UC Davis Human Resources HR BULLETIN INFORMATION FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION AND POSTING From: ecotime® Time and Attendance System Date: January 28th, 2015 ecotime® Time and Attendance System Deployment of New Time and Attendance System Starting in March Our new time and attendance system – ecotime – will be deployed this March and April across UC Davis Health System. The project steering committee has approved a sequenced deployment, as outlined below: March 1, 2015 Monthly Exempt Employees March 15, 2015 Biweekly Exempt Employees April 12, 2015 Remaining Health System Employees As background, Kronos, the current system used by the Health System, will be replaced by ecotime by HBS. The deployment schedule will start with exempt employees. Exempt Employees are those who, by federal law, are not eligible for overtime pay. The new system will streamline payroll processes, eliminate manual processes and provide seamless connectivity. Currently, three UC medical centers are using time and attendance systems by HBS. Training and deployment plans will be published next month. For additional information, please visit the project website at: http://intranet.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/finance/ecotime_by_hbs/index.shtml.