Clinical Laboratory Abbreviations Used in Medical Records ABBREVIATION DESCRIPTION A AB AB ABBOTT ABDY ABG ABL ABN ABS ABY AChR ACTH ADENO DEAM AFB AFP AG AGGLUT AGNS AIT ALC ALK ALT AMNIO ANA ANCA ANISO or ANISOCYT ANTI ANTIBDY ANTIMITO ANW APC ARC ARUP ASO AST ATHENA ATYP LYM ATYP ATYP PLT B BAL BASO BASOSTIP BCR BF BILI BLD BM BUN C. difficile CA CAP or CAPILL CATH CBC CDC CEA CELL CF CHILMP Blood Type A Blood Type AB Antibody Abbott Northwest Antibody Arterial Blood Gases Abelson Concogene Abnormal Antibody Screen Antibody Acetylcholine Receptor Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Adenosine Deaminase Acid Fast Bacilli Alpha-Feto Protein Antigen Agglutinins Antigens Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia Alcohol Alkaline Alanine aminotransferase Amniocentesis Antinuclear Antibody Anti-Neutrophilic Cytoplasmic Antibodies Anisocytosis Antibody to Antibody Antimitochondrial Abbott Northwestern Activated Protein Resistance American Red Cross Associated Regional & University Pathologies, Inc Antistreptolysin O Asparatate aminotransferase Athena Diagnostics Atypical Lymphocytes Atypical Atypical Platelet Blood Type B Bronchial Alveolar Lavage Basophil Basophilic Stippling Breakpoint Cluster Region Body Fluid Bilirubin Blood Bone Marrow Blood Urea Nitrogen Clostridium difficile Cancer Antigen Capillary Catheter Complete Blood Count Centers for Disease Control Carcinoembryonic antigen Cell Complement Fixation Childrens Health Care - Minneapolis North Memorial - Laboratory Services SUGGESTIONS Change to ABY Change to ABY Abbreviation of choice for Antibody Change to AGN Change to AGN Change to ABY J:\LabSec\DOCUMENT\USERS GUIDE - WEB\Clinical Laboratory Abbreviations\Abbreviations.doc 1 CHLAM CHOL CHOR CHROM CHROMO CK CL CMV CNT CO2 COAGS COAR COAR GRAN CASTS COMP CONF CREAT CREAT CLEAR CRMP CRYS CSF CULT CV TIP DAT DFA DHEA DHEA-S DIB DIFF DIPTH DNA DOHLEBDY DWARFMEG EBV EIA ELISA ELLIPTOS ELP ELU ENA EOS EPITH EPO ESOLAB ESR ET-TUBE EXAM FA FACT FAST FE FINE GRAN CASTS FISH FIX FLD FLUOR FOCUS FRACT FRAG FRAGRBCS FSH FTA-ABS FUNG G-6-PD GALACTO Chlamydia Cholesterol Choriomeningitis Chromosome Chromogenic Creatine Kinase Chloride Cytomegalovirus Count Carbon Dioxide Coagulation Coarse Coarse granular casts Complement or Compatibility Confirmation Creatinine Creatinine Clearance Collapsin Response Mediator Protein Crystals Cerebrospinal fluid Culture Cardio-vascular Tip Direct Coombs Test Direct Fluorescent Antibody Dehydroepiandrosterone Dehydroepiandrosterone-Sulfate Dibucaine Differential Diphtheria Deoxyribonucleic acid Dohle bodies Dwarf Megakaryocyte Epstein Barr Virus Enzyme immunoassay Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay Elliptocytes Electrophoresis Elution Extractable Nuclear Antigen Eosinophil Epithelial Erythropoietin Esoterix Laboratories Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Endotracheal Tube Examination Fluorescent Antibody Factor Fasting Iron Fine granular casts Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Fixation Fluid Fluorescence Focus Technologies, Inc. Fractionated Fragility Fragmented Red Blood Cells Follicle Stimulating Hormone Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorption