminist Theory 280 Charlotte Witt VIII Other Perspectives on Adoption 283 Analogies to Assisted Reproduction and Other Parentage Laws 285 62 Johnson v. Calvert (Cal. 1993) 287 63 In re Nicholas H. (Cal. 2002) 291 64 Note on the Revised Uniform Parentage Act (UPA) of 2002 294 A Joan Heifetz Hollinger x Contents 65 Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution 297 American Law Institute (ALI) 66 From Coitus to Commerce: Legal and Social Consequences of Noncoital Reproduction 299 Joan Heifetz Hollinger 67 Law Making for Baby Making: An Interpretive Approach to the Determination of Legal Parentage 306 Marsha Garrison 68 Considerations against Donor Anonymity in Collaborative Procreation 310 Mary Lyndon Shanley 69 The Jurisprudence of Genetics 313 Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss and Dorothy Nelkin B Is There a Market for Adoptable Children? 317 70 Market-Inalienability 319 Margaret Jane Radin 71 The Effect of Transactions Costs on the Market for Babies 324 Margaret F. Brinig Sources 329 Index 337 About the Editors 349