Websites: General Format: Multimedia Sources: Author’s Last and First name. (Year of page or last revision or copyright or natural date). Article or title of page. Website title, volume or issue number. Retrieved from: http://url address (the actual page used) Video or film Page from a website with unknown author: Podcast/Youtube The Buddha. (2002-10-02). Buddhism: BBC Relig ion. Retrieved from: http:// dhism/history/history.shtml Note: The title of the page is first. There are 2 POSSIBLE dates: the date of revision as used or the copywrite date (2012). Either is correct. Luhrmann, Baz. (Director), & Martinelli, Gabriella (Producer). (1996). Romeo and Juliet. [DVD]. United States: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment. Frankl, Viktor. (1972, May). “Why to believe in A PA C I TAT I O N Guide Patrick Fogarty C.S.S. Library 2014 others.” [Youtube]. TED talks: Best of the web. Retrieved from: outh_in_search_of_meaning.html Note: Use the full date (year, month, day ) of the posting if given. Entire Website: Health Canada Environmental and Workplace Health. (2012-09-11). Canadian Drinking Water Standards. Retrieved from: http:// drink-potab/guide/index-eng.php Website with author: Winter, Mark. (2012). Cadmium: the essentials. References OWL at Purdue, APA Clemens Library, St. John’s University Red River College, Sample APA References Paraphrasing An effective paraphrase should WebElements: the periodic table on the Capture the main idea (summary) web. Retrieved from: http:// Elaborate on ideas in a text without distorting content Give important and supporting points Image from a website: Cite the original source Close, Chuck. (2008). Kara Walker. The Museum Be in your own words of Modern Art. Retrieved from: http://q browse_results.php?criteria=O%3ADE% 3AI%3A4%7CG%3AHI%3AE% May differ in length from the original source original text. Further Research: OWL at Purdue, APA: owl/resource/560/01/ Ebsco Database: Username: smcdsb Password: Research (all lower case) Prepared by Ms. Cipp and Mrs. Matys A PA S t y l e (A mer ic a n Psy c h ol og ic a l A ss oc ia ti on) used f or S c ienc es , A r t, Re l i g i on Title Page: Centered on the page, double spaced: title of the paper, author’s first and last name (yours), the teacher/school name, course code, and the date due. Include the page header (top of each page) with the author’s name and/or the title flush left and page number flush right at the top of every page. (Title page is page 1of your paper.) or No separate title page, the information above is found on the left side flush, one line for each item with the essay starting one spaced line directly below In-text Citation Requires the author’s last name, the page number and the date. Paraphrase Examples: Harrison (1997) speculates that there is more to these police reports … or There is reason to believe that the police missed another cause of the mysterious behaviour (Harrison, 1997). or (Harrison, 1997, p. 235) page numbers may or may not be required by teacher Direct Quote Example: Include author, date, page number (p. #) “Of all the towns west of the Nile, never has there been a place for curses such as Argyle” (Harrison, 1997, p. 305). No Author Example: Use the title of the work (or shortened title) in quotations and the date (Egyptian Life, 2004). Reference List Resources: > start a new page numbered in order A Work in an Anthology or Essay from a book: (sequentially) with the rest of the paper Format: > write References centered at the top Author’s Last name, first name of essay/ work. (Publication year). Title of work/essay in italics. In Editor’s First and Last Names. (Ed.), Title of Book. (page numbers) Place of Public ation: Publishing Company. of page > single space entries with a spaced line between each entry > list entries in alphabetical order by author’s last name or organization/title for website with no author > use a hanging indent for the second and all lines after > cite only the resources used in your work/ paper > punctuation, spelling and order of information in all entries is important Sample Entries: Anthology or Encyclopedias: Format: Author(s) Last and First names, A.B. (Ed.). (Publication year). Title in italics. Place of Publication: Publishing Company. Gibbs, J. T., & Huang, L. N. (Eds.). (1991). Children of color: Psychological intrerentions with minority youth. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Weiss, Marcia, J. (2005). Bioethics. In John, K. Roth. (Ed.), Ethics. (pp.137-141). Hackensack, NJ: Salem Press. Books: Format: Author, A. A. (Year of Publication) Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher. Benzina, Corona. (2008). Climate Change. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. Magazines: Format: Author, A. A. (Year of Publication) Title of article in sentence case. Periodical Title, Volume number, page numbers. Quammen, David. (2012). Scaling a forest giant. National Geographic, 222, no 6, 28-41.