Fungus Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Galactosemia North Memorial - Laboratory Services J:\LabSec\DOCUMENT\USERS GUIDE - WEB\Clinical Laboratory Abbreviations\Abbreviations.doc 2 GBM GC GENE GGT or GGTP GH GHB GLUC GR G-Tube H20 HAV HBcAG HBEAG HBSAG HCG HCL HCMC HCT HCV HDL HEINZBDY HEMOLYSD HGB HIAA-5 HISTO HIV HLA HOWJOLLY HPF HPV HR HSV HVA HYPERSEG HYPOCHRO HYPSEN PNEUM PNL IAT IBC ID ID or IDENT IF IGA IGG IGE IGM IM or IMM INC INCBAND IND or INDETER INFLU INH INORG IN-02 INR INTERP ISO JP K KET L/E SYN L/S LDH LEUK LI Glomerular Basement Antibody Gonococcus GeneCare Genetics Gamma-glutamyltransferase Growth Hormone Gamma-Hydroxy-Butyric Acid Glucose Group Gastric Tube Water Hepatitis A Virus Hepatitis B core Antigen Hepatitis Be Antigen Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hydrochloric Acid Hennepin County Medical Center Hematocrit Hepatitis C Virus High Density Lipoprotein Heinz bodies Hemolysed Hemoglobin 5-Hydroxyinodolacetic Acid Histoplasma Human Immunodeficiency Virus Human Lymphocyte Antigens Howell-Jolly bodies High power field Human Papilloma Virus Hour Herpes Simplex Virus Homovanillic Acid Hypersegmentation Hypochromasia Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Panel Indirect Antiglobulin Test (antibody screen) Iron Binding Capacity Immunodiffusion Identified Immunofluorescence Immunoglobulin A Immunoglobulin G Immunoglobulin E Immunoglobulin M Immune Increased Increased Bands Indeterminate Influenza Inhibitor Inorganic Inspired oxygen International Normalized Ratio Interpretation Isoenzymes Jackson Pratt Potassium Ketones Lambert-Easton Syndrome Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio Lactic Dehydrogenase Leukocyte Labeling Index North Memorial - Laboratory Services J:\LabSec\DOCUMENT\USERS GUIDE - WEB\Clinical Laboratory Abbreviations\Abbreviations.doc 3 LMP LPF LG PLT LT LYMPH LYTES MACRO MACROCYT MAG MAYO MBC MCHC MCRH MCV MDH MEDTOX META MG MIC MICRO MICROCYT MIL MIN MISSON MIX MONO MORPH MRSA M.TB MUSC MYCO MYELO NA NAD NAPA NBT NEG NEIS. GONO NEO NJC NL N. MEN NMS NONE DET. NONREACT NOR or NORM NOT REQ NR NRBC NTD NUCL O OCCASN’L OSMO OVALO PAD PAN PCR PCP PD PED PEN. PEP PERIPH Last Menstrual Period Lower power field Large Platelet Left Lymphocyte Electrolytes Macroscopic Macrocytosis Myelin-associated Glycoprotein Mayo Medical Laboratories Minimum Bacteroidical Concentration, Memorial Blood Center Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration Midwest Center of Reproductive Health Mean Corpuscular Volume Minnesota Department of Health Medtox Laboratories Metamyelocyte Myasthenia Gravis Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Microscopic Microcytosis Millions Minutes Mission Pharmaceuticals Mixing Monocyte Morphology Methicillin Resistant Staph aureus Mycobacterium tuberculosis Muscle Mycobacterium or Mycoplasma Myelocyte Sodium Newborn Aneuploidy Detection N-acetylprocainamide Nitroblue Tetrazolium Negative Neisseria gonorrhoeae Neonatal National Jewish Center Normal Neisseria meningiditis National Medical Services None Detected Nonreactive Normal Not Required Nonreactive Nucleated Red Blood Cell Neural Tube