Immune system

Immune System Webquest
Name: _____________________
Period: __________
Visit the following website and answer the corresponding questions. Make sure to draw images NEATLY
and in COLOR where it asks you to.
Website #1 Microbiology Online:
 Click on Immune System:
1. List 5 types of 1st Line of Defense your body has.
2. Describe your body’s 2nd Line of Defense
according ot the website: __________________________________________________________
 Click on Antibody-Antigen Complex:
If pathogens get past your 1st and 2nd line of defense, your 3rd line of defense (very specific) comes into
play. Define the following two words using the website:
3. Antigen: ____________________________________________________________________
4. Antibody: ____________________________________________________________________
6. Draw a picture of an antibody (the little Y’s) in the box.
7. Next, draw an antigen binding to the antibody’s specific
shape. Label both the antibody and antigen.
What’s the featured bacterium on this
page? _________________________
What disease does it cause? (Think back)
Website #2 Ouch! Anatomy of a splinter:
1. Here you are looking at the complicated series of events that you body goes through in response to
something as tiny as a splinter. What type of cell responds to the trauma inflicted by a splinter?
2. What is chemotaxis? ________________________________________________________
 Click on FIND  Right click on 510K time-lapse movie and CLICK OPEN. Watch the clip. Click
the BACK button to return to the site.
3. What is phagocytosis? ____________________________________________________
 Click on EAT  Right click on 510K time-lapse movie and CLICK OPEN. Watch the clip. Click
the BACK button to return to the site
4. What is oxidative burst? ___________________________________________________
 Click on KILL  There is no movie clip here, just read.
5. How do white cells kill things? ______________________________________________
Website #2: Go to
Scroll through the webpage and answer the following questions:
1. What are hematic cells? ___________________________________
2. What is an erythrocyte’s job? _________________________________
3. Draw a representation of what an erothrocyte looks like up close 
4. Scroll down to Leukocytes. What is a leukocyte? ____________________
5. Complete the following table about the various types of leukocytes:
Type of Leukocyte
What do they do?
% Found
in the
Detailed image of each
Website #3 How Lymphocytes Produce Antibodies:
1. What type of cell responds when an antigen infects the body? ___________________________
(Hint: its prefix means BIG)
2. What does this cell do in response to “eating” the antigen? _______________________________
3. What other type of cells processes these antigens on its surface? __________________________
4. Once both cells “throw up red flags,” what type of cell comes along to stimulate antibody production?
5. The B cell then goes through a series of cloning processes in order to mass produce this particular
antibody. What type of cell does the B cell produce to carry out this process? __________________
Website #4 The Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte
1. What are CTLs? What do they do? ________________________________________________
 Right click on 640K movie  Click Open. Watch the animation.
Quiz: Take the quiz to see what you have learned.
1. NOTE: Number 7 doesn’t have the right answer listed, crazy website designers, but you
should know the right answer, what is it? ________________________________
2. Score: ___________
Using the image below: Follow the path of immune response. Answer the following questions.
1. What system of the human is shown in the diagram? _______________________________
2. What type of cell starts the immune response? __________________________________
3. What are the 3 types of cells that Helper T cells produce upon being alarmed of an antigen?
4. What type of cells mass produce antibodies? _____________________________
5. Take notes of the organs that are highlighted in the human. Your bone marrow makes lymphocytes
both B and T cells, the key players in your immune response. These cells mature in your Thymus gland
towards the top of your chest. Then they are gathered in your lymph nodes and spleen ready to take
action. Knowing this, why do you think children with leukemia rely on bone marrow transplants to
survive? _______________________________________________________________________