COURSE NUMBER: HTM/ENT 354 COURSE TITLE: Hospitality Entrepreneurship CREDIT HOURS: 3 credit hours PREREQUISITES: Junior standing or above FOR WHOM PLANNED: Requirement for students in Hospitality and Tourism Management at the junior level; open to HTM minors; ENT majors and minors and other interested students. PROFESSOR: Dr. Bonnie Canziani 473 Bryan Building Hospitality and Tourism Management Program Bryan School of Business and Economics CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Students will explore the role of entrepreneurship in the hospitality and tourism industry, determine risks and rewards of self-employment, and develop sustainable business concepts based on the hospitality/tourism skill set. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: 1. Explain the link between recognizing opportunity/opportunity costs and creating a sustainable hospitality or tourism business/being self-employed. 2. Describe the roles and responsibilities of entrepreneurs and small business owners in implementing sustainable and ethical business practices. 3. Explain the conceptual relationships among creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. 4. Discuss the basic issues related to financial planning for self-employed individuals. 5. Analyze the competitive business and market advantages of sample entrepreneurial businesses in the hospitality and tourism industry. 6. Identify ways the hospitality/tourism skill set transfers to a variety of organizational contexts outside the traditional hospitality and tourism sector. 7. Evaluate the feasibility of a new business concept that is based on the hospitality/tourism skill set. 8. Apply the hospitality/tourism skill set to an innovative project in an experiential learning environment. 1 TEACHING METHODS AND ASSIGNMENTS: This class is to be lecture/web blend and participatory with the students doing their work as they need, meeting all completion deadlines. Part of the class time will be spent in lecture and discussion of case material. Additional time will be spent on doing classroom exercises related to creativity and opportunity analysis. Out of class time will be required as group work; students will be expected to create and implement a hospitality activity for a local organization. Use of BLACKBOARD: ( Students are required to utilize Blackboard technology to check class announcements, access course assignment sheets and power point slides, check grades, and perform other tasks as assigned. Students are expected to do the following: 1. Read all materials and do all assigned coursework. 2. Perform to rubric-based competency standards on team activities. 3. Take responsibility for the learning process. EVALUATION AND GRADING: Course Requirements % of Final Grade Outcome(s) Assessed Media report on H&T entrepreneur 10% # 1, 2, 4, 5 In-class and online exercises 50% # 1-4, 6-7 Team presentations of case studies 10% # 1, 2, 4, 5 Hospitality activity 30% # 7-8 Grading: A+ 97-100 A 94-96 C+ 76-79 D- 60-62 A- 90-93 C 73-75 F Below 60 B+ 86-89 C- 70-72 B 83-85 D+ 66-69 B- 80-82 D 63-65 2 BOOK REVIEW OR PERSONAL INTERVIEW REPORT Each student will prepare a media report on either a book about or a formal interview (with additional secondary data research) with an entrepreneur in the hotel, restaurant, or tourism sectors. Any media format is acceptable that can be posted to BB, e.g., blog, video. Students will also be required to view and debrief on a subset of these as part of their online exercises. EXERCISES Announcements of these assignments will be made during class and listed in the syllabus. Assignments will vary from semester to semester adjusting for student interest, potential guest speakers, and student mastery from week to week of subject competencies. TEAM PRESENTATIONS ON CASES Student teams will manage class discussion of the assigned case studies. Case study management will be graded using a rubric. TEAM ACTIVITY: IMPLEMENTING HOSPITALITY While the general concept of hospitality and tourism business brings to mind hotels, restaurants, and travel destinations, hospitality is also by definition a skill set that merits consideration in the context of other industry/organizational sectors. Hospitality activities and events are often implemented in order to create goodwill and a sense of welcome with customers and give incentive to employees of companies. Student teams will need to create and implement one hospitality activity/event during the semester for a local organization. The team will detail what will be done, where it will be done, and when it will be done. The team will submit this plan for review by the instructor and the entire class. The team will also execute the activity during a specified week and will assess the effectiveness of the selected activity. TEXT REQUIREMENT No text will be used. Students will be required to procure selected published case studies. An instructordesigned set of Modules will be posted to Blackboard with readings and activities. A recommended list of books about hospitality and tourism entrepreneurs will be compiled to support the Media Report assignment. 3 Date Lecture Topics WK 1 Overview of course/Goals of Self Employment WK 2 Responsible Entrepreneurship in Hospitality and Tourism WK 3 Recognizing Opportunity and Opportunity Costs WK 4 Case studies in the Hotel Sector WK 5 Case studies in the Tourism Sector WK 6 Case studies in the F & B Sector WK 7 Creativity and Innovation: Tapping the Creative Self WK 8 Defining Hospitality as a Business Concept WK 9 Hospitality Business Opportunities in Non-H&T Sectors WK 10 The link between Quality and Innovation in H&T WK 11 The link between Sustainability and Innovation in H&T WK 12 The link between Globalization and Innovation in H&T WK 13 Start-up Investments and Financial Planning WK 14 Determining Competitive Market Advantages WK 15 Branding a New Concept Readings Handouts Module 1 on BB Module 2 on BB Module 3 on BB Module 4 on BB Module 5 on BB Module 6 on BB Module 7 on BB Module 8 on BB Module 9 on BB Module 10 on BB Module 11 on BB Module 12 on BB Module 13 on BB Module 14 on BB No Final is required. Students will be required to work outside class time within an experiential setting to execute their team project. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, misuse of resources, falsification of documents, and facilitating academic dishonest by helping others cheat) will not be tolerated and the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy will be strictly enforced. This Policy is available on-line at: ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students are expected to attend class on a regular basis. Each student gets three absences to be used as needed for personal reasons, accident, illness, religious holiday, or just want to sleep in days. It is your responsibility to get the missed notes or handouts. More than three absences will result in 5 points per additional absence being deducted from the course final grade. While no final exam is given in this course, you will be expected to attend certain events outside the scheduled class period when and where your team is working on their experiential team activity. 4