Defect Nucleated Blood Type O Occasional Osmolality Ovalocytes Prenatal Aneuploidy Detection Panel Polymerase Chain Reaction Phencyclidine Peritoneal Dialysis Pediatric Penicillium Peptide or Polypeptide Peripheral North Memorial - Laboratory Services Do not abbreviate - Change to LEFT Change to NEONATE J:\LabSec\DOCUMENT\USERS GUIDE - WEB\Clinical Laboratory Abbreviations\Abbreviations.doc 4 PF4(HIT) PG PKU PLASMA C PLT PLTLOW PMN PNH POC POIK POLY POS PRBC PRD PREG PROCAIN PROF PROMYELO PROT PSA P’TASE PT PTH PTT QNS QUAL or QL QUANT or QT RA RAST RBC REACT REC'D REF RESP RF Rh RhIG RIA RIBA RSV RT RTF SCR or SCRN SEC SENS SEPRP SER SERO SF SMR SM AMT SOL Sp. SPEC SPGRAV or SG SPHEROS SSR ST STAPH STL STREP STS SUB(S) SULFA CR Platelet Factor 4 (Heparin-Dependent Immune Mediated Thrombocytopenia) Phosphatidylglycerol Phenylketonuria Plasma Cells Platelets Decreased platelets Polymorphonuclear neutrophil Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobin Products of Conception Poikilocytosis Polychromasia Positive Packed red blood cells Products Pregnancy Procainamide Profile Promyelocyte Protein Prostate Specific Antigen Phosphatase Prothrombin Time Parathyroid Hormone Partial Thromboplastin Time Quantity not sufficient Qualitative Quantitative Rheumatoid Arthritis Radioallergosorbent Test Red Blood Cell Reactive Received Reference Respiratory Rheumatoid Factor Rhesus Factor in Blood Rh Immune Globulin Radioimmunoassay Recombinant Immunoblot Assay Respiratory Syncytial Virus Right Report to follow Screen Seconds Sensitivity See separate report Serum Serology Synovial Fluid Smear Small amount Solution Species Specimen Specific Gravity Spherocytosis See Separate Report Stain Staphylococcus Stool Streptococcus Serological Test for Syphilis Substance Sulfa crystals North Memorial - Laboratory Services Do not abbreaviate - Change to RIGHT J:\LabSec\DOCUMENT\USERS GUIDE - WEB\Clinical Laboratory Abbreviations\Abbreviations.doc 5 SURG SYN T T3 T4 TB TBG TC THC THOUS TIBC TITR TOL TOT TOX TOXOPLAS T. PROT TRGH TRICH TRIG TROPH TSH T-TUBE U of M, U/M, U/MN UA UC ULTRA or ULTRASENS UNITED URE+ UREUR or URINE VAG VAS VCA VI PEPTIDE VIRO VIT VMA VOL VZV WB WBC WBG WEST WKLY RCT WPOS Surgical Synovial Total Triiodothyronine Thyroxine Tuberculosis Thyroid Binding Globulin Throat Culture Tetrahydrocannabinol Carboxylic Acid Thousands Total Iron Binding Capacity Titer Tolerance Total Toxin Toxoplasmosis Total Protein Trough Trichomonas Triglyceride Trophozoite Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Tracheal Tube University of Minnesota Physicians Urinalysis Urine Culture Ultrasensitive United Hospital Urea Positive Urea Negative Urine Vaginal Vasectomy Viral Capsid Antigen Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide Viromed Laboratories Vitamin Vanillylmandelic Acid Volume Varicella Zoster Virus Whole Blood White Blood Cell Whole Blood Glucose Western Weakly Reactive Weak Positive North Memorial - Laboratory Services Do not abbreviate - Change to TOTAL Do not abbreviate - Change to TOTAL Change to T.PROT Do not abbreviate - Change to TROUGH J:\LabSec\DOCUMENT\USERS GUIDE - WEB\Clinical Laboratory Abbreviations\Abbreviations.doc 6