TUCKAHOE HIGH SCHOOL Dr. Bart Linehan Johanna Tramantano June, 2014 Math } Geometry- Amsco SAT Exercises integrated in lessons and homework packets } Algebra 1B/Geometry- Practice SAT questions provided in instruction } Algebra 2/Trig- PSAT post test review, practice SAT questions, reviewed in extra help } Pre-Calculus- Review of SAT and PSAT topics at beginning of year. Utilize Method Test Prep } AP Calculus- SAT questions reviewed with course } Consumer Math- Practice SAT exam given } Intermediate Algebra- Reviewed the Princeton Review practice exam before SAT } Introduced Castle Learning Packets for summer skill maintenance/ knowledge enhancement ELA } Teaching Vocabulary in Context in line with SAT } Honors classes cycle through four SATs by year-end } Castle Learning Method Test Prep Practice SAT integrated in lessons } Summer Vocabulary Project – 700 SAT words by grade level } Literature Vocabulary and instruction reflected in SAT format } Practice high level multiple choice test questions similar to SATs multiple choice questions } Scaffold SAT instruction for Regents classes } SAT mini lessons conducted } Review of Sample SAT essays } Writing instruction parallels SAT questions Comprised of various stakeholders: Parents, Board of Ed Members, and Administration. } Meetings held throughout the year } Reviewed data on student SAT performance from multiple perspectives and cohorts to determine trends and drive discussion. } Analyzed current SAT format in depth } Initiated a review of the preliminary revisions pertaining to the new SAT format. } } } } } } } 24% of our graduates in 2012 and 2013 received Advanced Regents with Honors diplomas; 40% an Advanced Regents diplomas Advanced Regents with Honors Students average over 1825; while Advanced Regents students averaged over 1500 Increased rigor, SAT Prep and SAT Curricula implemented have led to a 70 point increase from 2012 to 2014 Regents Diploma students (30%) averaged below 1300 Past recruitment of community college-bound students to take the SAT have impacted average scores. Continue an individual approach with guidance with regard to college entrance exams and what is in the student’s best interest. Tuckahoe School District not different from National SAT trends regarding socio-economic data, ethnicity and special education students. Students from TMS/Cottle now outperforming new entry students } } } } Class Class Class Class of of of of 2011 2012 2013 2014 15% 13% 14% 11% arrived arrived arrived arrived Grade Grade Grade Grade 8 8 8 8 or or or or later later later later Average SAT Score for Students with GPA of 85% Plus: } 2014: 1701 2012: 1581 } 2013: 1681 2011: 1667 : +66 +65 -148 -92 SAT remains in current format until 2016 Administration: } Communicate SAT-ACT Student Improvement opportunities } Summer Newsletter from Administration } Links to plans, strategies and practice questions/exams for critical reading Math Department } On-Line Math Packet with Regents and current SAT type questions } Practice SAT - Method Test Prep ELA Department } 700 SAT vocabulary words } Summer Reading } Practice SAT – Method Test Prep AP Program } AP Summer course preparation materials QUIZLET 100 GREEK AND LATIN WORD ROOTS } METHOD TEST PREP } COLLEGE ADMISSIONS PLAYBOOK by VARSITY TUTORS, U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT } SAT PREP COURSE THROUGH BEPT TEACHER CENTER } https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/sat } CLICK HERE TO CREATE YOUR SAT STUDY PLAN THROUGH THE COLLEGE BOARD } Performance Analysis PSAT Compared to March/May SAT: Course Option 1 PR Option 2 JS March Option 3 JS May PSAT October 2013 PSAT 1492 PSAT 1591 PSAT 1458 SAT March/May 2014 Increase 1578 6% 1727 9% 1619 11% Practice SAT in October Compared to March/May SAT: Option 1: (PR)Of the 24 students enrolled 10 students took the actual SAT and showed an average score improvement of 267.5. Option 2: (JS/March) geared toward the March SAT showed an average score improvement of 216 points. Option 3: (JS/May)showed an average score improvement of 252 points. 300 200 100 0 Princeton Review Jumstart Option 2 Jumpstart Option Option 1 3 JumpStart Average Response Rate: } } } } How would you rate the instructor? 4.57 Did you find the information you learned in this class helpful in taking the SAT? 4.29 Were the materials provided helpful? 4.57 Were the strategies taught helpful for the exam? 4.29 Princeton Review Average Response Rate: } } } } How would you rate the instructor? 3.1 Did you find the information you learned in this class helpful in taking the SAT? 3.55 Were the materials provided helpful? 3.95 Were the strategies taught helpful for the exam? 4.05 Question 6: Were strategies taught useful? Question 5: Materials provided useful? Question 4: Info in class helpful? Question 3: Rate instructor scale 1-5 0 0.5 Series2 1 1.5 Series1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Generally speaking, based upon students who took JumpStart, those students possessed a higher academic base before the program began and still demonstrated a marked increase versus Princeton Review. } } } } However, a number of the students who enrolled in Princeton Review tended to be less academically inclined and therefore had a greater opportunity for improvement. In reviewing the data of the ten students who took the actual SAT exam in the Princeton Review course, those students did show enhanced outcomes. Recommendation: Continue both programs Thank you to the Generoso Pope Foundation and the Tuckahoe School Foundation for their genorosity } } } } } } Increasing rigor K-12 ensuring curricular and instructional alignment especially in ELA and math through the continued implementation of the Common Core. Higher SAT scores are expected due to the alignment of the new SAT (2016) with the Common Core. Evaluate on going curricular initiatives with new SAT and ACT . Keep staff updated on the college assessment changes. Evaluate technology advancements with regard to student learning and performance on college admissions exams. Examine use of chrome books and other technologies as a potential enhancements in college prep. Exams. Monitor inter-disciplinary initiatives with regard to college and state assessments. Continue SAT Prep Course initiatives. } Increase Task Force participation. }