Management ESM 202 Value of Monitoring Water Quality Parameters Understanding Water Quality Parameters Human Health Sustainable management Restoration Remediation 1 2 Water Quality Parameters Dissolved Oxygen Temperature Biochemical Oxygen Demand Nutrients: N & P Minerals: Anions & Cations Trace Elements Toxic Organic Compounds Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Coliform Bacteria, other Microbes, Viruses Solids (TDS, SS) Alkalinity, pH Hardness Turbidity Color Taste and Odor O2 (gas) Æ O2 (aq) 4 3 Increasing Salinity High DO Increasing Temp Low DO Basic Concepts in Water Chemistry 6 Basic Concepts Basic Concepts Equilibrium Concentration in aqueous or solid systems A + B = C + D Products [C] [D] = [A] [B] Reactants K= [HCO3-] = mol / L = M Convert from mol/L to g/L using the Molecular Weight (MW), g/mol Concentration in gas phase: PCO2 = atm Thermodynamic equilibrium Reversible vs. irreversible 7 8 Dissolution Dissolution O2 dissolution in water CO2 dissolution in water: O2(aq) KH,O2 = 10.07 mg/L 32.00 g/mol PO2 [O2(aq)] = = 0.209 atm 3.15 x 10-4 mol/L 10.07 x 10-3 g/L 32.00 g/mol O2(g) = CO2(aq) = CO2(g) KH = 663 atm.L/mol PCO2 [CO2(aq)] = 26.9 atm L/ mol = 0.000315 mol/L 9 10 Oxygen Demand Oxygen Demand How much Oxygen is needed to degrade a load of pollutant? Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Nitrogenous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (NBOD) Total Oxygen Demand (TOD) 11 CaHbOcNdSe + x O2 a CO2 + 1/2 b H2O + d NO3- + e SO4212 Chemical Oxygen Demand Biochemical Oxygen Demand Quick test to determine Oxygen Demand Measures “rapidly” biologically oxidizable organic matter Usually expressed as 5-day BOD = BOD5 Depending on BOD concentration and water characteristics: Strong oxidizing agent in acidic medium with catalyst (silver sulfate) No info on biologically oxidizable matter Issues Dilution Some organic matter is quite inert Essential nutrients (N, P, K, Fe, etc.) Interference from minerals in water CaHbOcNdSe + Cr2O7 2- Bacterial seed Cr3+ + a CO2 + 1/2 b H2O + d NO3- + e SO4213 EZ BOD 14 Nitrogenous BOD ¾Simply ¾ Place a sample of the microbial biomass into the test bottle with the wastewater ¾ Insert integrated DO probe ¾ Follow instructions that appear on the liquid crystal display (LCD) ¾Test provides a quantitative prediction of BOD5 (based on correlation to BOD5) ¾ For specific plant conditions ¾ Data collected in 15 to 60 minutes 15 Effect of BOD in a River Nitrogenous Oxygen Demand Pollutant discharge Two-step oxidation of ammonia: NH4+ + 3/2 O2 Nitrosomonas NO2- + 1/2 O2 Nitrosobacter NH4+ + 2 O2 16 NO2- + H2O + 2 H+ NO3NO3- + H2O + 2 H+ Can inhibit nitrification to measure CBOD and NBOD separately 17 18 Microorganisms E. coli used as an indicator of water quality: normal inhabitant of intestines of many animals Indicator of presence of fecal matter Total coliforms are typically reported Cost of testing for all possible microorganism is $$$$ Microorganisms 19 20 Coliform test Results reported as Most Probable Number (MPN) per 100 mL Incubation at moderate temperature (35 oC) for 48 hr Test does not account for normally occurring microbes which also respond to lactose New developments to deal with these issues 22 Sediments 23 Turbidity Turbidity Water clarity is an indicator of drinking water quality In the field, use a Secchi disk In lab, measure transmission of light through a standard cuvette Colloidal particles scatter light Colloidal particles may harbor pathogens, toxics (metals, pesticides), radionuclides 25 Hardness 26 Hardness Soft Correlated with TDS Moderate Represents total concentration of Ca and Hard Mg, and is reported in equivalent CaCO3 Other ions (Fe2+) may also contribute Hard water leaves solid deposits (boilers, hot water pipes, heaters, fixtures) and requires more soap Hard water is less corrosive Very Hard < = = > 50 mg/L 50 - 150 mg/L 150 - 300 mg/L 300 mg/L Treatment usually left to consumer (domestic, industrial, etc.) depending on needs 27 28 pH What is pH? pH Concentration of H+ Measured on a log scale Actually, an inverse log… pH = -log10([H+]) pH = 7 means [H+] = 10-7 mol H+/L What does it mean? 29 30 pH pH Natural conditions Human (anthropogenic) changes to pH Acidic Temperate forest soils (pH 4-6) Raindrop through clean atmosphere (pH 5-5.5) Sulfur vents (pH 2-4) Acid rain (deposition) Acid mine drainage Discharge of acidic or alkaline wastewater Open mining of limestone Alkaline Arid soils (pH 8-11) Limestone dominated soils (pH 7-9) Ocean (pH 8-8.5) Cattle feedstock yards (NH3) Fossil fuel combustion 31 32 pH Dissociation of Water H2O + H2O = H3O+ + OH- Why does it matter? pH controls the chemical form (species) of many compounds Low pH leads to faster dissolution (weathering) of surrounding minerals Kw = Releases potentially toxic elements Changes in biodiversity High pH Can increase concentration of ammonia, toxic to fish Increased precipitation of metals [H3O+] [OH-] + -14 = [H ] [OH ] = 10 [H2O ] [H2O ] -log10(Kw ) = pKw = 14 33 34 pH-pC Diagram pH-pC Diagram pH pH pH = 8 pH = 6 pC pC pCH+= 6 [H+]= 10-6 M pCH+= 8 [H+]= 10-8 M [H+] [H+] [OH-] [OH-] 35 36 Macro Nutrients Common Forms of Nitrogen: Ammonia/Ammonium NH3 / NH4+ Nitric Acid/Nitrate HNO3 / NO3 Nitrous Acid/Nitrite HNO2 / NO2 Organic Nitrogen Macro Nutrients Phosphate PO43-, HPO42- Ratio of Uptake of Nutrients (typical): C :N :P 100 : 16 : 1 37 38 Dissociation Acids: KHNO3= pH HNO3 + H2O = H3O+ + NO3- [H+] [NO3-] = 101 mol/L [HNO3] Bases: KNH3 = pH-pC Diagram for NH3 pKHNO3 = -1.0 pC [NH4+] [NH3] NH3 + H2O = NH4+ + OH- [OH-] [NH4+] [NH3 ] = 10-9.3 mol/L pKNH3 = 9.3 39 [OH-] [H+] 40